Knocked Up by the Master: A BDSM Secret Baby Romance

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Knocked Up by the Master: A BDSM Secret Baby Romance Page 24

by Penelope Bloom

  “Yep,” says Donna.

  Frank goes into the back room again, leaving me with Donna, who grins.

  “Frank is awesome,” she says.

  I laugh. “Seriously.”

  “So are you going to make me beg for details or what? You told me you are fake marrying this guy and then you say you have to get off the phone. I mean come on, I’ve been dying since you called last night. Give me something!”

  I chew my lip, looking down at the countertop for a second. “It’s weird,” I say. “I wasn’t even supposed to tell you, so please don’t say anything. But I agreed to this a week ago. It’s just business. I need to keep my job, and he needs to look like he’s going to have a wife to help take care of his daughter. It’s good for both of us, and it’s as simple as that.”

  “So, how’s the fake sex?” asks Donna, waggling her eyebrows.

  “It’s not like that,” I insist. “I mean, we might have kissed at one point, but that was a while ago now. It was a mistake and it’s not like that anymore.”

  “A while ago?” asks Donna. “You mean in the long, ancient history between the two of you? It must have been so long ago you can barely remember now.”

  I give her my best evil eye. “You know what I mean.”

  “No, I really don’t. You agreed to play fiancée with this guy, you kissed him, you live in his house. How have you not gotten your hands on that billion dollar dick yet?”

  “Donna!” I say, trying not to look at the family of four standing close enough to hear every word she said.

  “We are both treating this professionally is how. I don’t see what’s so hard to understand.”

  “Hmm,” says Donna, making a show of thinking hard as she strokes her chin. “Usually professionals don’t kiss each other. And I’d like to meet a woman with a pulse who wouldn’t be devoting every cell in her brain to finding a way to get that fine specimen of a man’s pants off.”

  “Well, I guess you’re wrong, because I’m only thinking of that with half of my brain cells. Thank you very much.”

  Donna blurts out a laugh. “At least you’re being half-honest, then.”

  “I’m serious. I love his little girl and his mom. If I let this thing get too complicated and it gets rocky between us, I’d lose them. So maybe if you can think of a way for me to not feel like the scum of the Earth for wanting a relationship with him anyway, maybe then I’ll think about it.”

  “Okay, here’s one idea for starters. If you like him and he likes you, maybe it doesn’t end in disaster. Maybe your fake marriage becomes a real marriage and you get to be Mrs. King and his mom becomes your mother-in-law and his daughter becomes your step-daughter. Oh, and you get to sleep in the same bed as Liam King.”

  “Um,” says the father of the family that has been standing beside us, probably trying not to listen in on our weird conversation. “We just want some shoes.”

  Donna gives me a suffering look before lethargically moving toward the family. “Sizes?”

  I head to the bathroom while she handles them, cringing as I step inside the poorly maintained restroom at the bowling alley. I’m guessing keeping the place clean is one of Donna’s duties, because it looks like it hasn’t been done in months. Well, someone invented the hover-pee for restrooms like this. If I play my cards right, no part of my body will touch anything in here. I pull the stall open with the top of my shoe and slip in hands free, using a square of toilet paper to pull the lock shut. I don’t even make the mistake of looking at what’s in the toilet before I unbuckle my belt and--

  I freeze. I hear heavy footsteps and ragged breaths. It could be anyone, but something about it makes the hairs on the back of my neck prickle. I slowly fix my belt, waiting just inside the stall, trying not to breathe too loud, even though whoever is out there would be able to see my feet if they crouched.

  “Aubrey?” asks a masculine voice. A voice I recognize. Jake’s voice.

  Shit. My heart pounds out of my chest. I’m trapped. If I push my way out of the stall, he’ll be between me and the exit. The booming music outside and the reputation this bathroom has are probably good enough guarantees that no one will hear me or come in before Jake has a chance to do whatever he’s planning. I back up as much as I can without brushing against the disgusting toilet. The only tool at my disposal is an old, moldy plunger in the corner. I grab it, holding it like a sword in front of me.

  “Come out, Aub. I just want to talk.”

  “Get out of here!” I yell.

  “Lower. Your. Fucking. Voice,” he says menacingly. I see his feet just outside the stall I’m in now. The door jerks, but the lock holds. He tries again with increasing violence. The door bangs and jolts on its hinges, but the lock still holds. “Open the fucking door,” he says.

  “I have a knife!” I cry.

  “Good. I’ll use it to cut off your fucking clothes when I get in there. Now let me in.” He shakes the door again, slamming his fist against it. “Let me in!” he shouts over the commotion.

  “Go away!” I yell.

  He lays down on his back and starts to pull himself under the wide gap beneath the door to my stall. His head and shoulders are instantly inside the small space and he reaches up for me.

  In a moment of confused panic, I jam the plunger down on his face. To my surprise, it sticks. He reaches up to try to pull it free, but I plunge his face a few times, making a disgusting, muffled warbling noise. I reach over him as he scrambles to pull the plunger free and unlock the stall. I stomp on his chest in my hurry to escape, but his hand snatches out and grabs me by the ankle.

  I lose my balance and come crashing down into the floor. My chin collides with the tile and explodes in pain and my teeth clamp down on my tongue. Blood instantly fills my mouth, but I manage to scramble from Jake’s grip and rush to the exit of the bathroom, feeling more glad than I’ve ever been to be surrounded by the fluorescent lights of the bowling alley.

  I stumble to the front desk, already feeling a dull ache in my ankle and knee transitioning to a stabbing pain to accompany what feels like the sucker punch I took to the face.

  Donna sees me and her eyes go wide. “Aub, I told you that hover pissing thing was going to make you bust your ass one of--”

  “Help!” I yell, glancing over my shoulder toward the exit of the bathroom.

  Jake is already rushing out, looking pissed as hell as he heads for the emergency exit at the back of the alley.

  “Somebody stop him!” I shout, falling to my knees and wincing in pain from the impact.

  Donna gets on the PA and yells into the mic, “Somebody stop the asshole in the black jacket headed for the emergency exit.”

  A scrawny looking guy in flip flops and socks puts himself between Jake and the door, but gets decked for his trouble. And just like that, the emergency door opens and Jake is gone.

  Something delicious reaches my nostrils. It smells like hot chocolate, and I breathe it in deeply, opening my sleepy eyes and squinting against the morning light. I’m in my bed at Liam’s house, and--

  I sit up straight, shrieking when I realize I’m only wearing a t-shirt with no bra and panties. I slip back under the blankets and cover myself, frowning up at him. “What are you doing?” I ask, taking in the scene piece by piece. The grave look on his face. The steaming cup in his hand. How undeniably gorgeous he looks in the dark suit with his hair pushed away from his face.

  “I was waiting for you to wake up so you could tell me who the fuck did this to you?”

  I shake my head, grimacing when the movement makes my chin feel like it’s about to explode. I tenderly raise a hand to touch it, but Liam’s arm shoots out to stop me. “Don’t mess with it, sweetheart,” he says softly.

  Sweetheart. He’s called me the pet name before, but something about the way he says it now makes me feel hot all over, like I could just melt into these sheets and dissolve into a puddle of happy thoughts. I also have to admit it’s really nice to have someone looking out for me. Don
na has always looked out for me as much as she could, but there’s something about knowing that a man as capable and strong as Liam wants to protect me that makes it all the more comforting.

  “It was Jake,” I say. “He snuck into the women’s restroom at the bowling alley. I’m not even sure what he wanted. I, um, plunged his face though,” I add, smirking.

  “Plunged his face?”

  “Yeah,” I say, mimicking the motion of jabbing the plunger over his face and pressing it up and down a few times. “All things considered, it was actually pretty funny.”

  Liam doesn’t even crack the faintest of smiles. “I don’t think you should be going around by yourself anymore. I can’t risk anything happening to you.”

  “Why? Because then our little pretend marriage would be ruined?”

  He looks genuinely stung by my comment. “No,” he says deliberately. “Because I can’t be a father to Sophie if I’m in jail for murdering that fucker with my bare hands.”

  I smile a little. “Careful there, Mr. King. You’re going to start making me think you have a crush on me if you keep talking like that.”

  “I’m not playing around, Aubrey. I need to know that you’re being careful. I need to know you’re safe”

  The intensity in his eyes wipes all thoughts of smiling and playfulness from my mind. There’s real emotion in his face, a real, unshakable desire to keep me safe. I want to let him take me under his protective wing so badly it hurts, but I also know there would be no escaping it. Once I surrender to his strength and power, I’m through. I won’t have the will to break away from him, and I’ll be caught in the tangle of lust that surrounds him as surely as a fly in a spider’s web. Well, except the spider is a sexy hunk and the fly is a virgin and the web is his bed.

  When I put it that way, it really doesn’t sound that bad. I’ve been so caught up trying to protect what I have with Sophie and Roxanne that I’ve pushed him away, and I’m not sure what I would regret more now--losing them or losing him. But I’m starting to think my biggest regret would be not giving it a chance, not finding out if there was a way to have it all. Maybe that’s greedy of me, but I don’t think I can help it.

  Liam reaches to dab at my chin with some white lotion.

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “Hell if I know. I just called my doctor and told him about your injuries. This is what he gave me to put on the cut.”

  “Why didn’t the doctor put it on me himself?” I ask.

  “Stop talking, you’re moving too much,” he says, glaring at me.

  I clamp my mouth shut, forced to watch as Liam leans in, eyes focused on his work. It feels good to be touched by him, even if the injury is still so tender that every slight bit of pressure makes my skin tingle uncomfortably.

  “I told the doctor I could handle it,” he says after a few moments.

  “You wanted to be my doctor,” I tease.

  He grins. “Yes. Speaking of that, you really should let me take a look at your ass. If you fell, there could be bruising.”

  “Oh, is that so? And tell me, doctor. If there was a bruise on my ass, what good would knowing about it do you?”

  He clears his throat. “Well, it would give me a clear view of my patient’s ass. That’s what it would do.”

  I laugh. “At least you’re honest.”

  The door bangs open and Roxanne rolls in, followed closely by Sophie. Roxanne frowns down at me and then glares at Liam. “You call yourself her fiancé? But you let this happen to her?”

  Liam says nothing, but I see his fists clenching and his jaw flexing.

  Sophie crosses her arms, standing at the back of the room. I catch a brief flicker of concern on her face but when she sees me looking, she presses her lips together and rolls her eyes. Still mad at me, apparently. I can’t really blame her. How could she have anything resembling a high opinion of me when I supposedly agreed to marry her father after only knowing him a little over a week? But Liam says we can’t let them know. According to him, Roxanne can’t be trusted with secrets, and Sophie would be even more upset if she knew we were just pretending.

  “Listen sweetie,” says Roxanne. “You tell me who did this, and I’ll run the little shit down with my chair.”

  I laugh. “It’s okay, Roxanne. Liam couldn’t have done anything. He wasn’t even there.”

  “Well there’s the problem,” says Roxanne. “He needs to be at your side. You hear me son?” she asks Liam. You need to be at your woman’s side at all times. I noticed you two aren’t even sleeping in the same room. That needs to end. I don’t know what kind of whacky games you’re playing, but a man should sleep in the same bed as his bride-to-be. That’s final.”

  “Well,” says Liam, making a poor attempt at looking defeated. “Can’t argue with that, can we?” he asks.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “I guess we can’t.”



  A rustling outside the window wakes me in the middle of the night. I blink blearily and get off the couch in my room, moving to the window to look across the lawn. I see a dark shape dart past the pool and hear a clatter of breaking glass. One of my worries in having such a big house was how long it would take me to get to Sophie and my mother if there was ever a break-in, so I had a custom security system installed. I reach beneath my bed and press my finger against a digital scanner. I hear a soft beep to confirm it worked.

  At the same time, Aubrey stirs in my bed, sitting up and pulling the sheets protectively to her chin. “What was that?”

  “Just stay here,” I say. I pull down metal shutters on the window in my room and move to the door. “No one can get in here without the code. I’m just going to go make sure Sophie and my mother are okay.”

  “No,” says Aubrey. “I’m coming with you.”

  “Fine,” I say. In truth, I’ll feel better having her within arm’s reach until I figure out what is going on. “Let’s go.”

  We sneak from my bedroom toward the living room. I signal for Aubrey to hang back while I survey the broken glass and look for an intruder. All I find is a brick with a note taped to it. I kneel, avoiding the broken glass to pull the note free and read it.

  You should have just listened to what I had to say. I only wanted to talk. Let me convince you to take me back. You’re making a mistake being with that rich asshole. Talk to me, baby. I’ll never give up on us.


  I hand the note to Aubrey, letting her read. The look on her face says it all. Disgust, horror, sadness.

  “I never knew he was capable of something like this,” she says quietly.

  “Don’t worry about it,” I say, hugging her.

  “My crazy ex-boyfriend is breaking your windows now and sneaking around your house at night. How can I not worry?”

  “Let me do the worrying. I’m going to keep him from ever laying a hand on you again.”

  “How?” she asks, head still nestled into my shoulder.

  By removing his fucking hands. “I’ll think of something. C’mon, I just want to go make sure Sophie and my mother are okay. I think he’s gone. It’s just a broken window and a coward who is afraid to show his face.”

  I enter the code to get through the locked doors to Sophie’s wing of the house and find her waiting just outside the door, eyes wide with panic.

  “Daddy!” she says, rushing into me and hugging me. “What happened?”

  I stroke her hair, hugging her back. “It’s nothing, Soph. Let’s get you back to bed.”

  Sophie takes my hand and lets me lead her to bed. She may be growing more independent in a lot of ways, but my little girl has always had trouble with sleep. When she was a baby I spent hours and hours soothing her back to sleep some nights. She scares easily, and still needs me to come help her sleep at times. The funny part is when I’m away on business the caretakers always say she sleeps fine.

  I guess it’s her way of bonding with me, and I’ll never complain.

  I tuck her into bed
and kiss her forehead. Aubrey hangs just a few steps behind me, watching with a faint smile on her face.

  “You okay?” I ask, sitting on the edge of her bed and stroking her hair.

  “Was it a home invasion?” she asks, eyes showing no hint of humor.

  “No,” I say. “Just a bird. I guess it was sick, because it crashed right into the window and broke it. We’ll have to get it fixed in the morning.”

  Sophie nods knowingly. “Ah, okay. I saw a documentary about that on TV. The birds have a magnetic sense and if it gets messed up they can do all kinds of weird things. It could also be a sign of the apocalypse. I think the birds will be the first ones to go.”

  “Yeah,” I agree, trying not to grin.

  “I love you, Daddy,” she says, eyelids already starting to close.

  “I love you too, baby,” I say, getting up quietly and motioning for Aubrey to follow me out.

  We check on my mother next, who is snoring so loudly we don’t even need to open the door to her bedroom.

  Once we’re back in my room, I head for the couch, but Aubrey stops me by tugging on my arm. “You can sleep in the bed,” she says, not meeting my eyes.

  “I’m not going to have you sleeping on the couch. Take the bed, it’s fine.”

  “I mean you can sleep in the bed with me,” she says. I can see her cheeks burning red even in the near darkness of my bedroom.

  I quirk an eyebrow.

  She sighs. “I’d feel safer,” she says, voice nearly a whisper.

  I nod, grabbing my pillow from the couch and slipping into bed beside her. Just feeling her weight shifting around on the mattress beside me is enough to get my cock stiff. She’s only wearing an oversized t-shirt and presumably panties. Judging from the way her nipples were visibly stiff as we tiptoed through the house, I’m fairly certain she’s not wearing a bra, either. I feel a little guilty about it, but I strip off my shirt before sliding under the blankets. I probably shouldn’t try to make things more tempting for her, but my now-raging hard-on has other ideas.


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