Reece's Faith

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Reece's Faith Page 6

by T J Vertigo


  "Let them stay at Cori's house."

  "Reece, I want to show them up, not freak them out. They'll run screaming from..."

  "Faith, please, I don't even know the concept of parents. Don't do this to me." Reece closed her eyes, fighting off the building anger.

  The actress got a sick feeling in her stomach. "Oh, baby... I'm sorry..." She felt terrible at her lover's admission. "I wasn't thinking."

  Reece sat down next to Faith and took her hand. "Look, I'd love to make your parents feel welcome, but I don't know how. What if I...what if they make you upset..." she shook her head, not wanting to continue.

  "I know you won't do anything to hurt me. I trust you honey, I do. I swear, you can't embarrass me if you tried."

  Faith crawled onto Reece's lap and lay her head on her chest. "I love you. I'll put them up in a hotel room. I'm sorry, I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Ok?"

  Reece sighed. I can do this. They're her parents for fuck's sake! She tightened her hold around Faith's body and kissed her head. I have a perfectly good guestroom.... It'll make Faith happy. Reece frowned. I am whipped. She rubbed her cheek on Faith's hair. If I can't handle it, I'll just find something to do at the office.

  "Ok, Faith, They can stay here."

  The actress lifted her head up and stared at Reece curiously. "What just happened there?" She tapped her finger on her lover's head.

  "I changed my mind. I wouldn't want them to have to wake up to Cori and her freaklet in the morning." She pretended to shiver.

  "Oh Reece, thank you so much." She grabbed her ears and kissed her soundly.

  "Oh yeah. Do I get another thank-you party?"

  "If that's what you want." Faith bent down to kiss her again.

  "I want, I want." Reece accepted the kiss and stood up with Faith wrapped around her.

  "Well, we better hurry then, they're due here in two hours."

  Reece dropped Faith and looked around frantically. "Two hours!? Why didn't you tell me?"

  Faith watched from the floor as Reece ran into the kitchen and came back out with handcuffs and some leather straps.

  "Honey, as much as I'd like to explore that world, now is not the time."

  "That's not what I'm doing..." Reece stopped in her tracks. "What? You do? Why didn't you tell me?"

  "Honestly, it never came up." Faith blushed.

  "Oh baby! Hold that thought." She bent down and kissed Faith. "Help me parent-proof the house. Grab the dildo from in the video cabinet, will ya?"

  "What in god's name is it doing there?" The actress looked towards the cabinet.

  "You never know." Reece shrugged. "Oh, and there's some lube in the candy dish by the lamp."

  Faith watched, astonished, as Reece disappeared into the guestroom with a shopping bag. I really shoulda found some snoop time huh? She chuckled then gathered the items she was looking for. She gave this new dildo the once-over. Hmm, nice, balls and everything...cherry flavored lube? She shivered. Now she tells me. This is going to be a very long few days.

  * * *

  Faith watched from the doorway as her parents exited the limo. Her stomach turned upside down and she felt like she had to go to the bathroom. She grimaced as her mother received a dirty look. She'd obviously said something that her father didn't like. Then he turned and gave Faith the same look. Her stomach twisted again and she squeezed her butt muscles tightly and prayed she wouldn't do something stupid like shit her pants. Why do they *do* this to me?

  "Mom, Dad." She stepped aside to let them in.

  "That color is horrible, Faith dear." Her mother said with a sour face.

  "Thanks, mom. Have a good drive?" The actress shut the door behind them and led them to the living room.

  "This is your home, Faith?" Her dad gave her a disbelieving look.

  "Yeah, you want something to drink, Daddy?"

  "I'll have a vodka tonic." her mother answered.

  "Marsha, you had quite enough in the car. Your mother will have club soda, I'll have a martini."

  "Mom, do you want lemon or lime in that vodka?" Faith ignored her father's comment.

  "Lemon, dear, thank you." Marsh hmmph'd at her husband.

  "How did you manage such a place, Faith? You couldn't possibly afford this on an actress' salary."

  "I don't, Daddy. It's my, um, I share it with someone." Someone who I wish was here right now.

  Quinn Ashford accepted his drink and shot his wife a dirty look as she sipped from her own.

  "That's nice, dear. Will we meet this someone?"

  "Yeah, Mom, tomorrow. She works late." And I have a feeling she'll be working very late.

  "Are you going to show us to our room?" Quinn stood up and started inspecting the knick-knacks. Her mom followed suit.

  "This is very masculine decor, Faith. Are you sure you're not living with a man?"

  "Positive, Mom. Positive." Faith smirked despite the situation.

  "Well, I could use something to eat. After you show us around, we'll go out to dinner."

  "Quinn, honey, don't make assumptions. Maybe Faith would like to cook for us?"

  "No, that's quite alright. I have a very good restaurant picked out for us. You'll love it, Mom, it's French."

  Faith led them into the guestroom and opened the bathroom door. Marsha took it all in and Quinn just stood there in the middle of the room.

  "You're not living with a drug dealer, are you, young lady?"

  "What do you mean by that? Only drug dealers make money in this city?" Appalled at the accusation, Faith responded with hostility.

  "Well, you don't make this kind of money doing decent work. Just what does this roommate of yours do?"

  "She's an entrepreneur." Faith swallowed and left the room quickly.

  "Oh? Really?" She heard her father reply, but ignored him.

  "I'm going up to change for dinner. Make yourselves at home."

  When she got into the bedroom, she burst into tears for no apparent reason. "What the hell is this?" She sobbed. "Why am I crying?" She was forced to sniff back the tears when the phone rang. Composing herself, she answered.

  "Sweetheart? Are you crying?" Reece was already panicking.

  "Yeah, but I don't know why. It's frustrating as all hell." She wiped her eyes angrily.

  "Did they do anything, say anything? I'll come home right now. Do you want me there?" She was already grabbing for her coat.

  "Of course I want you here, Reece, I never want to be away from you. But that's not necessary. You finish up with work, I'll be waiting for you when you get home."

  "Are you sure? I'll have Cori take care of the new girls."

  Faith laughed. "That's like putting the wolf in the hen house. You'll have 20 new employees in as many minutes." She smiled.

  "Well, if you say so. I'd rather be there with you. Not so much your parents, but definitely you."

  "You know, we can still..."

  "Oh, no, you don't, we cannot still anything. Not with them in the house. You're quite the screamer, baby," Reece teased.

  "I happen to recall a rather loud orgasm coming from you, too."

  "I did no such thing." Reece acted insulted.

  "It went something like: "Oh Faith...Fuck! Baby...Yes!"

  "I did not, you liar." Reece was instantly horny hearing her lover imitate her orgasm.

  "Oh mmmm...yeah! Fuck me!" Faith continued.

  "Ok, Faith, that just made me wet." Reece growled.

  "Oh, god, me too. Why did I do that?" the actress groaned.

  "Save it for me, babe. I'll be home before you know it."

  "I might just have to take care of it myself, you know, take the edge off." Faith threatened.

  "Don't you dare, I love your edge."

  "Reeeece..." Faith groaned.

  "Besides, I'm the one locked in an office with a whole shitload of goodies."

  "Oh, so that's where you hid the bag. I was really looking forward to taking that fat dildo into the shower w
ith me."

  Reece moaned on the other end of the phone. "Oh, what an image I just got."

  "Keep it there, I'm going into the shower now. You better get home at a decent hour."

  "Or else..."

  "Or else I'll take a lot more off than just an edge, wipe myself all over your pillow and sleep in my parents' room."

  "Oh, you wouldn't dare."

  "I love you, see you later."

  "Me too."

  * * *

  Faith was snoring loudly by the time Reece snuck into the house. The tall woman rolled her eyes and smirked at the sound. Having skipped dinner, She made a beeline for the kitchen, and frowned as the light from the fridge momentarily blinded her. Rummaging around in the brightness, she settled for a half-stale bagel and a bottle of water and made her way into the living room. As she passed by the guest room, the club owner peeked inside, curious to get a glimpse of the people who had created her Faith.

  Judging from the lumps under the comforter, Quinn Ashford was at least 5'8", and solidly built. Marsha was about the same size as Faith, and seeing the familiar blonde hair poke out from the covers made Reece grin. She tiptoed around in the dark and sank heavily into the couch, chewing quietly, and listened as the muffled snorts of her lover floated down the stairs. To some, the sounds of the night were unsettling, but to Reece, the noises of the city and the large dark house were comforting, and she relaxed deeper into the couch. Soon enough, she was fast asleep.

  * * *

  Faith rolled over in the empty bed and frowned. "Well, I didn't really believe that she'd come home last night." She muttered to make herself feel better. "It's not me, it's them. She loves me." She stood up to stretch.


  His wife's shriek startled Quinn, who was stretching the last vestiges of sleep from his sore back. He jumped up and ran into the living room, his heart racing a mile a minute, his head filling with all sorts of horror stories he'd read about in the New York Times.

  Faith was halfway down the stairs in full panic mode when she heard the crash. She jumped the rest of the way in one leap.

  "AAH! Quinn!" Marsha screamed once more.

  Faith arrived in time to see her dad holding a small statue, about to make contact with Reece's head.

  "DADDY! NO! Put that down!" Seeing the odd look on Reece's face, Faith rushed to her side. She was pushed away as the tall woman leapt off the couch.

  "Get off! I'm fine." she growled, picking up broken pieces of the pottery that littered the couch.

  Faith noticed that her lover was bleeding from her hands. "What just happened here?" the actress demanded of her mother.

  "That.. that.. woman grabbed me!" Marsha clutched her Versace robe tighter against her body. "So I hit her with that offensive southwestern pot."

  Faith gave Reece the eyebrow and cocked her head.

  "Who the hell are you? What are you doing in this house?" Quinn lifted the statue in a threatening manner.

  Reece narrowed her eyes, plucked the figurine out of the man's hands and placed it back on the shelf.

  "That is a one-of-a-kind piece. I'd like very much that you not touch my stuff."

  "Your stuff?" he asked, folding his arms over his chest.

  "Yes. This is my house, hence, my stuff." Reece was fuming. It was taking all of her self control not to pick the man up by his nasty BVD's and fling him out the window.

  They glared at each other angrily.

  The actress was embarrassed.

  "Mom, Dad, this is Reece. She's the woman I share the house with," Faith offered as a means of distraction.

  "Charmed." Reece bit out sarcastically.

  The actress watched as her lover stalked up the stairs. She turned back to her father, who was giving her that look.

  "You know, that look may have worked when I was 5, but now it only makes me sick. What were you thinking? How could you do such a thing?"

  "That roommate of yours was mauling your mother!"

  Faith looked to her mother and she was nodding in agreement, a look of horror on her face, and a fading blush. Curious...

  "You are not living here any longer, young lady. I didn't raise you to associate with these...this kind of person! You will move this instant! Deviants, I tell you!"

  Unable to listen to the ridiculous ranting of her father any longer, Faith ran upstairs to listen instead to the ranting of her lover.

  Reece was pacing in the bedroom, her entire body shaking with tension. Faith anticipated a very combative confrontation.

  "Babe, let me take a look at your hands?"

  The tall woman stopped stalking and glared at her lover. Faith walked confidently towards her and glared right back.

  "I'm in no mood for pride right now, baby, give me your hands."

  Reece presented her hands to Faith, and was led into the bathroom to have her cuts tended to.

  Grateful that the tall woman was being compliant, the redhead dried the water off with a towel and began applying the band-aids.

  "Hon," the actress asked quietly. "What happened down there? Why is mother saying you 'mauled' her?"

  "I thought it was you."

  "What?!? You what?!" Faith dropped the box of band-aids. "Just what did you do to her?!"

  "Babe! I was sleeping, for Chrissake!" The club owner pounded herself in the head. "I felt her walk between my legs and I just pulled her into my lap. It was purely instinctual!" she shouted.

  Faith couldn't help herself and started to giggle. The look on Reece's face was absolutely priceless. She had never seen her lover as speechless and startled as she had been when she ran into the living room. And now she knew why. And Mother's face...probably the closest she's come to sex in years. Faith began to laugh outright.

  "I am soooo glad you find this amusing! I groped your mother! GOD!" Reece covered her face with her hands and belly-flopped onto the bed. "I can't go down there now!" she groaned.

  Faith was guffawing. She knew that if she continued to laugh at Reece's expense, she was going to be in for real trouble. She took several deep breaths and only lost it once before composing herself. After wiping away the tears, she walked over between the long legs and turned Reece over onto her back, the taller woman still covering her head with the pillow.

  "Oh, Reece, it's alright." Faith uncovered the club owner's face.

  Bright blue eyes carried annoyance with a hint of something Faith was unable to read.

  "I'll explain everything to them, ok?" She bent down to give Reece a peck on the cheek but was pulled down and engaged in a very heated kiss.

  "Ummm...mmm..." Faith tried to pull away, but was held tighter. Her struggling sounds were replaced by happy ones. "Mm hmm." She wrapped her arms around Reece's neck and pulled her up into a sitting position.

  "Oh, wow. What brought that on?" Faith managed to get out before her lips were consumed once more. She pressed herself hard into the leather-covered thigh.

  "You were a bad girl last night, Faith." Reece narrowed her eyes and stared at her actresses lips.

  "What?" Faith was a bit confused at the change of mood in her lover and pulled back to look at her.

  "The pillow.. it smells like you were a bad girl."

  "Oh..." Faith blushed.

  "Did you actually follow through on your threat?" Reece inhaled the pillow once more.

  "Well, I didn't intend to at first." she confessed.

  "Then explain how my pillow smells like you?"

  "I was only hugging it, really, but then I started thinking about what you said, you know, about the bag of goodies..."

  "You pictured me playing with myself?" Reece smirked.

  "And the bag." Faith lowered her head. "The pillow was I uh..."

  "Humped my pillow?" she leered. "I thought I told you to wait for me?"

  "I thought you said you'd be home to make love to me." Faith countered.

  Reece thought about a reply, but raised an eyebrow instead.

  "Uh huh. I thought s
o." Faith kissed Reece's nose and stood up. "I better go down and see to my parents. They're going to be impossible to deal with, so you stay up here for a while to avoid confrontation. Okay?"

  " go ahead, tell me you masturbated with my pillow and just leave me hanging here." Reece cupped her crotch for emphasis.

  "You just get your hand out of there, woman. Any touching being done over there needs my supervision."

  "Hell yeah. Go on.. I'll be waiting for you."

  Faith winked and licked her lips as she disappeared out the door.

  * * *

  "So you see, it was an honest mistake." Faith laughed as she explained the situation.

  "I don't like the looks of her one bit, young lady."

  "Daddy, please.. she's really a good person. I wish you didn't judge people so quickly by what they look like."

  Reece stopped eavesdropping on the stairs when she heard Faith get upset.

  "Well, only a crazy person dresses in all leather. Or a..."

  "Dad, don't you dare..." Faith warned as she saw Reece coming down the stairs.

  "Good morning." offered Marsha.

  Reece grunted, still embarrassed.

  "Reece, be nice." Faith tossed her a look.

  "I had no idea who you were, Mrs. Ashford. I was asleep."

  "That's ok. What's done is done." She threw up her hands.

  "You call that an apology? What are you, on drugs, maniac? Scaring my wife half out of her wits!"

  Shit is he hostile! "That was as good as it gets, Sir."

  "Dad, please, let's drop this." pleaseohpleaseohplease..

  "Fine. I for one would like to put this whole ugly incident out of my head."

  "Yes, let's do that." Reece snapped. "It's not like I enjoyed it."

  Faith gave her a pleading look, and Reece's nostrils stopped flaring.

  "I started a pot of coffee, Reece, would you like some?" Please calm down, baby, Faith prayed.

  "Well, how about if I whip up some breakfast for us, huh?"

  "Mom, really, that won't be necessary. I'm not hungry anyway."

  "Don't be silly, once you smell the bacon, you'll be ravenous. How about a tour around the kitchen cabinets, honey?"

  "Alright, if you insist." Faith shot Reece a look ordering her to comply.


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