Reece's Faith

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Reece's Faith Page 8

by T J Vertigo

  "Hon? What's the matter?" Faith stood in front of Reece to stop her from twisting. "Stop that, you keep tripping me!"

  "I'm looking for food, I'm starved to death! Cori, what's good around here?"

  "Dunno." She shrugged.

  "Uh, hello? Cop here. If there's food, I know where it is." Nikki gestured at herself. "Preferably the Seaport, but otherwise, you're stuck with Fried Chicken and Blimpie."

  "Oo! Reece! I never been to the South Street Seaport! Can we go?" Faith asked excitedly.

  "You never been, huh?" The club owner was reluctant to have a long walking tour at the moment. She felt uncomfortable in yesterday's clothes. She tried to sniff herself, and smelling nothing, agreed with a slight nod.

  "Thanks, baby! I know you must feel disgusting right now." Faith reached up on her tiptoes and planted one on the taller woman's lips.

  "Aw, who cares? With all the fish, no one will smell her." Cori laughed at her own joke.

  They started walking away, until Reece noticed Nikki still standing there in confusion.

  This is not Reece Corbett. No way.

  "What's up? You coming or what?"

  "Ok, stand back, pod person, what have you done with Reece?"

  The tall woman chuckled and leaned closer until the cop was pinned against the building. She lowered her mouth to Nikki's ear and purred.

  "Oh, believe me, cop, I'm all Animal," and growled for effect.

  Looking up into the dangerous blue eyes, the officer gulped and shivered. Oh yeah. That's her alright.

  "Are you coming or what?" Faith yelled from up the block.

  "Um, no, that's ok, you go ahead. Nice meeting you gals!" she hollered. To Reece she spoke quietly. "Call me sometime."

  "Nah, thanks for the offer, Nik, but there's no need." Reece winked. "But, I may need you for another type of service." The tall woman jogged up the street to catch up.

  "What did you do to her, Reece? She's still standing there."

  "Ah, she had it coming, Cor, she fucked with me."

  "Babe, she did you a favor, why did you scare her?"

  "Oh, I didn't scare her, Faith, I reminded her." the tall woman shrugged.

  "Oh. I guess that's ok." Faith looked back over her shoulder at the retreating officer. "Reece? Were you two...?"

  "Yeah, a long time ago," the club owner admitted quickly.

  "Oh." she paused. "Do you still...?"

  "No. Not anyone any more." Reece cut in.

  "I love you too, baby." Faith broke out in a huge smile.

  * * *

  After a quick look around the Seaport and a brief stop for food, the trio headed home.

  "You know? I didn't think it was possible but I had this same cab once. I can tell by the smell." The club owner winced.

  "Reece, can you make him stop that awful music? I think my ears are bleeding." Cori grimaced.

  The tall woman leaned over and shut the bulletproof partition, barely blocking either the stink or the music.

  "You two are such cry babies." Faith's muffled shout could barely be heard.

  "Yeah well... that said from the woman whose nose is buried in her girlfriend's armpit."

  "It smells better in here."

  "That should say something about the depth of her love, bosslady. I've been there, it wasn't pretty."

  Reece stuck her nose inside her shirt. "It's not that bad," she huffed.

  "Actually, it's kinda turning me on a little bit."

  Two sets of eyebrows shot up.

  "Yeah?" Reece grinned inside her shirt. "See, Cor, I told you it wasn't that bad."

  "And you call me a freak. Blech."

  Faith lifted her face out of hiding to find herself eye to eye with Reece. Black eyebrows wiggled in invitation. The actress felt herself blush but she still managed to slip her hands under Reece's shirt and around her back.

  "I love the way your skin feels, Reece. I miss it, all of it," she purred.

  "Well, feel away, babe. I'm all yours."


  "Fuck you, Cori. I put up with Freaklet inside your clothes didn't I?"

  "I was shitfaced drunk. What's your excuse?"

  "I'm horny as hell."

  Faith began sucking on Reece's neck, in that spot she knew made her lover twitch.

  "Besides..." Reece groaned, "It's been a few, oh yeah, days."

  "Spare me, guys, you're almost home."


  Reece was plastered against the back of the seat with her arms and legs spread out. Faith was straddling her, mouth and hands wandering everywhere.

  "God, woman, you're gonna eat her alive!"

  "Plan to." The actress's head disappeared underneath Reece's shirt.

  "Oh baby... that feels so good."

  "Thank god! You're home, now run along, you two lovebirds." Cori said sarcastically.

  "You sure you don't wanna come with?" Reece asked with a cocky grin.

  "You're such an asshole, Reece," the dancer snorted. "Now don't forget, the new bartender starts tomorrow, you're gonna want to be there to harass the poor thing."

  "I don't harass, I watch."

  "You frighten, but who's counting."

  Reece was dragged out of the cab by her arm, and the door slammed loudly. Cori watched as Faith practically pushed Reece up the stairs and threw her against the door for one hell of a kiss, then turned to the driver. "Hey, Habib," she shouted over the music. "There's a big fat tip in it for you if you can get me to Brooklyn in 15." Turned on by my two best friends. There oughtta be a support group for me somewhere.

  * * *

  The two entangled women barely made it in the door before Reece felt her jacket being yanked off and heard it fall to the floor with a thud.


  "Baby, please don't make me wait any more..." Faith continued to suck on Reece's bottom lip while opening the leather pants.

  "But..." Your parents. "Oh shit!" Fuck 'em. Faith's hand was already inside her pants and it felt too good to think about anything else at the moment.

  "Oh yeah, this for me?" The actress felt around some more.

  "Oh man." Reece groaned. "I'd love to continue this right here, babe, but, I really need a shower."

  "No biggie.. get naked, I'm right behind you."

  They ascended the stairs as they disrobed, leaving a trail of clothing all the way to the bathroom.

  * * *

  Marsha awoke sometime in the middle of the night. Every night she cursed her damned bladder. She never could get back into a deep sleep after waking up and peeing. Especially now, since this was not her house and she'd have to turn on the lights to find her way to the bathroom.

  "What are you turning on the damn light for, Marsha?"

  "Go back to sleep."

  She padded into the bathroom and sat on the bowl. She heard the water running in the upstairs shower and cracked open the bathroom door to check the time on the nightstand. Oh my! 4 in the morning and she's just coming in now? When she heard a strange thumping and muted voices, she closed her eyes and strained to hear more clearly. A giggle, a laugh, a growl? What in the world?

  "Come on out of there already, you know I can't sleep alone."


  "Whaddya mean, shh! What are you doing in there?"

  "Shh, nothing," she whispered. "Go back to sleep. I'll be right in."

  The upstairs toilet flushed and she heard her daughter squeal.

  "What was that, Marsha? Was that Faith?"

  "Shut up! Go to sleep!" she hissed.

  "Why did she yell like that? Is that woman hurting her?"

  "No dear...actually..."

  Another squeal followed by a long groan of pleasure resonated through the vent into the bathroom. Marsha blushed, Quinn freaked.

  He ran into the bathroom and repeatedly flushed the toilet and turned on the hot and cold full blast.

  "That oughtta flush them out. Those pigs!"

  "I don't know, dear, it sounds like the wa
ter is the last thing they're paying attention to." Marsha quipped.

  Just then footsteps could be heard pounding down the stairs.

  "It serves you right, Quinn."

  "What are you talking about, woman?"

  "She's going to give you hell now."

  "Good, let her..."

  Reece, dripping wet and with eyes ablaze, slammed open the guest room door. She stared at Quinn for a long moment, until she could see the fear in his face. Faith followed seconds later, also dripping wet, with an equal look of venom.

  "OUT! GET OUT!" Reece screamed. "NOW!"

  "Now you look here..."

  "NO, old man, you look here! This is my house, you get out!"

  "Reece, baby, calm down. Someone's going to call the cops. Please." Faith pled.

  "Yes, Reece, please calm down. I apologize for my husband."

  "I tried, Faith, I really tried. He's crossed the line. I don't think I can control myself any longer."

  "You already sounded pretty out of control up in that bathroom..."

  "Quinn! I apologize for my husband again. He obviously doesn't know what good sex sounds like when he hears it."



  "What?" Marsha said innocently.

  "Oh god, my mother was listening."

  "Faith, dear, why don't you two run upstairs and finish so we can all get some sleep."

  "I think I may faint, Reece."

  Reece picked Faith up and threw her over her shoulder. She turned to look at Marsha. "With your blessing, Mrs. Ashford?"

  "By all means. It must be nice to be young." She waved them away.

  Reece stomped off with her blushing care package, and Marsha closed the door to deal with her husband.

  * * *

  "Um, baby, you can put me down now." The blood was rushing to Faith's head and if she wasn't going to faint before, she was now.

  Reece kicked open the bedroom door and dropped her lover on the bed, pulling Faith's robe off.

  "Don't you dare move," she ordered. "If I don't get to finish what we started, I'm telling you, I'll explode!" She threw off her towel and dove onto the bed.

  Faith allowed her neck to be kissed a few times before she started squirming uncomfortably. The taller woman, assuming it was her body weight, lifted up a bit and continued to ravish her.

  "Do you have any idea how hot I am right now, Faith?" Reece whispered in a nearby ear.

  "You're doing a good job at showing it, babe. But..." The smaller woman heard the raised voices of her parents waft into the room.

  Reece hummed her way across Faith's collarbone before she realized that the woman underneath her was not responding as she should. She looked up at Faith and saw a grimace. Reece immediately sat up.

  "What? Am I doing something wrong? Am I hurting you?" the club owner asked in confusion.

  "Reece, I can't...not with them, you know..." Faith winced at the huge frustrated gust of air expelled from her lover's mouth.

  "What the fuck, Faith? When am I going to..."

  "Oh, Reece, it's not like you won't ever get any, just wait another day. Please?" She pouted dramatically.

  Reece slumped forward and her dark head hit the pillow face first.

  "You know, honey, I'm just as horny as you are."

  "Like hell you are! You forget that little episode with my pillow?" Reece spoke into said pillow.

  "God, it still smells like you." She groaned and turned over onto her back.

  "Aw, come on, you big baby," Faith rolled over so that she was cuddled up to her lover and laid her head on Reece's shoulder. "It's just one more day. After tonight, I'm positive they'll be leaving first chance they get."

  Reece took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Ok," she agreed reluctantly, "but come tomorrow, parents or not, I'm going to make you scream right on the famous kitchen table."

  "Oh you are, are you?" Faith smirked.

  "And the coffee table, and the couch, and the guestroom dresser, the night table..."

  "I get the point, Reece." Faith groaned.

  "You'll get more than the point, babe, you'll get the whole 8 inches."

  "Oh no fair teasing, you rat!"

  "Yeah, well, you started just go to sleep."

  Once Faith was asleep, Reece slipped out of bed and got dressed. She wasn't anywhere near as tired as she should have been, and sleeping in such close proximity to Faith wasn't helping matters any. The only way for her to get any sleep was to get out of the house. Grabbing her favorite jacket, the one she had worn home from the club the last time she was there, she put it on and relaxed a bit as the familiar weight of the leather sat on her shoulders.

  Faith knew the moment Reece left the bed. She lay there motionless and listened to the sounds of her lover dressing, the zipper on her gym bag opening and closing, and ultimately the sound of Reece slipping out the door. She knew it had nothing to do with her, but couldn't help herself and began to cry.

  * * *

  Reece worked out hard. Although she would have preferred a little screaming, pleading, and bleeding, the heavy bag was a perfect substitute for Roy. Going to the gym was always the safest way for the tall woman to rid herself of frustration, sexual or otherwise. Only this time, it wasn't working so well to rid her of horniness. The more she wondered about it, the hornier she became. She also noted that this was a great time to work out--not many people at all. After Cori had planted the idea in her head that everyone was staring at her, she was grateful for the lack of patrons. Her choice of a white tank top, combined with her perpetual nipple hard-ons, was sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

  The showers were empty, too, and for that Reece was also grateful. Had anyone cared to look, they would have noticed that the lower half of her was just as excited as the upper half. I really gotta take care of this... she thought as she tried to wash herself without too much contact.

  * * *

  Faith shuffled across the living room floor and peeked into the guest room. Marsha was sitting in the chair watching Quinn pack up their things. Spotting her daughter in the doorway, she got up and left the room.

  "Mom, I take it you're leaving?" Faith grinned knowingly.

  "Well, dear, I would stay on, really, but I'd have to go home to him eventually." She smiled.

  "You know, Reece really is a good person. She loves me, she wouldn't ever let anything happen to me. She protects me."

  "Honey, you don't have to convince me. I saw how she behaved when your father raised his hand. I know she loves you, I can see it, I can feel it."

  Marsha paused and looked into her daughter's eyes. "Faith, do you really know her? I mean, do you trust her with your heart?"

  "Mom, I know her. I trust her with my life." Faith squeezed her mother's hands. "If she hurts me, and I'm talking about my heart, I will personally let Daddy throw an 'I told you so' party in my honor."

  The two women hugged. Marsha walked a step away from her daughter and smiled proudly.

  "Mom, I uh, well...thank you. You surprised me these last few days."

  "You're welcome, sweetheart. Your father will come around. And if he doesn't, I'll just have to come visit by myself."

  "I think I'd like that very much. You don't know how much this means to me, you being so accepting of me and Reece. Not everybody is." Faith whispered the last sentence with sadness.

  "Someone is being mean to my baby girl?" Marsha puffed up.

  "Well, The Powers That Be at the show aren't quite as nice about the whole thing. Though John... oh mom, I think you'll love him."

  "Does that mean I'm being invited to a real sound stage?"

  "Absolutely. But it'll have to be next visit, though, I'm off today. I was really planning on spending some time with Reece, but never mind."

  "Why don't you go and visit her at work? She can't possibly have all that much to do with a place like that."

  "Oh mom, you don't know the half of it. She does plenty. Well...I do have the spare set of keys to th
e club." A sudden image of herself sprawled out naked on the bar came to her and she blushed profusely.

  "So, is she any good?"


  "What?" the older woman asked innocently.

  * * *

  The club owner opened the gates to The Lounge and closed them halfway behind her. She was really hoping to get some decent sleep, but couldn't help thinking about Roy, jail, the Ashfords, and Faith.

  The latter being the most pleasant thought, she concentrated on it the most. She entered her office, turned the CD player on to some easy listening crap, and locked the office door. She threw her gym bag on the desk and flopped down on the couch.

  I have a whole uninterrupted day to myself. Images of Faith flashing in her mind like a slide show, she removed her boots and lay back on the leather sofa contented to fall asleep to such pictures.

  Minutes later, Reece realized that her little plan was backfiring. She was further away from sleep than she was before, and the images had morphed into a porno movie starring Faith and herself.

  The club owner turned onto her stomach and tried to block out the images that were now torturing her, but found herself reflexively pressing her crotch into the sofa cushions.

  She sat up and groaned with her head in her hands. The thought crossed her mind to take care of the situation herself, but she dismissed it, reasoning that she'd rather come all over Faith's hands than her own.

  The image of that thought assaulted her.

  Why the hell did I think that? Reece lay back down and closed her eyes.

  These are Faith's favorite pants, she thought as she ran her hands up and down the well-worn denim covering her thighs.

  They make her crazy.

  The tall woman toyed with the buttons of her fly.

  She tore open these buttons like a maniac last time I wore these.

  Reece opened the buttons in much the same fashion. She slipped her fingertips inside her underwear and snapped the elastic just like Faith had.

  She likes when I wear these Calvins. She says they make my ass look edible, and they don't have a 'pee-pee hole'.


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