Reece's Faith

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Reece's Faith Page 38

by T J Vertigo

  "Well, Corbett... time to face the woman."

  * * *

  Reece locked the door behind her and pressed her body against it, breathing a shaky sigh of relief. Home.

  The streets were full of drunks and revelers, little packs of out of towners, each one louder and more obnoxious than the rest. She congratulated herself for successfully ignoring any urge to strangle and/or maim these annoyingly festive people. The tall woman kicked off her boots and soaked up the quiet. It calmed her enough to open her eyes and look around. Too quiet. She probably fell asleep waiting for me. "Babe?" Wonder if she's mad? Reece flipped on the lights and peered around. I had to get her out of there... too many assholes. I was protecting her, she's gotta know that.

  Looking into the living room, she noticed something odd lying in the middle of the floor and went to investigate. "Faith?" she called out while bending down to retrieve the crumpled stockings. She smirked as she lifted them to her nose. Mmm. Faith. It's what's for dinner.

  "Babe?" she called out again.

  Yeah, she's out, she thought, somewhat disappointed. Aw, fuck, probably for the better, but how am I going to sleep tonight? Ah, alcohol... The tall woman frowned at the empty bottle of champagne lying on the floor by the recliner. Crap. Looks like Faith already celebrated without me. I don't blame her... I was so stupid tonight.

  Wandering into the kitchen, she cursed when her foot landed in a puddle. Peeling off her wet sock, the smell of the expensive bubbly hit her. She's drunk! Reece grinned, suddenly excited. She's probably waiting upstairs for me right now... The club owner peeled off her other sock and headed for the stairs, with visions of her naked girlfriend lying seductively on the bed.

  She tore open her pants as she entered the bedroom, only to find Faith sprawled out on the bed in flannel pajamas. Well that serves you right, you think she's always gonna wait for you?

  The tall woman dropped her hands to her sides dejectedly and looked at herself in the mirror. Before she had time to beat herself up, the reflection of something colorful caught her eye. Turning to face the bed from a new angle, Reece raised an eyebrow at the wrapping paper, tissue paper and other items surrounding the sleeping woman, who mumbled. "Faith? You up?" she asked quietly.

  Climbing onto the bed, the tall woman started investigating the clutter. Interesting... very interesting... she snickered to herself, flipping through the pages of "The Joys Of Lesbian Sex."

  She attempted to juggle the little pouches of lube, but failed miserably. Her attention was drawn to some black objects, which, when she grabbed, revealed a note: Don't think I didn't notice those chafe marks, young lady. Doris's daughter, the fashionable lesbian I met at the last P-FLAG get together, told me these were all the rage. You just peel off the back and stick them in your cuffs.

  Reece laughed out loud, picturing her lover's face while she read this.

  Hmm... not a bad idea... she agreed as she played with the soft, furry inserts. What other goodies did she give us? Reece scanned the bed, her eyes narrowed at the item her snoring lover was clutching in her hand. She carefully extracted it and held it up for inspection. Ooo! I was gonna get this! Cool, Mrs. A!

  Faith shifted in her sleep and the club owner's eyes widened. What the hell happened in here? she wondered, half amused, half confused. It seemed every toy they had was in bed with her lover. Reece snickered when she caught herself smelling the newest toy. Nope, not Faith. Musta been seeing if it really did fit them all.

  Faith made tasting noises and turned over onto her back. Reece cocked her head at the cute noises and wondered what her lover was tasting in her sleep.

  "Faith..." she whispered. Nothing, not even a twitch.

  The tall woman bent over to kiss her, smelled the champagne and frowned. She continued, tickling Faith's lips with her tongue and pulled back. Still nothing. "Well, looks like you're gone for the night," she sighed in disappointment.

  Reece cleaned up the bed, and read all the notes in the process. She couldn't contain the chuckle reading about Faith's potato and bent over to kiss that, too.

  Faith grumbled.

  "Oh, that you feel, you horndog," Reece teased her comatose lover and headed for the shower. Standing under the spray, Reece thought about everything and then she rethought it all again. Finally relaxed and feeling much more human, she breathed a sigh of relief. Ahhh... I think I can handle this. Cuddle, and sleep. I could definitely do that.

  The tall woman lost track of how long she let the warm water pound at the back of her neck. It felt too good to leave, so she leaned her forearms against the wall and groaned in pleasure.

  "Hey, you better not be touching anything that I should be," Faith's sleepy voice broke through her haze.

  Reece didn't jump and her heart didn't pound. Instead, a lazy smile slid across her lips. "Mmm... nope. You can't reach this spot, Shorty," she chuckled.

  Faith flushed the toilet.

  "SHITDAMNFUCK!" the tall, scalded woman threw open the shower curtain and glared at her tormentor, who just happened to look adorable.

  "Ooops. Good thing I could reach the flusher," she grinned evilly.

  Reece simply chuckled. Faith was wearing a pair of her pajamas, which hung at least three inches past her hands. She was standing on the bottom of the pants and they managed to stay up only because Faith was grasping them at the waist.

  "What?" Faith held out the towel for Reece.

  "Nothing. You look cute," Reece smiled and shut off the water.

  "I missed you. They smelled like you," Faith began to dry her tall wet lover, leering occasionally.

  The wandering eyes didn't go unnoticed and Reece began to feel rejuvenated. "I missed you, too," Reece picked up the smaller woman and brought her to bed.

  "Hey, you're still wet!"

  "No matter..." she smiled wickedly, "I have a feeling I'll be even wetter."

  "Are you going to take advantage of me?" Faith poked her tongue out and wet her lips seductively.

  "Oh yeah..." Reece growled.

  "I was hoping you would. Did you see what Mother brought?"

  "Uh huh..." Reece covered Faith's body with her naked one and bent for a kiss.

  Faith groaned. It was going to be one hell of a new year.

  * * *

  It was very early New Year's Day. Two figures lay snuggled under the comforter, arms and legs tangled together. Dark hair draped over blonde, as Reece rested her cheek on Faith's forehead. The smaller woman snored slightly, her partner breathed evenly and deeply, ruffling the light hair with each exhale.

  * * *

  Cori and Violet had been up all night.

  The dancer arrived home to find a trash bag on her doorstep. At first, Cori was leery of the bag (this was New York) and she sidestepped it, giving it a nudge with her toe. The bag wriggled and yipped. The dancer shrieked and Violet came running outside in her underwear, armed with a teakettle and a fork.

  "Holy shit, Cor! You fucking scared the life out of me!"

  "And what were you going to do to save me, make tea?"

  After the piercer caught her breath, she and Cori opened the bag carefully and jumped back, waiting. Violet lifted the fork, just in case. Three little black puppies came stumbling out, shivering, weak and hungry.

  "Holy crap!" Violet squatted down to get a better look.

  "Jesus, Vi, they fit inside my hand! What the hell are they?"

  The dancer marveled at the tiny dogs. She had never seen something so small. She cuddled all three against her chest to try and warm them."If I'm correct, they look like itty-bitty Dobermans. I bet they're Miniature Pinchers. God, they're adorable." Violet took one away from her lover and snuggled it. The little pup tried to suckle her earlobe and yipped. "Let's get them inside and find something to feed them..."

  And so, the two new mommies were kept awake by their brood. Each time one nodded off, a pup would whimper and whine, prompting another cuddle and kiss. Both mommies were tired and cranky.

  * * *

Reece stretched out her legs and curled back up, snuggling closer to Faith. Faith adjusted, backing her rear into the warmth behind her. Reece pulled the actress impossibly closer, burying her face in the back of Faith's neck. Both women smiled contentedly in their sleep.

  * * *

  Violet yawned violently and gathered the three animals inside her coat, following Cori on her mission to spread the joy.

  * * *

  Reece stirred, her subconscious alerting her to something, but not sure what. The club owner sluggishly fought the warning, grunting and throwing a leg over Faith. Her sleeping mind registering her lover intact, she fell back into her dreams.

  "You could just puke," Cori barely whispered.

  "Go on... do it," Violet prompted.

  The dancer tiptoed into the bedroom and carefully placed the three puppies in front of Faith. Then she high-tailed it back into the hallway.

  Faith mumbled and laid her arm out on the bed. Something licked her hand. She balled up her fist and stuck it under her head. Something licked her eye. She frowned in her sleep and covered her face with her other hand. Something bit her elbow. Her eyes flew open and she was face to nose with the smallest most adorable puppy she had ever seen. Immediately alarmed she tried to sit up, but realized she was being held rather protectively and stretched her neck to investigate the snicker.

  Cori and Violet waved conspiratorially from the hallway.

  Faith wiped her eyes; only to find she wasn't seeing things, there really were three and one seemed to be trying to climb over her to Reece. Oh, this will never do... Faith worried.

  Cori also felt apprehensive. Only now did she realize in all the years she knew the club owner, she never once saw her interact with an animal. She started to step into the room when Violet pointed out that the puppy had wandered around to the foot of the bed, directly to the tall woman's toes.

  Three women cringed in preparation.

  "NNnnyyyiiiiii!!!!!" Reece was hopping on one foot, holding the other, looking frantically around until she lost her balance and fell on her ass.

  Unable to contain herself, Faith burst out in hysterics. Cori and Violet followed suit and Reece frowned furiously at all of them. Violet sobered slightly at the sight of Reece's naked tits jiggling as she stood up.

  The half dazed club owner was a sight in her backwards pajama pants and her hair a wreck. "Something bit me," she whined.

  When Reece turned around to look at the bed, the dancer had a good view of her ass through the open fly on her pj's and her laughter renewed. Cori ran to the bathroom in what Faith figured was an emergency pee.

  "Hon..." Faith was desperately trying to control herself, but it wasn't working. "Oh, god... look..." she attempted an explanation by holding up a puppy.

  "What the fuck is that?" the tall woman stepped closer, squinting at the dog.

  "It's a puppy, Reece," Violet offered through her tears of laughter.

  "It's a rat," Reece declared confidently.

  "Hey!" Faith gathered the puppies and snuggled them. "They're adorable."

  Reece stubbornly sat on the bed and wrapped the blanket around her breasts. She was very embarrassed and was glad Cori wasn't in the room to lay into her about her little dance. Puppies... she snorted to herself, still angry at being wakened like that.

  "Where'd you get them?" Faith asked as she kissed one puppy and let the others cavort on the bed.

  "Hey, those weren't walking around on the sidewalk and now walking on my pillows..."

  "Please, Reece..." Cori rolled her eyes.

  "Did ya make it, babe?" Violet teased her girlfriend.

  "Yeah, just about. Don't make me laugh like that again after so much coffee."

  "Shoulda peed yourself. Dropping rats on my bed..."

  "Oh, come on, baby... look at..." Faith paused and lifted one up for inspection, "...him! It's a boy!"

  "And two girls. We found them on the stoop in a bag last night, or rather this morning." To make her point clear, Cori yawned widely.

  "Oh, my god! Who would do something like that? What are you going to do with them?" Faith was growing very attached to this little boy and kissed it on the nose. It licked her in the mouth.

  "Blech. Don't kiss me until you wash your mouth. You know where they lick."

  "Reece you can't be serious?" Faith was astonished that her lover didn't share her love of animals.

  "Well they do," Reece scrunched up her nose in disgust.

  "You're just jealous cuz you can't lick yourself."

  "Shut up, Freak."

  "We can't keep them in the apartment now, but since we're moving in two weeks... we figured maybe you can..."

  "Sure!" Faith gushed. "Look at their cute little skinny legs!"

  Reece had her mouth hanging open and was positive the word "no" was going to spring forth adamantly, but just seeing Faith's expression while she played with the puppies made her hesitate long enough for her lover to answer.

  "Reece?" Cori asked with a tremendous pout.

  The club owner rolled her eyes.

  Faith held a puppy up to Reece's face and animated his paws. "Pweese Weece... we have no pwace to go. Sniff sniff... We are so vewy teensy and need wots of cuddles."

  "Jesus, Faith!! Okay!" Reece threw her hands up in the air, defeated. "Just don't blame me if I squash one by accident. I have big feet," she snickered.

  "Reece Corbett, don't you even joke about hurting these beautiful babies! She didn't mean that. She's just cranky cuz mommy Faith passed out cold and she didn't get any last night."

  Cori raised her eyebrow at Reece who scowled.

  "It's not like I didn't try, Reece," Faith explained. "I did, after all, drink the whole bottle of champagne."

  "S'okay," the club owner pouted, then glared at Cori.

  Cori ran over to Faith for protection, stuck her tongue out at her friend and did the "neener neener" dance.

  "Don't push me, Freak." Reece stomped out of the room as threatening as one could be while topless, with their ass poking through the back of their pants.

  * * *

  Reece grumbled around the house all morning. She had every intention of picking up from where Faith fell asleep last night. But nooo... Thank you, Freak. She was irritable and wanted to get laid. She made a few comments, but nobody paid her any mind and when Cori and Violet left, Reece settled for pouting alone in the kitchen.

  "Baby! You have see this," Faith giggled from the living room.

  This was the millionth time Reece had to see something already and she rolled her eyes before sliding her chair back to look in on Faith. One pup was on Faith's head. Its spindly stick-figure legs splayed out in all directions and it was chewing on her hair.

  "He's gonna pee on you."

  "You're such a grouch, Reece. Go ahead, brood."

  Reece sighed. She had to admit, it was funny in an "it's gonna pee on your head" kind of way. She pursed her lips and got out of her chair. Faith sure loves them and I've never seen her smile so much. But they're romping... I don't think I've ever seen something that tiny romp. She eyed the puppies sideways as they frolicked. Nothing ever frolicked in my house either.

  Faith glanced secretly at Reece. She could tell her lover was softening to the puppies. Reece was almost smiling as she stood there watching. They'll get to you yet, Reece, she vowed, then giggled as one of the pups tried to climb inside her sweatshirt.

  Reece grinned. That must be the boy... he's got good taste. Wait a second!? Can dogs be gay? Cuz I think it was a girl...

  "Hon? Whatcha thinking?" Reece raised an eyebrow in amusement and then chuckled softly, "You truly don't want to know." She shook her head and returned to the kitchen.

  "Oh, Auntie Reece loves you, don't you worry, babies."

  Reece groaned out loud.

  "Hey babe? What are we going to name them? We have to get them some food and some toys. Oh, and maybe we can find some cutie little sweaters and matching collars..."

  The club owner banged her forehe
ad on the table and slid down.

  "Do you think we need three beds or they'll share one? Maybe they'll sleep with us, that would be so precious."

  Reece aimed a pretend gun at her temple and pulled the trigger.

  "Oh, and wee wee pads. This is so much fun! It works out just fine that I'm on hiatus now, I can take care of these little babies..."

  "Faith, you do realize they're going back with Vi and Cori when they get settled?"

  "Of course I do... Reece? Why are you sprawled out like that and halfway under the table?"

  "Get that rat off my counter. I make food up there," the tall woman crinkled her nose.

  "Oh, really, Reece," Faith shooed the club owner away and poured herself a cup of coffee. "If you're so concerned, then you'll come with me while I take them to the Vet."

  "Aw, Faith. I don't do doctors."

  The actress turned around to look at her lover. Reece sounded pitiful and she had to see it for herself. "Why?"

  "I just don't. You go on and take them."

  "I need help with them, babe, at least until I get something to carry them in."

  "Take my old gym bag." Reece offered.

  "Ew, baby. I'd like them alive, please. Oh, there's that pet shop on Christopher Street. Why don't you go and get them something to travel in and some food, too."

  "Yeah, whatever," the tall woman grinched her way upstairs.

  "Oh, and Reece," Faith called up after her, "some bowls, too."

  "Good grief, Faith!" she slipped on her gym shoes and frowned.

  "You want to stay and look after them while I go?" Faith snickered.

  "I'm going... I'm going," Reece put on her jacket and pinched up her face when Faith shoved a puppy at her.

  "Kiss Auntie Reece goodbye, Thelma."

  "What?" Reece practically leaned over backwards as a tiny tongue traveled the length of her cheek.

  "This is Thelma, that's Louise and that one, is Smudge."


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