A Night With Consequences

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A Night With Consequences Page 10

by Margaret Mayo

  ‘You have gone to all this trouble for me?‘ she asked in an awed whisper.

  ‘You do not think you are worth it? Come, let me prove that you are.’ His kiss turned her hunger for food into hunger of a very different kind. And when his hands cupped the cheeks of her bottom, urging her against him, she was left in no doubt about his need of her too.


  ‘Mmm? Blake what?’

  ‘We should not be doing this. We should be taking our seats. What if—?’


  The sound of someone clearing their throat caused Kara to spring away. She felt one of her embarrassing guilty blushes coming on, but Blake was as calm and relaxed as if all they had been doing was talking.

  ‘Ah, Mrs Beauman. This is Kara, and we are both absolutely starving. Kara—my housekeeper.’

  ‘Pleased to meet you, Kara,’ said the short, cheerful woman. ‘Blake surprised me when he said he had invited a guest for dinner. I usually get more warning.’

  ‘I hope I’m not inconveniencing you,’ said Kara at once.

  ‘Not at all.’

  Kara waited until Mrs Beauman had left before she turned to face Blake. ‘Well, that was embarrassing. I hope she knows I’m just your PA!’

  ‘You are not my PA tonight, Kara. You are my—friend. My lady-friend. My—whatever you would like to call yourself. My lover, perhaps?’

  Again that telltale blush, but more furiously this time. ‘Please don’t call me that, Blake. I know it’s what I was in Italy, but things have changed.’

  ‘Have they?’

  ‘Of course they have. I keep you telling you that.’

  ‘Except that your body tells me differently,’ he said, his voice a deep growl in his throat. ‘Don’t try to hide or deny it. But let’s not think about that now. Let’s take our seats. Mrs Beauman does not like to be kept waiting.’

  The meal was scrumptious. That was the only word Kara could use to describe it. Everything was homemade and tasty and tempting. They started with a very flavoursome carrot and coriander soup, followed by lamb chops with garden peas and new potatoes. Then fresh raspberries and cream for dessert.

  There was nothing fancy about it, but everything was delicious. She ate too much, and drank too much, and by the time they had finished she was so relaxed that she was laughing and chattering as though Blake was a lifelong friend instead of the man she worked for.

  Afterwards, instead of touring the house, they took a walk in the grounds. ‘We need to walk our dinner off first,’ said Blake, and Kara agreed. She was excited by the swimming pool, with its own changing rooms and sauna, but even more enthralled by the log cabin that stood in a lightly wooded area. It had a living roomcum-kitchen, a bedroom and a shower room, with decking at the front.

  The house was lovely, but so big. This was cosy—this was something else. Intimate. Sexy. And clearly Blake thought so too. He caught her in his arms as they were viewing the bedroom and pulled her down on the bed. ‘I’ve been wanting to do this all day,’ he growled. ‘You’ve been driving me insane, do you realise that?’

  Kara had been determined not to let Blake make love to her tonight. If she let him get away with it now she would be for ever at his mercy. But what was a girl to do when her heart ruled her head? When her body craved fulfilment? When the most amazing man in the world, a man who could have any woman he liked, desired her? How could she refuse him?


  ‘YOUR house is incredible.’ Blake had just given Kara a guided indoor tour, and she had lost count of the number of rooms—each one furnished to an incredibly high standard. By comparison it made the house she and her mother lived in look like a doll’s house.

  ‘I will take that as a compliment.’

  They were sitting in the conservatory, which looked out over the lake and the gardens beyond. The inky dark sky was laced with a myriad stars and a sliver of silver moon. The lake and surrounding area was lit by hidden lights. It reminded Kara of Lake Como.

  ‘I still don’t see why you want something so huge,’ she said. ‘Was it once your family home?’

  Blake gave her one of his body-tingling smiles and shook his head. ‘We didn’t live anywhere this grand. My mother actually still lives in the house where I was born.’

  Kara had seen a photograph of his mother standing proudly beside Blake at his graduation. She looked a very strong and very fine woman. ‘And was that a photo of your father I saw in the drawing room?’ She had meant to ask him at the time, but somehow their mouths had been otherwise engaged. She found it strange that he never talked about his father, though she supposed it was because he had lost him when he was so young.

  Blake nodded. ‘It was taken some years before he fell ill.’

  ‘You look like him.’

  ‘So I’ve been told.’

  ‘What was he like?’

  ‘He was very strict. He’d help me with my homework, make sure it was done, but he was of the old-fashioned school, believing that children should be seen and not heard. He was an academic, actually, his head always stuck in a book. He was kind and fair, though, and it was a sad day when he died. He’d been ill a long time and it was expected, but even so I wasn’t too young to feel it.’

  He went quiet for a moment, and Kara felt sorry that she had asked the question. She had not meant to bring back sad memories. If only her own father had been of such good character her life would have been so different. ‘I expect your mother still misses him?’

  He nodded. ‘She does. She talks about him often. She has never found anyone else to love. I’ll take you to meet her one day.’

  Faint alarm filled Kara. Should she be flattered or worried? ‘Won’t she get the wrong impression? Won’t she think there’s something serious going on between us?’

  ‘My mother knows I will never get married again.’

  It was a clear statement of fact which put her firmly in her place, thought Kara. He had unmistakably confirmed what she had known all along. And even though her heart sank like a lead weight in a pond she tried to keep her tone light. It was all very well her surmising things, but to have them so clearly defined was not a happy feeling.

  ‘She might think you’ve changed your mind,’ she said, surprising herself with the lightness of her tone. ‘Or do you take all your girlfriends to see her?’

  ‘Certainly not! I’ve taken no one,’ he declared—more forcefully, Kara thought, than was needed. ‘There’s no one I’ve wanted my mother to meet. However, you, my lovely Kara, are different. You may not believe this, but you might even be changing my mind about women! I’m beginning to believe that there are perhaps still one or two who are trustworthy.’

  ‘I’m glad if I’ve restored your faith,’ she said demurely. ‘At least I’ve been of some service.’


  The gleam of light in his eyes should have warned her. Despite his affirmation that he wished to remain single to the end of his days, she was still living on a high from their earlier lovemaking. It had taken on a whole new dimension. Felt different in the log cabin. She had given herself freely to him before, but there, in the woods, it had been as though they had taken a step back in time. As though they were the only man and woman on earth, and in their safe little place they could let go of everything. She would never have believed herself capable of being a temptress, of the things she had invited Blake to do, what she had done. Even thinking about it sent a fierce heat through every corner of her body.

  ‘My beautiful Kara, some does not even begin to describe what you have done to me. Not only are you a sensational lover, but you do not have a bad bone in your body.’

  ‘I do my best,’ she said demurely, fluttering her eyelashes, fully aware that it would send his temperature soaring again. She was becoming a femme fatale, and actually quite liked the feeling of power it gave her.

  His voice got slower and deeper and his eyes grew darker. ‘I don’t want this night to end—stay with me.’
/>   ‘You know that’s impossible.’ She glanced at her watch and was horrified to see how late it was. ‘I’m sorry, Blake. I must go,’ she said, jumping to her feet. ‘I didn’t intend to stay this long.’ She hated to admit it even to herself, but once again she had forgotten all about her poor mother.

  ‘Of course. I’ll drive you.’ Blake had only drunk a small amount with their meal. Kara had wanted to keep a clear head too—especially as she was not used to drinking. Not that it had stopped her losing her head when Blake made love to her. His lovemaking was far more intoxicating than any amount of alcohol.

  She knew that when she went to bed later she would relive every single action in minute detail. It was doubtful she would get any sleep. And yet he would expect her bright-eyed at the office first thing in the morning. Where she would have to act like she had never acted before. It was going to be hard hiding her emotions from the rest of the staff.

  When they reached her house she turned to give Blake a quick peck on the cheek, but he was out of the car before her. ‘I think it’s about time I met this mother of yours, don’t you?’

  Swift alarm shot through her. ‘She’s probably in bed,’ she lied, knowing full well that her mother would be waiting up and wanting a full report on the evening.

  ‘In which case I shall kiss you goodnight and leave. But it would be ungentlemanly not to see you safely indoors.’ Even as he spoke his hand was on her elbow and he was walking her up the garden path.

  Luck was not on her side. As soon as Kara opened the door her mother called out to her. ‘Kara? Come and tell me all about your evening! I hope you didn’t let that man—’

  ‘Would “that man” be me, by any chance?’ asked Blake, popping his head round the door that led straight off the tiny hall.

  Kara wished the floor would open and swallow her up, but Blake simply looked amused and walked further into the room.

  ‘Mrs Redman, I can assure you that I have taken very good care of your daughter. Let me introduce myself. I’m Blake Benedict, your extremely beautiful and extremely capable daughter’s employer. She is worth her weight in gold to me. I would never jeopardise her future.’

  Kara felt hot colour stealing over her neck and cheeks. He was going way over the top. But already Lynne was in his thrall, smiling up at him, completely oblivious to the fact that she was in her nightie. ‘That is very reassuring to hear, Mr Benedict. I confess I was a little worried, but—’

  ‘But now that you have met me your fears are allayed? It is good to hear. And, please—call me Blake. You are as charming as your daughter. I hope I shall see more of you in the future. But for now let me bid you goodnight.’

  He took her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it, and when Kara walked with him to the front door she said, ‘Thank you for being so kind to my mother.’

  ‘I imagine she has had little attention paid to her over the years, so the pleasure is all mine.’ He tilted her chin with his fingers and kissed her gently. ‘Thank you for this evening. And if you’re late in the morning I shall understand why.’

  ‘I shall not be late,’ she told him quietly. Whatever was happening between them, she still intended to do her job properly.

  As Blake drove home he found himself humming an old love song, and alarm bells rang in his head. Surely he wasn’t falling in love with Kara? Surely not? She was beautiful and exciting, and he enjoyed being with her, making love to her. She was refreshingly different. But that was all it was—wasn’t it? Enjoyment? He was not looking for a long-term relationship. Commitment. Hell, no! Once was enough. He was done with that sort of thing. Love and marriage was definitely off his agenda. He intended remaining single to the end of his days.

  He had meant what he said when he’d told her that she was helping him to change his mind about women, but it still did not mean that he wanted to get serious.

  Happy now that he had convinced himself he was in no danger, Blake did not even notice that he had begun humming the love song again—and in the weeks that followed he did not question his actions. As far as he was concerned they were indulging in an affair which would one day end with no regrets on either side.

  It stunned him, therefore, when he turned the corner to her road one day, ready to pick her up because he had planned a lavish dinner with a show to follow, to see her in the arms of another man.

  At first he could not believe his eyes. Something harsh and sharp ripped through him and his first instinct was to confront them. But even as he watched the man let her go and turned and disappeared, while Kara hurried into the house.

  Blake sat there for a few minutes, trying to reconcile himself to what he had seen.

  When he finally picked her up she said nothing. She did not even look guilty. He began to wonder whether he had read the scene correctly.

  He needed to ask. He knew that if he didn’t it would fester in his mind. ‘Who was that man I saw you with?’

  Kara frowned. ‘What man?’

  ‘Outside just now, when I turned the corner.’

  ‘Oh, you saw him?’ The words popped out before she could stop herself, and she felt the blood drain from her face. ‘He was no one.’ But her heart did a painful drumbeat. How she wished that he was no one. How she wished that he wasn’t their worst nightmare.

  ‘No one? When he had his arms about you?’

  Kara shivered. Blake looked so cold and condemning that she was suddenly afraid. ‘He came to see my mother. He was saying goodbye, that’s all.’

  She wished that she could tell him about the loan shark, but it was such a deep stigma—so horribly embarrassing and shameful. It was something she and her mother had to deal with themselves. And now the unpleasant man had unfortunately seen her with Blake, realised she had a wealthy boyfriend, and was upping the interest on the loan again.

  Blake’s brows lifted. ‘It was a funny goodbye. It looked as though he was kissing you.’

  Spitting fury into her face was more like it. He had shoved his nose right up to hers and she had been scared to death. He had never been quite this aggressive before. ‘It was just a peck on the cheek,’ she said, mentally crossing her fingers that he would believe her.

  Finally he relaxed. ‘You had me worried, Kara. I thought I had competition.’

  ‘There is no one else I’d rather be with,’ she said, smiling gently and touching the tips of her fingers to his face. She actually felt as guilty, as if she had been two-timing him, and it was hard to control a tremor.

  He took her hand and pressed a kiss into its palm before giving it back to her. ‘Let’s enjoy our evening out.’

  Kara did enjoy her evening, but she could not forget the close shave she’d had and wondered whether she ought to stop Blake coming to pick her up. She had no idea how it had started, because he had always used to send his driver. But lately he had come for her himself, and he always made it his business to have a few words with her mother.

  Lynne thought he was amazing. She thought him a good man, and good for her daughter, and had expressed the opinion that they might have a future together.

  ‘You’re being silly, Mum. Blake’s not the settling down type. One marriage was enough for him.’

  ‘Then why are you wasting your time with him if there is no future in it?’

  ‘It’s not a waste,’ answered Kara. ‘I’m experiencing life.’ She wasn’t going to tell her mother—not yet, at least—that she thought the signs were hopeful. Blake had only the other day begun to talk about something they might do in the future. And if that didn’t mean he was serious then she did not know what did.

  But life had a way of kicking her in the face when she was least expecting it, and of making niggling fear become reality.


  KARA stared at the tiny window, refusing to believe her eyes. This was not right. It could not be a true reading. But it was. She was deluding herself. It did not lie. She had known without the test. It had merely confirmed her fears. She slumped down on the edge o
f the bed, suddenly feeling icy cold. She was pregnant.

  How it had happened she had no idea; Blake had always been so careful. Her out-of-control heartbeat echoed so loud in her ears that it was deafening. A baby! A baby who would take time and money. How could she clothe and feed a baby when already almost every penny of what she earned went towards paying off their debts?

  Please, God, don’t let this be real, she prayed. Don’t let this be happening. But the truth was there in front of her. Nothing could be more real.

  Blake would not want to be lumbered with a child—hadn’t he told her he had no intention of playing happy families? She could imagine his disbelief when she did confess. He might even blame her. Wasn’t that what men did? Some men anyway, at least.

  He might even suggest paying for a termination, although she really had no idea what his thoughts on the matter were. Even thinking about it was enough to fill her with horror. Then she shook her head. No, he wouldn’t want that—and neither would she, no matter how hard things got.

  What she really ought to be thinking about was how she was going to cope. Once she had to leave work she could see no way out of their financial difficulties except to move away—somewhere the loan shark wouldn’t find them. Otherwise how could she provide for a baby when he was sucking all their money from them?

  Tears raced down her cheeks as she sat there looking at the evidence, willing it to change. But no power on earth could do that. She had to face the fact that she was to become a mother, with all the complications that involved.

  How could she tell her own mother, even? How could she admit that she had got them into deeper trouble? The future looked bleak. Even if they moved and escaped the claws of the money-lender they had no savings to fall back on. It didn’t look well for the future.

  She waited until that Friday to tell Blake the news. It had become a habit for her to go to his house for dinner. He invariably tried to persuade her to stay the weekend but she never did, insisting that she could not leave her parent. Always, but always, they ended up in bed, and it would be very late when she got home.


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