This is Our Land (Emerilia Book 5)

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This is Our Land (Emerilia Book 5) Page 25

by Michael Chatfield

  “What level are they? How many mages and fighters?” Kim asked.

  “We’re looking at level 150 to 200. Mages…about half of their force. There are plenty of mage’s colleges in the area that aren’t interested in joining the mage’s guild and following their rules,” Lucy said.

  “What will Per’ush do?” Josh asked.

  “Nothing. They’re a neutral force. Unless they’re attacked or someone oversteps the rules of warfare they’ve laid down, they aren’t going to get involved. I would think the same with the adventurer’s guild,” Kim said.

  “The trader’s guild will file grievances and maybe hire the two other guilds to enforce it, asking for repayment and compensation for attacking their establishments. However, Geswald, the trader’s guild leader in the area, is firmly under Esamael’s control, so we shouldn’t expect much support in that area,” Florence added.

  “Well, we can do it for a while, but I don’t think we can do it indefinitely.” Dwayne scowled.

  “I swear, you never listen to half the stuff you talk about.” Lucy shook her head. “How it must hurt inside those small brains.” She gave them a sad, apologetic look for their loss in life.

  “All right, smartass, what have you got?” Josh rolled his eyes and smiled at her antics.

  “We’re not alone. Am I the only one who remembers the agreements we have with over a dozen different groups?” Lucy asked.

  “Well, we’re allied with a bunch of people, but what do you mean?” Josh asked.

  “You’re thinking so Earth right now. This is Emerilia, the land of might equals right. The land where we have alliances with the Mithsia, Benvari, and Zolu Dwarves, the Asha-moor and Kufo’tel Elves, the people of Devil’s Crater, the Aleph, the cities Cliff-Hill, Epikari, Ossai, Zolari, and Zol’Ord.”

  “Okay, we get the idea, but isn’t that for trade?” Josh said.

  “Florence, since we have been trading, how much has those different cities or groups used the teleport pad in Verlun?” Lucy asked.

  “I don’t know the numbers, but with our extremely low tax on trading between our groups, we have at least half of our traffic coming from them,” Florence said.

  “Okay, but so, what if we lose the teleport pad?” Josh asked.

  “So, what if they lose the millions in potential gold?” Lucy countered.

  Josh’s mind started to work. How much is someone willing to fight for their investment? Also there is a part about aiding one another if the other is under threat.

  “So, if we’re attacked, we can enact our alliance agreements, pulling in forces from these other groups?” Kim said.

  “Bingo. We’ve shown that we’re one hell of an investment. With our teleport pad, helping people in a tough spot, we’ve proved ourselves. What has Lord Esamael done? If they’re in the area, he’s demanded so much tax that they can barely make a profit and cares little about the people who pass through his lands, most of them being set upon by ‘raiders’ who happen to be under the lord’s employ,” Lucy said.

  “Don’t forget the power that Dave wields with the Dwarves. I don’t know what happens when someone is a Dwarven Master Smith, but I would highly doubt that they would look kindly upon those who would dare to attack one,” Dwayne said.

  “Okay, say that this works and we can defend Verlun—what then?” Josh asked.

  “Oh, I’m not saying we sit back and wait for them. I’m saying as soon as we have proof of them attacking Verlun and someone assaulting our people, we tear them apart. I wasn’t kidding when I said I’m done with being attacked. We’re not going to just defend Verlun. We’re going to tear out Esamael’s forces. We’re going to arrest or kill them to the last fighter and then we’re going to tell the king what he’s going to have to do if he wants his country back,” Lucy said.

  “Well, that’ll show Emerilia why you don’t mess with the Stone Raiders.” Florence laughed.

  “Hah! Take over a country—well, that’s a new one,” Dwayne agreed.

  “Imagine the looks on their faces. Ah, serves them right.” Kim smiled happily.

  “Okay, I agree to this, but the king hasn’t been aggressive toward us. By your own words, as soon as he knew that Esamael was coming to attack us, he started moving some of his southern army to attack Esamael. He even sped them up when he got your information. It shows he isn’t that callous about our case,” Josh said in a measured tone. At his words, the other guild leaders turned thoughtful.

  “We can treat him with dignity and respect, but if they try to belittle us like they did at Selhi Capital… Lucy, I want you to figure something out to cripple them,” Josh said.

  “I can do that,” Lucy said.

  “Well then, we have some messages to send,” Josh said.


  “Suzy?” Induca asked as Suzy’s eyes fluttered open. She pushed her notifications away as she smiled up at Induca.

  “Hey baby,” Suzy said, finding her lips crushed beneath Induca’s before she was pulled into an embrace.

  “Oh, calm down, you. I’m fine.” Suzy held Induca as she felt wetness on her shoulder.

  “I know. It just scared me. You were out for nearly a week.” Induca wiped tears away.

  “Silly girl.” Suzy smiled, touched by Induca’s pure emotion.

  “Knock-knock. You decent in there?” Deia asked from outside.

  “One moment!” Induca wiped away her tears. “Coming out!” Induca held Suzy’s hand.

  The two of them walked outside the tent and onto a piece of ground that had been leveled out. All over the place, there were markings for where buildings were going to go. Stone foundations were in different places; people wandered around, checking different things. Most of them were Dwarves. Dave stood at a table with Malsour and Kol, looking over plans.

  “Suzy, you’re up!” Deia smiled and hugged her.

  “Sorry that I worried you all. Dave said that the Summoner’s Bastille would take a lot out of me.” Suzy winced. She already missed her staff. With using Summoner’s Bastille, her staff’s power had been used up, heavily damaging it and the runes contained within it.

  “Well, it’s good to see you up and about.” Steve rose from where he’d been sitting, patting Suzy on the head with one large finger.

  “You been keeping watch?” Suzy asked.

  “Well, can’t have my slave driver dying on my watch,” Steve said.

  Suzy smiled at the massive metal man.

  “Well, I wish that we could rest a bit more, but it looks like something might be happening in Verlun. Everyone has been told to prepare their gear and be ready to move at a moment’s notice,” Deia said.

  “What’s going on?” Suzy asked.

  “Looks like some lord or something might try to attack the city Verlun and the guild hall there. Wants to take over our teleport pad,” Deia said.

  “Sounds like Selhi all over again.” Induca shook her head.

  “It is what it is: idiots being assholes,” Deia said.

  The others showed their agreement.

  “Well, I have some notifications and things to check over, so, I best get started,” Suzy said.

  Chapter 27: To A Future Dawn

  Lady Kragr stepped from her teleport pad in Aldamire out into Devil’s Crater.

  Warclan Leader Fonrir nodded to her as she exited. Her personal guard looked for threats.

  “Well, this looks like quite the city.” She looked over Unity. She had heard reports from returning Warclans.

  “We’ve just started, but we are already proud of it.” A Demon stepped forward.

  He was eight feet tall, with twin horns, black eyes, and wings that poked out the back of his leather armored jacket. He wore a shield on his back and a sword on his hip.

  “King Alkao.” She nodded to the Demon king.

  “Lady Kragr.” He returned the nod.

  All of the Demon Princes and the other leaders of Devil’s Crater had agreed that they needed to show a united front with the other races
, so they’d drafted Alkao to be their king. It was for a set time as they figured out what kind of government they wanted to make, but for now he was the commander of Devil’s Crater.

  Off to the side, there was a Dwarf and a Halfling talking to each other animatedly as they looked over plans.

  Kragr frowned at them.

  An Elf Halfling cleared her throat and elbowed the Dwarf Halfling.

  “Ah, Lady Kragr, thanks for coming! Good to see you; thanks for all the aid you sent. It got pretty hairy there for a bit. Nothing like some Dwarven Warclans to scare the piss out of your enemy.” The Halfling walked closer and held out his hand.

  “Ah, the famed Dave Grahslagg,” Kragr said, with an unreadable expression on her face as she shook his hand.

  “She’s always in for a fight,” Kol said, entering the conversation.

  “Kol, is that you?” She frowned, shocked by his appearance. She’d become used to the scars and deformation from his accident.

  “I do remember a time when I was in Aldamire for a few dozen years. Are you sure your memory isn’t starting to fail?” A smile spread across Kol’s face.

  “Hah! Well, whoever’s been prettying you up had their work cut out for them! Seemed to fix that ornery, old grouchy ass mood too!” She laughed and clapped Kol up in a hug.

  Kol slapped her on the back, laughing in her ear. “Good to see you, too, Oloh.” Kol released the hug.

  The teleport pad opened up behind Kragr. Everyone turned to look as automatons started walking out. A man walked with them, followed by an Elf and an Orc.

  The man walked out from the crowd, wearing steel and ebony armor similar to the automatons. Silver filled the runes.


  Level 195


  Dave got a goofy smile on his face as he waved at the new party.

  “’Scuse me!” Dave wandered over. The Elven Halfling joined him, greeting the Orc and Elf, being introduced to the Elven-Dwarf.

  “So, I guess the Aleph really are back in Emerilia? I know that the council said that we should prepare ourselves for a lot of changes in the coming future. I just didn’t think that it meant people and races of myth coming back.” Kragr looked to Kol.

  Kol looked to Alkao and then Kragr. “Dave knows more about what is coming, but I do know this. Our alliances of today will be tested with the battles of tomorrow.” Kol’s eyes bored into Kragr’s.

  Alkao made a noise of agreement.

  “Well, we have much to discuss,” Kragr said.

  The Aleph party moved over to them. Dave and the Orc were talking to each other off to the side. A man had joined them. The three of them talked about spatial coordinates and event horizons. The Elf man and Halfling seemed amused by their talks and were instead discussing fighting techniques. The last of the party with the armored Aleph tilted his head in greeting.

  “Lady Kragr, King Alkao, I believe we have much to discuss,” Hamdir said.

  “Indeed, Council Member Hamdir.” Alkao looked to the man. “I thank you for all that you have done for my people in the shadows and the way in which you, and Lady Kragr, answered the call of my people, both Demon and Beast Kin, without hesitation. Know that if you ever need our aid, you have it.” The Demon looked to them both.

  Kragr remembered the reports she’d heard about the ferocity with which the Demons and Beast Kin fought. Once they have proper weapons, armor, and the training that Emerilia can offer them, they’re going to be one hell of a fighting force.

  “There is a place nearby that we can discuss the future in more depth.” Alkao waved for them to follow him.


  Once Lady Kragr and King Alkao moved to continue their talks, Party Zero had taken the teleport pad back to Cliff-Hill, finding themselves at Dave and Deia’s cabin as they decompressed from the fighting.

  “Okay, we’ll have dinner ready in a few minutes.” Dave kissed Deia’s head and passed her a hot tea before he sat down next to her.

  “Ugh, damned PDA!” Suzy said, trying to look disgusted as she rested in Induca’s arm.

  Malsour laughed from his seat on Deia and Dave’s porch.

  “Says the person who can barely keep her hands off her girlfriend,” Anna said.

  “Well, at least I can admit who I like and I’m not afraid to show it.” Suzy looked to Induca.

  Induca looked down at her pouting partner. “You suck!” Induca laughed, giving her a quick kiss.

  Deia nestled into Dave.

  “What are you talking about?” Anna asked, looking a bit flustered.

  “I’m thinking she’s talking about Alkao,” Malsour said, not looking up from his book.

  “Uh, well,” Anna said.

  “The girl doesn’t know her feelings yet,” Deia said. “You’ve just got to go in there and claim him.”

  “Don’t mind me, just sitting here, prized hunk of Dwarf,” Dave muttered into his cup.

  “My hunk.” Deia looked up to Dave.

  Dave narrowed his eyes even as his lips fought to form a grin. “Fiiine,” Dave said, dragging out the word as if he was reluctant to admit it.

  They all settled into comfortable silence, looking out over the side of Cliff-Hill where Dave and Deia’s house was located.

  Lady Kragr, Hamdir, and Alkao were still in talks. A basic alliance had been agreed to and already trade agreements were being passed all over the place. It had taken considerable effort on Deia, Induca, and Anna’s part to get the others to come back to Cliff-Hill and just relax. Dave and Suzy were still catching up on everything going on with the factory and smithies. Now that they had another smithy starting up in Devil’s Crater, they had a whole ’nother set of problems to deal with. They were also making deals all over the place with the people of Devil’s Crater, and the Aleph.

  Deia snuggled in close with Dave, her fingers entwined with his arm that rested over her. He was a driven and focused man. Where most would find it annoying, she didn’t mind. She knew he cared for her deeply, but once he found a task needing his attention, he’d tackle it with everything he had.

  Deia was proud of her man.

  Malsour had been busy ripping down buildings that had been put in the wrong place. He’d built half of Unity by himself: roads, sewers, water systems. With everything Deia knew, she shouldn’t have been shocked by his power anymore, but it was hard.

  “So, you heading off for Per’ush tomorrow?” Dave looked to Deia.

  “Yeah, want to see my mom and dad,” Deia said.

  “I wish I could come—just with everything…” Dave frowned.

  “I know, babe. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.” Deia kissed his hand.

  “You sure?” Dave asked.

  “I’m sure, I’m sure. I know how excited you are about all the opportunities that you have. We don’t need to be next to each other all the time,” Deia said.

  Dave didn’t answer, just kissing her head. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  Deia felt the relief in his voice. He loved her, but what he did would not only bring his smithies to an entirely different level, it would connect and help multiple different races.

  “I’ve also got to see about admission for the Demons, Beast Kin, and Aleph. We don’t have long until whatever Bob’s kept locked up starts showing up,” Deia said.

  “Hey, I’m trying my best here!” Bob appeared on his recliner.

  “Dad,” Anna said in a dangerously low voice as her eyes thinned.

  “Baby girl?” Bob gulped.

  “Did you know what I found out from Kala?” Anna said, her voice deceptively calm.

  “Uh, well, Anna, you know that I’m a rather busy person. It’s difficult to keep track of everything.” Bob’s eyes moved around wildly, as if trying to find a way to escape.

  “You forgot to tell me they had been pulled out of cold storage for six months!” Anna growled.

  “Well, umm, I remembered in the end!” Bob smiled, as if that fact made up for his other wrongs.

; “You have dozens of AIs and you can’t remember one little thing!?” Anna shook her head and smacked her forehead with her hand.

  “Epic facepalm,” Dave said. “Bad timing?”

  Anna snorted as Bob gave a weak smile.

  “Sorry about that. I was dealing with some other things. I just, well…you know how I am.” Bob shrugged, a guilty look on his face.

  “You’d lose your nose if it wasn’t attached.” Anna laughed. The rest of the party smiled and nodded their heads.

  “Pretty much!” Bob laughed, stood from his seat, moved to Anna and held her hands. “I also forget to say a lot of things, like just how proud I am to hear you call me Dad.”

  “You soft-skulled Gnome.” Anna knelt and hugged her dad.

  Bob returned the hug with his small Gnome arms.

  “Well, would you prefer if I was a wolfkin?” Bob’s body went through a change. He rose in height; ears sprouted through his hair as a male wolfkin with a gray tail, fur, and hair looked at them all.

  “Well, bit more regal than being a Gnome,” Dave commented.

  “Oi, no comments from the peanut gallery!” Bob shook his finger at Dave. A smile appeared on his face, showing his sharp teeth.

  “Bit more elegant,” Anna commented, looking Bob over. “Wouldn’t you want to be Human, instead? You know, I hear Air likes Humans more.”

  “I told you that in confidence, and I have no idea where that little trickster is. She’s drumming up something, of that I’m sure. Just don’t know what.” Bob tapped his lips in thought.

  Deia smiled at her friends’ antics.

  “Well, as I am running out of time, let me say this.” Bob looked to them all. “Thank you, for all that you’ve done. You’ve gone above and beyond what I thought you were capable of. I have a soft place in my heart for different groups that the Jukal tried to wipe out. You were able to give the Aleph, Beast Kin, and Demons a future. You’ve struck a great blow to the Dark Lord with killing his Demon Horde, though there are many more challenges to come. Rest, recuperate, and prepare yourselves for the challenges to come. It will not be easy, though you have started one of the strongest alliances I have ever seen, one based on mutual trials and tribulations that have turned into an inspiring friendship. I will continue to watch over you and guide you as I can.”


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