The Power of Twelve

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The Power of Twelve Page 5

by William Gladstone

  “OK, Freddy,” interjected Terry the True. “We get it. This is not all your fault. There was no way you could have foreseen the breakdown of the boundaries that would normally have contained this problem. Still, you should have realized that giving sacred information and power to random beings was never intended. The intensity of such greed and power can only lead to unintended consequences. In this instance the misuse of power by relatively highly evolved beings on Earth 769 is actually exacerbating the fissure in the weave of the universe.”

  Freddy was penitent. “I realize this now, but what are we to do?”

  “Seems simple enough to me.” Karl the Kingmaker smiled. “We undo the experiment and remove this knowledge from planet Earth 769.”

  “And how do you propose we do that?” asked Caleb. “Things are never that easy to undo, and it seems to me it may already be too late.”

  “It is never too late,” commented Sophia with one of her rare comments.

  “That is true,” added Lily. “As long as there is life, there is hope.”

  “Yes, and this could be our greatest adventure yet. A chance to really make a difference,” Abigail stated almost joyfully. “Let me volunteer to contact this Otto and see what I can do to change the calculated outcome of doom. I am happy to even incarnate on Earth 769 to see what must be done.”

  “Why, this is exactly the solution I had envisioned!” shouted Freddy, relieved that Abigail grasped the possibility of direct intervention with Otto on Earth 769.

  The Thirteenth Apostle contemplated what Abigail and Freddy were suggesting. He realized that he had to remain on Naranjada to monitor the activities for the rest of the universes and to be available should The One wish to communicate with him. Certainly he could not go to Earth 769 himself. Abigail was fearless and competent in all she did. This struck him as an ideal solution.

  “Yes, let us allow Abigail to incarnate on planet Earth 769. However, we have very little time, so we must investigate what existing being she might become on Earth 769 so she can act immediately,” the Thirteenth Apostle proclaimed. “It is time to vote.”

  Despite some grumbling from Caleb that the plan would not work, the motion gained twelve ayes and the resolution was passed.

  Abigail had incarnated on many planets in the past to handle emergency situations, but the stakes had never been so great. Before leaving the council room, the Thirteenth Apostle took Abigail aside and cautioned her, “I know you are fearless, but please be careful. If you are not able to avert the disaster, you must abort your mission and return at once to Naranjada. If you are in a human body when Earth 769 destructs, you yourself will die. You will not be able to return in any form.”

  With kindness in her eyes, Abigail informed the Thirteenth Apostle, “Please do not worry for me. Much more is at stake than just my eternal spirit. I relish the opportunity to make a difference. It is why I have volunteered.”



  WILLIAM THE PEN PROVIDED Abigail with a dossier on which the name Barbara Marx Hubbard appeared. “I believe this is the ideal human for your mission,” he told her as he handed her the file.

  Abigail sat down to read it immediately. Barbara Marx Hubbard had been born in 1929 to the most successful toy magnate on Earth 769. Her father spoiled her with toys from the day she was born. Every toy manufacturer on the planet would send samples of their dolls, action figures, board games, Mr. Potato Heads, and similar inventions of distraction, soliciting him to manufacture, distribute, and sell them to the masses. “What a delightful childhood this Barbara Hubbard had. I think I am going to enjoy being in her body,” Abigail remarked to William the Pen, and kept reading.

  Her father would take the toys to Barbara and let her play with them to determine which toys he thought would be commercial successes. Barbara had no idea until she was almost ten years old that other children did not have such an abundance of toys. When she did learn about the relative lack of not just toys but true material necessities for the vast majority of those living on her planet, she was appalled. Barbara had a built-in social conscience, and she dedicated herself to trying to help others alleviate what she felt were the societal imbalances.

  Abigail nodded vigorously upon reading this. Yes, this was certainly a body she could inhabit.

  Barbara married, raised children, and led a normal life, but she continued to focus on her larger mission. In time she was able to attract the attention of the leaders of the space program, the medical advisors to the government, and other luminaries as she shared her vision for what she saw as an emerging universal human. This being had a higher state of awareness than the usual focus on survival and material comfort. Plus, this being felt connected to all intelligence throughout the universe, not just on Earth 769.

  “Wow. This is quite an amazing woman. I almost feel as if she were my sister,” Abigail commented, very pleased with William the Pen’s choice.

  Barbara, now in her eighties, was more active than ever. She had been working with Randall and Gayle to develop Project Wake Up. Her goal was to create a self-sustaining communications hub that would allow continued communication of “practical solutions” that would benefit all seven billion souls on Earth 769.

  Her personal and planetary birthday party on December 22, 2012, had been a major success, but Barbara had not foreseen the goals of the Illuminati to take control and the inadvertent contribution being made by The Book of the Dream, not for the betterment of all but for the personal greed and control by the 319 families of the Illuminati.

  As Abigail completed reading the file, William the Pen remarked, “That brings you up to the present moment in Barbara’s life. Is she agreeable to you?”

  “You bet. I’d inhabit that body anytime.”

  “She is currently about to wake up in her bedroom in her home in Santa Barbara, California. It is almost always sunny there, so you will no doubt enjoy the climate. May your trip go well. Remember, the future of not just planet Naranjada but all the planets and stars in all the known and unknown universes are depending on you. May awareness and joy be with you.”

  “You are so sweet, William.” Abigail smiled and hugged him as she turned to leave the briefing room. “You have selected an ideal human host for me. I am sure the mission will go well, and I fully expect to enjoy my time on Earth 769.”

  Abigail returned to her guest room in the palatial guesthouse where all members of the Council of Twelve stayed while abiding on planet Naranjada. After taking five minutes to relax and focus, she willed herself to the bedroom in Santa Barbara on Earth 769 where Barbara Marx Hubbard had recently awoken.

  As it happened, Barbara was enjoying her morning meditation. She felt an angelic pulsating beam of light. Startled out of her contemplation, she looked around but could not see anyone or anything. Puzzled, she returned to her meditation, only to feel the pulsating beam of light gaining strength. Barbara had been practicing morning meditation for more than forty years, and she had often had “visitations” during her quiet times. So, although she was surprised when the beam of light started talking to her, she was not completely shocked.

  “Barbara, I hail from a distant planet, and I have come to assist you with your mission,” were the first words Abigail spoke.

  “I am so happy you are joining me,” Barbara communicated back. She was so enjoying the feeling of peace and contentment permeating her body that she felt this visitation could not be harmful. “I have many friends and supporters here on planet Earth, but I have been feeling overwhelmed. I am eighty-three years old and I still have so much to do. I sometimes wonder if I truly have the energy to complete my mission.”

  “Do not be concerned,” Abigail said soothingly. “Your contributions have been enormous. You have inspired tens of millions. You have lived an exemplary life, combining mental acuity with feminine grace. You truly embody the new feminine and the new energy of the emerging universal being necessary for the successful evolution of your planet.�

  Because her entire being had been taken over by a state of bliss that was more powerful than any energy she had ever experienced, Barbara could only communicate back, “You are so kind.” Her head was clear in a way that she had never thought possible, with a pure comprehension that seemed capable of solving any problem that might present itself. Her heart was overflowing with joy, and that gave her a sense of well-being and wholeness that was palpable in every cell of her body.

  The beam continued its communication. “To truly assist you, I have a great favor to ask.”

  “Whatever you require I shall endeavor to provide,” Barbara responded. “I know you are a force of good and just as you are here to assist me, I am here to assist you.”

  “For the next several months I require the use of your form to correct some errors that have been made here on your planet. You will still be Barbara Marx Hubbard, but I wish to co-inhabit your form. My name is Abigail and I will bring vast knowledge with me from my own planet and my own universe to assist you with your mission.”

  Not knowing what co-inhabiting her body might imply, Barbara became distressed. Would she be letting go of her own life? She asked, “Does this mean that I must give up my body and die? I am not quite ready to let go of this body. At the very least, I would like some time to bid those I most love good-bye. Yet if this is what is needed, then I accept my death with gratitude to be able to serve the higher purpose of conscious evolution.”

  “No, it is not necessary that you die. In your world, the new Barbara Marx Hubbard will have a new and unique personality, but I do not intend to be a full walk-in. As I said, I only need to co-inhabit. We can share your form, and when my mission is complete, I shall depart and you shall return to being the original Barbara Marx Hubbard, retaining your unique personality and personal history of human relationships,” Abigail explained.

  With a broad smile and her infectious laugh, Barbara merely said, “I see.”

  Chuckling as she contemplated the odd request, Barbara got up from the chair in which she had been meditating and lay down on the bed. She turned to the beam of light, now across the room, and said, “I am not getting any younger. Let’s get started.”

  Instantly, Barbara Marx Hubbard was no more. The body was now a fusion of two souls.

  “My first question for you, Barbara, is to have you explain to me who Otto Goerden is and why his Book of the Dream is making such an impact here on your planet.”

  “I was not aware that The Book of the Dream was making any impact at all,” Barbara replied, surprised by the question. “It is true that Otto has been invited to join Project Wake Up. I expect to be meeting with him for the first time later this very morning. I have not even read his book, though, and am surprised that you think it that important.”

  “On my home planet of Naranjada we have identified that a group called the Illuminati is using The Book of the Dream here on your planet to ensure their own advantages. Could this be true?” Abigail queried.

  “Of course it could be true. I know that Otto is a master healer and has worked with the heads of governments and multinational corporations to solve wide-ranging problems. I am not sure of his techniques, but I have no doubt they are very powerful.”

  So far this information confirmed what Abigail had been told. “So you will help me.”

  “Since I am scheduled to meet with Otto later this morning, let’s just wait until we meet him and we can explore then why his Book of the Dream is considered so dangerous,” Barbara suggested. Her mouth opened in a tremendous yawn, and she realized she felt drained. “In any event, I find I am feeling a little sleepy from the fusion of our energies. Perhaps we can take a short nap until my assistant comes to pick me up.”

  “Yes, I am feeling tired too,” Abigail confirmed. “That’s what coinhabiting does. A nap will allow us both to refresh our minds and souls.”

  Abigail was not so tired, however, that she couldn’t think ahead to the encounter with Otto Goerden. It was curious that someone as obviously intelligent as Barbara knew so little about the book that Freddy had inspired. That was a question, she thought, she would have to ask Otto.



  HELLO, HELLO? Barbara, I’m sorry I’m late, but we still have time to get to the meeting at Jack Canfield’s home if we hurry,” blurted Eve, slightly flustered as she used her key to open the door to Barbara’s home.

  Eve was not officially Barbara’s employee, but she had retired from her own work as a nurse and therapist and had devoted most of her free time over the last three years to assisting Barbara and her Foundation for Conscious Evolution whenever, wherever, and however she could. She lived just a few miles away in downtown Santa Barbara and was eager to be part of what Barbara called “the most important social movement in the history of the world.”

  Abigail/Barbara was still lying on Barbara’s bed, somewhat drowsy from the “walk-in” transfer. Abigail/Barbara rose and made her way to the hallway, where Eve greeted her with a warm hug. “Come on, let’s get going. I am sure Jack and Inga will have coffee waiting, so let’s just jump in the car so we won’t be late.”

  Abigail/Barbara was not really sure at first who Eve was, but gradually she remembered her loyal assistant, what meeting she was talking about, and … meeting Otto! She grabbed a light-green leather jacket and followed Eve to the car.

  “I am so excited about today’s meeting,” Eve gushed as she backed out of the driveway and headed toward Jack’s home just five miles away. “When I spoke with Inga yesterday, she told me that she thought some of the European contacts for Project Wake Up will be joining us. I am particularly interested to meet Otto Goerden. I have read his Book of the Dream, and I think we can use that book to help wake people up.” She glanced across the front seat at Abigail/ Barbara. “It’s just a matter of getting people to use the right tools for raising their consciousness, and I am sure your vision will be realized.”

  Still groggy but catching on, Abigail/Barbara responded, “Yes, that is what we must hope. There is so much to do, and despite the enthusiasm of our inner circle I am concerned that time is passing and real progress on the global level is just not happening fast enough.”

  “I’m sure Jack will have some ideas on what we need to do,” Eve reassured Barbara.

  Soon enough, she drove up Jack’s driveway through a grove of magnificent orange trees on the right and gardens of colorful flowers on their left.

  Jack greeted Barbara and Eve with his usual warm hug and clear gaze. Inga poured tea, and introductions were made to Otto, his wife, Nina, and Jim Cusumano, a former Santa Barbara resident now living at Chateau Mcely outside of Prague. Jim had been a pop music star in his youth, best known for his hit single “Who Wears Short Shorts,” and he had gone on to write other platinum-selling songs. Yet in his midtwenties Jim had decided to pursue chemical engineering, and soon after he had started a biotech company. His company went on to become successful, and he sold it for half a billion dollars to Merxx, one of the largest multinationals in the world. Jim had married and had a daughter, who wanted to pursue an acting career. Jim’s wife was a writer and wrote a wonderful screenplay that would allow their daughter a starring role. Jim had plenty of money and bankrolled the film, which was both a commercial and critical success. Jim was living a magical life in which nothing could go wrong, but suddenly his wife came down with a rare form of cancer and died within three months.

  It took Jim several years to recover from his loss, but, in an unexpected series of synchronicities, he met Inéz, an extraordinary young woman from Prague who was helpful in releasing his film throughout Europe. He had an unexpected second chance at love, and within a year of courtship he had married again and moved to the castle Chateau Mcely, which had been in Inéz’s family for more than a century. Together Inéz and Jim restored the Chateau to its former glory and created a boutique hotel that was not just awarded five stars by the top travel organizations throughout Europe,
but was voted the single best hotel in all of Eastern Europe.

  One of the reasons the Chateau won so many awards was not just for its décor, food, and service, but for the mission that Inéz and Jim made clear from the start—to create a place where great minds could meet and work in unison to create a better world. When Jim learned of the work of Barbara and Jack and others related to Project Wake Up, he contacted them and arranged this meeting near his old stomping grounds in Santa Barbara.

  “It is such a pleasure to meet you,” Abigail/Barbara greeted Jim. “I have heard so much about you from our mutual literary agent, Randall Jenkins. I look forward to organizing meetings with the European thought leaders at your Chateau so we can start to implement the strategies we have been developing for Project Wake Up.”

  “The pleasure is mine, Barbara,” Jim said, returning the greeting. “Randall has sent me all of your books, and I am so pleased to finally meet you in person. I was not aware of the birthday celebrations last December, but am pleased to be able to participate now. With the help of Otto and Jack and others, I am sure we will achieve your ambitious goals.”

  Otto and his wife, Nina, had been standing to one side when Abigail/Barbara finally caught their eye. “And you must be Otto,” she said while Otto shook her hand and introduced Nina. Otto was, despite his experience in working with royalty and high-level executives, shy by nature, and when initially meeting people he was more interested in listening and observing than speaking. Nina spoke only limited English, so she was also shy. She greeted Barbara with a warm hello and hug.

  Sizing up Otto, Abigail/Barbara did not see a man the world needed to fear. He had a broad smile and stern yet honest face. She was curious to learn more about Otto and how she might undo the harm that the Council of Twelve felt The Book of the Dream was inadvertently creating on Earth 769. Perhaps Freddy and the Council of Twelve were incorrect. Perhaps there was no need to undo the impact of The Book of the Dream at all.


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