Retriever of the Lost Souls (Retriever Series Book 1)

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Retriever of the Lost Souls (Retriever Series Book 1) Page 4

by Brian

  Inch by inch, they closed in on her. Despite the pain in her knees, she quickly found her legs under her and backed into a wall. She turned around, and her eyes trailed up as far as they could see. The wall appeared to be made of smoke and towered without end. She spun back around and saw the men were upon her now. She used the wall as a guide and followed it around the corner and down a corridor as she tried to escape. Torches on the walls threw exaggerated shadows. As she rounded the corner, she saw several rooms down a long hallway, six on each side. She wondered what they were for when she collided with a tall, mean-looking man who had long, dark hair that was pulled into a ponytail. He was muscular, had high cheekbones, pointed eyebrows, and eyes black as night.

  In a harsh but high-pitched voice, Vigor bellowed, “Where have you been? You’ve wasted my time. You were supposed to stay where you were left. Follow me.”

  Talitha was shocked that his voice did not match his outward appearance. In a different situation she knew that she would have giggled, but even by now she knew that it was best just to do what he told her and followed him a short distance down the same corridor from which she had come. She counted the rooms as she tried to get a sense of where she was when Vigor stopped at the third room. He took a square block from his pocket and placed it into the matching shape in the door. When the door opened, he grabbed her arm and threw her into the room before slamming the door behind her. The walls were of the same smoky substance she had seen earlier, but this time they were covered with spikes. Most of the people in this new room were young girls like herself. Since everyone there had black clothing on, her gossamer dress stood out in stark contrast to the black walls, floor, ceiling, and its occupants. Her world had crashed down upon her as she spun in a circle, taking everything in. One of the women cautiously approached her, sizing her up and down.

  “Stay away from the spikes. They are painful,” Deanna said.

  “What are they for?” Talitha queried.

  “They put them there so that we do not try to break down the walls of the coven. They want us to try and throw ourselves against the spikes to try and destroy ourselves.

  “Maybe I should do that,” Talitha said wistfully.

  “No. You don’t want to do that. There is poison on the tips, and when they penetrate your body, you'll never forget the pain. It’s horrible to witness,” said Deanna. “And if they catch you, they will pull you off and make you wish you had been destroyed.”

  Talitha gave another foreboding quiver. There were more people in this room than she had ever seen in one place in her life. The furniture was scant and uncomfortable.

  The days slowly passed, and all she could do to survive the horrors facing her, was to think more of her brothers, who had always brought her joy. The only one that spoke to her was Dianna, as all the other girls kept to themselves. One day a new girl was pushed into the room crying. She surveyed what was there and suddenly threw herself onto one of the spikes. Blood poured from her stomach, but it was the cry of pain that Talitha would never forget. The young girl fell into fits of spasms frothing from her mouth. Two of the other girls moved her away from the wall and placed her on one of the thin blankets that lay on the floor. The girl cried and screamed for several hours. That evening a guard showed up and dragged her from the room by one arm, still screaming in pain. Dianna exclaimed that she would be punished and would probably not come back to this room. “Now, do you see what I told you? It is a terrible thing to fall into the spikes. I also need to warn you about being transitioned into the coven.”

  She was about to continue when she was interrupted by two guards coming in. They pointed to Talitha and told her to follow them. Dianna told her she must obey and be quick about it. Too scared to do anything else, Talitha followed them down a corridor and into a large, round room where nine people sat in chairs which surrounded a more elaborate, elevated chair. From there, Jasmina, the leader of the Council, stared at Talitha before she spoke.

  “Well, well, well. What have we here? Welcome to Darvakius,” she said uninvitingly.

  “Fresh meat, your Highness,” said one of the guards enthusiastically.

  Talitha quaked with fear as Jasmina stepped down from her curule, sauntering toward her.

  “Isn’t this one a sight to behold?” Jasmina quipped as she examined Talitha.

  Jasmina grabbed her shoulders and turned Talitha a quarter turn to each side.

  “She’ll do,” Jasmina said. She then slapped Talitha so hard that she collapsed on the floor in disbelief.

  “But what have I don -”

  Jasmina cuffed Talitha again.

  “Who gave you permission to speak, slut?” Jasmina roared.

  Talitha was silent. The taste of blood was heavy in her mouth.

  As Jasmina walked back to her curule, she raised her right arm into the air and dismissed Talitha and the two guards.

  “Take her to the room of transition.”

  Without a word, the guards grabbed Talitha by the hair and dragged her to the small, dank, infamous transitioning room. They threw her into the room, quickly shutting the door, leaving her there with seven naked men who were waiting very impatiently for her. The door closed behind her with an ominous click, followed by a terrifying silence in which she was too scared to move. She had nowhere to escape this time, and they never said a word as they attacked her. One of them ripped her dress off and threw her to the ground, while another went over to it and held it up to his face to inhale her scent. He let out a loud, animalistic growl and knocked her down just as she tried to stand. Then, one by one, each man in the room violated her in ways beyond comprehension. They slapped her, bit her and filled every crevice in her body. The beating she endured was more than she could handle, and it wasn’t long before her body shut down and she lost consciousness.

  When she woke up, she was back in the Third Room. There wasn’t one place on her body that didn't hurt in one way or another. Her only friend, Deanna, crouched over her and brushed her hair away from her face as Talitha regained consciousness. She was only able to open her right eye since her left eye was swollen shut. She saw this woman’s compassion and tears and tried to speak. Deanna put a finger to her lips. “Don’t talk until you are stronger. Vigor makes sure that everyone goes through the same process. First, there are the lies that the Seekers use to trick somebody into following those such as Ventier who brought me to this place. The repeated beatings and rapes continue until the “transition” is complete. It is intended to destroy everything we once were and making us submissive to the whim of the Inner Council,” she said.


  Nausea swept over Talitha as she drifted into unconsciousness again. Soon the same guards came to take her to the Transition Room again, and again, and again. After enduring five more sessions like the first, she reached the point where she no longer fought against them. Instead she allowed them to continue until they were satisfied.

  Chapter 7

  Talitha missed her family very much, and they were the only thing she could think of that would keep her somewhat sane in this world called Darvakius. She longed for the freshness of the earth, the wind, the flowers, and even the dirt. She thought of Darfus and his lute, and how much happiness it used to bring her as he played and yet, something had changed, for the memories that once brought her happiness and joy were now nothing but a swirling mist lying just beyond her grasp. As she pondered this, the same two guards came and brought her before the Inner Council and its leader, Jasmina, as well as the leader of the coven, Magus.

  When Jasmina approached Talitha, she sensed something terrible was about to happen. Jasmina placed her right hand on Talitha’s left temple and held it there as she spoke in a strange language. Talitha’s mind began to swim as her thoughts turned to water. She tried to focus on Darfus and his lute but found it too difficult. Her mind felt as if it was being whipped around by a mighty wind. Suddenly her legs buckled, and she crumpled to the floor. She was carried back to the third room and t
hrown in as her mind drifted to nothingness. Deanna came over to her immediately, holding her tightly and pulling her into her arms.

  “What happened?” Talitha asked, her thoughts all muddled up.

  “They have planted a seed of confusion in you,” she said.

  Talitha just looked at her, unable to form words in her mind.

  “A seed of confusion,” Deanna repeated. “It causes the memories of your time on earth to crumble and disappear.”

  Talitha found it physically painful as it pulled and tugged at the very core of her brain. Suddenly she screamed as a spasm wracked her body. Deanna waited for the seizure to subside.

  “Its purpose is to slowly and painfully make you forget the memories of your life on earth. There will be several more such spasms until the job is finished.”

  “What is this place? Where am I? What’s happened to me?” Talitha cried. Deanna took a deep breath and sought to calm Talitha as much as she could.

  “We are in a place of lies and deceit referred to as Hell, and each area is called a ‘coven.’ Like you, when we died, we ended up here because of the lies. The Inner Council uses us now to do Satan’s work on Earth, and you will eventually be sent on missions to Earth to bring down souls who threaten our existence here. It will all make more sense to you in time.”

  Talitha didn’t understand all that Deanna had just told her but nodded numbly anyway.


  Once the Seed of Confusion had completely obliterated her memories, Talitha was ordered to appear before the Inner Council again. She was utterly submissive to the Council and no longer cared what they might do to her. Everything she had once known was now too painful to even try to recall.

  After several minutes passed, Jasmina spoke, “You will be sent to Earth to complete your first training mission but remember this: even though you will be there, your soul remains forever bound to our coven. While on assignment, you are to pay attention to the lights that surround the living. If you see a rose light and a green light who are a pair, your mission is to bring both down to Darvakius. A rose-colored person is a fighter, they are targets because of their honesty and faithfulness. A green light is used as a host for spirits. They are often an easy target because they find it difficult to say no and are too nice to turn people down. A white light is a very special person. They are protectors of those around them, and their lives are often caught in turmoil. Many of them die young, but they are a prize to catch for us. Finally, there are the blue lights. They are off limits because of bitterness or rage and are sometimes non-believers of either side. They can also be previous fighters who are no longer able to fight. They live their lives precariously on the edge and as such cannot be used for their intended purposes.”

  “Yes, your Highness,” Talitha said meekly.

  “First, you will go with a trainer so that you may learn how to bring someone down effectively,” Jasmina said ominously.

  “Yes, your Highness,” she replied again.

  Jasmina snapped her fingers and a short, thin man came into Talitha’s vision. His hair was thinning on top and he had large teeth that stuck out. He looked at Talitha with lust in his eyes. But when he turned to Jasmina he seemed quite meek.

  “Your Highness” he bowed toward Jasmina. He then turned to Talitha and introduced himself.

  “I am Johnpus, I will be your trainer. You will listen and obey every word I say, or you shall be reported. If you fail at any of your assignments there will be a castigation coming your way. Finally, I will take no insolence from you, do you understand?” he said firmly.

  Talitha looked to Jasmina first and then to Johnpus, “Yes Sir, I will follow your directions as you give them. I will not be insolent to you either.

  This made both Jasmina and Johnpus smile. “Very good, follow me, we shall introduce you to your first assignment today. Know that we are able to move from one place or the other with much ease.”

  Talitha and her trainer stepped into the beam of light and were instantly gone. The land was foreign to her, and she saw many things that she didn’t understand. They were in a town full of high towers and brick covered ground.

  “No one can see us until I let it happen. Do not try to speak to anyone lest you be punished. They walked for what seemed quite a long while past many shops, corrals, and mills. He finally stopped in front of a pastry maker. The sign above the store had the name Michael’s Fresh Pastries.

  Johnpus looked at her and said “Michael is our target. He is part of a plan in which we need some of his skills. We need to bring him down below. What I want you to do is go in there and entice him. Show him your curves, smile at him and lure him to the back of his bakery. After engaging in sex with him, you will ask him if he will go below with you. That you want to be with him always. Much as what Ventier did to you.”

  This made Talitha shudder, but she knew she did not have a choice in the matter. Johnpus then snapped his fingers and she was instantly dressed in the day’s fineries. Just as she was about to walk into the bakery a young boy came up to her and asked for a penny. Talitha then realized she was visible. Ignoring the boy, she walked in with Johnpus in tow. An older man was kneading some dough and greeted her with a smile.

  “Hello beautiful lady, how may I be of assistance to you. May I ask your name? I am Michael.”

  “I am Talitha and I arrived at this city just a few days ago.”

  “Give him a beautiful smile and invite him to take you to the back” Johnpus instructed.

  Talitha gave him her best smile and put her hand on his shoulder. “I would love to see how you run your bakery, perhaps you can take me to the back and show me?” she said coquettishly.

  “Yes, I can happily show you how we make pastries. It takes many steps just to make a flat of pastries.” Talitha grabbed his arm as they walked to the back of the bakery. Michael pointing out the many tools. As they reached the back, she brought his hand to her mouth and began to suck on his finger.

  Michael looked at her confused. “Uh. I, I, I…I’m married” He stuttered.

  Johnpus instructed her “Reach up and pull his face to you and kiss him.”

  Again, Talitha obeyed by putting her arms around his neck she kissed him and began to rub her nubile young body against him. I am sure you know what to do after that.”

  Talitha nodded slightly, so that Michael would not see. She turned to him and began kissing him even harder. “Ever since I first saw you in town I have wanted to spend time with you. You have made my feminine parts just ache for your touch.” She rubbed her hands all over his body, she pulled off his apron and threw it on the floor. She then unbuttoned his shirt and ran her fingers over the soft hair of his chest. Stepping back, she pulled her dress over her head. She was wearing only her bra and breeches and nothing else.

  “Do you want me? Do you want to love me? Talitha asked looking into his eyes and smiling passionately.

  “Yes, Yes I do!” Michael answered, having looked into her eyes, her golden eyes became brighter, he then became shaken to the core at his need for her.

  Talitha dropped to her knees and unbuttoned his pants, and as they fell to the floor she placed her lips over his manhood. When he moaned with pleasure, she stood up and dropped her linen breeches to the ground, revealing her sex. She lay on the floor on top of her clothing, allowing him to enter her for his uses. Moaning and Breathing hard, Michael released his seed with a force he had never had before.

  “Oh, Oh…. That was amazing. It was wonderful. What have you done to my senses?” Michael said still laying on top of Talitha. He looked into her eyes and found he could not look away.

  Suddenly, Johnpus said, “Ask him now! Ask him now! Tell him you love him!”

  Talitha looked at Michael and told him, “I am in love with you, I have been since I first saw you. Will you go anywhere with me and be with me forever? Even if I told you to follow me below, would you go with me? We can leave this town and never come back.”

  Michael looked a
t Talitha. He didn’t understand what she was asking, but her knew he wanted her more than he had ever wanted anyone before. He admired her beautifully shaped body and her beautiful face. He then thought of his wife Sharon. She was a shrew that was always yelling at him for one thing or another. While once quite pretty, she had let herself go and now weighed twice what she did when they were first married. He also thought about his children, fat, insolent and always whining or asking for something. Making a sudden decision he said, “Yes! Yes! I will go wherever you want. I want to be with you forever!”

  “HA HA! I knew we could do this easily. The end is near, and he will soon go below.” Johnpus yelled with glee.

  Talitha smiled. She was glad that she had been successful and that there would be no punishment. She looked at Michael and told him she would bring her things from the hotel and be right back.

  “I must go home and get my things as well.” Michael exclaimed. Talitha nodded as she dressed herself and watched as he did the same.

  “I will see you soon my love,” She said as she walked out with Johnpus at her heels. He clicked his fingers so that no one could see them again. Talitha turned to him and asked, “What do we do now?”

  “We wait. You shall soon see. They stood at the doorway to the bakery when suddenly Michael rushed out, no longer wearing his apron, but wearing a suit and a bowler hat. As he went to cross the road, Johnpus snapped once again and from nowhere came a horse and buggy which turned the corner right then. Michael never saw what was coming, and a few moments later Talitha had to cover her eyes, for Michael lay on the ground, covered in blood and dust as he breathed his last.


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