Decision Point (ARC)

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Decision Point (ARC) Page 15

by Bryan Thomas Schmidt

  natural, somehow, caught in the burning gaze of Monty

  Goldfarb, who had the attitude of a master in his shop, running

  the place with utter confidence.

  “Capital.” He nudged Grinder with his toe. “That meat’ll

  spoil soon enough, but before he does, let’s have some fun, shall

  we? Give us a hand.” He bent and lifted Grinder under one arm.

  He nodded his head at the remaining arm. “Come on,” he said,

  and I took it, and we lifted the limp corpse of Zophar

  Grindersworth, the Grinder of St Aggie’s, and propped him up at

  the head of the middle table, knife handle protruding from his

  chest amid a spreading red stain over his blue brocade waistcoat.

  Monty shook his head. “That won’t do,” he said, and plucked up

  a tea-towel from a pile by the kitchen door and tied it around

  Grinder’s throat like a bib, fussing with it until it more-or-less

  disguised the grisly wound. Then Monty picked up one of the

  loaves from the end of the table and tore a hunk off the end.

  He chewed at it like a cow at her cud for a time, never taking

  his eyes off me. Then he swallowed and said, “Hungry work,”

  and laughed with a spray of crumbs.

  He paced the room, picking up the cutlery I’d laid and

  inspecting it, gnawing at the loaf’s end in his hand thoughtfully.

  “A pretty poor setup,” he said. “But I’m sure that wicked old

  lizard had a pretty soft nest for himself, didn’t he?”

  I nodded and pointed down the hall to Grinder’s door. “The

  key’s on his belt,” I said.

  Monty fingered the keyring chained to Grinder’s thick

  leather belt, then shrugged. “All one-cylinder jobs,” he said, and

  picked a fork out of the basket that was still hanging from my

  hook. “Nothing to them. Faster than fussing with his belt.” He

  walked purposefully down the hall, his metal foot thumping off

  the polished wood, leaving dents in it. He dropped to one knee at

  the lock, then put the fork under his steel foot and used it as a

  lever to bend back all but one of the soft pot-metal tines, so that

  now the fork just hand one long thin spike. He slid it into the

  lock, felt for a moment, then gave a sharp and precise flick of his

  wrist and twisted open the doorknob. It opened smoothly at his

  touch. “Nothing to it,” he said, and got back to his feet, dusting

  off his knees.

  Now, I’d been in Grinder’s rooms many times, when I’d



  Decision Points

  brought in the boiling water for his bath, or run the rug-sweeper

  over his thick Turkish rugs, or dusted the framed medals and

  certificates and the cunning machines he kept in his apartment.

  But this was different, because this time I was coming in with

  Monty, and Monty made you ask yourself, “Why isn’t this all

  mine? Why shouldn’t I just take it?” And I didn’t have a good

  answer, apart from fear. And fear was giving way to excitement.

  Monty went straight to the humidor by Grinder’s deep, plush

  chair and brought out a fistful of cigars. He handed one to me

  and we both bit off the tips and spat them on the fine rug, then lit

  them with the polished brass lighter in the shape of a beautiful

  woman that stood on the other side of the chair. Monty clamped

  his cheroot between his teeth and continued to paw through

  Grinder’s sacred possessions, all the fine goods that the children

  of St Aggie’s weren’t even allowed to look to closely upon. Soon

  he was swilling Grinder’s best brandy from a lead crystal

  decanter, wearing Grinder’s red velvet housecoat, topped with

  Grinder’s fine beaver-skin bowler hat.

  And it was thus attired that he stumped back into the dining

  room, where the corpse of Grinder still slumped at table’s end,

  and took up a stance by the old ship’s bell that the morning child

  used to call the rest of the kids to breakfast, and he began to ring

  the bell like St Aggie’s was afire, and he called out as he did so,

  a wordless, birdlike call, something like a rooster’s crowing,

  such a noise as had never been heard in St Aggie’s before.

  With a clatter and a clank and a hundred muffled arguments,

  the children of St Aggie’s pelted down the staircases and

  streamed into the kitchen, milling uncertainly, eyes popping at

  the sight of our latest arrival in his stolen finery, still ringing the

  bell, still making his crazy call, stopping now and again to swill

  the brandy and laugh and spray a boozy cloud before him.

  Once we were all standing in our nightshirts and

  underclothes, every scar and stump on display, he let off his

  ringing and cleared his throat ostentatiously, then stepped nimbly

  onto one of the chairs, wobbling for an instant on his steel peg,

  then leaped again, like a goat leaping from rock to rock, up onto

  the table, sending my carefully laid cutlery clattering every


  He cleared his throat again, and said:

  “Good morrow to you, good morrow all, good morrow to the

  poor, crippled, abused children of St Aggie’s. We haven’t been



  Edited by Bryan Thomas Schmidt

  properly introduced, so I thought it fitting that I should take a

  moment to greet you all and share a bit of good news with you.

  My name is Montreal Monty Goldfarb, machinist’s boy, prentice

  artificer, gentleman adventurer and liberator of the oppressed. I

  am late foreshortened—” He waggled his stumps—”as are so

  many of you. And yet, and yet, I say to you, I am as good a man

  as I was ere I lost my limbs, and I say that you are too.” There

  was a cautious murmur at this. It was the kind of thing the Sisters

  said to you in the hospital, before they brought you to St Aggie’s,

  the kind of pretty lies they told you about the wonderful life that

  awaited you with your new, crippled body, once you had been

  retrained and put to productive work.

  “Children of St Aggie’s, hearken to old Montreal Monty, and

  I will tell you of what is possible and what is necessary. First,

  what is necessary: to end oppression wherever we find it, to be

  liberators of the downtrodden and the meek. When that evil dog’s

  pizzle flogged me and threw me in his dungeon, I knew that I’d

  come upon a bully, a man who poisoned the sweet air with each

  breath of his cursed lungs, and so I resolved to do something

  about it. And so I have.” He clattered the table’s length, to where

  Grinder’s body slumped. Many of the children had been so

  fixated on the odd spectacle that Monty presented that they

  hadn’t even noticed the extraordinary sight of our tormentor sat,

  apparently sleeping or unconscious. With the air of a magician,

  Monty bent and took the end of tea-towel and gave it a sharp

  yank, so that all could see the knife-handle protruding from the

  red stain that covered Grinder’s chest. We gasped, and some of

  the more faint-hearted children shrieked, but no one ran off to

  get the law, and no one wept a single salt
y tear for our dead


  Monty held his arms over his head in a wide “vee” and

  looked expectantly upon us. It only took a moment before

  someone—perhaps it was me!—began to applaud, to cheer, to

  stomp, and then we were all at it, making such a noise as you

  might encounter in a tavern full of men who’ve just learned that

  their side has won a war. Monty waited for it to die down a bit,

  then, with a theatrical flourish, he pushed Grinder out of his

  chair, letting him slide to the floor with a meaty thump, and

  settled himself into the chair the corpse had lately sat upon. The

  message was clear: I am now the master of this house.

  I cleared my throat and raised my good arm. I’d had more



  Decision Points

  time than the rest of the St Aggie’s children to consider life

  without the terrible Grinder, and a thought had come to me.

  Monty nodded regally at me, and I found myself standing with

  every eye in the room upon me.

  “Monty,” I said, “on behalf of the children of St Aggie’s, I

  thank you most sincerely for doing away with cruel old Grinder,

  but I must ask you, what shall we do now? With Grinder gone,

  the Sisters will surely shut down St Aggie’s, or perhaps send us

  another vile old master to beat us, and you shall go to the gallows

  at the King Street Gaol, and, well, it just seems like a pity

  that …” I waved my stump. “It just seems a pity, is what I’m


  Monty nodded again. “Sian, I thank you, for you have come

  neatly to my next point. I spoke of what was needed and what

  was possible, and now we must discuss what is possible. I had a

  nice long time to meditate on this question through last night, as

  I languished in the pit below, and I think I have a plan, though I

  shall need your help with it if we are to pull it off.”

  He stood again, and took up a loaf of hard bread and began

  to wave it like a baton as he spoke, thumping it on the table for


  “Item: I understand that the Sisters provide for St Aggie’s

  with such alms as are necessary to keep our lamps burning, fuel

  in our fireplaces, and gruel and such on the table, yes?” We

  nodded. “Right.

  “Item: Nevertheless, Old Turd-Gargler here was used to

  sending you poor kiddees out to beg with your wounds all on

  display, to bring him whatever coppers you could coax from the

  drunkards of Muddy York with which to feather his pretty little

  nest yonder. Correct?” We nodded again. “Right.

  “Item: We are all of us the crippled children of Muddy

  York’s great information-processing factories. We are artificers,

  machinists, engineers, cunning shapers and makers, every one,

  for that is how we came to be injured. Correct? Right.

  “Item: It is a murdersome pity that such as we should be

  turned out to beg when we have so much skill at our disposal.

  Between us, we could make anything, do anything, but our

  departed tormentor lacked the native wit to see this, correct?


  “Item: the sisters of the simpering order of St Agatha’s

  Weeping Sores have all the cleverness of a turnip. This I saw for



  Edited by Bryan Thomas Schmidt

  myself during my tenure in their hospital. Fooling them would

  be easier than fooling an idiot child. Correct? Right.”

  He levered himself out of the chair and began to stalk the

  dining-room, stumping up and down. “Someone tell me, how

  often do the good sisters pay us a visit?”

  “Sundays,” I said. “When they take us all to church.”

  He nodded. “And does that spoiled meat there accompany us

  to church?”

  “No,” I said. “No, he stays here. He says he ‘worships in his

  own way.’“ Truth was he was invariably too hung-over to rise on

  a Sunday.

  He nodded again. “And today is Tuesday. Which means that

  we have five days to do our work.”

  “What work, Monty?”

  “Why, we are going to build a clockwork automaton based

  on that evil tyrant what I slew this very morning. We will build

  a device of surpassing and fiendish cleverness, such as will fool

  the nuns and the world at large into thinking that we are still

  being ground up like mincemeat, while we lead a life of leisure,

  fun, and invention, such as befits children of our mental stature

  and good character.”


  Here’s the oath we swore to Monty before we went to work

  on the automaton:

  “I, (state your full name), do hereby give my most solemn

  oath that I will never, ever betray the secrets of St Agatha’s. I

  bind myself to the good fortune of my fellow inmates at this

  institution and vow to honor them as though they were my

  brothers and sisters, and not to fight with them, nor spite them,

  nor do them down or dirty. I make this oath freely and gladly,

  and should I betray it, I wish that old Satan himself would rise

  up from the pit and tear out my treacherous guts and use them

  for bootlaces, that his devils would tear my betrayer’s tongue

  from my mouth and use it to wipe their private parts, that my

  lying body would be fed, inch-by-inch, to the hungry and terrible

  basilisks of the Pit. So I swear, and so mote be it!”

  There were two children who’d worked for a tanner in the

  house, older children. Matthew was shy all the fingers on his left

  hand. Becka was missing an eye and her nose, which she joked



  Decision Points

  was a mercy, for there is no smell more terrible than the charnel

  reek of the tanning works. But between them, they were quite

  certain that they could carefully remove, stuff, and remount

  Grinder’s head, careful to leave the jaw in place.

  As the oldest machinist at St Aggie’s, I was conscripted to

  work on the torso and armature mechanisms. I played chief

  engineer, bossing a gang of six boys and four girls who had

  experience with mechanisms. We cannibalized St Aggie’s old

  mechanical wash-wringer, with its spindly arms and many

  fingers; and I was sent out several times to pawn Grinder’s fine

  crystal and pocket-watch to raise money for parts.

  Monty oversaw all, but he took personal charge of Grinder’s

  voicebox, through which he would imitate old Grinder’s voice

  when the sisters came by on Sunday. St Aggie’s was fronted with

  a Dutch door, and Grinder habitually only opened the top half to

  jaw with the sisters. Monty said that we could prop the partial

  torso on a low table, to hide the fact that no legs depended from

  it. “We’ll tie a sick-kerchief around his face and give out that

  he’s got ‘flu, and that it’s spread through the whole house. That’ll

  get us all out of church, which is a tidy little jackpot in and of

  itself. The kerchief will disguise the fact that his lips ain’t

  moving in time with his talking.”

  I sho
ok my head at this idea. The nuns were hardly geniuses,

  but how long could this hold out for?

  “It won’t have to last more than a week—by next week, we’ll

  have something better to show ‘em.”

  Here’s a thing: it all worked like a fine-tuned machine.

  The kerchief made it look like a bank-robber, and Monty

  painted its face to make him seem more lively, for the tanning

  had dried him out some (he also doused the horrible thing with

  liberal lashings of bay rum and greased its hair with a heavy

  pomade, for the tanning process had left him with a smell like an

  outhouse on a hot day). Monty had affixed an armature to the

  thing’s bottom jaw—we’d had to break it to get it to open, prying

  it roughly with a screwdriver, cracking a tooth or two in the

  process, and I have nightmares to this day about the sound it

  made when it finally yawed open.

  A child—little legless Dora, whose begging pitch included a

  sad little puppetry show—could work this armature by means of

  a squeeze-bulb taken from the siphon-starter on Grinder’s cider



  Edited by Bryan Thomas Schmidt

  brewing tub, and so make the jaw go up and down in time with


  The speech itself was accomplished by means of the horsegut

  voice-box from Grinder’s music-box. Monty surehandedly

  affixed a long, smooth glass tube—part of the cracking apparatus

  that I had been sent to market to buy—to the music-box’s

  resonator. This, he ran up behind our automatic Grinder. Then,

  crouched on the floor before the voicebox, stationed next to Dora

  on her wheeled plank, he was able to whisper across the horsegut

  strings and have them buzz out a credible version of Grinder’s

  whiskey-roughened growl. And once he’d tuned the horsegut

  just so, the vocal resemblance was even more remarkable.

  Combined with Dora’s skilful puppetry, the effect was

  galvanizing. It took a conscious effort to remember that this was

  a puppet talking to you, not a man.

  The sisters turned up at the appointed hour on Sunday, only

  to be greeted by our clockwork Grinder, stood in the half-door,

  face swathed in a ‘flu mask. We’d hung quarantine bunting from

  the windows, criscrossing the front of St Aggie’s with it for good

  measure, and a goodly number of us kiddees were watching from


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