Corpse Thieves (Shifter Squad Book 5)

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Corpse Thieves (Shifter Squad Book 5) Page 1

by J. C. Diem

  Corpse Thieves

  Shifter Squad: Book Five

  J.C. Diem

  Copyright © 2015 J.C. DIEM

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Chapter One

  Sirens wailed in the distance, urging us to hurry. Someone had heard the shots that Kala had fired at the rogue wolf we’d caught only moments ago. He’d been hustled into the back of our van and Flynn was now securing him in place. Despite the two bullets in his shoulder, our prisoner didn’t even flinch when his arms were forced up over his head. His handcuffs were clamped to the wall of the van to hold him in place.

  “What do you want us to do about the blood?” Kala asked Mark. If the police tested it, they’d know that something non-human had been involved in the gunfire. Our organization had been created to keep humans safe from the things that went bump in the night. That included keeping the knowledge that supernatural creatures existed a secret.

  “There’s a container of acid beneath the floor in the back of the van,” he replied, speaking into her earpiece. “Splash some of it on the blood, but don’t get any on your hands. It’s highly corrosive to flesh.”

  We all turned as the door to the mall swung open. A slightly overweight security guard pointed his gun at us. Not much older than us, he had a ketchup stain on his dark blue shirt and his expression was terrified. “Drop your weapons and get down on the ground!” His shout came out high and squeaky. His hands were shaking so badly that it was doubtful he’d be able to hit any of us.

  Reece’s gun had been dropped to the ground when Kala had shot his brother. He’d picked it up while Flynn had been escorting our prisoner to the van. Being careful not to display the bloodstains or the ragged slice in his shirt, he tucked his gun back into his holster then pulled his ID out and flipped it open. “We’re Federal Agents,” he explained. “We’ve just apprehended a dangerous fugitive.”

  Flynn and I pointed our guns at the captive as Kala flipped open a section of carpet in the floor of the van to retrieve the container of acid. I kept my head down so the guard wouldn’t see the bloodstains on my skin. The rogue had sliced open my throat after stating that if he couldn’t have me then no one would. Luckily, my shirt was dark enough to hide the fact that it was covered in blood.

  Squinting at Reece’s badge, the guard made no move to lower his weapon. “What’s she doing?” he asked in alarm as Kala rounded the van and carefully splashed clear liquid onto the blood that stained the ground.

  “It’s possible that the prisoner’s blood might be contaminated with a biological weapon,” Reece lied. “We’re destroying it as a precaution.” Curious and frightened onlookers were beginning to gather at the far end of the hallway and he nodded towards them. “I’ll need you to keep the area clear until our hazmat team can arrive.”

  Blanching and turning even paler, the guard nodded and took a step back. “I’m on it. You can count on me.” He stepped inside and the door swung shut behind him.

  “Smoothly done, Agent Garrett,” Mark said. I’d removed my earpiece, but heard him speaking through Flynn’s. “I’m heading down to street level. Pick me up on your way out of town,” he ordered.

  Remembering that our shopping bags were still lying in the mall hallway, I put my gun away then hurried over to the door and pulled it open. The security guard jumped at the noise and looked over his shoulder at me. He smiled weakly when he saw it was me. “I have everything under control,” he said, trying and failing to sound professional.

  I nodded briskly and gathered up our bags. “Our team should be here in a few minutes,” I lied. “Do your best to make sure the scene doesn’t become contaminated.”

  “Roger that.” He saluted me and his cheeks flushed bright red. This was probably the most excitement he’d ever seen on the job.

  The others were waiting for me in the van when I returned to the alley. Flynn was behind the wheel and Reece was in the passenger seat up front, which was highly unusual since he was normally the one driving. There were two rows of seats in the back of the van. Kala sat in the back one with her gun pointed unwaveringly at our captive.

  Flynn barely waited for me to climb inside before he took off. He rounded the corner just as two cop cars arrived to block the alley. “That was close,” he muttered.

  The rogue turned to stare at Reece’s reflection in the rearview mirror. “Mark Steel is your boss, right?” He didn’t receive an answer, but that didn’t deter him. “Are you aware that you’re working for the man who murdered our father?”

  I felt Reece’s shock through our bond. It was bad enough being closely related to one werewolf who had gone bad, but it seemed it was far worse than that. If what he was saying was true then Garrison Carter was Reece’s father. He’d killed and eaten over a dozen people before Mark had put him down. His son was even worse. He already had a higher kill count after just four short years as a shifter.

  “I didn’t think you knew,” he said with a smirk.

  “What’s your name?” Reece asked. His tone was bland enough, but I felt his tension.


  Both Reece and I flinched as we remembered his version of a perfect world. In the dream that the succubus had put him in he’d been an alpha of a pure born werewolf pack. He’d had a beautiful blond wife and they had a son called Galen. Gareth had been his second in command.

  Reece had been too young to remember how he’d become separated from his pack. Yet some part of him must have remembered his family. How else could he have known his brother’s name in his dream?

  Flynn kept to the speed limit so we wouldn’t draw any unwanted attention as we fled from the scene. Rounding another corner, he drove halfway down the street before pulling into the parking lot where Kala had left our SUV.

  “Give me the keys,” Reece said to Kala. “I need to be alone for a while to try to process this.” He’d have two hours to himself during the drive back to our compound. I doubted that would be enough time for him to come to terms with learning he was related to two psychopaths.

  Kala knew it wouldn’
t be a good idea to argue with him. She reached into her pocket and tossed him the keys. He snagged them out of the air then climbed out.

  “I think that went well,” Gareth said facetiously as Reece slammed the door shut. He turned his attention to me. “You are very beautiful, for a lesser lycan. You will be a good match for me once you learn to submit to my will.”

  “That is never going to happen,” I said in revulsion. My skin crawled at the thought of him touching me. “Besides, I’m already bonded to Reece.”

  “You’re not true born,” he said dismissively. “Your bond can be broken. Garrett won’t want you after he meets a suitable pure blood female.”

  I kept my face blank to hide how hard his barb had hit me.

  “You do realize that Lexi is an alpha,” Kala said to him in distaste. “She’ll never submit to a loser like you.”

  He seemed startled at that then shook his head. “No bitten shifter can become an alpha. Only pure bloods can rule our kind.”

  It was useless to argue with him. You couldn’t reason with a crazy person and insanity was pouring off this guy in waves.

  We took off again and stopped to pick Mark up when we spied him standing on the street. “Where’s the drone?” Flynn asked when our boss buckled himself in. Reece drove past us in the SUV. He was speeding fast enough to make several pedestrians stare after him.

  “I’m sending it back to our compound,” Mark replied. He was using his tablet to guide the aerial surveillance drone that he’d used to monitor our operation.

  “Let’s hope Zeus doesn’t eat it when it lands,” Kala said without taking her eyes off our captive. She could lose focus when she was bored, but we all knew how dangerous he was and she wasn’t going to let her vigilance slip. He might be shackled, but she wasn’t about to take any chances with him. He watched me with disturbing intensity during the drive back to our compound.

  I had ample time to worry about Reece. He’d told me that he felt like he’d come home when we’d been searching for the rogue wolf in the woods near Bradbury. Now I realized how true those feelings were. The werewolf pack that was holed up on a property near our compound was his pure born family. If Gareth was his brother and Garrison was their father, that meant Nina Carter had to be his mother.

  Madness must run in the Carter family. Once a shifter went rogue and began to eat humans, they developed a taste for human flesh. They wouldn’t stop killing until they were hunted down and eradicated.

  Reece had only just learned that his family was still alive and now we had to kill his little brother. It was no wonder he needed time alone to process this news. No one could be faced with something like that and not be affected by it.


  Chapter Two

  It took every ounce of my self-control to hide my pain when we reached the compound. Flynn pulled up a little too close to the gate, forgetting how it would affect me. I had to endure the burning agony of being near one of the crosses that had been erected to keep my mother out. Despite my best efforts, sweat beaded my forehead by the time the gate swung open and we drove through.

  Gareth noted the sweat and his eyes narrowed in speculation. Only Reece and Flynn were aware of how badly I suffered when I came into close contact with holy symbols. It was a side effect of being tainted by the vampirism that was slowly but surely killing me.

  Reece had also been bitten by Katrina, which meant we were doomed to suffer the same fate. If she remained alive we’d become the undead and she would be our master. My personal problems seemed to increase with every mission we were sent on.

  Zeus heard our arrival and raced around from the back of the compound to meet us. His joy quickly changed to alarm when he smelled the rogue shifter inside the van. He let out a low growl as he followed our vehicle into the garage.

  It was a relief to see the SUV parked in its usual spot. I’d been worried that Reece would head straight to the werewolf property to confront his mother and her kin. We had no idea how he’d be received by the pack. For all we knew they might want to kill him on sight. He’d wisely decided to wait for us.

  One fact was certain, Nina Carter would try to kill Mark as soon as she saw him. He’d killed her husband and two of her pack members after they’d tracked him down and tried to exact their revenge. She was the alpha of their pack and she had a reputation to uphold. She couldn’t allow a lowly human to escape from her form of justice.

  Kala and I kept the prisoner covered while Flynn unhooked him from the wall of the van and cuffed his hands behind his back. Zeus’ upper lip drew back to reveal his teeth as he continued to growl menacingly. Gareth looked down at the Rottweiler contemptuously, but he didn’t deign to comment.

  Reece was nowhere to be seen when Mark opened the door to the long corridor. I could sense him upstairs in his bedroom. The door between our minds was firmly closed, but I could tell that he was brooding.

  As the others headed to the right, I motioned for Zeus to follow me to the left. I’ll be back soon, I thought to him as I let him into the main area. He wasn’t happy to be parted from me again so soon, but he acceded to my wish. He sent a last glower at Gareth before trotting inside.

  Even now that I was a permanent member of the squad, there were rooms inside the compounds that I didn’t have clearance to enter. I was reminded of just how little I knew about our base when Mark opened a door in the long hallway and it led to a set of stairs.

  We escorted our prisoner down two flights of dimly lit steps into a basement. Reece had recently told me our compounds had cells where we could hold people prisoner, but I hadn’t been aware that the lower level existed.

  Mark flicked a switch on the wall and bright lights came on to illuminate a hallway that mirrored the one on the floor above. The only difference was the décor and the barred windows that looked into each room. Bare gray concrete, no effort had been made to hide the purpose of these prison cells.

  Stopping at the first door on the left, Mark placed his palm on the scanner that was mounted on the wall and the door unlocked. He pushed it open and gestured for Gareth to enter. Our prisoner did as instructed and stepped inside without any sign of nervousness.

  A low metal cot was attached to the far wall. A stainless steel toilet and basin were to the right and a shower was to the left. A metal chair had been bolted to the floor in the center of the room. Ominously, a drain was in the floor beside it. Strong metal shackles were attached to the arms and legs. The cell clearly hadn’t been designed for comfort. Tiny cameras watched the room from all four corners.

  “Take a seat,” Mark ordered.

  Kala and I continued to cover the prisoner with our weapons while Flynn removed his handcuffs. Gareth sat down on the chair and allowed his arms and legs to be enclosed by the shackles. After the initial fight he’d put up, I was surprised he was making this so easy on us. Maybe he realized that, unlike his brother, we didn’t have any blood ties to him and we wouldn’t hesitate to shoot him.

  He grinned at Mark when Flynn stepped back, showing too many teeth in a decidedly unfriendly smile. “It’s good to finally meet you face to face, Agent Steel. I’ve been waiting my whole life to meet the man who murdered my father.” The smile changed to something closer to a snarl at his next words. “I’m going to make you sorry you ever learned that shifters exist for what you did to him.”

  Showing no reaction to the threat, Mark ushered us out then pulled the door shut. I glanced through the barred window to see Gareth staring back at me. Like the rooms upstairs, the cells were also heavily soundproofed. Goosebumps erupted on my arms when I realized what our boss intended to do to our prisoner. Blood would soon be shed in the cell. No one would be able to hear Gareth scream, except for whoever was going to be questioning him of course.

  “Let’s leave him to stew alone for a while,” Mark said and led the way upstairs.

  Reece was waiting for us in the living room. He sat on the couch with Zeus leaning up against his leg to give him moral support. I was
glad to see he wasn’t going to brood in his room forever.

  “I’ll make coffee,” Kala offered in a subdued tone. She might act mischievous most of the time, but she was sensitive enough to know that he was in pain.

  My first instinct was to sit on Reece’s lap and wrap my arms around him when I sensed his misery. His shoulders stiffened when he picked up on my thoughts. He shook his head surreptitiously and clamped down harder on his emotions. I did my best to keep the hurt off my face. Apparently, he didn’t want or need my sympathy.

  I took a seat on one of the other couches that made a U shape around the coffee table. For two short days and nights, Reece and I had decided to make the best of our forced bondage to each other. It was hard to believe now that we’d managed to snatch any happiness at all. His surrender and acceptance of our situation had changed quickly. Right now, I felt only a dull resentment coming from him.

  My breath tried to hitch and Zeus looked at me sharply. I motioned for him to stay where he was. Reece needed him more than I did. I was wallowing in self-pity because the man I loved didn’t love me in return. It was both childish and selfish considering Reece was facing a horrible situation. His entire world had just been turned upside down and all I could think of was myself.

  Mark waited for Kala to return with a tray of coffee and cookies before he spoke. “I should have told you the truth about your family a long time ago.”

  Reece looked at him and I couldn’t read his expression. “Tell me now.” His voice was devoid of emotion.

  “After I killed Garrison Carter, Nina and her pack tried to take their revenge on me. They very nearly succeeded.” He unconsciously rubbed his abdomen that still bore the scars from being clawed by Nina. “When my wounds healed, I took a team and tracked her to a property not far from here. She knew I’d be coming eventually and she’d already fled with her pack. We only found one person on the premises.”


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