Alliance (Terran Chronicles Book 4)

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Alliance (Terran Chronicles Book 4) Page 27

by James Jackson

  John swings the ship around, then slides the sub-light controller to its half way mark, “E.T.A. three minutes.” He states emphatically.

  Peter gives Cindy a nod, and activates the Terran’s pair of rail guns. “Charging weapons.”

  Waazh stares at the sight in bewilderment. He has never seen a space battle, and the epic sight before him is overwhelming. The space station is the size of a small moon, and easily dwarfs the monstrous spacecraft. He glances at Cindy with renewed admiration, then turns his attention back to the raging battle.

  The space station’s numerous docking rings are peppered with smudge marks from weapons strikes. Surprisingly, the station’s core also shows significant signs of damage.

  Suddenly, a Gamin ship the same size as the Terran, explodes between them and the station. Seconds later another Gamin ship breaks apart, its engines seem to fall away from the main hull, then explode spectacularly. Amazingly, the spacecraft’s main body continues to move, its sub-light engines pulsing erratically.

  Joe’s jaw drops in disbelief as he stares past the destroyed ship, and at the Kord station itself. He points at one of its larger docking rings and exclaims. “Oh my! Look at that!”

  An exceptionally bright light flares out from the station, momentarily blinding their sensors. Fires of unimaginable ferocity are extinguished as quickly as they begin by the cold vacuum of space. The docking ring where the fires began, breaks apart. Huge sections spin and tumble away from the source of the explosion.

  Joe turns to Cindy and says, “That section housed at least ten docks, each of which could have easily held this ship.”

  John grits his teeth as the Terran plows headlong through a debris field, sweeping aside the remnants of destroyed craft. Exiting the wreckage, he breaks into a smile, the Atlan Carrier is directly ahead of them.

  Regent Voknor’s fleet is having issues of their own. Seven ships have either been, destroyed, or are incapable of escaping the battle. The remaining ships are doing their best to survive the battle. The Regent’s flagship has suffered considerable damage to its thick armor, but remains fully functional otherwise.

  Cindy narrows her eyes as she stares at a strange mist ahead of them. With mounting fear she realizes that the mist is actually hundreds of Atlan fighters, and they are heading their way.

  Joe glances to John nervously, then after a few seconds states more than asks, “You can see them, can’t you?”

  John seems to ignore the comment as he taps on his console. He swallows hard, then a few seconds later says, “Going to full power on the sub-light engines, prepare to fire.”

  Waazh glances around apprehensively as the Atlan carrier seems to leap at them. He stares at the bridge crew in bewilderment, and wonders if they are suicidal. Robert is sitting up in his chair, hurriedly tapping on a portable computer, while Peter is simply leaning back in his, observing. Emma seems to be the only one who appears scared. Waazh brings his attention back to the forward view with growing apprehension. The Atlan carrier now fills the screen, while the fighters seem to have disappeared from view.

  Joe frowns as he reviews more data, and shares his thoughts, “There are too many fighters for one carrier, even one that big.”

  Without warning dozens of lights flash across the front of the Terran as laser beams strike the hull. Each beam either melts a furrow into the Terran’s armor, or peels a section completely away.

  Cindy considers Joe’s words, leans forward, and with grim determination, orders, “Peter, fire the rail guns. John, keep us on target.”

  The rail guns launch their projectiles at close to the speed of light. They find their mark seconds later, and impact harmlessly against the carrier’s powerful shields. The Terran’s bridge crew goes deathly quiet as they watch their best shot, do nothing.

  A strange sound escapes Robert’s mouth. A second carrier cruises into view, and hangs in space right before them. They are heading straight for its side. It suddenly unleashes all hell from its flank, as does the carrier they attacked seconds ago. Dozens of lasers strike the Terran, each of which is considerably more powerful than those on the smaller fighters.

  John rolls the Terran in a desperate bid to spread the damage across as wide an area as possible. Long deep gouges run along the Terran’s armor wherever the lasers strike. He frantically attempts to maneuver away from both carriers while alarms warning of imminent hull breaches appear on his console.

  Joe stares at his own controls and with mounting fear reports, “We can’t take much more of this.”

  Cindy slams her hands on her armrests in frustration. With mounting rage, she shouts, “Ram one of them!”

  Everyone turns to her in disbelief. As they gaze at her, they notice wisps of smoke drifting from Peter’s pipe. Waazh opens his mouth to speak, but finds that even he has no words for any of the bizarre behavior he is witnessing. Peter continues to puff on his freshly lit pipe, nodding with a smile to those who glance his way.

  John nods to Peter, and grins like a madman as he taps on his console. He mumbles to himself as he recalls an old movie, “Ramming speed!”

  Cindy leans back in her chair and watches detachedly as sections of the Terran’s forward hull peel away. She takes a deep breath as events seem to move in slow motion. With finality, she says, “Punch the main drive.”

  At Cindy’s order, Joe transfers as much power as he can to the internal gravimetric dampeners, then takes his hands off the controls. There is nothing else that he can do.

  John engages the main drive, and immediately slides the controller to factor five. The Terran accelerates quickly, but barely achieves factor two before they collide with the enormous Atlan Carrier.

  Cindy continues to watch as events seem to slow down all the more. Unbelievably, the carrier’s powerful shields withstand the collision, for a fraction of a second, before they fail. During that brief instant, the Terran’ main engines cut out. The nose of the Terran, which houses the rail guns, and one of the Gamin Power Units, crumbles inward instantly. The side of the Atlan Carrier caves inward as their momentum alone drives them forward, impaling the enormous craft. Massive explosions of gas occur from both ships as atmosphere vents freely from numerous open compartments. The Terran continues to slide deeper into the carrier, then abruptly stops. The armor on both ships seems to merge into a single jumbled mess. The Terran’s command levels are pressed up against the carrier’s shattered flank, partially obscuring their view.

  Joe closes internal bulkheads to the damaged sections, then freezes as the lights flicker. He stares at numerous alarms, but is relieved to see that the internal gravity continues to function flawlessly, otherwise they would all be dead by now.

  John taps on his console frantically, then turns to Cindy. With growing concern he says, “We’re not only stuck, the other carrier is swinging around, and will have a clear shot at our engines in a few seconds.”

  George opens his faceplate, and with confidence, instructs, “John, activate the gravity landing systems, and rotate the ship.”

  John glances from George to Cindy and, at her nod, taps his console. With a coolness he does not feel, he says, “I’m on it.”

  The underside of the Terran begins to shimmer as John feeds power to the gravity plates. Almost immediately, the internal workings of the carrier are pushed away from the underside of the Terran. John activates the thrusters, and begins to roll the ship. Vast sections of armor break away from the Terran, while at the same time the gravity systems wreak havoc on the carrier’s internal workings. The widest part of the Terran, where the command levels rest, slips inside the carrier, giving the bridge crew a bird’s eye view of the catastrophic damage they are inflicting.

  Joe grins as he says with relish, “We’re ripping the guts out of her now.”

  A blinding flash fills the main viewer, followed seconds later by a massive shockwave. Fortunately for the crew of the Terran, the shockwave travels outward from the carrier, sparing them the full fury of the explosion. Even
so, vast sections of the Terran’s damaged armor is peeled away.

  Cindy stares in disbelief at the view before her. The Atlan Carrier has been completely destroyed, almost vaporized. Gazing at the front of the Terran quickly ends any thoughts of celebration. The ship is unrecognizable. Gas vents from numerous gaps in the armor, while the nose of the craft is severely crushed.

  Joe frantically seals off vast sections of the ship while Emma coordinates to evacuate survivors. She scans her console, focusing on the area where the Gamin are housed. She sighs with relief when she notices that their area is unaffected. She glances at Joe and smiles in admiration. Peter is also tapping on his console, a rare event, then cringes when he notices that almost all of the ships defensive guns are either damaged, or outright missing.

  Sweat streaks down John’s face as he turns the Terran to face the second carrier. He has no idea what they can do against it. Their rail-guns are useless, and the hull is so badly damaged, that ramming the second ship would be akin to suicide. His jaw drops in surprise when the Atlan carrier vanishes on a streak of light. He stares at his console for a few moments, and frowns. He is perplexed by an unfamiliar symbol which has appeared. He taps on it, reads the information displayed, and then relaxes. The carrier had attempted to access the Terran’s systems, but the electronic intrusion was blocked. He turns his attention to the numerous alarms, putting the Atlan hacking attempt out of his mind.

  Cindy chews on her lower lip as she ponders their situation. With stoic purpose, she requests, “I want a full report.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Intones her crew one by one.

  Waazh stares at the Terran’s ruined forward section with mounting fear and concern. He stands and strides to Joe’s console. He leans on it heavily as he gazes anxiously at the symbols, many of which are unfamiliar to him.

  Joe’s eyes follow the alien’s hand to his face. As the pair make eye contact, Joe states with conviction, “Your people are safe. Their section is well away from the outer hull, and although they are in the forward section, the bulkheads protecting them have held.”

  Waazh stares at Joe with renewed respect, then as he steps away simply says, “You have done well. I will go to them now.” He leaves the bridge, escorted by two guards.

  Mere seconds later, the bridge speaker’s crackle to life as the main view changes to display a familiar face. They are all relieved to see Regent Voknor. He stares at them intently as he speaks, “That other carrier turned and ran the second they saw your crazy stunt. You humans never cease to amaze me.”

  Cindy grins as she replies, “I’m glad we were able to help. How’s your fleet?”

  Before the Regent can respond, John shouts in alarm. “We have multiple contacts inbound!”

  The Regent bares his teeth as he states, “These are clans who are allied to me.”

  Seconds later an entire fleet of Gamin ships arrives, followed moments later, by another large force.

  Joe is awed as he reviews his data; seventy-eight spacecraft of various sizes are now in orbit of the battered Kord space station. Most of these craft are the same size as the Terran, though from his scans he can see that they have more power, and an abundance of weaponry.

  Regent Voknor’s voice fills the bridge once more, “My clan has suffered significant losses, but we yet prevail, thanks to you.”

  Cindy feels a wash of pride with his words, and replies, “We help our friends.”

  “Your craft is heavily damaged.” The Regent states with concern.

  Cindy grins as she confidently replies, “We’ll fix her.”

  “I must attend to my people. Contact me if you require assistance.”

  The Terran’s screen flickers as Regent Voknor’s features are replaced by those of a fur covered alien, “Is this really the Earth ship?”

  Cindy replies questioningly, “Golward?”

  “It is you!” Golward replies excitedly. “You have our gratitude. We were monitoring your transmission, and if we are to repair your ship, must do it while we still can.”

  “While you still can?” Cindy repeats warily.

  Golward replies solemnly, “Yes. The station’s main power core is damaged, and will eventually overload. We have already begun evacuations to the planet.”

  Joe turns to Cindy and says, “We had better take up Golward’s offer. The damage is severe enough to prevent us from using the main drive.”

  Cindy frowns as she address Golward, “Aren’t you concerned that the Atlans will come back and attack your planet?”

  “We have little choice. We do not have any spacecraft in the area.” Golward replies forlornly.

  “Can’t you contact some?” Cindy presses.

  Golward moves in an agitated fashion as he replies, “We do not have a large fleet, we have never needed them.”

  Cindy feels a chill work its way up her spine. With mounting dread, she proposes, “We should evacuate as many of your people as we can. I am concerned that the Atlans will come back, and...” She leaves the rest of her thoughts unsaid.

  “We will discuss this matter while we repair your ship. I am sending a tow-ship.” Golward replies with obvious concern.

  “Okay.” Cindy replies.

  The screen switches back to display the scene outside. Remnants of spacecraft form massive debris fields, while the Kord space station itself has clearly suffered considerable damage. Many of its docking rings are shattered, and the central core is pitted with numerous dark smudges and impact craters. A steady stream of shuttles depart the critically damaged space station, and travel to the planet below.


  The Terran is not the only ship being towed into the Kord space station’s unaffected docking rings. Many of Regent Voknor’s fleet also receive hasty repairs.

  As soon as the Terran lands inside the space dock, appendages drop from the walls and immediately begin to repair the damaged armor, particularly the nose of the craft.

  Golward’s features fill the Terran’s view screen once more. “I have spoken with the hierarchy, and they agree that anyone wishing to go with you, may do so.”

  Cindy grins, “Excellent. We shall make preparations.”

  Golward hesitantly asks, “We ask that you take us to Science Station Agathon. I can provide coordinates.”

  Cindy nods as she replies, “Once the Terran is repaired, we can go anywhere you want.”

  Golward stares intently at Cindy as he demands, “Why do you have Gamin on your ship?”

  “Oh crap.” Cindy replies, “I forgot to tell Regent Voknor about them. We found them trapped on a planet, and saved them.”

  “Does your kind always rescue others?” Golward asks curiously.

  Cindy considers the question for a moment, then proudly responds, “We are a compassionate people, and try to do the right thing.”

  Golward shakes his furry head as he responds, “I will instruct those who wish to join me, to do so on your ship. An atmosphere has been established in the repair dock.”

  His image fades, to be replaced with the view of the inside of the Kord Station. Cindy ponders how to broach the subject of the Gamin survivors, after a few minutes she makes her decisions.

  Addressing her command crew, Cindy issues her instructions, “Peter, I want you to personally bring Waazh up to the bridge. George, Joe, monitor the repairs. Emma, I need you to organize an area for the Kord.”

  Emma glances at her console, confirms the existence of breathable air and gravity outside the ship. She nods to Joe, who opens the Terran’s ramp. Peter’s departing footsteps still echo as he strides away. Emma takes a nervous breath, and then leaves the bridge to meet the Kord.

  Cindy smiles at the efficiency of her team. She turns to John, and says, “Okay, let’s contact Regent Voknor.”

  Minutes later Voknor’s familiar face fills the view screen. He is seated in his command chair, and appears agitated. He demands bluntly, “What is it?”

  Cindy glances at Waazh as he steps on to the bridge with P
eter, and then addresses the Regent again, “There is another matter we need to discuss.”

  “What could be so important that it cannot wait?” The Regent states.

  Cindy motions for Waazh to step closer, and as he does so, she says, “We found survivors of Regent Gordok’s clan, and wish to reunite them.”

  Regent Voknor shakes his head as he slowly replies, “I do not know a Regent Gordok.”

  Waazh steps closer to the view screen, and speaks. “I am Waazh. If Regent Gordok is no more, then we are all that remains of his clan.”

  Regent Voknor taps on his chair’s armrest console, then after a moment, replies, “Your clan is listed as lost, with no record of survivors.”

  The two Gamin talk at length. They finally agree that Waazh and his people, should remain on the Terran for the time being. The evacuation of the Kord space station, and the repairs to the Gamin fleet, are to take precedence. The more they talk, the more Cindy feels a growing sense of gratification for rescuing Waazh and his people.

  At the end of the discussion, Cindy turns to the guards who have been escorting Waazh. She nods to them, and instructs, “Waazh is free to travel anywhere on this ship, and will no longer require an escort.”

  Waazh blinks in disbelief, and then wordlessly leaves the bridge. The guards take a step to follow the departing Gamin, but stop at the steadfast shake of Cindy’s head.

  After a few moments of consideration, Cindy contacts each of the military engineer groups. She instructs the five national teams to allow the Gamin freedom to roam the ship, and to be mindful of the shy Kord. She then requests they coordinate with Joe, to work on internal repairs.

  Peter pensively states, “I will get Radclyf and Hayato’s men to discreetly monitor sensitive areas.”

  “As you wish.” Cindy replies. She knows that he is just being cautious, but after watching Waazh interact with Regent Voknor, she feels confident there will be no problems.

  Meanwhile, in the hangar deck, Emma watches as Golward’s shuttle enters, and lands. Golward exits his shuttle, and then watches as it is moved to one side to make room for dozens more that are in line, to enter. A few Kord walk up the Terran’s ramp, then slow down as they gaze around.


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