Teach Me Tender, Teach Me Rough

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Teach Me Tender, Teach Me Rough Page 12

by Reese Gabriel


  She pushed away the negative connotations of that word. It was a little hard to breathe.

  Craig stroked her still damp hair, misinterpreting her anxiety. “Just relax,” he said. “I’m sure what you wrote is fine.”

  “It was hard,” she told him. “To remember everything.”

  Craig patted her bottom and started with page one. “You are a nervous little thing.”

  Cameron hadn’t expected to fall asleep. She must have been more exhausted than she had realized. The next thing she knew Craig was waking her up with kisses.

  She rolled lazily onto her back, trying to collect her thoughts.

  Craig was on his elbow, staring intently. “Tell me more about Victor,” he said.

  Cameron flushed red. “It’s hard, I don’t want to cause friction.”

  “But I want to know what attracted you,” he said. “I need to know.”

  She wanted to tell him that he just needed to be himself. “Take me, Craig?”

  “Sure,” he said. “Do you want anything fancy?”

  “Just you.” She reached for his crotch. “I want you inside me. I want you to put your mark on me.”

  “That would be nice,” he agreed. “You and me…nice and tender.”

  Teach me tender, she thought. But what about the other part, Teach me rough?

  Chapter Ten

  They talked about Cameron as if she wasn’t in the room, which was appropriate, given her status and theirs.

  Rennie was speaking at the moment, his hands busy affixing the device between Cameron’s legs. “This particular model has the advantage of allowing the slave to urinate without the need to remove the apparatus,” he said, snapping shut the twin locks, one on each hip.

  It was a heavy belt, though not as heavy as the previous one, which entirely sealed her vagina and anal cavity. Personally she had preferred the first one, which consisted of a series of simple chains woven about the waist and between her legs—not that she expected to be asked.

  Her last independent action in this arena had involved recommending Rennie as a resource for Craig in his search for a proper sexual restraint system.

  Rennie had been more than happy to comply. Cameron was relieved, because the only other alternative she knew of would involve asking Victor.

  Forty eight hours had passed now since she’d seen him and she would be more than happy to go another forty eight hours, if not years.

  At present they were in Rennie’s living room. Craig knew all about her activities here thanks to her nefarious tell all journal. The two men had shared a good laugh over that one.

  “I’m glad there are no hard feelings,” Rennie had said.

  “The fault is mine,” Craig had said, “for giving her too much freedom.”

  With that he had ordered Cameron to strip naked.

  She had done so, feeling hot and flustered.

  “The screen is ingenious,” Craig said now, running his fingers over the tiny mesh piece neatly inserted in the center of the crotch. “And you say it’s easy to clean?”

  “Absolutely, just a little rinsing after each time,” Rennie assured. “The real advantage here is you don’t have to be bothered every fifteen minutes locking and unlocking. After a while it’s like you’re the slave following her about.”

  “Understood,” said Craig. “Although there’s a definite humiliation factor in making her have to ask.”

  “Yes, that’s definitely a higher level of control,” he acknowledged. “And you can make a game of it, too, requiring her to ‘earn’ the right to piss, say by licking your feet.”

  “Or sucking cock,” said Craig, clearly in the spirit of things.

  Cameron’s belly flipped again and again as she imagined such a life, denied the right to urinate on her own, forced to humiliate herself each and every time.

  Talk about a power exchange.

  “Then again, it isn’t always practical,” said Rennie.

  “True,” said Craig. “She has school and so do I. Of course we could have one of each.”

  Rennie grinned. “I like where your heads at. It’s more expensive, of course, but well worth the investment.”

  Craig frowned slightly. “I am on a budget.”

  “Not to worry,” said Rennie. “You have an anonymous donor. Anything you want is yours.”

  “Victor,” Craig guessed.

  “Yes, is that a problem?”

  “Tell him, Cameron,” Craig prodded.

  She stared at her bare feet. “I cheated on Craig…with Victor.”

  Rennie looked surprised. “Victor fucked you?”

  Cameron nodded.

  “I see,” said Rennie. To Craig he added. “My apologies, I didn’t realize.”

  “It’s all right,” Craig said. “I’m curious, how did Victor know we were in the market for chastity belts in the first place?”

  Rennie cleared his throat. “That is my fault. I happened to be talking to Victor and mentioned the fact, on account of him having met Cameron before. I didn’t realize it was an issue. I should have known when he made the generous offer. I will tell him no thanks, of course.

  “It’s all right we’ll accept his charity,” said Craig.

  Cameron hadn’t seen that one coming. “You’re really okay with that?”

  Craig gave her a stern look. “I don’t think this is your business, do you?”

  “No,” she said softly.

  “No, Sir,” he corrected, feeling his oats.

  “No, Sir,” she said meekly.

  “Put her in the heavier belt for now,” said Craig. “We’ll take the mesh one with us. And let’s throw in the chain one for good measure, if you don’t mind?”

  Rennie winked. “I’m sure Victor can afford it.”

  “I’m sure he can, too,” said Craig speaking with a bit more confidence than might have been warranted by the circumstances.

  Back in the car, with Cameron safely secured in the belt under her smart little skirt, Craig shared his game plan. “Victor crossed a line,” he explained. “I want to make sure he knows it’s not acceptable to do so again.”

  Cameron was leery. “But, Craig, Sir, Victor is not the sort of man to take threats well.”

  Craig furrowed his brow. “Unzip my pants, girl.”

  Cameron wasn’t sure what one had to do with the other.

  He made it clear.

  “You need something to occupy your mouth, a nice cure for attitude.”

  Cameron tugged on his zipper with her small fingers. “Yes, Sir,” she said with a good deal more respect this time.

  “I assume you still have Victor’s number in your phone?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she acknowledged, pulling Craig’s stiff member free from the opening in his trousers.

  “Good.” Craig started the car and pulled out of the parking spot. “Dial his number and hand me the phone.”

  Cameron did as told.

  Craig took the phone, pushing her head into place.

  She took him between her lips now, his hot spear invading her increasingly enslaved mouth. Beneath the belt her pussy ached, her forbidden pussy, which she could not at the moment touch let alone provide herself any relief. The reality sank in. Craig was really taking control of her pleasure as well as her basic body functions.

  Moaning softly she tried to please him now, wanting his favor, his mercy…but also his strength.

  She did not want to be free. She wanted him to hold her against all possible takers—Victor chief among them.

  “Is this Victor Cabrini?” she heard him say. “My name is Craig, Cameron’s fiancé. I believe I owe you my thanks? In fact, I was hoping to offer it to you in person…at your earliest convenience.”

  His hand went to the back of Cameron’s head as he spoke the words. He was pushing himself deeper as if in emphasis of his position over her.

  She forced herself not to gag.

  He had her hair in his fist now. She could feel the rigidi
ty of his thighs, the deliberate intent not to orgasm too quickly.

  The realization hit her, dark and hot, blindsiding.

  It was a punishment fuck.

  She took it, tears in her eyes.

  Totally, fucking, overwhelmingly happy.


  Twenty minutes later they were pulling up Victor’s driveway. Cameron couldn’t believe Victor had agreed to see Craig, let alone so quickly.

  His cock still hard, Craig pulled free of Cameron’s suctioning mouth. Her lips made a popping noise as he withdrew. A line of spittle ran down the corner of her mouth. She was a mess, hair tousled, lipstick smeared.

  “Fix yourself, you’re a mess,” he said.

  Cameron worked quickly, pulling back her hair and re-applying her lipstick.

  “When we are inside the house,” he told her. “You will speak only when spoken to, is that clear? For all intents and purposes you’re a slave I’m bringing?”

  “Yes,” she said, her pussy thrumming. “I understand, Sir.”

  Oh, god, she needed to touch herself.

  “Stop squirming,” he ordered.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, reconciling herself to the slow torture, the rising, unstoppable twitch, like an itch under a cast you can’t reach, or that place on your back you can’t itch.

  Only multiplied by a thousand.

  “Craig?” she rasped as they pulled up to the door, only seconds left before she lost her right to speak freely. “I’m afraid.”

  He took her hand. “You’re with me.”

  “Thank you,” she said, already catching herself looking up at the dozens of windows, looking for the one in which Victor had claimed her…his room, his cock, his power.

  Oh, if only Craig understood.

  “Trust me,” said Craig, sensing her apprehension. “I know what I’m doing.”

  All well and good, she thought, if only she trusted herself.

  Rachel was there to greet them at the door. She was wearing cut offs and a white tank top. Her feet were bare and her hair was tied back, just loose enough to drive a man wild.

  In a new twist, she had a collar on, red leather studded with diamonds. A tiny lock adorned the front of it along with a metal loop stitched into the material.

  Was it by Victor’s design or some new impulse on her own part?

  As Victor had said, the two were meant to be indistinguishable.

  “Cameron, girlfriend, I missed you,” Rachel exclaimed rushing her for a hug.

  Meanwhile she had her eyes on Craig, checking him out.

  “And this must be your fiancé. Hi, Craig, we talked on the phone. I’m Victor’s property Rachel.”

  Victor’s property?

  Good luck with that.

  “Hello, Rachel,” said Craig, maintaining a guarded tone.

  Rachel was having none of it. “Cameron didn’t say how hot you were, isn’t she a bad girl? We’ll have to punish her, huh?” she said, touching his arm and chest in rapid succession with her hand.

  With that she told them to come inside, managing to brush one full breast against Craig on the way.

  “I want to show you the solarium, you remember this place, Cameron, don’t you?” said Rachel.

  Cameron nodded, trying to push the images out of her mind, Rachel upside down in the leather hood, the aroused guards.

  “Victor takes me here when I’m naughty,” said Rachel. “I’ll show you.”

  She took him by the arm and led him to the center of the room.

  The rack was in its highest position, nearly touching the ceiling. She explained its intricacies, carefully watching for Craig’s reaction every step of the way.

  Victor entered midstream. “Rachel, darling, our guest doesn’t need to know every little detail of how your master amuses himself.”

  Rachel ran to Victor like she hadn’t seen him in a hundred years. “Master,” she exclaimed grasping him tightly. “I missed you.”

  Victor stroked her blonde hair. “Be a sweetheart and offer our guests drinks.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “And kindly do so naked, we’re among kindred spirits.”

  Rachel promptly removed her shorts and top—after managing a coquettish glance at Craig.

  Cameron wanted to scratch the girl’s eyes out.

  “Cameron,” said Victor. “You’ve neglected to introduce me.”

  Victor’s voice reached out to Cameron and wrapped her body like a whip, snaking, slow motion energy.

  “Victor, this is Craig, my…” The word stuck in her throat.

  “I have taken possession of her,” Craig stepped in. “As I mentioned on the phone.”

  Victor’s deep blue eyes showed nothing, not a trace of humanity. “You’re a fortunate man.”

  Cameron shivered head to toe. Craig was so far over his head.

  “Cameron,” said Craig. “You may remove your clothes as well. Let’s show Victor what his generosity has afforded.”

  “Yes, Master,” she said, not wanting to be outdone by Rachel.

  “Awesome,” said Rachel. “We’re like slave sisters.”

  Not exactly, Cameron thought.

  Rachel made no effort to hide her reaction as Cameron slipped off her skirt and blouse, stripping down to her chastity belt.

  “Holy fuck!” she exclaimed.

  “Language, Rachel,” Victor chastised.

  “Sorry, Master.” She hung her head, hiding a definite smirk.

  A moment later she took Craig’s drink order. He asked for scotch for himself and water for Cameron.

  “You’ve chosen an excellent model,” Victor said.

  “I’m afraid it’s one of three. Rennie suggested it wasn’t a problem.”

  Victor waved his hand. “One, three, it’s all the same.”

  Rachel was back with drinks for Cameron and Craig.

  A moment later she went to whisper something in Victor’s ear.

  “She would like to show you the hood, Craig,” Victor explained.

  Rachel ran off to fetch it. She brought it straight to Craig. “Put it on me, Master?”

  Craig took the black leather hood now and slipped it over the head of the eager Rachel. There was a zipper on each side and one in the back.

  There was also the one across the mouth which had been left open the last time.

  “Close that one, too,” Rachel said. “Please?”

  Craig did so, silencing her.

  “You want my Rachel,” Victor said now, nothing more to go on than intuition—that and the body language of the lust filled Craig. “Why don’t you enjoy her?”

  Cameron felt the world drop out from under her.

  “That’s what you came here for isn’t it, to assert your position as a male?”

  “I am not trying to create friction between us,” said Craig. “I just wanted you to see that Cameron and I are together on this and that we don’t want to be involved with your scene any longer.”

  “But what does Cameron need to see?” Victor looked at her. She went weak in the knees, like an arrow through the chest. “Does she not need to know her position? She belongs to you…you do not belong to her. You may fuck whom you want.”

  “Craig,” said Cameron, unable to bear the vow of silence. “We should leave.”

  “Silence, slave,” Craig warned.

  “Rachel,” Victor commanded, intent on settling the matter. “Submit.”

  Rachel collapsed to her knees. Feeling with her hands, she then lowered her head to the floor at Craig’s feet.

  “She’s quite well trained,” said Victor. “A natural masochist, that one is. She will take anything you give her and then some. Personally I don’t spank her much, it’s too mild, but you’re welcome to do as you wish. I have spare rooms, or you can use her here. She’s not fussy.”

  “It’s a generous offer…” said Craig.

  Rachel was back up on her knees now, rubbing herself like an alley cat.

  Cameron burned with jealousy.

/>   “…But I’ll have to say no.”

  Victor smiled. “A man of iron will, a rare thing these days.”

  He was looking straight at Cameron.

  The fire of jealousy turned to something else.

  Victor was not done with her.

  “We should be going,” Craig said.

  “Of course,” he said. “I will show you out.”

  Rachel crawled to him, following the sound of his voice.

  Victor rejected her, pushing her away with his foot.

  Cameron wanted to be sick.

  “What’s wrong?” Craig asked her after they were back in the car.

  “Nothing,” she lied.

  It was the beginning of the end.

  Chapter Eleven

  It wasn’t until several days later that Cameron figured it out. She had gone over the scene at the mansion countless times in her mind, analyzing her behavior and Craig’s both Rachel and Victor’s parts were easy enough to understand and frankly they weren’t the problem. What they had done with their little show of domination and submission was to expose something, a fundamental weakness in Cameron and Craig’s relationship.

  In Cameron’s mind, Craig’s inability to accept the gift of Rachel’s submission had been a rejection of both women, though Craig would never see it that way.

  To Craig it was an affirmation of monogamy. But Cameron didn’t want monogamy. She wanted a master, a man willing to break the conventional rules, strong enough to hold her to a standard while rising himself above it.

  She wanted to be conquered by a lion, not loved by a tame cat.

  She wanted the smell of other women on him, the insolence as he fucked her, daring her to resist, splitting her wide and laying her bare, taking and possessing while promising nothing but his own satisfaction.

  And therefore hers.

  The chastity belts weren’t going to work.

  Not as long as there were men—one man in particular—powerful enough, immoral enough to break through metal, to make a mockery of other men’s promises.

  Victor’s eyes had said it all, that last look he had given her.

  He knew she would be back.

  All too, well, he knew the truth.

  Cameron would crawl to him.

  She would give everything, because it was already his and had been since the moment he penetrated her and probably way before that.


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