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Back To Good Page 6

by Laura Benson

  I raised my eyebrows. “Waiting for something?”

  He looked around the bar. “More like someone.”

  I looked around as well. “What did you do, Matthew?” I asked warily.

  “I did,” he mentioned in an offhand way, “what I had to do. Joey will be here soon.”

  Groaning, I drained my bottle of beer and walked up to the bar to order another with a shot of tequila. Sustenance, I told myself. I brought both drinks back to the table.

  Matthew looked at the shot and raised an eyebrow.

  “Don’t you judge!” I snapped. He was grinning at me as I tipped the shot glass back to my lips and drained the drink.

  “Actually,” he lowered his voice while staring right at me. “No judging here. Kinda pissed you only bought one.” He got up to get himself one. As he waited at the bar, I watched as Joey entered and saw Matthew signal to him.

  They talked for a while, and I watched as Matthew nodded his head toward me. Joey stared at me for an eternity before turning back to Matthew. They were talking furtively now, hands going back and forth. I bit my lip, thinking it was not going well. I wasn’t sure if he was pissed that I was here and was about to walk out, or if he would finally come over to the table. Finally, Joey turned back to me as Matthew was talking to him. He nodded his head and made his way over. I really wasn’t expecting this tonight and wasn’t prepared for anything to happen. I didn’t have my speech prepared. But still he came tromping over, looking as gorgeous and soulful as ever. I was biting my lip so hard, I thought I could taste the tang of blood on my tongue.

  I felt a lump in my throat and one thought in my mind. Oh shit. He was really here.

  Perspiration started dripping down my back the closer Joey came. I felt like all the breath had left my lungs, and I couldn’t breathe. Even though I tried to not stare, I found myself watching him swagger toward me. I tried taking a deep draught of my beer, but his penetrating glare stopped me cold. I closed my eyes and did everything I could to control my breathing. This was Joey. Just Joey. I looked back at him as he got closer. This was rock star Joey. My head was spinning. I noticed Matthew bringing up the rear while carrying some shots. I saw that Joey was holding three beers. If I kept slamming the drinks and shots back, I’d be flat on my back soon. I hadn’t had anything to eat since lunch, and that was hours ago.

  Joey was looking really good tonight. He had on a pair of old, worn jeans, and a hooded sweatshirt that was halfway zipped up his chest, with a basic white T-shirt underneath. Back home, he was a button-down and cargo shorts with Chucks type of teen. Now he was the rock star, and he looked it. People were even straining over their drinks to get a look at him. Matthew sat down while Joey continued to stare at me like I was a ghost. I started to cower under his scrutiny. This was more than uncomfortable. Matthew pushed the shots toward us, and Joey finally placed the beers on the table.

  I turned to Matthew, who just shrugged. From the conversation they were having at the bar, I was expecting Joey to start yelling or walk out. But he did neither, just continued to stare.

  “Are we sure he’s not catatonic?” I joked trying to lighten the moment.

  Joey blinked. “So you are real?” he whispered, standing extremely close to me, looking like he’d just seen a ghost.

  “Yep. In the flesh.” I laughed nervously and swallowed.

  Joey’s lips did that thing where half of his mouth lifted up in a smile. I loved kissing that side of his mouth. He’d always had sexy lips, and the sight of them brought back memories that were best long forgotten.

  I reached the shot and slammed it back with a grimace. Jack Daniels this time. “Jesus, Matthew, trying to kill me?” I spat.

  I was still unsure about Joey’s reaction. Matthew was about to say something when Joey pulled me to him and slammed his mouth against mine. I could feel his tongue seeking entrance to my mouth, but I refused him.

  After a split second, I pushed him back. “What the hell, Joe!”

  Matthew just studied his friend like he couldn’t believe what he did.

  Joey shook his head and finally sat down. “I never thought I’d see you again, Charlie.” He said in a dazed sort of way.

  I rubbed the back of my hand across my mouth. I wasn’t expecting that, and although unexpected, it wasn’t as bad as I was making it out to be. However, I couldn’t lead him on. “Yeah, well that isn’t how you say hello after three years, either.”

  Joey took his and Matthew’s shot glass and downed them in an instant. Then he grabbed his beer and took a sip.

  Breathing deeply, I looked at both men at the table. My ex and my worst nightmare. How the hell did I end up here? Well, I guess one of them didn’t quite know that yet. If I had doubts before, they raged inside of me now. I felt sick to my stomach. I didn’t even know what to say to Joey, and Matthew just sat there, playing with his beer bottle. Damn coward.

  “Now that the two of you have reacquainted,” Matthew emphasized that last word, “I think it’s time to discuss some business.” He pointed his beer bottle at Joey.

  I stared at Matthew. Even though he was discussing grown-up things, his tone and behavior were like a jet back to the past. He was in full sulk mode, like he was the third wheel all over again.

  Joey just watched me endlessly, which was starting to make me extremely uncomfortable. Finally, he glanced at Matthew, and after a beat he said, “What kind of business?” He frowned, and I could see the lines on his forehead. As gorgeous as Joey Carino was, I could tell he was rundown and tired. This business was brutal. It was catching up to him.

  Matthew pointed his beer bottle at me this time. “Um, Charlie has been hired by the studio to be your publicist. She’s in charge of your public life, friend.”

  Joey tilted his head back to me. “Charlie?” he questioned.

  I sucked in another deep breath and nodded my head. “Dad handed me your file on Monday morning. I would’ve turned it down, but he seemed quite adamant that I handle this one. Matthew and I have been working all week to get some things going for you. We need to clean up your lackadaisical attitude and watch how people view you in public.”

  Joey scratched his neck. “This have to do with the fountain?”

  I nodded, suppressing an eye roll. Of course it had to do with the fucking fountain. How was that a mystery?

  “So you’re not here for me?” Suddenly, he looked so sad. I could lie and say that my heart wasn’t breaking all over again, because it was. I didn’t want Joey sad to see or to even think that I wasn’t here for him in a personal way. I gave him a tender look.

  I shook my head. “Not in the way you think. Joey, that part of us was a long time ago.” I looked down at the warped table. I really didn’t want to have this discussion with Matthew there, as it just wasn’t a conversation to have in bar. Matthew sat back heavily in his seat. “This is a good thing. Charlie has some good things going for you.”

  With that, Matthew took control of the meeting, explaining to Joey what would be happening leading up to the concert. With furtive glances in my direction, Joey seemed to listen and understand what we were saying. Of course, trying to tell him to cool it on the alcohol, drugs, and whatever girl he had on the side seemed a bit personal, but it was what it was.

  “I don’t care about the studio, Matt,” Joey said quickly. “I’d rather be done with them and start up our own label. I’m sick and tired of being under the thumbs of those pricks.”

  “You don’t care about the label?” I cried in surprise. Matthew never once mentioned that they were looking for a way out. So I turned to him angrily. “You should’ve told me that he wanted out. Could’ve saved me lot of headaches.”

  Matthew looked pointedly at Joey. “It’s just talk right now. We haven’t discussed anything formally. Besides, he’s got a couple of years on his contract. If we can terminate it on good terms,” his pointed look shifted to a glare, “then we can consider starting up a label. But it’s a lot of moving pieces, and we’re not exa
ctly there yet.”

  Despite the personal nature of the evening, I felt more like myself while we talked business. I rested my chin in my hand. Starting up their own label wasn’t a bad idea. It would definitely give Joey more creative control over his work. He wouldn’t have to deal with anyone other than himself and Matthew and anyone else they brought aboard.

  Joey seemed excited about the prospect. “We have a few local bands lined up. Some are really good and just need a bit more exposure. We would give them a platform.” I could tell how excited he was talking about this. “There’s this girl band that rocks harder than any other band in the world, and they’ve been selling out their shows lately.”

  His excitement was infectious. I sat straighter and felt a nervous but good buzz in my stomach. “Is this what you want to do? Scout? Manage?” I asked Joey.

  He gave me a sheepish smile, something I wasn’t used to from him. “Yeah, eventually. I mean, I love performing, but the touring schedule is grueling. I was hoping to take a break after the Hollywood Bowl, but turns out the label wants me in Japan for a few dates.”

  I looked back at Matthew. “Why didn’t I know this? What are you doing to give him time off?” I said angrily. This could change everything that I was working for.

  Matthew lifted his hands in defense. “I’ve been doing everything in my power to give him time. The label is difficult. Joey’s a commodity, and they want to make money.”

  “Shit,” I swore, throwing my hands in my lap. “None of this was in the file.” I gave Joey my attention again. “Listen, Joey, I’ll do what I can to make things go more smoothly for the time being. Like Matthew said, I’ve set up a few things.” Joey raised his hand, but I effectively cut him off. “It’s nothing you can’t do. We have a small impromptu signing and acoustic set at Hi-Fi Record Shoppe, and then KLAZ will interview you the morning of the concert. They’re also giving away tickets to contest winners. It’s all been negotiated, and all you have to do is show up. I’ve also set you up to volunteer at an outpatient rehab facility,” I added on quickly. I hadn’t even had a chance to tell Matthew about it. And by the looks on the faces of the two men, I really did take them by surprise.

  Matthew spoke first. “Why,” he said through clenched teeth, “am I just hearing about this right now?”

  I tried to give an impish smile, but I knew that wouldn’t work. “I just didn’t know how to present it to you.” I shrugged my shoulders, trying to be as nonchalant as possible.

  “I guess I’m not the only one keeping secrets then, right Charlie?” Matthew fumed at me. Joey’s head bounced back and forth like Matthew and I were a tennis match.

  “Well fucking dropping this on us like that is definitely not the way to go.” Matthew’s hand slapped on the wooden table. I rubbed my tired head, trying to think of something, anything, to say in rebuttal, but he was right. I should’ve told him during lunch, and I was regretting every minute that I kept it quiet.

  “It’s a done deal, Joey. They’re expecting you on Saturday morning,” I said softly.

  “I need to think about it,” Joey replied, finishing off his beer. “I mean, Jesus Christ, my ex-girlfriend is going to be around me all the fucking time. I need to think this through, I hope you understand.” He tried to sound calm and collected, but I could tell the storm was brewing behind those green eyes.

  “You,” I said as professionally as possible, “don’t have any time to think, and really don’t have any say in it. It’s a done deal, Joey.” I took a deep breath and went in for what could be the professional kill. “Our relationship shouldn’t even come up. It’s all in the past.” I was trying to tell him that it wouldn’t bother me, so it shouldn’t bother him, but my pointed look seemed to go over his head.

  I bit my lip as he rubbed both hands down his face, something he did when he wasn’t sure what to do. I had him between a rock and a hard place, and part of me felt bad, but he got himself into this situation. Now it was up to me to get him out unscathed.

  “Well,” I knew he was angry with me. “Seeing as I really have no say in the matter, I have nothing more to say.” Joey stood up to leave, which surprised me.

  My eyes shot to Matthew, and he just shook his head. “This is your mess,” he mumbled as Joey walked away from the table.

  Before my brain had a chance to process what I was doing, I was up and following him. “Joey, wait.” I tugged at his arm, trying to turn him around to face me.

  He stopped and looked up at the ceiling. He looked at me like I was the last person he really wanted to talk to. I walked him into a little alcove where the bathrooms were located. “I know you think we ganged up on you back there, but that was never my intention. Matthew told me we’d talk about how to break this to you, and I think he meant well…” I trailed off.

  “Yeah, whatever, Charlie,” he said dismissively. “My life is in your capable hands now, right?” He leaned in closer to me. I thought I saw a fleeting look of desire in his eyes. I knew when Joey could do flirty. “Does that mean you tuck me into bed every night?”

  “Really, Joey?” I sighed. I was nervous. “I just wanted to say sorry for tonight. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable around me.”

  “Yeah,” he said with a bitterness I hadn’t heard before. “That’s not going to be the problem, Charlie.”

  I just shook my head in disbelief. “You can’t still be attracted to me, Joey. We haven’t seen each other in years, and your bedpost probably has a few hundred notches in it by now. That’s not why I’m here.” He flinched when I mentioned his female conquests. I wasn’t helping our situation, so I softened my tone and my stance, appealing to him in a different way. “I’m here because I still consider you a friend, and I want you to be successful. But you and me,” I gestured between us, “that’s over and done with.”

  Joey stepped closer to me until he was inches from my body. “Do you have a boyfriend?” I could feel my body heat up as he backed me against the wall. His breath was warm on my lips, and I was itching, just a bit, to reach out and soothe the anger and hurt I’d caused him today. I wasn’t exactly sure where he meant to go with this. Was he just trying to make me realize that the chemistry would always be there between the two of us? I bit my lip and looked down at the dirty floor, trying to calm my racing heart. “I don’t think that’s any of your business, Joey.”

  He raised an eyebrow in question to my response. I continued to bite my lip. With a finger, he separated my teeth from my lip. “Always your bad habit when you didn’t want to answer a question.” His sad eyes held mine as he backed up a step.

  I swallowed, regaining control of myself and remembering why the hell I was here in the first place. He turned around to leave. “No,” I blurted suddenly.

  “No?” He whipped back around, surprised.

  “I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  He stared at me for one long second, then nodded and walked away, leaving me there alone.

  Trudging back to the table, Matthew was gazing at me expectantly.

  “Well that went well,” I joked, letting out an edgy chuckle. I need another drink.

  “He’ll come around, Charlie.” I knew Matthew wasn’t happy with my not telling him about the rehab center, but there was a look in his eyes that took me by surprise. He was peeling the label off his beer, obviously not happy with my running off after Joey. But I had to make sure he was alright. Surely Matthew would understand that.

  I wanted to glare at Matthew, but I didn’t have it in me. All that history that had just resurfaced inside of me was calming down, leaving me feeling strangely empty and tired. Bringing up a bit of the past was hard. We’d had such an impressive relationship, knowing that it was finally and truly over was a lot to take in. “I’ll talk to him later,” I said eventually.

  His brows shot up. I could tell he wasn’t happy with that statement. Although, I wasn’t entirely one hundred percent sure why. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “Of course, it’s Joe
y. He’ll be okay,” I mumbled, playing with the cocktail napkin.

  “Want another round?” he asked with a bit of hopefulness to his voice.

  As much as I could use one, I decided against it. “I need to get some food.” I started to stand, but Matthew beat me to it, rushing to my side as he held my chair for me. His manners seemed silly and out of place in a bar. I shot him a glance.

  He was grinning. “Let me take you out for dinner?” he asked me like he was almost embarrassed.

  “Um…” I stalled. I was getting tired, and room service was sounding better and better, but Matthew was trying here. It was sweet. Accepting his so-called olive branch was the least I could do. Finally, I shrugged and returned his smile. “Okay.”

  My weekend turned out to be somewhat uneventful. Even though I told Matthew I’d try to talk to Joey, I wanted him to have time to let the information sink in. It wasn’t every day you find out your ex-girlfriend was calling the shots on your life.

  Saturday morning the light streaming in through the slit in the hotel curtains was annoying enough that I got up and showered before ordering food and coffee. I wasn’t exactly sure what to do with myself since I didn’t really have anything to do. I could wander around L.A. and look at some vintage shops and perhaps check out Rodeo Drive. Not that my credit card limit would allow that. Nordstrom Rack or Marshalls was pretty much my pace for pricing.

  I pulled out my wallet and watched as a scrap piece of paper fluttered to the carpet. Bending down to pick it up, I saw it was Stefanie Cramer’s local phone number. Shrugging, I decided to call her. It wasn’t much of a risk. She had to already have plans for the day, but I could at least tell Mom that I attempted to have lunch with her. However, I was gob smacked when she actually accepted my lunch proposal.


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