Her Dragon Protector (Alpha Protectors Book 6)

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Her Dragon Protector (Alpha Protectors Book 6) Page 8

by Olivia Arran

  I whirled on my brother. “You knew about this?” It came out a shriek, but dammit, I was mad!

  “I’m sorry, Astrid. Trent offered, and you’re my sister, and the Seer…” His voice trailed off as he saw the look on my face.

  “I’ll accept, not for indenture though. I want his imprisonment.” I heard through the ringing in my ears.

  “No!” I screamed, past caring what it looked like. “You—” I pointed at the first alpha, “—you cheated. Bastian doesn’t owe you any money. And, you—” I rounded on the second alpha, “—I have enough money to pay you off.” Maybe. If I sold my beloved store … and everything I owned.

  “What about me?”

  I turned to face the last man standing.

  He looked smug, like he’d already won.

  “You want to use my powers to gain advantage over other clans, and that’s against our laws.” I hadn’t meant to shout, but I couldn’t help crowing over his imminent defeat. So long, sucker. Better luck next time!

  “But I’m not bartering for your powers anymore, and there’s no law saying I can’t use his.”

  The world crashed down around me. “But—?”

  “Not only do I have plans already in place to buy the Jewelcrest debt, I’m willing to argue the old law, dispute your certainty that I would use your powers to allow my clan to prosper above all others. Can you be sure that I wouldn’t win? That I wouldn’t be allowed to take you as my mate? To do with as I please, over and over … and over again.”

  I couldn’t stop the shudder of revulsion.

  But he wasn’t talking to me anymore. No, his words were for Trent.

  “I accept.”

  Trent’s voice rang in my ears, washing away all thoughts of hope.

  It wasn’t meant to end like this!

  Chapter Eighteen


  Astrid’s plan had been a good one, but I’d seen the fatal flaw the second Bastian had explained it to me.

  Astrid was too valuable for Colin to give up without a fight, and I wasn’t willing to risk her.

  I’d known it would come down to Colin, had never doubted my mate’s ability to eliminate the competition.

  So, I figured I had to offer Colin something more valuable, something he wanted more.


  He’d hated me since childhood. Growing up in neighboring clans we’d done what all young boys do: fight and test each other. And I’d beaten him every time, not that I could help it, it was just the way I was. How I’d been born; like Astrid, different from the other dragon shifters.

  I’d already resigned myself to offering myself in her place, and her plan had just made it easier.

  But I hadn’t expected to be facing a sentence with no parole.

  I turned to her, taking her shaking hands in mine. Regret shimmered in the air between us, for what could have been. Surely she had to see the risk was too great? Bastian had started this by offering her as payment for his debt. And Colin stood a good chance at winning the right to mate her if he could convince the shifter council that the law didn’t apply.

  “What if I say no?”

  “To which part?” I murmured, savoring the feel of her hands in mine.

  “That I don’t agree to pay for Bastian’s debt. The debt that isn’t even an issue anymore!”

  I could see her grasping at straws, heard it in the way her voice rose as she clung to hope. I hated to crush it, but I couldn’t see any other way. “Even if Colin doesn’t take over the debt, there were originally three clans owed. You’ve eliminated one, but two still have to be paid.”

  “Maybe the other guy cheated too?”

  “Astrid…” I chided.


  “And if you remove yourself from the equation, Jewelcrest will fall into ruin, remember? Take it from me, Colin will make sure of it.” He was an evil, conniving son-of-a-bitch and I had no doubt in my mind that he would take her refusal as a personal slight and make it his vendetta to cause as much destruction and misery as possible. He was also a rich bastard, with friends in high places.

  “I don’t care.” She stuck her jaw out, blinking up at me, her eyes misty with unshed tears.

  “You do.”

  “It’s not fair.”

  “I know.” And I did. I wanted nothing more than to pick her up and carry her out of here, but we would be destroying lives—the families that depended on her clan. Earl for one. Was our happiness really worth more than theirs? Yes! A voice inside me screamed. “It’s your choice,” was what I eventually said. “I trust you.” I felt like the biggest asshole alive right then, because I knew what I was doing. I was making her face what I’d already accepted.

  A moment passed, time dragging as she wrestled with the decision.

  She threw herself into my arms, her head nestling against my chest. “I will always love you, I promise there will never be anyone else,” she whispered.

  My heart twisted in my chest as I committed the feel of her to memory. “And I love you, my true mate. Promise me you’ll find happiness.” I gently unhooked her arms from around me. Wordlessly, I plucked the watch from my wrist, setting it in her hand. “You left it in the grass, I’ve been meaning to give it back to you, but…” I shrugged, knowing she understood. I’d wanted to keep a part of her close, but now it was time to let go.

  Giving her a little push toward her brother, I steeled my spine and turned to Colin. “Shall we go?”

  Crowing with smug delight, he indicated the door, the men from his clan coming up to flank me as we made our way through the crowd.

  “I hope you scored with that feisty number while you had the chance, because where you’re going, there’ll be none of that coming your way,” he murmured from behind me.

  Gritting my teeth, I willed myself to stay silent. He was taunting me, fishing for a reaction, and anything I gave him would only make things worse. I had a pretty good idea of what awaited me back at his clan, and it wasn’t a cooked dinner and a soft bed.

  She was worth it.

  But I had to know. “You’ll make sure the debt is paid? And that Astrid has her freedom?”

  “Of course, what kind of man do you take me for?”

  Resisting the urge to reply, I fell silent again. We were almost at the front door. I glanced over my shoulder, wanting one last glimpse of her.

  “Keep moving,” one of the impromptu guards warned, but he didn’t touch me. From the look of the sweat beading on his top lip, he was too scared.

  At least there was that. I might have agreed to be Colin’s prisoner, but there had been no talk about me being a compliant one. I could fight back.

  But I can’t escape.

  “I’ve changed my mind.” Astrid’s voice rang clear and loud behind us.


  “Trent, you need to shut up for a minute.” With that sharp retort, she glided forward, coming to stand in front of Colin. Sparks flashed in her eyes, the green swirling with flecks of silver and gold. Strands of her hair floated around her face, crackling and dancing with power.

  Colin took a step back, catching himself at the last moment. Squaring his shoulders, he glared at her. “Woman, you need to—”

  “Don’t you mean, Seer?” she shot back.

  He flushed beet red. “Seer,” he mumbled, starting again. “You need to—”

  Bastian pushed through the crowd. “Astrid, what do you—”

  “Quiet.” She didn’t shout, her voice barely rose above a whisper, but conversation ground to an abrupt halt. “I see it, you know,” she murmured, a cruel smirk dancing on her lips.

  Colin’s mouth moved, but nothing came out.

  Grimacing, she scrunched up her face, closing her eyes for a brief moment.

  “See what?” Colin’s voice shattered the silence, and this time it was filled with fear.

  “Everything. Every possible future, how every action causes a reaction. I didn’t see it before—couldn’t bring myself to look—but it�
�s funny how losing everything kinda changes a girl’s perspective, you know? Gets her to embrace her future rather than hide her head in the sand.”

  “I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but threatening me isn’t going to work.”

  She threw her head back and laughed, the sound joyous and strong.

  And I fell in love all over again. She was spunky and crazy and amazing, all rolled into one delicious package.

  “Oh, it’s going to work. You see—” she leaned forward, lowering her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, “I don’t just see the future, turns out I can see the events that lead us to where we are now, too. Especially important life changing events, like becoming the alpha of a clan.” Tapping the side of her head, she winked.

  Colin blanched, turning a funny shade of gray under his tan. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Really? You want me to blurt it out here?” She looked around at all the people who had crammed into the hallway, a gleeful expression on her face. “Okay, then—”

  “No!” Colin roared, then closed his mouth with a snap.

  “Good. Here’s the deal. You let Trent go, you pay off my brother’s debt—as you so kindly offered—and you stay the hell away from everyone I care about. Are we clear?”

  What the hell was going on?

  Chapter Nineteen


  This had to work, this had to work, this had to—


  Colin’s acceptance rang in my ears and I fought back the urge to crow.

  Okay, a little fist pump might have escaped. I couldn’t help it; the good guys had won!

  “I want your word that this … situation won’t go any further,” Colin demanded, though really, he didn’t have a leg to stand on, let alone demand anything.

  But I had what I wanted, so I decided to let it slide. “Agreed. You keep up your end of the bargain and I’ll keep mine.”

  Without another word he turned and marched out of the house, his entourage quick stepping to keep up.

  I caught my brother’s eye, giving him a meaningful look. He looked shocked, but underneath I could see the beginnings of relief. And also a little fear.

  The last emotion dismayed me, but what could I expect? Not only had I finally connected with my powers, I’d put them out there on display. No easing people into it. Nope—bam—look at me the all-seeing-Seer-gal!

  Fear was to be expected.

  And that was why I found myself avoiding looking at Trent; it would kill me to see the same fear reflected in his eyes.

  “I’m sorry, the party’s over. Thank you for coming everyone. If you’d like to make your way home, I’ll be in touch soon…” Bastian’s polite platitudes faded as he herded the guests outside, closing the door behind him.

  Then there was just Trent.


  I had to look at him. But I couldn’t. Not yet.

  A hand nudged my chin, lifting it up.

  “Open your eyes.” His voice was a low rumble.

  “I don’t want to.”


  The hand disappeared.

  Disappointment welled up inside me. I was right, he was—

  I shrieked as hands grabbed me, hoisting me up and over a very broad shoulder. My eyes blinked open to see stairs flashing by, my head bouncing as it dangled down his back. His hand rested possessively on my ass, securing me as he sprinted up the stairs.

  In a matter of minutes, we were in my bedroom and I was sprawled on the bed, exactly where he had dumped me unceremoniously just seconds ago.

  Shrugging out of his jacket, he hung it over a chair, his hands working on his tie with barely concealed relish. “So, you’re looking at me now?”

  Oh, yes. Was I ever. The shirt rapidly followed the tie, landing in a crumpled heap on the floor. Next came the shoes. Or at least I thought they did, I was too distracted by the large expanse of man hunk stripping in front of me.

  “What—what are you doing?” I croaked out as he unbuckled his belt, sliding the leather out through the loops in a sinuous glide.

  “Getting comfortable.”


  “You’re next.”

  “I am?”

  He paused, the belt dangling from his hands. Uncertainty flashed into his eyes. “Have I got it wrong? Don’t you want me; want us?” Not waiting for an answer, he dragged a hand through his hair, turning his back on me. “I’m an idiot! Why would you want me? You’re so much more, so much better than—”

  I vaulted off the bed, nearly tripping over my skirt in the rush to get to him. “Stop right there. I thought you might be scared of me.”

  He spun around, his eyebrows arched. “Why?”

  “Because I’m supposedly this powerful, all seeing Seer thing.”

  “You’re Astrid.”

  His words carved a path through my uncertainty, hitting me square in the heart.

  “And to me, you’re Trent. Not some super macho dragon. Just Trent.”

  His arm came around me, dragging me to him. “Then we’re okay?”

  “Not yet,” I whispered, as he bent his head toward me.

  He cocked his head, question in his eyes.

  “We’ll be fine once you ask me.”

  Understanding dawned, his smile widening into a cocky grin.

  It was a good look on him, I decided, holding my breath despite knowing what he was going to say.

  “Astrid, will you do me the honor of being my mate, my one and only, my true love?” he murmured.

  I paused, until I couldn’t bear it any longer. “Yes,” I replied with a wicked grin.

  “Little minx,” he growled, seizing my lips with his in a kiss so long and delicious, I was pretty sure my toes curled.

  Then I was sprawled on the bed, back where I’d started. Except this time, he wasn’t the only one with a predatory gleam in his eyes.

  With a flick of his finger he unfastened his slacks and shoved them down, kicking them off without fanfare. He stood naked and proud before me, his body a chiseled work of art, ropes of muscle bulging and flexing as he stalked toward me. Stopping at the edge of the bed, he stared at me with a mischievous glint in his eye.

  Or at least, I think he did, I was too busy staring at the thick length of his cock, marveling at how it jutted out from his body as if with a mind of its own. It was so big. And wide. And—

  He cleared his throat, demanding my attention. “Up here,” he growled.

  Dragging my eyes away, I met his gaze.

  “I think I’m at a disadvantage.” He pointed at my clothes while quirking an eyebrow.

  Well, it’s only fair. Kneeling up, I reached up and hooked my thumbs under the straps of my dress, sliding them down my arms. The bodice clung to my breasts, hanging on for dear life. Okay, it was going to take a little shimmying. I wriggled, shoving at the clinging fabric, but despite my best efforts, it refused to budge. Blowing the hair out of my face, I admitted defeat. I had poured myself into this dress and it wasn’t giving up anytime soon.

  Amusement tugged at his lips as he watched me. “How much do you like that dress?”

  “Not very much at the moment,” I huffed out, letting go, the fabric twanging back and sucking even more of me inside than I’d started with.


  It was the only warning I got before a talon slashed a path down the front, ever so carefully following the contours of my body. The now named evil stretchy fabric fell away with a flutter. I was free!

  And naked.

  He’d slashed my underwear clean off too.

  “Hey! I liked that bra!”

  “I’ll buy you a new one,” he murmured in a distracted voice. His eyes burned into me, the banked heat dialing up into blazing roar as he devoured every naked inch. To my disbelief his cock lifted even higher, tapping his stomach as it thickened before my eyes.

  Pleasure shot though me at the naked appreciation in his eyes, the way he was looki
ng at me … like I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Through his eyes, I believed. And damn it felt good.

  “Lie back down,” he instructed, coming down to kneel at the edge of the bed.

  I had an inkling of what was going to happen, after all, you didn’t get to be my age without figuring it out, but knowing and knowing were two different things. Feeling a little self conscious, I draped myself over the bed, twisting my knees to put a nice curve in my waist.

  He grabbed my ankles and tugged them apart, spreading me on the bed.

  Heat—both the nice kind and the oh-my-God mortified kind—flooded me.

  Before I could decide what to do, let alone feel, his head was between my legs. “I don’t think that’s—” My weak protest died on a scream as his tongue licked a wet path through my core, circling and going back for more. My arms flailed at my sides, my back lifting off the bed as his tongue speared deep inside me, the heat of his dragon stirring a liquid heat. He lapped and swirled and probed relentlessly, exploring every inch of my core with his tongue. A strange pressure built, a swirling in my stomach that had me clenching my teeth while my hips writhed beneath him.

  Hands steadied me, holding me down.

  Two can play at that game… My hands landed on his head, fingers digging into his scalp.

  He growled, the sound vibrating through me as he lashed out with his tongue, sucking and licking and thrusting and—

  “Ooooh!” I screamed, clamping his head between my legs as the strange heat poured out of me, my muscles clenching and liquefying.

  So that’s what all the fuss is about. Much better than flying solo.

  I peeled an eyelid open.

  He sat between my legs, a satisfied expression on his face. Then it darkened, concern with a touch of horror peeking through. “Is this your—? Are you a—?”

  I caught his meaning loud and clear. “Yes.”

  He nodded, his jaw set in a grim line. “Being a dragon shifter helps with this … situation, or so I’ve heard.” He still didn’t look happy at the thought of possibly causing me pain though. “Maybe I should…” he dipped his head, his intent clear.


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