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A Duke's Temptation

Page 1

by Hunter, Jillian

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41


  The Bridal Pleasures Series

  “Jillian Hunter’s ability to touch chords deep within readers’ hearts is what sets her apart and makes her and everything she writes a keeper.”

  —Romantic Times

  More Praise for the Novels

  of Jillian Hunter

  “One of the funniest, most delightful romances I’ve had the pleasure to read.”—Teresa Medeiros

  “An absolutely delightful tale that’s impossible to put down.”


  “A sweet, romantic tale . . . full of humor, romance, and passion. Historical romance that is sure to please.”

  —The Romance Readers Connection

  “A lovely read.”—Romance Reader at Heart

  “Enchanting . . . a fabulous historical.”

  —Midwest Book Review

  “Romantic and sexy. . . . Read it—you’ll love it!”

  —The Romance Reader

  “An emotionally intense, thought-provoking, highly romantic, and sensual love story you’ll cherish.”

  —Romantic Times

  “Ms. Hunter pens unique, fascinating stories that draw the reader right in. Impossible to put down.”


  “A master at wringing emotion from every page, Ms. Hunter explodes onto the scene with an extraordinary tale that combines brilliant writing with sizzling sexual tension.”

  —The Speaking Tree


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  To Mel Berger

  Perfect agent.

  Perfect gentleman.

  You’re an incredible person and I don’t know what I’d do without you.

  Thank you.


  Special thanks to Graham Jaenicke at William Morris Endeavor for all your finesse and behind-the-scenes work. You brought the year to a great end.


  Lord Anonymous had seduced more women in Europe than a man of discretion would willingly admit. Although he had forgotten the dates of these affairs, he had fondly recorded his lovers’ names in a red morocco leather notebook that he kept under lock and key. He had done his best to leave each of his ladies with a happy ending.

  But sometimes a man had to let go and conquer other challenges.

  He had stolen the virtue of a French comtesse on her wedding day and helped her escape her cruel bride-groom an hour before she was to take her vows. He had made love to a German princess in the Black Forest and guarded her in a hut until the traitors who wanted her lovely head could be caught. There were trolls involved, as he recalled. He had killed every last one.

  Still, depending on his mood, he might be considered not only an epic hero but a classic villain. Among his less gallant acts, he had once abducted an innocent lady and imprisoned her in his castle for seven months. He had set out to despoil her, and he had.

  It was further recorded, in his own hand, that the lady had refused to be rescued when her brothers stormed the bailey.

  She had been ruined for life, she proclaimed from the tower where this depravity had taken place. So enslaved was she by her unprincipled abductor that she ordered him to murder her siblings if they dared intervene again. She had no desire to be redeemed, and she would stab even her own brothers in the heart before she would give up the dark nobleman who had disgraced her.

  Lord Anonymous could turn from valiant deed to bloodthirsty revenge in a heartbeat.

  It was no wonder he had been accused of corrupting the populace.

  Chapter 1

  London, 1818

  Lord Philbert’s Literary Masquerade Ball

  It was common knowledge in the beautiful world that Samuel Aubrey St. Aldwyn of Dartmoor, the fourth Duke of Gravenhurst, and ninth Baronet, was a radical young rake and champion of unpopular causes. Samuel realized that society considered him to be one of its
most charismatic and controversial figures. He did his best to oblige. He was one of the first guests invited to an event. He was also usually the first asked to leave by nature of his declaring himself bored to death.

  His appearance tonight at Lord Philbert’s masquerade party guaranteed that the other guests would go home well amused.

  On this point both his friends and rivals agreed—the duke was a most entertaining man.

  One could even say that he lived to entertain.

  He spoke infrequently, and then only to a select few, but he always spoke his mind and cared little whether he shocked anyone.

  Because he was young, dangerously beautiful, and as elusive as a dark angel, the duke got away with offenses that would have cast out another man. Still, society knew only the half of who Samuel was when he wasn’t in London. He hoped to keep it that way. He valued his private life, spending most of the year on his secluded Dartmoor estate, with people he completely trusted.

  His impertinence infuriated certain members of the aristocracy and invigorated others who welcomed a breath of fresh air. But tonight, at least, he was among his own, other patrons of the arts and the artists grateful for their generosity.

  The thought crossed his mind that he might find an intelligent mistress at an affair like this. He and his last lover had parted several months ago. The closest she had come to showing any interest in literature was to hurl a volume of Milton at the door when he announced he was leaving her.

  It was exhausting trying to live up to his reputation. Excess drained the energy he could put to better use.

  Dressed as his favorite literary character, Don Quixote, Samuel shrugged off the stares of recognition that followed his entrance. He paused only once in the hall, dented helmet, shield, and lance in hand, to bow before acknowledging any single person with his attention. Let the world think he was aloof. His breastplate was killing him. Cutting into his ribs like a butcher’s knife.

  “Decent work this morning, Your Grace,” someone said, reminding him of the mock duel he had fought at dawn.

  “Good show, Gravenhurst.”

  Show. He smiled to himself. It was all show. To further his secret career. And to keep a promise to his host and partner in literary crimes, the London publisher Lord Aramis Philbert.

  “You deserved to win,” a gentleman at the end of the line declared above the others. “How dare anyone challenge your decadence so early in the morning?”

  “I’ll challenge it later tonight if His Grace is inclined,” a sultry voice said from the crowd.

  His gaze cut through the glittering maze of guests to a lady languidly waving a fan hand-painted with a variety of improbable sexual poses.

  “Madam,” he said, “I am an aristocrat, not an acrobat.”

  At her startled laugh, he presented his usual devil-may-care grin to the crowd, retreating to the antechamber that Lord Philbert reserved for Samuel’s private use. In the past he might have engaged the lady in a tryst. But she didn’t seem worth the trouble of taking off his armor. He would never get it back on again for the rest of the party. Why did the literati perpetuate the myth that lust made fools of only the lower classes?

  “Honest to God,” he muttered to the towering valet who handed him a bracing glass of burgundy the moment Samuel dropped into a chair. “One would think I had cured the world of cholera instead of challenging a friend to a drunken duel. It’s embarrassing, Wadsworth. Are you not embarrassed on my account? Loosen this body armor. I’m turning into a damned tortoise.”

  The valet ventured a smile. “Sit forward, Your Grace, while I bend the wrench under your breastplate again. The only thing you have in common with a tortoise is your fondness for lettuce. There we go. Don Quixote can tilt again. The world does love a hero.”

  Samuel snorted. “Even when that hero isn’t real? How many of the dearly deluded are here tonight?”

  “Bickerstaff guessed at over three hundred, Your Grace.” Bickerstaff was Samuel’s butler. “Tickets were still being auctioned off at clubs around the city this afternoon.”

  “I assume we bought a good share.”

  “One hundred twenty at last count.”

  Grinning, Samuel rubbed his cheekbone. “As long as it goes to a good cause. What is our current cause?”

  “Legal counsel against the war loan hucksters, Your Grace. Would you like to read what the papers are saying about you now?”

  “Why bother? I probably wrote it.”

  The duke downed his wine, put his glass on the table, and stood. He took the battered shield that Wadsworth whisked from the corner and scowled at the reflection in the dented metal. “Whose idea was it for me to dress as Don Quixote for this affair?”

  The valet polished the right corner of the shield with his coat sleeve. “I believe it was Marie-Elaine who suggested it, knowing how you enjoy playing the knight-errant.”

  “Remind me in future that I am not to take a housemaid’s advice. And . . .” Samuel looked under his chair. “I don’t suppose you know where I left my lance?”

  “Perhaps the majordomo took it into safekeeping. Ah, no, my mistake. You put it in the potted fern on your way in.”

  Samuel tucked the useless weapon under his left arm. “If Don Quixote looked mad, I’m sure I won’t make a different impression. Please instruct Emmett to have the coach ready in an hour. I doubt I can keep myself under control any longer than that.”

  Chapter 2

  It was a night designed for making dreams come true.

  By its end, Miss Lily Boscastle of Tissington, Derbyshire, would be able to share the secret she had been keeping as tightly laced as her great-aunt’s corset since the beginning of the year. Her days of pretending to husband-hunt and playing wallflower at country assemblies would be forgotten. At the breakfast that followed the all-night literary party, Lily and her dear friend Captain Jonathan Grace would quietly announce their intention to wed and allow their families to collapse in relief before setting the wedding date in stone. After all, an engagement, even one as sensible as Jonathan and Lily’s, could not be taken for granted.

  Not even Nostradamus, however, would have predicted a dire outcome for the appealing young couple. Lily had been born a cheerful flirt who had accepted all the blessings that effortlessly came her way. Captain Grace had come through the wars much as he’d gone in: easily influenced, but as gentle-natured and as dedicated to Lily as from the first day she had knocked him down in the nursery and bitten his ear. He still defended Lily whenever a family member brought up the story at the Tissington assembly.

  “She’s a solid girl, my Lily,” he would say, “even if she’s a little exuberant at times. I knew that when she bit me she meant it as a token of affection. Thankfully she has learned other means of showing her esteem over the years.”

  Another gentleman would have been embarrassed to recount the story of her toddler savagery to friends and family. Jonathan made it sound like one of his fondest memories. She wondered if they had become too comfortable with each other after all these years. In fact, Lily wondered at times whether her affection for him would deepen into anything that resembled romantic passion.

  Dear friends. Wasn’t that enough? She trusted Jonathan.

  Besides, he’d never given her reason to suspect he had passionate feelings for anyone else. And neither did she. Unless one counted the fictional characters in the books she devoured, which every dedicated female reader understood did not count at all. Fantasies spawned from romantic works became private intellectual property.

  The literary masquerade party tonight was already a dream come true. Lily had attended a play, the museum, and Astley’s Royal Amphitheatre in the last month. She had enjoyed these diversions well enough, but this was a once-in-a-lifetime affair. The night had not opened with a traditional ball, with debutantes and bachelors preparing for mortal battle.

  Instead, the guests were invited to attend one of three violin concertos given throughout the evening, nibble on imported delicaci
es in open supper rooms, or linger in one of the first-floor salons, where conversation emulated the intellectual Parisian soirées that had enlivened the previous century.

  Lily was utterly in her element, rubbing gloved elbows with guests masquerading as characters from literary works, and with a few of the writers who had created them. Not that she would recognize any of her favorite authors behind their intriguing disguises. Society had sent Lord Byron into exile. Percy Shelley was in Italy, too. It was a heady experience for a young lady from the country whose obsession with reading worried her family out of their wits.

  Her parents insisted that nothing good came from a girl who read. It wasn’t natural. Staying up half the night to finish a romantic story would unbalance her mind. How could she ever hope to advance socially when she immersed herself in the ideas of utter strangers?

  She could never make them understand that she had few social aspirations. Or that sometimes she didn’t want to be advanced as much as entertained, swept into a different world.

  And suddenly, tonight, she had been swept away, except that this world was real. She had eavesdropped on so many titillating conversations that she lost track of whether a certain writer was said to be sleeping with his wife’s sister or his own, and whether Lily had exceeded her capacity for champagne for the evening or for the entire year. Even though wickedness went on in Tissington, it went on at a trudging pace. Here Lily found herself consumed with curiosity and overwhelmed, in a pleasant way.

  Still, the best was yet to come. At midnight the guests would unmask. Contest winners would be announced. Everyone in costume had been promised a prize for taking part. Lily didn’t give a fig about the contest, or the original play that would be previewed afterward in the ballroom before it opened on Drury Lane. She wanted to cut through all the buildup to the climax—the predawn tour of Lord Philbert’s literary gardens.


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