Wrestlin' Christmas: (Sweet Western Holiday Romance) (Rodeo Romance Book 2)

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Wrestlin' Christmas: (Sweet Western Holiday Romance) (Rodeo Romance Book 2) Page 21

by Hatfield, Shanna

  Her heart melted into a sentimental pool when he placed a kiss on the spot.

  “Is Jacob doing okay with everything?” Kenzie asked as she walked up beside her with Tate following behind carrying Gideon. She smiled at the valet as he held the door open for them.

  “He’s doing great. I don’t know which one of us is more excited to be here,” Kaley said with a happy grin as they stepped onto the elevator.

  Kenzie laughed while the men chuckled. “At least you didn’t fall asleep at the vendor show.”

  “True.” Kaley glanced at Gideon then her son. “But I might need a nap before tonight.”

  “Me, too. Between my two boys, I’m about worn out.” Kenzie offered Tate a flirty grin.

  He popped her bottom with the flat of his hand as they stepped off the elevator then dug their room key from his pocket.

  “Just keep it up, Dewdrop, and I’ll show you worn out,” Tate teasingly threatened, winking as he opened the door and they disappeared inside their room.

  Kaley opened her door. Cort packed Jacob to the bedroom and settled him on the bed, covering him with a light blanket after he removed the little boy’s shoes and ball cap.

  “I think he’s out for a while.” Cort quietly shut the bedroom door and walked across the room to where Kaley piled bags on a chair.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her back against him, nuzzling her neck. “I enjoyed spending the day with you.”

  A satisfied sigh escaped her lips. “This has been one of the best experiences of my life, Cort. I can’t thank you enough for inviting us.”

  “I’ve been here many times, but none of them have been this special.” Cort rubbed his knuckles along her jaw before grasping her chin in his hand. He fought the urge to fall into her pale blue eyes and linger there a while. “Thank you for coming with me and bringing Jacob.”

  “He’s having the best time. You’ve been so good to him, such a good influence on him. I can’t ever thank you enough for that.” Kaley kissed the dimple in Cort’s chin, contemplating what would happen if she lifted her lips just a little higher.

  “I think I better go now before I decide to stay right here with you until we need to leave for dinner.” Cort gave her a quick kiss before walking to the door. “Get some rest and I’ll call you when it’s time to leave.”

  Kaley continued to smile at him as he stepped into the hall and pulled the door shut behind him.

  Nearly floating from the euphoria of both the trip and Cort’s affection, Kaley returned to the bedroom and tried to rest, but her mind refused to be still.

  She thought of the pure joy she’d seen so many times on her son’s face that day and the love she saw on Cort’s. Convinced they made a wonderful little family, she couldn’t keep from wishing they could truly be one. What she wanted, more than anything, was for Cort to be a permanent part of their lives.

  The issue remained what a handsome, young cowboy would want with a widow, a little boy who couldn’t speak, and a run-down ranch. She wondered how Cort would respond to the question, were she brave enough to ask it.

  Sleep came, bringing dreams of his answer, until her cell phone buzzed and startled her awake. A message from Cort let her know if she wanted to change, they needed to meet Tate and Kenzie in the lobby in half an hour.

  Hurried, she plugged in her curling iron and applied fresh makeup. Jacob sat up in bed and rubbed his sleepy eyes, watching her dig in his suitcase.

  “Put some hustle in it, buddy, and change your clothes.” She handed him jeans and a western shirt then rushed back to the bathroom to add curls to her hair. Jacob washed his face and brushed his teeth while she changed and pulled on her boots.

  A quick check to make sure she tucked her phone back in her purse assured her she had everything she needed.

  Jacob rushed out of the bathroom, full of excitement as Kaley settled his cowboy hat on his head and helped him cinch the new belt Cort purchased for him that morning.

  “Shall we go find Cort and some dinner?” Kaley asked, taking his hand.

  Jacob grinned and hurried to tap on Cort’s door as they stepped into the hall.

  “Howdy, partner. Are you ready to go to the rodeo?” Cort playfully tugged on Jacob’s cowboy hat.

  The boy nodded and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the elevator.

  “Still in a hurry, I see,” Cort commented to Kaley as he shut his room door and offered her the arm Jacob wasn’t yanking.

  “Obvious, isn’t it.” Kaley hoped her attraction to Cort wasn’t quite as obvious. When he opened the door, looking like one of the western models she’d seen plastered on billboards all over town, she felt her breath catch in her throat.

  Cort McGraw was absolutely the most gorgeous male she’d ever seen. From the top of his silvery gray hat and dark gray shirt to the tips of his black boots, he exuded rugged strength and raw sex appeal.

  Apparently, she wasn’t the only one to think so, either. She noticed women casting glances his direction as they stepped off the elevator. Tate received plenty of attention from females passing by as he stood talking to the concierge. Kenzie and Gideon waited on a couch, but got to their feet when they saw the three of them enter the lobby.

  Making a mental note to ask Kenzie how she handled all the unwanted attention Tate garnered, Kaley smiled and picked up Gideon when he ran over to her. His little Wranglers, boots, and hat made her remember when Jacob was that small. The longing for another baby swept over her and she shoved it down into the spot where she kept dreams she knew would never come true.

  A covert glance at Cort caused her to admit perhaps not all dreams were lost.

  “Do you girls mind eating at the restaurant here? Tate has a cab coming to pick us up out front,” Cort asked as he walked up to them.

  “Eating here would be fine,” Kaley said while Kenzie nodded her head in agreement.

  An hour later, they climbed into the cab. Gideon exchanged his hat with Jacob and the two of them giggled as they rode to the venue where the rodeo would take place.

  “Here we are.” Cort stepped out and picked up Jacob before helping Kaley out of the cab.

  “Oh...” Kaley knew there’d be crowds, but felt rooted to the spot as she watched thousands of people milling around.

  “We don’t want you to get lost in the crowd, partner,” Cort said to Jacob as he held him with one brawny arm. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll carry you to our seats.”

  Jacob nodded his head and smiled.

  “Great, let’s go.” Cort took Kaley’s hand in his and hurried up the steps to the door. When they made it past security inside, Tate led the way to their seats, close to the bucking chutes.

  “These are great seats, bro,” Cort said as they settled in.

  They weren’t there long before their long-time friend Mara Powell and her three kids appeared, sitting in the row in front of them. Kenzie and Mara exchanged hugs then Kenzie, Tate and Cort hugged each of the kids before introducing the children to Kaley and Jacob.

  At the ripe old age of ten, Katie Jo Powell rode herd over her seven-year-old brother, Hunter, and four-year-old sister, Bree.

  “I can’t believe how big the kids have grown.” Kenzie hugged Katie again while Mara lavished kisses on Gideon’s dimpled cheeks, making him laugh.

  “Gideon’s grown so much since September.” Mara smiled and put a friendly hand on Jacob’s shoulder. “This young man can’t be Jacob. He’s grown six inches.”

  Jacob grinned and nodded his head shyly, remembering the friendly woman he met at the Pendleton Round-Up.

  He scribbled a message on his ever-present notepad, handing it to Mara.

  “Where’s Huck?”

  Jacob nodded.

  “He rides into the arena during the opening ceremonies. After that he’ll come say hello for a minute or two before he has to get ready to ride,” Mara explained as she settled Bree into her seat.

  Jacob smiled as his eyes twinkled with anticipation.

p; Mara had already explained to her children that Jacob couldn’t speak, so they didn’t act surprised when he either nodded or shook his head to their questions. A few times, he wrote a response and Katie deemed herself the one to read his replies to her siblings.

  While they waited for the rodeo to start, Mara stood at the end of the aisle while Jacob sat in her seat next to Hunter. Kaley leaned forward, watching as Jacob drew a picture of a tractor while Hunter pointed and made comments. The two of them seemed to hit it off immediately.

  When the announcer stated the rodeo was about to begin, Jacob returned to his seat between Kaley and Cort while Mara sat with her offspring.

  Jacob nearly bounced with excitement as the opening entertainment began and participants in the grand entry waved at the crowd.

  Kaley and Jacob sat entranced with the entire rodeo. Jacob gaped at Huck with awe when he joined his family for a few minutes. The bull rider talked animatedly with Cort and Tate about who he thought would win each event before going to prepare for his ride.

  Cort hurried to the concession stand to get them all something to drink during the team roping. It had been hard for him to watch the steer wrestling, knowing if he hadn’t hurt his knee he would have been among the chosen few competing for the world champion title.

  Then again, if he’d done that, he wouldn’t be sitting with the little boy and woman who’d completely stolen his heart.

  On the way back to their seats, Cort ran into a few friends from his rodeo days. He chatted with them a minute and they followed him back to the seats to say hello to Tate. Cort introduced Kaley, proud to call her his girlfriend. He admired her sweet smile and friendly greeting as she met his friends. She looked beautiful in her sparkly blouse, perfect-fitting jeans and boots.

  “We can see why you’ve been so occupied, man. I’d keep her all to myself, too.” One of his friends grinned, slapping Cort on the back before hurrying down the steps.

  After passing out the cups of cold soda, Cort watched as Jacob absently slurped his while his attention remained fastened on the arena.

  Their whole group cheered loudly as Huck rode his bull the full eight seconds and took the top score that evening.

  As the rodeo ended and the stands began to clear, Cort glanced at Jacob. “What do you think, partner? Was that a good rodeo?”

  Jacob nodded his head and wrote something in his notepad, handing it to Cort.

  “I agree. It is the best.” Cort picked up the little boy then meshed his fingers with Kaley’s. “What about you, Kaley? Did you like the rodeo?”

  “It was fantastic!” She squeezed his hand as they worked their way down the steps and into the crowd surging toward the exit doors. Glad to have Cort guiding them, Kaley thought it would be easy to get lost in such a large crowd.

  As they stood in line waiting for a taxi, Cort set Jacob down while Tate held a sleepy-eyed Gideon.

  “I don’t think he’s going to last until you get back to the room.” Cort nodded at the toddler.

  “Nope.” Tate gave his son a glance full of love and fatherly pride. “But he sure enjoyed the rodeo. Like another boy I know.”

  Jacob grinned at Tate.

  “This is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to him.” Kaley spoke softly so only Cort could hear. “Thank you for making it possible.”

  “Anytime. I’d do anything for either of you.” Cort draped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her back against him. He kissed her cheek and let the soft allure of her fragrance surround him, flooding his senses and making his blood thrum through his veins.

  Cort smiled at Jacob when he leaned against his leg. Fulfilled and content with his little family, he reached down and rested a hand on Jacob’s shoulder.

  They technically weren’t his, yet, but he had hopes to change that soon.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “If I wasn’t so excited to go to the rodeo, I might just curl up on my bed and sleep until we need to leave for the airport tomorrow.” Kaley grinned at Cort as they sat on the couch in her room, resting their feet after a busy morning and afternoon.

  Jacob fell asleep the instant his head hit the pillow for an afternoon nap. Briefly, she’d considered joining him, but the lure of spending time with Cort was too strong to resist.

  “Don’t tell me you’re worn out? We’ve only been at this a couple days. When I was competing, there were weeks of this.” Cort took a drink of the iced coffee he’d run down to the little café off the hotel lobby to purchase.

  Disinclined to admit it, it was a relief to have an hour or two to kick back and do nothing. Out of the routine of traveling non-stop, staying up half the night, and constantly on the go, he was either getting old or growing up — or maybe both.

  He watched as Kaley sipped her drink then set it on the table next to the couch. Her tongue ran across her rosy bottom lip, licking away a stray drop, making Cort’s heart race in triple time.

  “Where do you want to eat tonight?” she asked, wondering if she had something on her face since Cort continued intently staring at her. The fiery glow in his silvery eyes drew her closer. She leaned over and kissed the dimple in his chin.

  “Eat?” he asked, completely distracted by Kaley. A thrill shot through him when she kissed his chin. He didn’t know why, but that intimate little touch got him every time.

  Absently setting down his drink, he wrapped his arms around her and leaned back, stretching out on the couch as he held her close.

  Mindful that nothing but trouble could come of her lying on top of him, Kaley rolled to his side. He moved over so they could stretch out together.

  “We could grab a quick nap on your bed.” He liked the notion of holding her there instead of squished on the couch.

  “Bad idea.” She kissed his chin again. “What would Jacob think if he woke up and saw us there?”

  “That we like each other,” Cort suggested, placing slow, heated kisses along her neck.

  The delightful touch of his lips to her skin left Kaley’s limbs languid and as weak as her resolve.

  “Cort, you’ve got to stop.” Her voice didn’t sound at all convincing, even to herself.

  “Stop,” he repeated, lazily kissing her eyelids, her nose, and her cheek. “Hmm.” He returned to nuzzling her neck. The ability to consider anything except holding her closer, kissing her longer, was lost to him as he breathed in her fragrance.

  “Dinner,” she said, grasping for any distraction from the all-consuming attraction she felt for the man holding her in his strong, capable arms. “We need to decide about dinner.”

  “We’ll eat some.” Gently pushing aside the collar of her blouse, he kissed a trail from her neck to her shoulder.

  “Where?” If he kept kissing her like that, it wouldn’t take much to annihilate what remained of her ability to tell him no.

  “I don’t care, Kaley.” Cort envisioned her in his big king-sized bed next door, watching the passion build in her expressive eyes, but it wasn’t going to happen. He even admitted such thoughts were completely inappropriate. However, convincing his heart and head to focus on anything beyond Kaley seemed like a futile effort at best.

  Seductively trailing his lips along her collarbone, he worked his way along the open edge of her blouse. Without even realizing what his fingers accomplished, the top two buttons of her shirt opened. He worked to push the third button through the buttonhole when she gasped.

  “Cort, time to stop.” Kaley jerked upright, quickly fastening the buttons while her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. Before she could get to her feet, he pulled her back down beside him.

  “I’m sorry. You’re just so darn pretty and smell so good. You fit so perfectly, right here next to my heart, I can’t help myself.” Cort attempted a penitent look he was far from feeling. Keyed up, he remained hungry for more of her kisses. “I’ll behave.”

  Kaley relaxed against him and settled her head on his broad chest. “Your flattery will get you nowhere, but I appreciate it al
l the same.”

  He grinned and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. The next thing he knew, something tapped his cheek.

  One eye popped open, and he stared into Jacob’s face. The little boy giggled and stepped back.

  Fully awake, Cort sat up, almost dumping Kaley on the floor.

  “Whoa!” He grabbed her before she smacked into the coffee table.

  Disoriented, it took her a moment to gain her bearings. “What’s up, guys?” she asked still trying to focus her thoughts and vision. A peek at the clock sent her into a frenzy of motion.

  “Oh my gosh! Can you help Jacob? We’ve got to get going!” Swiftly jumping to her feet, she ran into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

  “Guess we better get ready, huh, partner?” Cort walked with Jacob into the bedroom he shared with his mother. Jacob pointed to his suitcase and Cort helped him get out a western shirt and a pair of jeans, since Kaley let him wear shorts that morning. The temperature was so warm, they’d all dressed in summer clothes. It was a welcome change from the freezing temperatures at home.

  “Can you put on your boots and hat while I go change?”

  Jacob nodded his head as he threaded his belt through the loops on his jeans. Cort affectionately rubbed his hand over the little boy’s head.

  “I’ll be back in a minute.” Rushing out the door to his own room, he took a quick shower to wake up, dressed, and hurried back to Kaley’s room.

  When he knocked, she opened the door looking like every dream he’d ever had of finding the perfect country girl. From the cloud of dark waves and curls floating around her shoulders to her western cut blouse the same shade as her eyes to her dark jeans and shiny boots, he couldn’t imagine her appearing any sweeter or enticing.

  “Looking good, Kaley, girl,” he said, twirling her around and making Jacob giggle. “How about we eat at the rodeo?”

  The little boy nodded his head as he ran out the door ahead of them, waving to Tate and Kenzie as they came out of their room with Gideon walking between them. The toddler ran to Jacob and started babbling about horses and rodeo. The adults couldn’t understand everything he said, but Jacob seemed to be able to make sense of it.


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