A House of Air

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by Penelope Fitzgerald

  Fairfield, Letitia (Lettie), 311

  Farjeon, Eleanor: early happiness, 98; and Edward Thomas, 148; readings at Poetry Bookshop, 170, 184, 277

  Farrell, J.G.: biography by Lavinia Greacen, 363—7; A Girl in the Head, 365; The Lung, 365; The Man from Elsewhere, 365; The Siege of Krishnapur, 366; The Singapore Grip, 366; Troubles, 365

  Faulkner, Charles, 120

  Fellowship of the New Life, 242

  Felpham, Sussex, 13—14

  fiction: plot in, 494—8; speaking and dialogue in, 498—507

  Fields, Annie, 24

  First, Ruth and Anne Scott: Olive Schreiner, 241

  Fitzgerald, Edward, 95—6

  Fitzgerald, Penelope: background and career, 467—80; childhood, 481—93; on writing, 508—19; At Freddie’s, 479; The Beginning of Spring, 480; The Bookshop, 476, 499; The Gate of Angels, 500, 511—19; Human Voices, 474—5; Innocence, 480; The Means of Escape (collection), 472n; Offshore, 478

  Flaubert, Gustave, 84

  Flint, Frank, 156, 159—60, 166—7; Cadences, 165

  Flying Fame rhyme sheets, 168

  Foote, Samuel, 203

  Ford, Ford Madox: biography by Alan Judd, 294—8

  Forster, Edward Morgan: accompanies Elizabeth von Arnim on caravan tour, 149; on Lydia Lopokova, 291; plot surprises, 399; and Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, 284; writes pageants, 285; A Passage to India, 498; A Room with a View, 268

  Fortescue, Chichester, 89

  Fouqué, H. de la Motte: Sintram, 112 & n

  Fournier, Henri Alain see Alain-Fournier

  Fowles, John, 310

  Fraser, Lovat, 168—70, 180

  Freud, Sigmund: Beyond the Pleasure Principle, 312

  Friend, The ( journal), 18

  Frost, Robert: Alida Klementaski detests, 153, 166; at Poetry Bookshop, 160; and Edward Thomas, 149—52; reads Ralph Hodgson’s ‘Eve’, 168—9; North of Boston, 151

  Fry, Roger: death, 289; friendship with C.R. Ashbee, 130; Post-Impressionist Exhibition (1910), 289

  Futurists, 155, 165

  Gardner, Stanley, 15

  Garnett, David, 249, 288, 290

  Garnett, Edward, 150

  Garrett, Tony, 369—70

  Gaskell, Helen, 141—2

  Gaudier-Bržeska, Henri, 158

  George VI, King, 473

  George, Prince Regent (later King George IV), 6

  Georgian Poetry (series), 153, 157—8, 164, 166, 188

  Georgian poets, 155, 165, 167

  Gertler, Mark, 289—90

  Gerzina, Gretchen: Carrington: A Life of Dora Carrington, 1893—1932, 288—91

  Gibson, Robert, 310

  Gide, André, 188, 309, 529

  Gilchrist, Anne, 95

  Gillman, Dr James and Ann, 20

  Giorgione: Europa and the Bull, 137—8

  Girton College, Cambridge, 31

  Gladstone, Catherine (née Glynne), 93

  Gladstone, William Ewart: on accepting future, 33; on death of Edward White Benson, 78; indulges granddaughter, 84, 141; as Lewis Carroll’s Unicorn, 85; praises Minnie Benson, 75

  Glasier, Bruce, 118

  Gleeson, Evelyn, 227

  Glendinning, Victoria: Rebecca West: A Life, 310—17

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 496

  Golding, Sir William: Lord of the Flies, 364

  Gollancz, Sir Victor, 272

  Gonne, Maud: correspondence with Yeats, 219—25

  Goodman, Elizabeth, 173

  Gordon Riots (1780), 13

  Gore-Booth, Constance (later Countess Markievicz), 224

  Gore-Booth, Eva, 224

  Gosse, Sir Edmund, 91

  Grace (Thames barge), 477—9

  Graham, Frances, 137

  Graham, William, 137

  Grahame, Kenneth, 215

  Grange, The, North End, Fulham, 133—42

  Grant, Duncan, 289

  Graves, Robert, 165

  Gray, Tony: A Peculiar Man: A Life of George Moore, 228—32

  Greacen, Lavinia: J.G. Farrell: The Making of a Writer, 363—7

  Green, Arthur Romney, 156, 159, 163

  Green, Roger Lancelyn, 82

  Green, Romney, 130

  Greene, Graham, 332

  Greener, Amy, 174

  Gregory, Augusta, Lady, 217, 219

  Grigson, Geoffrey, 347

  Grossmith, George and Weedon: The Diary of a Nobody, 208

  Grosvenor Galleries: Burne-Jones exhibits at, 137—8

  Guild of Handicrafts, 129—30, 132—3

  Guthrie, James, 153

  Guy, Revd F.B., 111

  ‘Gyp’ (i.e. la comtesse S.G.M.R. de Martel de Janville), 235, 500

  Haggard, Sir Henry Rider, 297

  Haight, Gordon, 36—7

  Hall, Radclyffe (‘John’): Michael Baker’s biography of, 253—8; Adam’s Breed, 255; Unlit Lamp, 255; The Well of Loneliness, 253—4, 258

  Hallam, Arthur, 92

  Hamilton, Ian, 149

  Hamilton, Mark: Rare Spirit: A Life of William de Morgan, 125

  Hampstead, 471—2, 481—6, 490—1

  Hardwick, Joan: The Yeats Sisters: A Biography of Susan and Elizabeth Yeats, 226—8

  Hardy, Florence, 18, 173, 182

  Hardy, Thomas: fictional plots, 497; promotes Charlotte Mew, 173, 178, 182, 184; Jude the Obscure, 527—8; Under the Greenwood Tree, 115

  Harland, Henry, 176—7

  Harman, Claire (ed.): Sylvia Townsend Warner: Collected Poems, 246, 250—2

  Harrison, Lucy, 173—5, 177

  Hart, Ruth, 217

  Hart-Davis, Sir Rupert, 258; Hugh Walpole, 370

  Hartley, Enid, 327

  Hartley, George, 375

  Hartley, Leslie Poles: biography by Adrian Wright, 326—9; on F.W. Myers, 320; praises The Well of Loneliness, 253; The Go-Between, 329, 525

  Hartley, Norah, 326—7

  Heaney, Seamus, 378

  Heath-Stubbs, John: Hindsights, 343

  Heeley, Wilfred, 134

  Herbert, George: ‘Hope’, 393

  Hersey, John, 205

  Hicks family, 470

  Hicks, Edward Lee, Bishop of Lincoln (Penelope Fitzgerald’s grandfather), 91, 470

  Hill, Miranda (‘Andy’), 280

  Hill, Octavia, 31, 79—80, 173, 280

  Hill, Polly and Richard Keynes (eds): Lydia and Maynard: Letters Between Lydia Lokopova and John Maynard Keynes, 1918—1925, 288, 291—3

  Hitchman, Janet: Such a Strange Lady, 271

  Hodgson, Ralph: ‘Eve’, 169

  Hogarth Press: John Lehmann works at, 338, 340, 342; publishes Eliot, 166

  Holliday, Catherine, 17

  Holmes, Richard: on the Apocrypha, 194; Coleridge: Darker Reflections, 1804—1834, 17—21

  Holroyd, Michael: Lytton Strachey, 277; Unreceived Opinions, 380

  Holt, Charlie, 328

  Holy Land, 456—61

  Hone, Joseph: edits J.B. Yeats letters, 216; life of George Moore, 228

  Honour, Hugh, 451

  Hood, Thomas: Song of the Shirt, 205

  Hooton, Harry, 150

  Horizon (magazine), 341

  Housman, A.E., 190, 201; Last Poems, 190—1

  Housman, Laurence, 132

  Howard, Rosalind, 109

  Howell, Charles Augustus, 135

  Hueffer, Ford Madox see Ford, Ford Madox

  Hughes, David, 342

  Hughes, Ted, 352, 378

  humour, 202—3

  Hunt, Violet, 295

  Hutchinson, Sara, 18

  Huxley, Thomas Henry, 198

  Hyde, Douglas, 230

  Hynes, Samuel, 311

  Iles, Frank, 126

  Imagists, 155, 165

  Inklings (Oxford group), 355

  Ionides, Constantine, 108 & n

  Irving, Edward, 55

  Isherwood, Christopher: relations with John Lehmann, 339, 341, 343

  Ishiguro, Kazuo: A Pale View of Hills, 502—3; The Remains of the Day, 421; The Unconso
led, 420—2

  Italia Conti (theatrical school, London), 479

  Jackson, Moses, 190

  Jacobs, W.W., 513

  James, Henry: on Ada Leverson, 234; on Charles Keene and George du Maurier, 206—7; and dialogue, 505; on E.W. Benson’s ghost account, 78; visits The Grange, 139; The Aspern Papers, 456; The Awkward Age, 269, 500

  James, Montague Rhodes: life, career and writings, 192—3, 195; Eton and King’s, 193, 198; The Haunted Doll’s House and Other Stories: Introduction, 192—200

  James, William, 12

  Jameson Raid (1895), 244

  Jameson, Storm, 189, 310—11

  Jammes, Francis, 306

  Jay, Elisabeth: Mrs Oliphant, ‘A Fiction to Herself’: A Literary Life, 69—72

  Jeffares, A. Norman, 221, 224

  Jeffrey, Francis, 68

  Jerusalem, 457—9

  Jewett, Sarah Orne: background and career, 22—4; death, 27; novels and stories, 22—7; A Country Doctor, 23; ‘Miss Tempy’s Watchers’, 26; The Country of the Pointed Firs, 22, 24—6

  Jews: in Nazi Germany, 432—8

  John Lehmann Ltd, 341—2

  Jones, David, 168

  Jones, Jo Elwyn and J. Francis Gladstone: The Red King’s Dream, or Lewis Carroll in Wonderland, 80, 85—6

  Jones, Monica, 374—5

  Jowett, Benjamin, 94—5

  Joyce, James: on art, 222, 530; epiphanies, 208; and Ford Madox Ford’s liking for women, 298; and language, 529; on romantic imagination, 395; Finnegans Wake, 529; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, 222, 405, 414, 516; Ulysses, 286, 497, 527

  Joyce, Stanislaus, 527

  Judd, Alan: Ford Madox Ford, 294—8

  Jung Chang: Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China, 427—31

  Kafka, Franz, 314; The Trial, 501

  Kallin, Anna, 358

  Karl, Frederick R.: George Eliot, Voice of a Century: A Biography, 36—9

  Katzman, Charles, 348

  Kauffer, McKnight, 162—3, 168

  Keats, John: on Coleridge, 21; in Hampstead, 471, 482—3

  Keats, Tom, 482

  Keble, John, 98, 111

  Keene, Charles, 206—8, 212—13

  Kelman, James, 407

  Kelmscott Manor House, 107, 134, 528

  Kelmscott Press, The, 122—5, 141

  Kendall, H.E., 172

  Kennedy, Richard: A Boy at the Hogarth Press, 284

  Kermode, Frank, 30, 38

  Keynes, John Maynard, Baron: correspondence with Lydia Lopokova, 288, 291—3

  King, Cecil, 342

  King, Edward, Bishop of Lincoln, 77

  King, Francis: Yesterday Came Suddenly, 370

  King, Gunning, 208

  Kingsley, Charles, 86

  Kingsley, Henry, 86

  Kipling, Alice, 135

  Kipling, Rudyard: Angus Wilson and, 371; with Burne-Joneses at The Grange, 136, 140, 142; meets William Morris, 101—3, 136; praises Sarah Orne Jewett’s Country of the Pointed Firs, 26; Something of Myself, 136

  Klementaski, Alida (Mrs Harold Monro): and Charlotte Mew, 180—2; and Poetry Bookshop, 153, 158—9, 161—7, 170

  Klemperer, Eva (née Schlemmer), 432, 435, 437

  Klemperer, Victor: I Shall Bear Witness (transl. Martin Chalmers), 432—8

  Knox family, 469

  Knox, Dillwyn (Penelope Fitzgerald’s uncle), 469

  Knox, Revd Edward (Penelope Fitzgerald’s grandfather), 469

  Knox, E.V. (Penelope Fitzgerald’s father): on difference between journalism and literature, 202, 495; edits Punch, 201, 209, 468; homes and family life, 468, 482, 486, 491; writes for Punch, 201—2, 468, 471, 482, 486; In My Old Days: foreword, 210—12

  Knox, Rawle (Penelope Fitzgerald’s brother), 468, 485, 488—9; The Work of E.H. Shepard, 214

  Knox, Monsignor Ronald (Penelope Fitzgerald’s uncle), 333, 469—70

  Knox, Revd Wilfred (Penelope Fitzgerald’s uncle), 469—70

  Kocmanova, Jessie: The Maturing of William Morris, 104

  Lamb, Charles, 19

  Lane, Allen, 341—2

  Lane, John, 177

  Lanza, Clara, 229

  Larkin, Philip: The Less Deceived, 375; Selected Letters, 1940—1985 (ed. Anthony Thwaite), 374—9; ‘The Whitsun Wedding’, 377

  Latham, David and Sheila, 102

  Lawrence, D.H.: dialogue in, 504—5; lives in Well Walk, 482; at Poetry Bookshop, 160; Rebecca West and, 313; The Captain’s Doll, 504; Kangaroo, 504; Sons and Lovers, 417, 503; Women in Love, 504

  Lear, Anne (Edward’s sister), 87

  Lear, Edward, 93—4; Excursions in Italy, 87—8

  Leavis, F.R., 36, 152

  Lee, Alice, 174

  Lee, Hermione: Virginia Woolf, 275—9, 338

  Leech, John, 206

  le Gallienne, Richard, 235

  Legrand, Edy, 168

  Lehmann, Beatrix, 337

  Lehmann, Helen, 337

  Lehmann, John: biography by Adrian White, 336—44; ‘A Dream of Winter’, 341; In the Purely Pagan Sense, 337, 340; The Whispering Gallery, 340

  Lehmann, Rosamond: place in family, 337; relations with brother John, 342; on Rose Macaulay, 299; Dusty Answer, 253, 338

  Lehmann, Rude, 337

  Leighton House, London, 126

  Lemon, Mark, 204—5

  Leonard, Mrs (medium), 256

  Leonardo da Vinci: Mona Lisa, 450

  lesbianism: Radclyffe Hall and, 253—7

  Lessing, Doris: The Golden Notebook, 364

  Leverson, Ada: The Little Ottleys, 233—8

  Leverson, Ernest, 233—4, 236

  Levi, Peter: Edward Lear: A Biography, 86—90

  Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 496

  Lewes, George Henry, 36—8

  Lewis, Clive Staples: biography by A.N. Wilson, 353—7; A Grief Observed, 357; Surprised by Joy, 356

  Lewis, George, 140

  Lewis, Joy (née Davidman), 355

  Lewis, Katie, 84

  Lewis, Warren Hamilton (‘Warnie’), 354—6

  Lewis, Wyndham, 146

  Liddell, Alice, 82—4

  Liddell, Henry George, Dean of Christ Church, 82

  Liddell, Lorina (née Reeve), 82

  Liddon, Henry Parry, Canon of St Paul’s, 81

  Lincoln, Bishops of see Hicks, Edward Lee; King, Edward

  Links, J.G., 452

  Lissine, Alexis, 342—3

  Locke, John, 20

  Loize, Jean, 308

  London Magazine, 342—3

  London Mercury, The (periodical), 167

  Longfellow, Alice, 24

  Lopokova, Lydia: correspondence with J.M. Keynes, 288, 291—3; effect on Bloomsbury, 291

  Lowell, Amy, 169

  Lucas, Miss (later Green; teacher), 483, 485

  Lushington, Frank, 89

  Lutyens, Sir Edwin, 444—6

  Mac Liammoir, Micheál, 220

  Macaulay, (Dame) Rose: convictions, 310; on poetry intoxication in 1920s, 162; The World My Wilderness: Introduction to, 298—305

  MacBride, John, 221—2

  McBryde, James, 193

  McBryde, Jane, 193

  MacCarthy, Fiona: The Simple Life: C.R. Ashbee in the Cotswolds, 129—33

  MacDonald, George: Phantastes, 85

  Macdonald, George (church minister), 55

  McGahern, John: Collected Stories, 403—5; Introduction to J.B. Yeats letters, 216—18; The Dark, 405; The Leavetaking, 405

  McGibbon, James, 361

  Mach, Ernst, 512

  Mackail, John W. (‘Jack’), 106—7, 110, 116, 139

  Mackail, Margaret (née Burne-Jones), 134, 139, 141—2

  Macmillan, Harold (later 1st Earl of Stockton), 333

  MacNeice, Dan, 348

  MacNeice, Elisabeth, 345

  MacNeice, Hedli (née Anderson), 350

  MacNeice, John, Bishop of Belfast, 345, 347, 352

  MacNeice, Louis: biography by Jon Stallworthy, 344—53; Autumn Journal, 349, 351; ‘The Casualty’, 350; ‘Charo
n’, 352—3; ‘Memoranda’, 353; ‘The Taxis’, 352; ‘Valediction’, 348

  MacNeice, Marie (née Ezra; Louis’ first wife), 347—8

  MacNeice, William, 345—6

  Malta, 17—18

  Manet, Édouard, 229

  Mann, Thomas: ‘Death in Venice’, 456

  Mansfield, Katherine, 486

  Mao Zedong, 425—6, 428

  Marinetti, Emilio Filippo Tommaso, 165

  Markievicz, Constance, Countess see Gore-Booth, Constance

  Marsh, Sir Edward: and Edward Thomas, 153; and Georgian Poetry, 153, 164—5, 188; and Harold Monro, 157

  Martin, Francis, 74

  Masefield, John: and Ashbee, 132; standing, 277; supports Charlotte Mew, 182

  Maurice, Frederick Denison, 86, 96

  Maxwell, William (ed.): Sylvia Townsend Warner: Letters, 246—52

  May, Phil, 206, 213

  Men and Women’s Club, 243

  Meredith, George, 241

  Merriman, John Xavier, 245

  Methodism, 54

  Mew, Anne (Charlotte’s sister), 182—3

  Mew, Charlotte: appearance and personality, 171—2, 176—7, 181; Civil List pension, 181; death, 183; early happiness, 98, 172—3; early writing, 176; homosexuality, 180; influences on, 175; life and works, 171; Monro publishes, 165; poetry, 177—8; and Poetry Bookshop, 161—2, 180—1; ‘The Changeling’, 170; Collected Poems and Prose (ed. Val Warner): reviewed, 171—84; ‘The Farmer’s Bride’, 178, 180—1; The Farmer’s Bride (collection), 161, 180; ‘Fin de Fête’, 173, 179; ‘In Nunhead Cemetery’, 171, 175, 178; ‘Ken’, 175; ‘On the Asylum Road’, 178; ‘Passed’ (story), 176; The Rambling Sailor, 183; ‘Saturday Market’, 178; ‘The Shade Catchers’, 182

  Mew, Fred (Charlotte’s father), 172, 174, 176

  Mew, Mrs Fred (Charlotte’s mother), 176—7, 182

  Mew, Freda (Charlotte’s sister), 175

  Mew, Henry (Charlotte’s brother), 175

  Mexico, 494

  Mill, John Stuart, 239

  Millais, Sir John Everett, 86

  Millevoye, Lucien, 219—20, 222

  Milne, A.A., 209, 214

  Milton Abbot, west Devon, 241—7

  Minton, John, 342

  Mitford, Nancy, 332

  Mizener, Arthur: The Saddest Story, 296

  Modern European Library (published by John Lehmann), 341

  Monro, Alida (Harold’s wife) see Klementaski, Alida

  Monro, Harold: and Alida Klementaski, 158—9; Alida recites Charlotte Mew’s ‘Farmer’s Bride’ to, 180; background and career, 154—5, 157; commissions illustrators, 168; death, 164; disavows Georgians, 165; drinking, 163—5; and Edward Thomas, 153; in First World War, 162; homosexuality, 159; launches second Bookshop, 163—4; marries Alida, 162; pessimism, 344; and Poetry Bookshop, 154, 156—60, 170; publishing, 160, 165—70; Collected Poems, 166; One Day Awake, 167—8; ‘Overheard on a Saltmarsh’, 170


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