Mister Plum

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Mister Plum Page 2

by Sue Brown

  “Tom?” At the bleary nod that Tom managed, Dave said, “It’s your stop. Why don’t you get off here and go home?” Dave hoped Tom understood how concerned he was.

  “I’ll go in for a while. I’m almost here now. See you tomorrow,” Tom mumbled and got to his feet. “Thanks.” It was obvious he could barely stand.

  Biting back a moron under his breath. Dave sighed. It wouldn’t be appreciated. “You’re an idiot but okay, I can’t force you to go home. Just don’t come in tomorrow if you’re still feeling rough.”

  “Sure.” Tom said shortly, “Thanks for the coffee.” Leaving the cup behind on the floor as if it was empty, he bade farewell to Dave.

  Dave decided not to point out Tom hadn’t had more than a mouthful. He said goodbye and watched Tom as he left the train, seeing him wince as he had to twist to get around a couple of commuters, Dave kept watching him as he went down the stairs to the subway until he was out of sight, swallowed up by the morning commuters. As the train moved away, Dave picked up Tom’s cup to stop it leaking over the floor. He could dump it later. It was useless to worry about the man. Dave didn’t have Tom’s phone number; in all honesty he didn’t even really know Tom that well. He would just have to hope the man would be all right.


  He wasn’t going to admit that the sight of Tom waking toward him the following Monday made him breathe easier for the first time since he’d seen Tom limp away the previous week. The man hadn’t been at the station Thursday or Friday, which was unsurprising really, and it had left Dave worried and unsettled all weekend.

  As he paid Kai for his morning life-saver, a broad grin spread across the barista’s face and he poured another cup.

  “He’s back this morning,” Kai informed Dave, nodding over his shoulder. Dave looked over to see Tom dodging umbrellas as he jogged toward the coffee shop.

  Dave couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his own face. He dug out some more change and paid for both coffees. Tom had just gotten inside the door when he spotted Dave coming toward him, a cup in either hand and a paper tucked under his arm.

  “You’re looking better,” Dave greeted him and handed over the takeaway cup with the orange sleeve.

  Tom grinned back, his face looking more relaxed and not etched with lines of pain like it had last Wednesday. “Thanks, but next time it’s my turn.” he said, accepting his drink, “God, I felt like shit last week. Work sent me home and told me not to come back until today.”

  “At least they had some sense,” Dave said pointedly.

  “Yes, mum.” Tom pulled a face at Dave and sipped his coffee with a contented sigh.

  They wandered onto the platform as the announcer called their train. It was still raining hard and platform four was filled with people shaking their umbrellas before closing them.

  “Where shall we stand today?” Tom asked.

  “It doesn’t matter to me. Let’s go down to your space,” Dave decided and they grinned conspiratorially at each other, like small boys up to mischief.

  That really set the tone for the next couple of weeks. They met on the station concourse sometimes, if they were both running late. Mainly they conducted their relationship in front of the commuter crowd for the 8:50 to London Waterloo. It was both fun and extremely frustrating for Dave. They talked sports; Dave hated football with a passion, but Tom could talk passably about rugby. They both thought cricket was boring but confessed to watching the Ashes. They discussed books and films; that was a short conversation until they found common ground in Lord of the Rings. It was like going on dates but without the making out and Dave’s right hand was getting a lot of use.

  It wasn’t like Dave could actually pin Tom up against the timetable and kiss him senseless. He was convinced Tom was gay but they’d never actually had that conversation. Dave was leary of starting with, “So, do you like dick?” but the time was fast approaching when Dave needed more than a wank after he got into work. Neither of them were shy by nature; Dave wasn’t sure what was holding them both back. It just hadn’t seemed the right time. Tom was working a big project which was just about to go live. Sometimes the man didn’t get home before ten at night. He was going to ask Tom out on a date, but he’d wait until Tom’s project was over first. The last thing he wanted was for Tom to fall asleep before they got to the making out.


  Monday morning was dark and cold, with the rain sheeting down, leaving passengers cold and shivering as they waited for their train, some of them using their coffee cups to keep warm. Dave was thinking to hell with it and was going to broach the subject when Tom took him literally by the arm and guided him toward a quiet spot on the platform.

  “The thing is, I’m going away on a business trip for a few days. But when I get back, if I asked you out, would you punch me in the face?” he said, before Dave had time to process what was happening.

  “Er, no,” Dave said cautiously. “For a drink or on a date?” In for a penny, in for a pound. A drink was fine, but sex was even better.

  “I was thinking a drink first, but y’know, if a date means putting out, I was hoping you might blow me afterward.” Tom grinned cheekily, but Dave could see the hint of uncertainty in his eyes. It made Dave feel better that he wasn’t the only one suffering from nerves.

  Dave returned the grin. “And what do I get as a reward?”

  Tom’s response was delayed by an announcement for their train, and he didn’t seem in any hurry to answer as they sat down. The carriage windows were steamed up and Dave handed his cup over to Tom as he wriggled uncomfortably out of his wet coat. He hated sitting in a damp coat all the way to Waterloo. As he took his cup back it suddenly struck him. He hadn’t needed to ask Tom to hold his drink. In the past few weeks, Tom had become used to Dave’s routine, just as Dave knew Tom loved it when Dave handed him the free newspaper with the mocha. They knew that much about each other already.

  “So?” he asked when he had swallowed some coffee.

  Raising an eyebrow, Tom made a hmmm noise.

  “You know what I’m asking,” Dave insisted, licking his bottom lip nervously.

  “Remind me.” Tom’s voice dropped and the look in his eyes suggested he knew exactly what Dave was talking about.

  Dave rolled his eyes. “First, we have a drink,” he leaned a bit closer to Tom, lowering his own voice as he said, “Then I blow you, and then...”

  “And then...” Tom moved closer as if he was just trying to make himself heard above the noise of the train. “I want you to fuck me. Is that okay?”

  Oh yes, that was just fine with Dave and he shivered in anticipation. From the smug look in his eyes as Tom sat back and finished his coffee, he thought it was just fine, too.


  The sound of his phone vibrating across his bedside table disturbed Dave just as he was dozing off. Without opening his eyes, Dave fumbled around, desperately trying to find the mobile before it fell on to the floor.

  “Mumpf,” he mumbled.

  “Hi,” a sleepy voice said. “Did I wake you up?”

  “Umph,” Dave managed, trying to clear his mind enough to hold a conversation with Tom. He hadn’t seen Tom for a couple of days as the man had been on a business trip to Birmingham. They’d exchanged numbers before he went and had texted a few times, mainly it was Tom ranting about how boring the meetings were, but this was the first time they’d actually spoken to each other. Tom’s voice was warm and relaxed and Dave almost snuggled into his phone.

  “Sorry, I forgot how late it is. I’ll give you a ring tomorrow.” Tom apologised and seemed ready to hang up.

  “No, don’t go. I’m sorry. Hold on.” Yawning as he forced himself up into a sitting position, Dave rubbed at his eyes. He didn’t want to miss talking to Tom, even if it was disturbing his sleep. “Um, sorry, how are you? Are you back?”

  He heard a sigh and then a t
hump as if Tom had just sat heavily on his bed. “I am, baby. God, I’m tired.”

  Dave wanted to call Tom on the baby because he was nobody’s baby, but Tom sounded as if he was just wanting his bed. It warmed Dave that Tom had taken the trouble to ring him.

  “Go to sleep, Tom. I’ll see you in the morning?” It was a question and Dave was well aware how hopeful he sounded.

  “Yeah.” It came out on a long exhale, “Looking forward to it. I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too.” And he had. Much more than he’d expected. For a man Dave only saw on the platform on the way to work, Tom had wormed his way into Dave’s life and lodged himself securely in Dave’s heart. They hadn’t even kissed for heaven’s sake. Dave was hoping to rectify that tomorrow night.

  There was a pause where Dave could hear muffled noises and then, “That’s better. I’m in bed now.” He heard a soft sigh and imagined Tom settling back against his pillow.

  “Naked?” The second it was out of his mouth, Dave wished he could take it back. The soft chuckle in his ear made his cheeks flame in the darkness, despite no one being able to see him.

  “Naked,” agreed Tom. “Just me and my Batman duvet.”

  “Batman?” Dave scoffed, thankful for the distraction from the thought of Tom, naked and warm. All that olive skin just waiting to be tasted. Almost unbidden, the tips of his fingers slipped under the waistband of his pajamas. He bit his lip. Tom didn’t need to know that just talking to him made Dave hard.

  “Don’t diss Batman. He’s better than Superman any day. Anyway, you’ve probably got a boring cover.”

  Dave smiled at he thought about his duvet cover. Boring yes, but as he thought about Tom laid out on his bed, dark brown hair framed against the plum of his bedcovers, Dave gripped his cock tightly. He wasn’t a fourteen year old, he could survive more than a couple of lines and pornographic sequence playing out in his mind.

  “I thought we could go out tomorrow night,” Tom said, breaking into Dave’s frantic concentration.

  “Er... sure, where do you want to go?” Dave breathed through the desire to come all over his fist.

  “Takeaway, film, your bed?”

  “God, yes,” Dave said so quickly that Tom chuckled again. It was doing nothing for his control.

  “I wish I was there now.” Tom’s voice sound low and seductive, with a hint of regret.

  Dave let out a low moan. He couldn’t help it and he heard an answering one on the other end of the line.

  “Fuck, don’t do that,” Tom whispered shakily.

  “You’re the one talking about being in my bed,” Dave pointed out, his hand still gripping his cock.

  He settled back against the bed and stroked himself a couple of times, breathing hard as the long, slow strokes made his toes curl. Raising his arse a little, he pulled his pajama bottoms down to avoid getting them covered in spunk.

  “I wish I could see you touching yourself.” Tom’s tone was soft and wistful.

  “Tomorrow,” Dave promised. “Want to hear you come as well. Please?” he asked, stroking harder, not afraid now to let out the grunts as the familiar feeling started curling in the base of his spine.

  A faint slapping noise let him know that Tom was fully on board with the idea and he lay back, content just to listen and feel in the darkness. Tom’s noises grew louder and more guttural as his orgasm approached. Dave felt as if he were balanced on a precipice, desperate to come, yet wanting to wait for Tom to join him.

  “Need to come,” he bit out, his balls tight and screaming for release.

  “Almost. There. Almost, fuck nearly. Now,” Tom panted out.

  Finally given permission, Dave let go, a sharp tug all that was needed to push him over, his cock pulsing in his hand, splattering semen over his belly. Frantically, Dave tried to prevent it getting on the sheets, one hand flailing out for tissues almost before he had stopped coming. In his ear, he could hear Tom’s shout and gasps as he reached his own climax.

  “Mmmm,” Tom yawned in his hear, sounding sleepy and spent. “Thank you. I needed that.”

  Dave smiled, wishing he could see Tom all fucked-out and pliant. “My pleasure. Go to sleep. I’ll talk to you tomorrow about timings.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  Tom sounded as if he was almost asleep, and Dave spent a few minutes just listening to the soft breathing in his ear and the knowledge that tomorrow they’d take the next step.


  Saturday was Dave’s housework day. He had to admit to being excessively tidy. OCD had been bandied about more than once by frustrated boyfriends. Dave tried, he really did, but the thought of something out of place, or a dirty cup left on the coffee table, drove him insane. Saturdays were used to clean, shop, and do his laundry. The kitchen of his studio flat was too small to hold a washing machine and a dryer, so he spent a couple of hours every Saturday catching up on his reading as his washing tumbled around.

  This Saturday was no different, but this time Dave was filled with an excitement that he hadn’t had in a long time. It had been nearly a year since his last relationship, six months since his last hook up, and anyway, he rarely brought dates back to his flat. Tom was different. He wasn’t just a hook up. It was too soon to call it a relationship, but Dave was aware of the hope bubbling in his chest, not to mention the fact he was walking around with a permanent boner.

  By four o’clock he was back in the flat. Tom hadn’t called, which was surprising, but the bloke had been exhausted, he probably wasn’t in the mood for talking to anyone just yet. Opening the small drawer in the kitchen, Dave flicked through the takeaway menus, eventually putting them to one side. He had no idea what Tom like to eat, let alone if he was allergic to anything.

  Dave remade the bed, graphic images rolling through his mind of Tom splayed out on the plum sheets as he smoothed out the corners. The bedside drawer was stocked with lube and condoms and there were extra tissues on the bedside table.

  At six, he was worried. He looked at his phone, but there was no missed call. He sat down and flicked on the TV, watching a little of last Sunday’s Wasp’s game to take his mind off the silence from Tom.

  His mobile finally rang just before seven. Dave grabbed it and answered without looking at the caller ID.

  “Hello, Tom, are you okay? I’ve been worried. I thought you’d ring earlier.”

  “I’m not Tom, honey. But I’d like to know more about him.” The voice was amused, female and most definitely not the person he wanted to hear from.

  Dave swallowed a sigh of disappointment and greeted his mother. “Hi Mum. I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.”

  “Well, obviously.” If an eyeroll could be seen over the phone, his mother would be doing it right now. “You have a new man in your life?”

  Her tone was tentative and Dave knew she was trying hard not to ask all the questions that were buzzing around in her head. She was doing her best, he knew that. It was just... he hated discussing his love life with his mum. One minute they’d be talking about how he’d met the guy and the next she’d be giving him safe sex lectures. At twenty-nine, he pretty much thought he had that one covered.

  “Mum, I’m expecting a call.” He wasn’t by now, but he just couldn’t face a long call with his mother. “Could I give you a ring tomorrow evening? I promise to tell you all about him.”

  If there was anything to tell. Tonight was looking like it was going to be a no-show.

  “Of course. Call me after eight, though.” She sounded disappointed. That made two of them.

  “I won’t interrupt Corrie, I promise.” He disconnected the call. Nations trembled at her wrath if she had to get up to answer the phone during the middle of Coronation Street.

  Dave was left unsettled by her call. He knew that his mum would want to know all about Tom, and to be honest, he really knew very little
beyond the social chit chat of their conversations on the train. He’d been hoping to change that tonight, although he’d hoped to get to know Tom in a whole different way, one he was not prepared to share with his mother. It was gone seven, though, and if Tom was going to turn up, Dave expected him to have called by now. Oh blow it! He was too old to be playing teenage games. Dave hit speed-dial for Tom’s number.

  It went straight to voicemail. “Tom, it’s Dave. Are you coming ‘round tonight? If you’ve decided to bail you could’ve at least let me know. Look, you know where I am if you want to call.”

  Hoping he hadn’t come over as too desperate, Dave went to investigate the contents of his freezer. After discounting everything, including the Peking duck he’d been saving for a special occasion, Dave slumped miserably on the settee. He’d just thought that this time Tom had been the one, after all, it had been Tom who had flirted with him, Tom who had called him last night, Tom who had made him come harder than he had in a long time, just from talking in his ear.

  By nine o’clock, Dave had been through worry and righteous anger. He didn’t even know where Tom lived to see if he was all right. Now he was working his way into self-pity with the help of a six pack. Fuzzy brained and fuzzy toed, he stared miserably into his beer can. He’d been stood up before. Why the hell should he care so much about this one?

  Because it was Tom and he really liked Tom.

  Well, he wasn’t missing his train on Monday morning. It was his train and he was damned if he was getting another one just to avoid that arsehole. It was going to be difficult to avoid Tom in the coffee shop. Maybe he’d just get a coffee at Waterloo. At least for a couple of days.

  By Monday morning however, Dave had managed to get over his hangover and had worked his way back to angry again. As he arrived at the station, Dave was determined to get a drink from Kai’s whether Tom was there or not. With ten minutes to spare, he had plenty of time to get a cup of really strong, black coffee. There was no sign of the bastard in the queue as he waited.


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