Training James [Hard Hits 11] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Training James [Hard Hits 11] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 8

by Tatum Throne

  Sunshine bent low in the sky as the sun started to fade. How long had he been sitting next to Layton’s hospital bed? He’d lost count as the minutes bled into hours. All time seemed to stop when the man he loved was clinging to life.

  “Hey,” TJ said.

  TJ’s hand came down over his shoulder, stirring James out of his thoughts. “Hey.”

  “You look like you could use some coffee. You want to take a walk?” TJ asked.

  “I really don’t want to leave him.”

  “He’ll be okay for a few. Parker thinks he’s stable for the time being.”

  He really could use a breather. James stood, sliding his hand over Layton’s fingers and giving them a soft squeeze. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  They were silent as they headed down the hallway to the cafeterias. They bought two cups of coffee and headed outside to a quiet bench under a pear tree to talk.

  “How you holding up?” TJ asked.

  “I’ve been better.”

  TJ nodded and his gaze got a faraway look. “Everyone in the department is rooting for you both.”

  Shock left James at a loss for words. “I had no idea.”

  “Layton needs to settle down and you need a good man.”

  Tears misted James’s eyes. “I’m not sure if that’s an option for us now.”

  “Don’t give up hope yet. I’ve known Layton a long time. I don’t think he’s leaving us yet.”

  James wanted to know how he could be so sure. Head injuries were no joke. As they sat there within the fading sun drinking their coffees, James was struck by the fact that so much had changed within him and his department since he had taken over. Even now, when he was no longer in charge, things had changed. There were marriages, babies, and honeymoons. James now wondered if he would ever get a happily ever after, too. If he lost Layton, he wouldn’t be able to move on with anyone.

  Chief Rask came out of the hospital, carrying his own cup of coffee. He sat down on the bench next to James.

  “I got your report. You were right about the allegations being complete bullshit,” Rask said.

  “Yeah. Those guys were targeting him,” James said.

  “You were both lucky to make it off that bridge,” TJ added.

  When James realized that Layton had left District Four without his weapon or his cell phone, he knew he had to go after him. It had been impulse to grab the keys to Layton’s Harley. It’d been a few years since he took one out on his own but it was just like riding a bicycle. He was lucky he had found him when he had. Running the bike into the guys had been pure impulse and nearly taken his leg off but it was worth it. It had saved Layton and given both of them a chance to get away.

  “Yes, we were. How are the other guys?” James asked.

  “The one is out of surgery. He’ll make it. He’s got a long rap sheet. He’ll be going away for a long time. The other is sitting in jail.”

  They all sat in silence for a while. James stared into the setting sun and burst into tears as he said, “What if he doesn’t wake up?”

  Mason and TJ came in close with Mason wrapping his arms around his shoulders and TJ kneeling down in front of him on his haunches. “He will. Layton is strong. He’s not going anywhere without you,” TJ said.

  They held him as he sobbed like a baby. Rask lifted his chin so that their eyes locked. “He’s got this. Give it some time. He’ll wake up. I’m sure of it.”

  “Parker is certain he’s going to be okay. He’s just knocked out from the hit to his head,” TJ said.

  After several minutes of deep breathing, James got it together. He wiped his eyes with the handkerchief that Mason handed him. “I’m going to be okay. I’m just regretting the fact that I never told him how much I loved him when it mattered the most.”

  “How about you go up there now and tell him. Even if he’s not conscious, he’ll still be able to hear you,” TJ said.

  For the first time in hours, James felt as though he had a plan that he could hold on to. He was going to go upstairs into that hospital room and tell Layton how he felt—even if the man wasn’t awake.

  * * * *

  Layton woke up to soft light hitting him in the face. He felt groggy as though he had awakened in the middle of his sleep cycle. He reached for his face, feeling a bandage. Panic raced through his body when he recalled the moment on the bridge where he had tried to save James. Had he saved him? Was he alive? His heart squeezed tight as he thought about the possibility of losing the only man he’d ever loved.

  The heart machine monitoring his heart started to alarm. Lay felt as though he couldn’t breathe. He started thrashing within the bed. He couldn’t catch his breath. Everything felt as though it were closing in on him. Alarms were going off. A team of hospital staff came rushing into the room.

  “Hold him down!”

  “No!” Layton struggled as his heart raced out of his chest. “James! No!”

  Someone grabbed his face as his eyes blurred with tears. “I’m here. It’s okay!”


  Ever so slowly the alarm on the machine ceased. “He was having a panic attack,” Woods said.

  The tears clouding his vision slowly slipped away, making James as clear as a bright sunny day. “You’re okay?”

  “I’m fine. Are you okay?”

  Nothing hurt much besides his head. It was then that Lay recalled hitting his head as he went down. “I’m okay. Help me sit up.”

  “Not so fast. You’ll get lightheaded and pass out,” Woods said.

  “I don’t care. I want to sit up.”

  “I’ll put the bed up as long as you promise not to try to get out of bed,” Woods said.


  As the bed raised, Layton saw his friends from the department around the bed. Emotion made a hard right turn in his heart. James stepped back but Lay reached out, taking his hand. “Thank you for saving me.”

  “I would have done the same for anyone.”

  “You’re just saying that.”

  “How about we give Shaw some time to get his bearings? Everyone out except for the former chief,” Woods said.

  “See you later. I don’t expect you back on duty until Dr. Woods gives the okay,” Chief Rask said.

  When everyone one left, Woods left, too, leaving Layton alone with his sub. He held onto his hand tightly. He couldn’t believe he had fucked him so harshly and then walked away. It was mean to do what he did. He had an obligation to take care of his subs after having sex with them. He held Jim’s hand, loving how warm and strong it was.

  “It was a stupid thing you did to save my life,” Lay said.

  “Yeah, about that. Your Harley is in the shop.”

  “I’m just glad you’re okay. I was so worried…I thought something bad happened to you,” Lay admitted.

  “I don’t plan on going anywhere as long as you’ll let me take care of you.”

  Layton smiled. “I think I could get used to you taking care of me.”

  There was so much Layton wanted to say to Jim but he couldn’t get the words out of his mouth. It felt like the wrong place and the wrong time. As long as he had James, he knew that everything would be okay. Despite him being at his side now, he felt very far away.

  “You okay?” Lay asked.

  “I am. I’m glad you’re going to be all right. I was so worried,” James said.

  “I don’t plan on going anywhere for a long time.” Layton smiled but it faltered as he recalled how badly he had treated James. “I’m sorry for before.”

  “Shh. You don’t have to say anything. I know exactly how you feel.”

  “You do?”

  “It’s okay. We don’t have to have a relationship if you don’t want. I’m willing to take care of you until you feel better.”

  “No. That’s not what I want.”

  The door swung open with Dr. Woods coming back in with a nurse at his side. “I’m going to need to borrow Shaw for a while. Do you mind waiting outside?”

/>   James stepped back and Layton felt like he was losing him. “I’m going to need a ride home.”

  “I’ll be waiting for you,” James said.

  The door shut behind him and Layton sighed heavily. “I think I messed that up.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t.”

  “No. I really did.”

  Woods gave him a hard stare. “He risked his life for you because he loves you. Give it a chance to work out. Besides, the man has been here from the moment you were brought in. He about caused an incident when I asked him to step outside the first minute you got here. The fact that he went now means he needs time to process everything. Give him the chance.”

  “I will.”

  As the nurse fussed with taking out his IV, Layton worried about his love life for the first time in years. As a Dom, he always had control. He always had the next plan ready to go. Things were so different with James. He was thinking about love, marriage, and moving in. Kids were not on this menu. James had his and Lay wasn’t interested in being a parent to anyone. He wasn’t meant to be a father but he was meant to be a lover—a really good lover who could honor and cherish his sub forever.

  “When will I get out?” Lay asked.

  Woods sighed. “You don’t want to stay, do you?”


  “If you promise to have someone babysit you for the next two weeks, I’ll let you go home tonight.” Woods pinned him with a hard stare. “Do you know anyone who could stay with you every day for that long?”

  “I can only think of one.”

  “Let’s hope he didn’t leave the hospital yet.”

  A smile cornered Layton’s lips. He was going to make things up to James starting the moment he left the hospital. He would have to take things slow, and he could do that as he secretly wooed his lover. He only hoped James would want to take him back. Layton would be heartbroken if he didn’t. As he waited to find out if his sub could take him home, Lay felt his mind wandering toward the investigation by IA. Would that get in the way? Would there be charges? Would he lose his job? Lay only hoped that whatever chaos was going on that it was finally over. All he wanted was to love James and have him love him back.

  Chapter Nine

  James wasn’t planning on leaving Layton’s side anytime soon. Parker had given him strict orders to watch over him for the next week. After that, it was all up to Layton. Could he forgive him? Would he? They were avoiding the relationship subject like the plague and James wasn’t pushing the issue the way he had before.

  Layton was propped up in his big king-size bed. The television was on some reality show that James hadn’t ever seen before. Not that he watched much TV as it was. He read all the time. While Lay rested, he cleaned his entire house, shopped for the next two weeks for groceries, and bought a bunch of magazines he thought Lay would be interested in.

  “I brought you some magazines,” James said.

  Lay’s eyes brightened as he came into the room. James had to ease the rapid beat of his heart. He didn’t want to hope for something that wouldn’t ever happen.

  “What did you get?”

  James brought the stack into the room, resisting the urge to sit down on the bed next to him. It was difficult to forget all about what had happened between them in this room. “I got some fitness magazines, architecture, and the Smithsonian. I wasn’t sure what you liked to read.”

  “They all sound great.”

  After handing him the magazines, James turned to tidy up the room. “Can I get you anything?”

  “Yeah. I’m a bit hungry.”

  “Oh? You just had lunch. What would you like?”

  Silence echoed back and it had James snapping his gaze around, fearing that something was wrong with Layton. Their eyes locked and James felt the room spin as his entire body melted from that one look that sent his libido into overdrive. Heat seared through his cock, making him instantly hard. His cock flexed tight, hitting down the seam of his jeans.




  “Are you sure you feel up for it?”

  “I’m fine.”

  James wasn’t so sure but it was damn near impossible for him to resist Lay’s offer. “How do you want me?”

  Lust moved through Layton’s gaze as he swung his legs easily from the bed. He appeared to be feeling much better today. “Get on your hands and knees and crawl to me, sub.”

  “I’m your sub?”

  “Yes, you are. Always. Now obey my order or I’m going to have to punish you.”

  “Would you like me to undress first, Sir?”


  Teasing his shirt off first, James dropped it to the floor. He worked his shoes, pants, and boxers off so slowly that an impatient flare made his Dom’s eyes narrow. James slipped his hand down over his fully loaded cock, loving the way his Dom squirmed impatiently. James got down on his hands and knees, crawling across the room. As James moved, Layton worked his sweats off and his T-shirt. He was completely naked by the time James got to the bed. Their eyes locked and a shiver of heat moved through James. He was ready to do anything his Dom wanted him to.

  “Suck me.”

  James moved in close, opening his mouth wide. He sucked Lay deep into his throat, loving the way his cockhead hit against the back. His muscles flexed, bunching in his shoulders and down his backside. James loved the feel of his Dom’s hands moving down his spine and between his ass cheeks. He groaned as his Dom’s fingers slipped over his rim. He spread his legs wide and arched his ass out so that Lay had complete access.

  As his other hand moved over his prick, James slipped his mouth off of his cock. “Spank me, Sir.”

  “Eager to get there.”


  As James licked his tongue over Lay’s cockhead, he caressed his balls. He loved how big and ready he always was for him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lay grab a lube bottle from the top drawer of his nightstand. He flipped the cap open and generously put it on his fingers as he slipped his now wet hand between his ass cheeks again. Wetness caressed his rim as Lay pressed and circled his fingers around his tight anus.

  “Get on the bed and lay across my lap.”

  James got onto the bed and positioned himself so that his head was again in his Dom’s lap. He licked his tongue from the base of his cock up to his throbbing cockhead. He leaned in close, sucking his balls into his mouth. He smiled with his Dom’s cock shoved deep in his throat when Layton groaned. It was all the encouragement James needed. Without warning, Lay’s hand slipped over his ass cheeks, spanking him hard. Heat moved over his ass cheeks, making his rim tingle in sweet anticipation.

  There was a frantic animalistic quality to the way that James attacked his Dom’s prick. He wanted this moment to always be memorable. He wanted to never forget that he was the one who made him feel so good. His eyes glazed over as he felt the tip of one of his Dom’s fingers press into his ass. He arched wider, hoping that he would push his finger all the way inside. He groaned as Lay’s wet finger pushed deep into his ass, pressing against his prostate. It was unlike anything he’d ever felt before. He wanted more. As if sensing his urgency, Lay pulled his finger out and pushed two back inside. James moaned again.

  With his Dom’s fingers pressed into his ass, he moaned wildly as he removed his fingers. He was rewarded with the feel of his knuckles pressing against his anus and the push of his fist against his rim. It felt so good to have Layton fist him. James had never been fisted before. It felt so fucking good to have Lay’s fist work magic over his ass. He slipped his tongue slowly off his Dom’s dick.

  “I’m close,” James said.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  Layton pulled him across his body and flipped him onto the bed. He worked his wet cock into his ass, pinning his legs up by his abdomen. Their gazes locked as Layton pounded him in the ass. It felt wonderful to have his Dom satisfying his need. James would do anything for Layton—anything. As Layton worked
his cock deep, he fisted his hand over James’s throbbing prick, jerking him with tight seductive strokes that sent him closer to the edge of coming. James grabbed his ankles, spreading his ass cheeks wider as his Dom worked him hard. The headboard hit with a bang, bang.


  “I’m here. Come for me. Come!”

  His cock got harder and harder as his Dom worked his prick. Like gunfire exploding in his head, James’s hard prick erupted, sending his cum shooting up over his chest. Layton cried out and liquid heat moved through James’s ass as his Dom released his cum deep inside of him. They smiled at each other. Tears misted James’s eyes. He finally had everything he always wanted. He couldn’t believe he’d almost lost him. How was he going to tell him he loved him? He didn’t know how but he had to find a way.

  * * * *

  This was the moment Layton had to tell James how he was feeling. As he opened his mouth to speak, his heart started to race. What if James said no? What if he didn’t want him? He held him tightly to his chest. Both were completely naked. He loved the feel of his sub clinging to him in a way that no man had ever dared. Layton was in love with James. He never thought he’d be able to fall in love with any sub but he had. He fell so hard he had to hit his face on the proverbial floor before he realized what he had and how good it was.

  He kissed Jim’s temple. “I love you, Jim.”

  “I love you so much. So what happens now?”

  Layton leaned up on his elbow and caressed his sub’s jaw. “I want to marry you. Will you marry me?”

  Tears rushed through James’s eyes. “Yes! I’ll marry you!”

  A whoop of excitement rushed through Layton’s mouth before he could stop it from happening. He pulled James onto his chest, kissing him hard. “Will you move in with me? This house is way too big for just me.”

  James danced his fingers over his shoulders. “I would love to. Are you sure you want to marry me?”

  “Hell yes!”

  There was something else Lay had to tell James. It wasn’t as easy as he thought. “Do you remember my first day at the Academy?”


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