Dark Whispers Sheridan and Cain 2009

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Dark Whispers Sheridan and Cain 2009 Page 4

by Unknown

  “We’ll pay you,” Jung Kai said, pulling out a bulging envelope as he rejoined his companions on the other side of the room. He reached into his other pocket and pulled out a set of keys. “We have a place for you to stay as well. It isn’t terribly plush but it’s comfortable, and there are more than enough people for you to feed off of. People who won’t be missed.”

  The little sniveling one was given the money and keys and timidly made his way across the basement to give them to Sakurai. Sakurai bared his fangs and hissed at the younger vampire then laughed when he scurried back to his protectors like the pathetic little bug he was.

  “Oh there had better be something to amuse me in this endeavor,” Sakurai said, tossing his hair back with a jerk of his head.

  * * * * *

  Dai’s cell phone rang just as he hit Chinatown. He flipped the phone open, glancing at the call display screen.Fuck. The shift commander. Dai hit the talk button and brought the phone to his ear. “Yeah?”

  “Matsui get your yellow ass back here on the double! We got a multiple homicide over on Glaser. I think it’s those bastards you’ve been hunting for.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  Cursing, he did a turnaround in a convenience store lot then headed back the way he’d come. As he passed the intersection near where he lived, he screeched on the breaks. That fucking huge dog he thought he’d seen earlier up in the Bronx ran down the next alley. But it couldn’t possibly be the same one. He shook his head. Fucking crazy shit.

  He hit the gas again and sped back toward the precinct, hoping that dumb ass wandering cat of his had the sense to be inside tonight.

  * * * * *

  Dai screeched to a halt and flashed his shield to the uniformed cops manning the perimeter then headed into one of the many high-rise housing units that were his usual haunt while on duty.

  “Holy fuck,” he muttered, entering the blood-soaked basement area, where techs waited to remove the group of tied-together corpses. Two decapitated bodies, another with the side of his head bashed in. The final pair were dead of apparent neck and chest wounds, judging from the blood soaking the front of their clothes. “Who the fuck did these assholes?”

  “You tell us,” Lieutenant Ryker said. “They were your playmates.”

  Dai shot his superior a look then walked over to examine the severed head in the far corner. Rikki Vasquez, the highhanded little shit he’d wanted to take down permanently every time he saw him. Dai stepped over to where the coroner’s people were putting Sergei Mastov into a body bag.

  “Too bad a dozen more will step up to take their places before the week is out.”

  Dai looked at Susan Lenzer, another member of the narcotics squad. “Such is life in the big, bad city.”

  “Is that another saying from the Raymond Watts Book of Wisdom?”

  Dai frowned. “I came up with that one all on my lonesome.”

  He turned away, crossing the basement to talk to one of the other members of the squad. After he’d gathered as much information as he could for the moment, he headed back out to his car. Since he was close, he might as well hit the station and finish the fucking paperwork he blew off earlier. Whatever shit Wei Wei was into could wait till his day off tomorrow.

  “Daisuke, I’m sorry, okay?”

  Dai turned to find Susan trotting up to him, her blond ponytail bobbing behind her catching the rays of half light from the flickering streetlamp nearby. “Forget about it.”

  “I can’t.” She sighed and stuffed her hands into the pockets of her gray hoodie. “I’m a dumbass, okay? I admit it. That was insensitive of me. I’m sorry.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about. It’s over between us. You wanted it that way so it is. End of discussion.”

  He got into the GTO and started the engine. Susan leaned in the open side window. “We had few problems. Maybe I was hasty. We had some good times together, Dai. I like you a lot. I really do.” She smiled and brushed a few strands of dyed red hair out of his eyes. “Your roots are showing. I can help you color it again if you want.”

  Dai shook his head. “I’m not going to be working the streets much after tonight. They made me tonight for sure. I might just let it go back to being black.”

  “I think the red is sexy on you.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Dai said, gently brushing her hand away from the car door. “I got some shit to finish up at the house. I gotta go.”

  “I’m off duty. Come over to my place when you’re done. I have beer in the fridge. I can pop a pizza in the oven.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “Please come, Dai,” she said, stepping back.

  She’s good for you, Dai. Don’t fuck it up because you’re confused over some shit. Watts was still talking to him, straight out of the grave, offering advice as he’d done so often in the past. As frustrated and angry as that had made him, Dai tried to listen to his friend back then. He’d stuck with Susan because Watts said he should, but Susan had still walked away.

  Dai didn’t bother answering her again, and pulled away from the curb.

  At the station, things didn’t go much better. The shift commander wanted all the details about the multiple homicide and Dai got his ass chewed for the paperwork he still hadn’t turned in on the undercover runs he’d been on this week. And in the back of his mind, the shit with Susan kept coming up and haunting him.

  By the time he cut out of there, it was close to three in the morning. Dai planned to go straight to his apartment . . . but for what? The place was empty, he was alone.

  And tonight, he had a strong desire not to be alone. The strong desire for human companionship was the only thing that made him stupid enough to make the drive to Susan’s. She buzzed him inside right away and greeted him at the door when he knocked.

  “Daisuke.” Susan leaned in the frame, her low-cut red nightgown barely covering her breasts, the slit on the side revealing the full length of her thigh.

  Dai moved in through the door, wrapping his hands around her waist and pulling her close for a hard, deep kiss.

  Susan was naked beneath the thin silk gown, warm and soft and very inviting. With a grin she unclipped the holster from his waistband, set down his wallet and badge then tugged the front of his shirt to draw him into another kiss. They tumbled onto the futon she’d folded out into a bed before his arrival and Dai pulled her atop him, his hands gliding up and down the smoothness of her thighs, his fingertips and thumbs skimming the shaved damp flesh of her sex. He slid two fingers inside her and she rode him like a wild thing, coming on his hand in a series of shudders, his name tumbling from her painted lips.

  She sucked his fingers clean then slid to the side to unzip his jeans. She stroked his thick cock and grinned up at him, her long blond hair undone and falling over her sparkling blue eyes. “Did you drink any jasmine tea when you were doing your paperwork?”

  “Yeah, why?” He asked, brushing his knuckles across her cheek.

  She licked his hand, nipped at his thumb with her teeth. “Because your cum tastes so good when you do.”

  Dai sat up as she reached in to the front of his pants and pulled out his cock. He groaned at her touch and thrust his hips forward, just wanting to fuck her mouth. At least that was what he told himself he wassupposed to want.

  “Mmm . . . .” She licked her lips and nuzzled her cheek against the tip of his cock before running her tongue along the length of his shaft. She nipped at the base of his erection and then sucked on each of his balls. “Come on, baby. Gethard for me.”

  Bobbing her head up to tease the tip of his cock again with her hot tongue, Susan gently kneaded her fingertips into his sack. Dai tensed and waited for the first wave of lust to overtake him. It was always like this when they’d had sex . . . . He wanted to scream at her to grab him harder, tofuck him, to fill that part inside of him that needed . . . what?

  He pushed away from her, his cock limp, as if he’d just taken it out to piss and nothing more.

  “This isn’t going to work.” He stood, yanked up his pants and grabbed his holster, wallet and shield from the table and his leather jacket from the floor.


  “I’m sorry, Sue. I’m really sorry. It isn’t you, it’s me. It’s me.” He left her there, lying on the bed, a hurt, puzzled look on her face.

  * * * * *

  Dai blew through red lights at deserted intersections just to get as far from Long Island as he could in the least amount of time. He roughly punched the elevator button to his floor at the apartment building just outside of Chinatown and slammed his hand into the polished steel doors.

  What the fuck was wrong with him? Why did fucking Susan have to seem like such a chore? He’d had other women; pretty women, less attractive women, younger, older and he’d never had trouble getting it up.

  Maybe because they’d been whores and one night stands who liked it a little rough? The way you like it? The way you want to be roughed up?

  Shit. What kind of freak was he?

  Dark Whispers Sheridan and Cain 2009

  Chapter Two

  Sakurai moved through the darkened apartment, raising his eyebrows at the sparse furnishings. The entryway opened into a living area with only a leather sofa, a glass coffee table and a bar underneath the windows across from the door. To the left was an eat-in kitchen, noticeably missing its refrigerator, not that Sakurai would’ve used it anyway. Licking at the corner of his mouth, he tasted the bloody remnants of his evening’s “meal” and smirked.

  A soft rustling came from outside the window over the bar. Sakurai crossed the room and pulled open the thick drapes. A fat, dark grey cat jumped through the opened window and rubbed against his hand, purring the whole time.

  “You were stalking me all evening, sayuri.” He laughed. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice?”

  He’d spotted the cat’s amber eyes peering at him through the darkness as he first walked past the apartment building in search of prey. The cat followed him through the whole course of the hunt, the only witness to the kill when Sakurai claimed a homeless street musician and drained the wretch as he slept in a doorway.

  “Not a very impressive hunt,” Sakurai murmured apologetically to the purring cat. “Butnothing in this city has impressedme, either, so we’re even.”

  Someone cursed out in the hallway, and the passion---the despair--in it took Sakurai’s breath away. He was at the door an instant later, his hands caressing the stained wood as a sense of familiarity washed over him.

  What kind of freak am I?

  The man’s thoughts echoed in Sakurai’s mind, piquing thechiang shih’s morbid curiosity. There was such anger and lust in this one, the latter maddeningly repressed.

  “I’m starting to get the very annoying habit of speaking too soon. There may be something appealing here after all.” Sakurai whispered and chuckled softly.

  Meanwhile, the man outside had returned to the elevators, cursing under his breath for having gotten out on the wrong floor. Soon he was gone, but Sakurai stayed at the door, laughing.

  What was the thing the mortals said about New York—ah yes, the city is home to some of the most interesting people.

  “Well my fur-covered friend—” Sakurai broke off. The cat was gone, his presence undetectable in the apartment. Breathing a bored sigh, Sakurai decided to indulge in the one modern mortal custom he rather enjoyed—a hot shower.

  * * * * *

  Some time later, Sakurai sat on the building’s rooftop, his long hair still damp, the ends drying and blowing in the breeze sweeping in from the north. A presence prickled his vampiric sense and he looked over his shoulder. “So you’ve come back to visit, sayuri. And what’s that you’ve brought me?”

  The corners of Sakurai’s mouth turned down when the cat dropped a pair of men’s underwear by his hand. But then the wind drifted past again, carrying with it the scents that clung to the black fabric.

  Sakurai fingered the garment. Interesting. The odors he detected might very well have come from the person in the corridor. The flavor of the passion he’d sensed earlier was quite the same. His eyebrow quirked when his fingers brushed a wet patch of fabric and Sakurai lifted his fingers to his sensitive nose.


  He lifted the pair of nylon briefs and flicked his tongue across the wet spot, savoring the man’s semen. Grinning, he reached out and stroked the fat cat’s head before sucking the bit of cloth into his mouth to extract the heady, violent passion-filled fluid from the fibers. “Very good, my friend. Very good.”

  * * * * *

  Dai stepped out of the shower, not bothering to dry himself. Crossing the tiled floor, he kicked the wad of dirty clothes out of the way. He’d wash them later. As soon as he’d burst into the apartment after that stupid ass detour on the wrong floor, he tried to get himself off. Leaning back against the front door, he’d squeezed his balls through the front of his jeans until he grunted in pain. He thought of Susan and rubbed harder, until his cock throbbed, but he still he hadn’t come, had only managed to release a small trickle of precum, and only because he’d practically milked himself for it.

  Now, standing naked in his room, he pried open the trunk at the foot of the bed and rummaged through the contents almost desperately. When he found what he was looking for, he switched off the lamp on the nightstand and examined the straps and chains by the light of the streetlamp outside.

  The leather was smooth to the touch, the metal studs cold and unforgiving. When he brought the collar to his neck, his cock responded with a violent jerk upward.

  Breathing heavier as he fastened the collar in place, Dai climbed on to the bed until he was kneeling and the chains dragged on the sheets. He cupped his balls, looping the small harnesses around the heavy sack and then around his cock. Dai tried to straighten his back and gasped as the chains tightened the straps around his sex. Any movement he tried to make pulled the harnesses tighter. His cock swelled against the confinement in a way it never had for Susan, or for the one night stands . . . fuck, not even for himself.

  Beads of new sweat mixed with the shower water and clung to his body. Still kneeling, he bent forward until one hand was on the bed for support. The chains pulled, making him groan. His cock jutted up so he could see the shiny gob of semen already oozing out.

  He thought of Watts and that red-head from years ago. The man had been pinned under Watts, chained this same way. Dai felt another violent jerk in his groin as he pictured what Watts had done to that other man. He reached around to his backside, moaning as the chains relentlessly pulled at his cock while he pushed his fingers into his asshole.

  But it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t fucking enough! Breathing hard he scooted off the bed, the chains fastened to the collar tugging his cock and balls with every move he made. Excruciatingly, painfully exciting.

  “Where are you? Where the fuck are you?” He found what he sought beneath one of Watts’s old boots . . . a thick rubber dildo. Dai rubbed his fingers over the head and his own cock twitched in response. His ass twitched, too, and he rummaged a bit more until he came up with a bottle of lubricant gel. He knelt on the floor, poured the gel over the rubber cock and positioned it. He lowered himself, wincing at the pain then lifted up and tried again. Better, but it still hurt like hell. He removed the dildo from his ass, poured the rest of the lube on and then poked his hole with slick fingers. After a few moments, he positioned the toy again and this time impaled himself on it.

  Ohfuckyes! This was it. The sear of pain that clouded his vision was what he craved. The ache in his balls bound tightly by the leather, pulled by the chains fastened to the front of the collar was both maddening and wonderful. So fucking hot, so fucking good.

  He gave himself a minute to catch his breath then began to rock back and forth, one hand supporting the dildo, the other braced against the floor. He kept going until the pain turned to pure pleasure then he climbed to the bed again, the rubber cock buried deep in his ass, the collar
chaffing his neck. He lay back, legs spread, and fucked himself until his cock bit into its leather confines and his balls swelled to bursting.

  Pausing, he reached back to unbuckle the collar, giving the harness and chains some slack and then began again, fucking himself with the rubber cock with one hand, while he tugged on his bound cock with the other.

  He held back as long as he could, until the sound of his moans echoed off the walls of the small bedroom, and then he yanked the cock harness free and jerked himself like a man possessed. He came in a pounding spasm, his thick cum shooting into the air like a geyser. It splattered his face, his sweat soaked chest, his hair.

  Collapsing back onto the mattress, spent and panting, Dai stretched out across the sheets. He reached down and gingerly pulled the rubber cock out of his throbbing anus, moaning as his passageway emptied and the soreness wracked him all over. He stared in numb shock at the size of the rubber penis, at how much of it he’d been able to take up inside of himself. He could still feel it driving up into his ass and stretching his body as if it were there now.

  Dai felt sick and thrilled all at once—he’d just fucked himself almost senseless. His body was exhausted--and aching like a bitch, yes—but satisfied. Only inside, an emptiness kept gnawing at him. He felt the wet sheets on either side of him, wishing now for someone strong to hold, to give in to.

  * * * * *

  I’m bored , sayuri,” Sakurai said, scratching the cat’s head with one hand, still toying with the nylon briefs with the other. Suddenly, Sakurai clenched his hand in the cat’s fur, his vampire-sharp nails digging into the animal’s flesh. The cat growled and jerked itself free, but Sakurai ignored him. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes to concentrate on the scent washing up from somewhere below, accompanied by erotic images that flashed through his mind.

  Quite a few mortals were fucking their brains out in the confines of this small apartment building, but this one, the one he was connecting with now, was different. It was him, the one the cat had stolen from. He was in pain but enjoying it and Sakurai was reminded of one of his former enterprises—The House of Ecstasy, where all manner of desires were satisfied. And his desire was met by feasting on the pain and blood of his customers.


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