Arise: Book one of the Inperium Series

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Arise: Book one of the Inperium Series Page 9

by Addison West

  Someone shuffled around the room. Suddenly James appeared at the side of my bed.

  “Morning.” He smiled. I looked at him. He had dressed nicely in a crisp white shirt.

  “I need to get dressed.” I replied.

  “You do that, and I will meet you outside.” He placed a quick kiss on my forehead that surprised me. I got out of bed and put on some clothes that looked decent from the wardrobe. As I stepped outside into the fresh cold early morning air, James waved to me from across the grass. A blanket rolled up under his arm and a basket in the other. I walked over to him.

  “I could not quite manage a champagne breakfast.” He started. “But I did manage to convince the canteen staff to let me borrow a basket and grab some breakfast items from the table.”

  “That was nice of them.” I remarked.

  “I’m a charmer.” He laughed and we walked off across the campus. We stopped when we got to a secluded spot near to a small stream. James laid out the blanket and invited me to sit down.

  “This is lovely. You didn’t have to do this.” I said softly.

  “I want to get to know you Aurora, away from the Inperium and the others.”

  “There isn’t a lot to know.” I shrugged.

  “I’m sure there is plenty.” He was reassuring me. “I’ll start with an easy one. What is your favourite colour?”

  “Orange.” I said certain. He reached into the basket and pulled out a single white rose. He held it in his hand and closed his eyes and I watched it change colour in front of me. It become a brilliant bright orange. He broke off the majority of the stem and tucked the flower in my hair behind me ear.

  “Good choice. Vibrant, like you.” He said softly and my stomach began to do somersaults. There was something about his charm that made me like him. Although he must have had years of practice with being a prince. “How do you like your tea?” He asked. Pulling out a teapot from the basket. He placed it down carefully and reached back in for a cup and saucer.

  “Erm… one sugar and a dash of milk.” I answered. He poured the tea from the teapot into the cup and handed it to me. It was perfect.

  “How did you do that?” I asked.

  “That part isn’t magic.” He laughed. “I like it exactly the same way.”

  “Lucky.” I stated.

  “Can I ask you something more serious?” He grew solemn.


  “In your trial yesterday, you chose to kill Cameron as the traitor, why?” He asked and I was slightly puzzled by his question. I was not sure why he was asking.

  “I knew it was part of the trial pretty much straight away.” I replied. “So I figured I would pick someone who would forgive me in the real world for choosing them.”

  “I would have forgiven you.” He said.

  “Maybe, you would have.” I answered. “I suppose I didn’t want to risk it.”

  “Risk what?” He asked.

  “This. I don’t want you to not like me James.” I was honest.

  “I feel the same.” He replied knowing there was a lot more unsaid.



  6pm 10th September 2020

  The scarlet silk dress that hung and clung to my body in all the right places was stunning and honestly, I felt confident in it staring in the mirror. I was glad the rest of the dorm was empty. I really needed a moment to myself. The neckline plunged daringly, and a delicate silver necklace sat against my collar. My hair sat neatly curled on my shoulders. I wished I had looked that good for my prom, but I had worn a frumpy navy dress that hid my body. Something was changing in me. A growing confidence was definitely part of it.

  However, I did not feel confident in where I was. I seemed to be playing along with these people I barely knew, and I was confused as to where I stood. Especially after staying the night in Colt’s bed and the date with James. After I had left James, I had spent the day revelling in my own thoughts, confusing myself and getting worked up over both men. I knew I really needed to forget them both and just focus on surviving. Doe had helped me get ready and I had just felt like I was in a trance like state through it all.

  I had so many questions and worries. Some feelings too. I could not shake any of them. I worried about my school girl crush that had begun towards James. I shook my head. I thought honestly it was perhaps more of a Disney prince complex. That I liked him because he was a nice, good looking prince and nothing really more. I stopped berating myself for a moment a crush was nothing serious. I needed to stop being so hard on myself. I was allowed to appreciate a handsome man. As long as that was all I was doing. The date early had clearly shown he was interested in something more. He had all the right answers but what Tristan had told me in the first day or so about his fiancé weighed on my mind.

  On the other hand, I had known Colt for a little under a week and although it seemed like I had already been at the Inperium for weeks I knew I was getting a little bit out of depth with him. Especially after the shower and falling asleep next to him. The Inperium made time seem peculiar. Still there was a familiarity that I liked when I was near him. There was so much being unsaid between us and the way he looked at me made me feel something deep down inside. He had a way of making me feel like the most important person in a room and when often it was really the opposite. A gut reaction that made me want to see more of him. Especially if he was going to continue to wear almost tight shirts… and plaid. I liked him in plaid too. I sighed at myself. I was terrible when I had a crush on someone. I would get a little bit obsessed and over analyse every interaction. I realised I was doing it again.

  There was a knock at the door.

  I took a deep breath and braced myself. I checked the mirror one more time. Concerned that something was not quite right. I chalked it down to anxiety. Even though I knew very little of the organisation and the Director I knew enough to know that the ball was going to be all pomp and circumstance like everything else seemed to be and I was not looking forward to it.

  An assistant led me out of the dormitory and into the main building. She stopped me outside of a set of double doors on the main landing.

  I waited at the top of the stairs like I had been told to for what seemed like an eternity. She said that I had to wait for William to come and instruct me. I felt stupid standing around waiting, it was like I had been stood up to the prom.

  Eventually William came swanning along, wearing the most over the top military uniform along with a tall hat that even included feathers.

  “Are we ready Miss Hart?” He asked as I just stood staring at the dead bird on his head.

  “Sure.” I said unconvincingly. I was really unsure as to what was going on.

  A fanfare played below us, and I rolled my eyes. I could not believe I was being made to do this.

  At the bottom of the stairs were many people. They all stood and watched us. Some smiled fake smiles. Other looked shocked. A large man we passed on the stairs announced who we were. I looked into the crowd of people and saw Prince James smiling at me. He stood near to Colt. Colt looked unimpressed and Caitlyn, who clutched his arm, had a distasteful look on her face. Colt was clearly her date for the night. I cannot say I was not disappointed, because I was. I looked at Doe who was trying her best not to laugh at me. I could not blame her. As we got to the bottom step William let me go and he glided off to mix and mingle with people far more important than I.

  “That dress is stunning hun.” Doe rushed up to me beaming from ear to ear. The black cocktail dress she wore was plain but incredibly classy. Colt came over towards us dressed in a very stylish three-piece suit. He looked devilishly handsome. Caitlyn did not join him.

  “You look… nice.” Was all he could muster as he reached us. Doe looked at him and shook her head at his awkwardness. He did not see her, luckily.

  “Thanks.” I blushed a little bit. I hated it. I was not a blushing kind of girl. “I didn’t think you were suit kind of guy.” I joked.

  “Oh, there is a l
ot more to me than you know, Aurora Hart.” He winked and we all burst out laughing. A whining voice cut through our merriment.

  I was suddenly aware that Caitlyn was next to me. She wore a canary yellow dress all frills and expense, no elegance. Her slender figure looked good with her blond hair cascading curled down one shoulder, but I saw through it to her ugly soul.

  “We should all be being announced. We are all celebrating our success. The human recruits worked so hard this year and without us guiding them, well let’s just say this place would go to pot.” She seethed. “This is ridiculous. I will tell my uncle, he is on the board. Lance should be the walking down as an honoured guest not that silly cow. His recruits scored some of the best scores we have ever seen. She comes here like this special little orphan, but he parents were basically traitors. Honestly, we would be better off if she had been killed in her trial. Purple probably means that she wasn’t wanted, not even dead.” She finished and everyone around her laughed. I felt terrible, tears threatened to sting at my eyes. I am stronger than this, I told myself.

  “Heavens Caitlyn, you may have a pretty exterior but inside you are the ugliest person I have ever met.” I snapped. Until that point, she had not realised I was near enough to hear her.

  “You think I’m pretty?” Caitlyn smiled. I walked off. Away from the toxicity.

  “Come here Aurora. I would like you to formally meet the board.” William beckoned me over as he caught me wandering and I obliged, finishing off my third or fourth glass of champagne, praying not to stumble in my heels as I walked over. “Everyone this is Miss Aurora Hart, formerly known as Aurora Lane.” He introduced me and went around saying the long winded and old sounding pompous names of about twenty people who looked to be in their seventies and eighties. I honestly do not think I could remember the names even if I tried.

  “A word please William.” A pot-bellied man said after the introductions were done and he and William walked away for a moment. Leaving me with his sour faced wife. As soon as they were out of ear shot. A waiter came by and offered me another glass of champagne which I took gratefully, sipping at it, one of the people that William had introduced me to, placed her bony hand on my shoulder and turned me to look at her.

  “You may have the board believing in you, but my thoughts match Director Dubois when it comes to lineage. I thought your parents were a pair of good for nothings and I imagine the rotten apple does not fall far from the rotten tree.” She whispered low. Her grey hair neatly smoothed into a bob. Her dress was loose and floral but seemed to be made of a thick velvet. Expensive yet tacky jewellery appeared to cover every available surface.

  “Such kind words.” I said sarcastically. Rolling my eyes. I was sick of people judging me on two people I could not remember or judging me because I had not followed their sacred tradition of attending some weird army boot camp they ran. It was getting on my last nerve. “I did not know my real parents but based on the people here and the attitudes of people like you, I think I would have liked them.” I said it purely to rile her up.

  “You do not deserve to be here. I watched your trial and sure, it looked fine, but it was not worthy of the Inperium. That’s why you did not really pass.” She spat at me.

  “But I did, it just went purple.” I replied confused.

  “No one knows what purple really means, we have never seen it before in our lifetimes. William is just trying to please the board. I know for certain a ‘Lane’ does not deserve a place at the Inperium. Not after what your parents did. Filthy half breeds, the lot of you.”

  “What did they do?” I asked, needing to know more. She did not answer though. Merely smiling at her approaching husband.

  “We will be keeping an eye on you.” She half threatened as her husband and William returned. What an old bag, I thought to myself. William continued to be a gracious host to them as I stepped slowly away and towards the doors.



  8.30pm 10th September 2020

  I had just managed to reach the doors when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was turned around.

  “Where are you going, Hart?” Colt looked down at me. He looked very handsome in a suit. I almost had to catch my breath.

  “I’m tired. I did not get a full night’s sleep last night.” I jested.

  “I see.” He looked down at my dress.

  “I can barely look at you. It is driving me mad. We need to talk about last night.” He whispered in my ear.

  “Colt we can’t…”

  “I know, not here.” He sighed.

  “I think I’m going to go to bed.” I smiled weakly.

  “I guess you don’t like parties.”

  “I like parties just fine, but this isn’t a party!” I laughed.

  “Agreed.” He smiled. He leant in even closer to me. “That dress looks stunning on you.” He whispered. His face were barely inches from mine. “I wish I could describe how good you look, but words would fail to do it justice.”

  “Thanks.” I pulled away a little awkwardly. “You scrub up well yourself.” I smiled. “I like this colour on you.” I said touching the lapel of his grey blazer. This pulled him a little closer, our bodies were pretty much touching. His lips inches from mine.

  “I want to kiss you.” He said honestly. I could almost feel his stubbled face grazing mine. I never gave in to my urges. He was a hard man to resist. I pushed him backwards away from me.

  “I think you have had too much to drink.” I was not amused. I could smell the whiskey on his breath. I had to clear the tension between us. Even though I had never really cared about the opinion of others, I felt like I had enough being said about me at the Inperium without adding floozy to the ever growing list of names and slurs that seemed to be amounting. Even though it was my right and my body, and I should have been able to do what I wanted with it. It still would not have stopped people from talking about me and saying things that were not needed to be said.

  The impending sense of doom that hung in the air over a possible relationship with Colt also put me off. I was barely surviving at the Inperium without having to worry about being punished for mixing blood with a human. It was all too much.

  “Look Colt, you seem like a good man and you are probably the best-looking guy I have ever met but I cannot do this.” I levelled with him. “No matter how much I want to.” I was honest. It would have been easy for me to kiss him, to be with him, but it was the wrong thing to do. I had to stand by myself.

  “That’s okay, you don’t have to say anything more.” He stepped backwards, further away from me, disappointed. There was more to be said though. I had spent a night lying next to him and it had changed our relationship I could see that. I decided it was not the time nor place to get into it.

  “You have to understand. The last few days have been so intense, and I need to work out who I am here before I add a relationship into that mix and drag somebody else into my feelings.” I reeled off. “Not to mention how dangerous it is. You are a human!”

  “Aurora, I completely understand. I can wait.” He said gently smiling and he walked away. I wondered what he was waiting for. For me, or for a change in circumstances.



  9pm 10th September 2020

  I made a bee line straight to the open bar and grabbed a bottle of white wine quickly before anybody noticed. I walked out into the garden and around the corner away from the ballroom. I needed to get away.

  “Thirsty?” A voice said behind me. I had been followed. I should have checked that. I sighed heavily. I felt like I was always being followed at the Inperium.

  “Maybe.” I answered looking up at James who was grinning at me. I kept walking, a bottle of wine in one hand and my shoes in the other.

  “Where are you off to?” He asked frowning at me the whole time.

  “Stop frowning at me!” I demanded swaying a little. “Always frowning at me.” I mumbled a little inaudibly. I began to feel a little tipsy.
All the champagne I had drunk was kicking in.

  “Maybe I find you puzzling” He retorted.

  We stepped through the gardens carefully, so we were not caught by the few members of staff who had begun to start packing away things from the ball. We reached a bench surrounded with wall of flowers and sat down. Hidden, I really did like all the little hiding spots in the garden. I opened the wine, popping the cork and took a good swig from the bottle. I offered him the bottle and he took a small sip.

  “You baffle me.” He spoke honestly as I took another drink. “You came here knowing nothing and have just accepted so much. People here have been dreadful to you. I mean we have had a few months getting to know each other and this organisation.”

  “I’m barely surviving.” I mumbled.

  “That isn’t true, and you know it.” He smiled. “It’s just unfair how people have treated you and the things that they say.”

  “What have you heard about?” I asked wondering just how much people knew about my first few days. They were certainly not anything to write home about. Nothing good anyway.

  “Caitlyn was saying a lot of things, but I take everything she says with a grain of salt. I can see a lot of the things happening to you too. The way William parades you and berates you. The way Lance talks about the vile things he would do to you if he was in charge and the same situations came up. Colt moans about how you don’t have the training to be here.”

  I gulped down some more wine. I seemed to have a lot of enemies.

  “It’s not my choice to be here. Not really. I hate the fact they make out we are some weird creature. It is interesting though, I do feel different here, special even. Maybe that the attraction of the place. Out there I was a single drop in one ocean of thousands compared to here, it is a hell of a difference.” I sipped more wine. He just stared at me with his golden eyes for a while. “I’m not sure I have ever really known my place in the world.”


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