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Exile Page 15

by Lebellier, Lola

  Corin bowed. “Thank you,” he said, waiting for Cyril to leave. As soon as the door shut, Corin rushed toward Aless, pulling him into a close hug. “I’m so sorry.”

  “What for?” Aless asked. “You didn’t need to do what you did. You gave me an extra day if nothing else.”

  Corin flushed. “I thought he was going to make you do it,” he muttered, burying his face in Aless’s neck. “I don’t want to lose you….”

  Aless sighed, pulling Corin onto his lap. “The situation is more serious than I thought,” he explained. “I wish I could tell you it would be fine, that you wouldn’t lose me, but….”

  “You don’t think we’ll solve it,” Corin finished.

  “I think we’ll be lucky if we do in time,” he clarified, moving an arm around Corin’s waist, “and I think I’ll be feral for a long time before we do.”

  “I don’t want you to become feral,” Corin insisted. “We’ll find something.”

  “I hope you’re right,” he replied. “Still up for tonight?”

  Corin pulled away. “If it’s the last time I may get to see you, I want to do it,” he replied. “Are we still going off the monastery?”

  “I’d say yes,” Aless replied, “but at this point I don’t think Selena cares, I don’t think Cyril cares…. We can go into my room—it’s fairly soundproof.”

  Corin climbed off Aless’s lap and looked at the documents again. “I should probably reread these for Master Cyril, shouldn’t I?”

  “I’ll get out of your way, don’t worry. Meet me tonight in my room. Don’t keep me waiting too long,” Aless finished, leaning over and kissing Corin before heading off.

  Chapter 21

  “OH, MASTERAlvah, are we to report to you now?” a scribe asked, rushing up to Cyril and handing him several scrolls. “Master Kateline told me to get this translated, it’s a set of old crop rotations from Far North.”

  Cyril sighed. Petra bless Kateline—that girl had to have the patience of a goddess. Even with half the scribes gone and the library just barely cleaned up, they were rushing around like chickens with their heads cut off. He had already had ten scribes run up to him, each giving a similar speech and passing him some useless text.

  He turned to the scribe. “Please put this in Kateline’s officefor the time being, I have no use for it.”

  “So you’re not leading the research?” the scribe asked, returning Cyril’s frown.

  “I am, in a sense. For now, I’d like everyone to drop all of their assignments,” he ordered. “I need to find a map of the monastery from around a thousand years ago.”

  “Wouldn’t those texts be forbidden by now, Master Alvah?” she asked.

  “I’m eliminating the policy. Anyone who would punish you for viewing them is either incapacitated or doesn’t care anymore,” Cyril said.

  “But can’t they hurt us?” the scribe pushed. “They’re forbidden for a reason!”

  “It’ll hurt you more if a guardian goes feral! Were you not there when Kateline’s restraints broke?” Cyril finally snapped, turning to the scribe. “If you’re this scared to look at a book than by Alvah you should not be a scribe!”

  “I….” The scribe attempted to defend herself, flinching at the dark look in Cyril’s eyes. “I’ll go look for the map you requested, Master Alvah.”

  “This goes for everyone!” Cyril yelled. “It is vital to our research that we find a map from a thousand years back! Check the Forbidden Archive; tear down the walls if you must, but we must find that document!”

  The scribes all looked at him with varying degrees of confusion, all placing their scrolls on random shelves before leaving the area, tugging books off the shelves and whispering to each other in excited voices as they exited.

  Cyril smiled slightly, pushing through the crowd and approaching Kateline’s office. From the reports he’d been given, the damage there was the worst by far. However, with any luck Kateline had managed to prevent Petra from destroying everything, and Cyril could only hope maybe a few notebooks had survived.

  SELENA lay on her side, feeling another bout of sickness flow through her. She leaned over the side of her bed, coughing before doubling over, and violently vomited into a bucket she had placed there.

  She felt disgusted and ashamed. She hadn’t expected his restraints to snap, there was no way she could’ve seen that! Of course Corona would’ve taken advantage of a situation like that. Anytime emotions were powerful, the spirits were given an opening; she couldn’t believe she hadn’t seen it coming.

  She had expected Zephyr to speak up during their encounter, but he had remained painfully silent during the session, almost suspiciously silent, she noted with a frown.

  “I’m not as bad as my siblings,”Zephyr defended himself. “I felt as though I’d let you have this, if nothing else.”

  Selena rolled onto her side and let out another choked sob. Everything hurt, even places she hadn’t known could hurt. The fact that Piers’s body did it was the worst part, in Selena’s opinion, though she couldn’t blame Piers at all for the incident. She had expected Zephyr to break through, not Corona, and Piers hadn’t expected it either.

  “Selena? Are you in there?” A knock came and Selena tried to bury her face in the pillow. She didn’t want to see any guardians. At least, not like this. It had taken her so much energy to go see them earlier to report the events. She was so weak, so stupid—she should have never asked Piers to sleep with her. Maybe, if she hadn’t, he would still be here.

  The door opened as Aless stood in the doorway with a frown on his face, looking down at the petite figure.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. He pulled the door closed, walkedover to stop beside her, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “Go away….” she muttered.

  “Corin was worried,” Aless countered. “So was Cyril.”

  “I don’t like you,” Selena whined, ignoring Zephyr’s jabs at her immaturity. “Go away.”

  Aless sat on the edge of her bed. “Are you a child or a guardian?”

  “Both,” Selena replied, leaning into her pillow and breaking down once again, trying to shield her face from Aless.

  Aless looked a little bewildered by Selena’s response, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Want to tell me what happened?”


  “We could really use your help, you know,” Aless replied.

  “It’s not as if I can help,” she said, sitting up. “I can’t read, okay? I’m stupid and I know it! I’m not going to be able to help.”

  “Reading isn’t everything. Even having your support while we—”

  “It doesn’t matter what I do,” she countered, “because you’re all going to go feral, and so is the next Guardian of Zephyr! We’re screwed no matter what happens, just accept it!”

  “That isn’t true, we can find a solution—”

  “Kateline is gone,” Selena answered. “Piers is gone. It’s not too long before Cyril is gone, and what then? Who knows how many scribes will die when he does?”

  “We’ll solve this.” Aless insisted. “We—”

  “No,” Selena replied, shuddering. “You don’t get it, do you? You’ll be feral by the end of it, so you won’t have to see it. I have to watch everyone become feral. I have to lose everyone I care about. Do you understand how difficult that is to watch?”

  “I lost my best friend and my master,” Aless answered. “What happened in the Chaos Temple, Selena?”

  “Piers came to visit me,” Selena answered, voice monotone.

  “That’s not what I asked,” Aless said.

  “I know….” Selena replied. “I… don’t know what Piers has told you regarding us… but guardians were to refrain from being with each other for this reason, and we still persisted because… we just…. I told him I wanted to wait until the issue with the restraints had been resolved, but I didn’t want to wait if we didn’t get the chance to ever… you know. Piers’s restraints broke midway through and Co
rona finished the job.”

  Aless remained silent for a few moments. “Piers would’ve never wanted that to happen,” he finally said.

  “I know….” Selena replied.

  “And I didn’t want to kill everyone when my restraints broke,” he added.

  Selena shook. “I know….”

  “And yet you blame me for it,” Aless pointed out.

  “I know, Aless! I know that and I know it’s wrong!” Selena snapped.

  “But you do, anyway,” Aless replied, frowning. “Selena, I’ve never wanted to be your enemy. Why have you painted me as such? I could’ve helped from the start.”

  “Zephyr brings the worst out of everyone,” she stated, ignoring the spirit’s protests.

  “That’s not true. You forbade me from speaking with Corin and you forbade me from knowing about the issue with the restraints. That goes slightly beyond a spirit’s petty badgering,” Aless retorted.

  Selena rolled over and finally allowed him to see her tear-stained face. “I didn’t want to lose what I had left…. I know I was being unreasonable…. And that was Zephyr’s influence. I loved my old master. He was a great man, practically my father. And I knew Piers would become close to you when you returned…. He spoke about it for years and he stopped visiting me once you arrived! I didn’t want to lose Corin and Kateline, too.”

  Aless suddenly pulled Selena into a hug.“I understand,” he muttered, frowning slightly, “but they are still your friends. I couldn’t take what part of them you already had.”

  “Zephyr shut up when I said things like that,” Selena answered. “The spirits love lies and random acts of meanness.”

  Aless paused again. “Selena… Corin hasn’t been researching in the mornings,” Aless confessed.

  “What?” Selena asked.

  “Well… I’ve been taking him to train with me every morning. Before you get angry with him—”

  “He has been becoming more muscled than before….” she remarked, frowning. “So I was right, then? You were trying to take away my—”

  “No,” Aless interrupted, “it wasn’t like that… I…. Well, honestly, I was at the beginning.”

  “Thanks for this. You’ve really cheered me up,” Selena deadpanned. “Now, if you’d—”

  “No,” Aless interrupted again, “I mean… I thought that’s what I wanted with him originally, but I didn’t.”

  “So what did you want with him?” Selena asked, turning back around and glaring.

  Aless took a deep breath. “I think I’m in love with your student.”


  “He called out to me from day one,” Aless elaborated. “That mana… and he is quite attractive, you know.”

  “He’s sixteen winters younger than you and you’re a guardian. Don’t you think that’s inappropriate?”

  “Piers is what, thirteen winters older than you?” he countered. “Look, I know you’re not happy with it, but… I really do care for him.”

  “And how does Corin feel about this?” she asked.

  “He returns the sentiment,” Aless replied.

  “Sentiment?” she asked.

  “Oh, uh….” Aless replied. “He returns my feelings.”

  “Whatever makes him happy.”

  “Really?” Aless asked.

  “I think Piers wouldn’t let me live it down if I tried to stop you two,” she confessed.

  “He’s a good friend for that,” Aless agreed, chuckling slightly. “So… should I take this to mean I have your blessing?”

  “I guess,” she answered. “You know, ever since you two began talking, he’s become more confident. I thought it was the research and working with Kateline, but—”

  “Really?” Aless asked, trying to contain a large smile.

  “Yeah,” Selena answered, burying herself in her blankets, “I don’t know what you’ve been doing… and I don’t want to know, lest Zephyr decide it’s time for petty jealousy to take control, but it has helped him, in some ways.”

  “I don’t think it was just me,” Aless replied. “He… he really respects you, Selena, I’d never be able to take what part of him already belonged to you.”

  Selena rolled back onto her side and into the comfort of her bed.

  “You know, it’s kinda funny, in my opinion,” Aless declared, standing up and pacing in front of Selena’s bed.

  Selena sat up. “What?”

  Aless laughed. “Now that’s more like it.”

  “W-what?” Selena asked.

  “Seeing you lying down while the whole monastery is descending into chaos doesn’t suit you. You weren’t acting like Selena for a minute there.”

  Selena frowned. “And what does ‘Selena’ act like?”

  “She doesn’t let anything get in her way,” Aless replied, turning around, “and in a time like this, she’d heal herself up and deal with her problems when we actually had time to, rather than sulking about it.”

  “You’re a mean person.”

  “We need you, Selena. Without you, who is going to trap Cyril and myself when we go feral?” he asked. “It’s your business what you choose to do, but try to pull it together until the monastery is stable again.”

  Selena was stillstaring at himwhen he exited the room.

  Chapter 22

  THAT night Corin found himself wandering toward Aless’s room, despite his personal exhaustion. He had reread the document about fifty times, tried copying it down at one point, read the book Kateline had given him earlier, but nothing seemed to reveal anything more than what he, and the other guardians, already knew. He even tried to get a scribe to copy the document into Common, but none of it really translated properly, he noted with a frown. A lot of the original intent in the words was gone, and he wondered if it was his fault for not being good enough at Common.

  He hadn’t seen the other guardians during dinner, and he could only assume they had all been busy with research. It still would’ve been nice for Master Selena to check in and show him she was all right, or for Aless to come give him some company while he read over the texts. He hadn’t spent a day alone in a very long time, usually being bothered by Adelle, Master Selena, and Aless all at separate points. The scribe had been cold, not providing Corin with any conversation while he attempted to translate the document.

  Corin stood in front of Aless’s bedroom door. It made him nervous, in a sense, and he couldn’t help but feel a little daunted to approach the older man in this way, even if Aless had been the one to ask him first. Corin was a virgin, though, and Aless was not. He flushed—what if he wasn’t good at all?

  He moved his arm up, closing his eyes. There was a chance this would be the last time he’d have the opportunity to do this, and he didn’t want to waste it. Despite only meeting Aless a week ago he felt so connected to the older man. Aless made him feel welcome; Aless always made him blush….

  Corin finally moved his hand to the door, giving two knocks. It was now or never; given the situation and how the restraints were crumbling, he had to take it. Aless opened the door almost immediately, standing there with only pants and tunic on, pulling him inside.

  “I almost thought you weren’t going to show up,” Aless commented, carefully shutting the door behind him, taking a moment to close a few latches, lest someone decide to walk in on them.

  “I didn’t see you at dinner,” Corin commented. “I was busy reading that text the entire time. The servants were really confused.”

  “I was talking with Selena,” he explained, “as strange as that sounds.”

  “Is Master Selena okay?” Corin asked.

  “She’ll be fine,” he explained. “Piers’s restraints broke. She was pretty shaken up about it. She doesn’t seem to hate me as much as before, which is good news, at least.”

  “Does that mean she’s okay with us talking to each other?” Corin asked, “and you training me?”

  “She’ll come around. She’s at least warmer to the idea now, but enough about
that. I don’t want to think about Selena tonight,” he finished, finally pressing his lips against Corin’s.

  After the day’s events, after all of the stress it had entailed, it was still so easy to simply lean over and kiss the other man. There was something about Aless’s presence that was so soothing to Corin. Every time the older man touched him he felt at ease—as if there was no place better for him. It was almost surreal for Corin to be so close with the older man. Here he was, the least useful spell caster in the entire monastery, about to be bedded by one of the five guardians, the legendary exile to boot!

  “It’s not too late to back out,” Aless said, pulling away and playing with a lock of Corin’s soft, black hair.

  Corin glanced at Aless’s bed. “I want to do this,”he reassured Aless, stepping back and walking over toward the bed, sitting on the edge. He blushed, staring straight at Aless. He bit his lip, locking eyes with Aless and spreading his legs slowly.

  Aless practically ran over, jumping on Corin and pushing him against the mattress. He moved his hand to the top of Corin’s shirt, practically tearing open the buttons to gain access to the younger man’s chest. He pulled the garment open, dragged it off Corin, and threw it against the wall. He licked his lips, running a hand down his hard, muscular chest. His body came directly from his Far East side, Aless was sure of it. He was almost completely hairless, as far as Aless had seen, only having a light dusting of hair below his navel.

  Aless leaned over, hardly able to keep his hands in one place for long. There was so much he hadn’t been given the chance to touch, and he was anxious to show him a whole new world of pleasure. Judging by Corin’s reactions, Aless had determined he had to be a virgin, or at least inexperienced. Corinwasn’t returning his caresses yet, and while Aless didn’t mind, it did make him reconsider how to approach the situation. He wanted to be sure Corin would enjoy himself during this encounter, lest it be the only chance they get.

  Corin was overwhelmed by the sensations, feeling his eyes practically roll back. Aless’s hands felt incredible, and the man was leaving nothing untouched. Corin moved his hands to Aless’s back, trying to tug the older man onto him. He wanted more contact. Corin groaned as Aless licked down the column of his throat, sucking at the spot between his collar bones, almost touching the top of the clan’s symbol.


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