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  Lord, lord, if Donathan's smile had been bright before, it was blinding now. “You're serious?"

  "He looks serious to me,” Bristol chipped in. “Hey, Bethannie!” he bellowed in the general direction of the Coke machines. “Jacob Lee wants some more ink. Mind if I take Donathan's next appointment and give him time to work?"

  Bethannie ambled out, icy cold can of Sprite in her hands. She popped open the tab, took a long drink, and pretended to seriously consider the request. She made of hell of a manager, which had tickled the hell out of Jacob Lee when he'd discovered the truth. Good to her employees, a wonder worker with nervous clients, and a proper business head on her shoulders.

  "I suppose we could allow it,” she said at last, with great deliberation. “Provided you don't charge him a single dime."

  "Whoo!” Donathan crowed. He crossed the waiting room lickety-split, caught Jacob Lee by the wrist, and hauled him in for a deep, heated kiss.

  Jacob Lee, as ever, forgot right away where he was and what he'd been doing, lost in the solid warmth of Donathan held tight in his arms and the flavor of Donathan's mouth. He only stopped when the rush of cheers and wolf whistles grew a mite too loud for comfort.

  Donathan bit the tip of his nose, probably just to tweak him up, and settled back down from his position on tiptoe. Lord, but he adored the little guy. His lover looked so happy here, everything arranged exactly right to suit him, working three days a week and already, from his time spent training, in high demand.

  Jacob Lee took Donathan by the waist and jostled him. “You're making me so proud, you know that?"

  The corners of Donathan's eyes crinkled. “Yeah, and what about you? You're going under the needle again, and this time you're trusting yourself to the amateur."

  "There's nothing amateur about you,” Jacob Lee informed him. “Come on, butcher. Have your way with me."

  Bethannie coughed and hid her mouth behind her hand, probably to conceal her snickering. “Get a room, you two,” she said, shooing them back toward Donathan's new workstation. “Ink him up good, Donathan. Show him what's what, and if I hear a single sound telling me you're doing something besides tattooing in there, I'll tan both your hides, you hear?"

  "Get a little over-excited once while I'm showing my squeeze around and I swear, they never let you forget it.” Donathan dimpled at Bethannie, wholly unrepentant. “Don't worry. I'll just torment him real good and make him wait until we get home."

  Bethannie gave in to her hilarity, sagging over the glass-topped counter, Bristol snorting equally as hard, holding himself up with one hand. “Clowns,” Jacob Lee griped, but with no anger in his voice.

  "Everybody loves a clown.” Donathan led Jacob Lee back to his workstation, where he skipped ahead to stand inside, beaming bright. He'd made the place his own, stamping it with evidence of his warm, eclectic personality: pen-and-ink sketches of he and Jacob Lee on the walls, a drawing of a truck mid-wash, and an oil painting of thunder clouds. Sweet Southern country played at a respectable volume from a speaker installed in the corner, much to Jacob Lee's liking.

  Above all, mounted in pride of place where no one could help seeing them when they entered, were two old, worn leather-bound books. The first stood open to the sketch of Randolph, the second propped open to the picture of JS, and between the two, a Polaroid snapshot of Jacob Lee's first tattoo, still shiny and fresh from the ink, blazing bright.

  "Happy Birthday, darlin',” Donathan said, drawing Jacob Lee inside, wicked eagerness curving his lips. “It's my turn to give you a present now."

  Possession: A Soul Mates Story

  By Jourdan Lane

  I shifted to lie on my stomach and grabbed a throw pillow from the lounge chair beside me to tuck beneath my chin. The pool was a beautiful, clear blue. The rush of water from the waterfall had almost succeeded in lulling me to sleep. Only the loneliness kept me awake, that and the occasional guard who wandered past.

  None of them recognized me in this human form and for that I was grateful. I had a feeling there was still some residual fear of association with me in a lot of the vampires due to my rocky past with Lucien. The first few times roaming the mansion in my true form, I'd managed to clear rooms in seconds.

  Now, I thought it best to just try to blend in.

  Nikolas hadn't agreed, but then again, Nikolas didn't agree with too many people on anything. He didn't give a shit what people thought about him or anything he did—unless it made him look weak, which was probably what he thought about me, though he'd never actually said it.

  I'd gone to Nikolas over an hour ago and asked him out to swim with me, or even to just chill by the pool, but he was still a no-show. Sometimes I knew I expected more from him than he was ready—or willing—to give, but I just couldn't seem to help myself.

  We had a good, solid friendship, but apparently that was going to be the extent of it. Over the years, I'd spent many a night pleasuring him in the ways that he would allow, but it never went both ways. I knew I was a fool to keep opening myself up for disappointment, but I just couldn't seem to help myself.

  "Quiet night, Sabaan?"

  "Too quiet,” I whispered, and then looked up to find Lucien, master vampire and owner of said pool I'd been staring into. The man still took my breath away, even after all of these years. As usual for this time of night here lately, he was dressed simply in a black pair of silk pajama bottoms with a thin robe over his bare chest. Silver glinted in the moonlight off one of his nipple rings and I had to fight not to reach up and touch him. “How are you this evening?"

  He sighed wistfully and looked away. “Good.” There was no mistaking the loneliness in his voice. It matched my own so perfectly.

  "Oh, my dear Lucien.” I sat up and patted the lounge I'd been lying on. “Sit with me a while."

  He cleared his throat, but it sounded more like a growl. “I don't think—"

  "Come on, now. I won't bite unless you ask me to.” He glanced down at me, suspicion clear in his expression. I patted the lounge again. “I give you my word."

  Lucien seemed to consider my words, and then turned toward me. Instead of sitting before me, he straddled the lounge behind me, arms going around my waist, his chin resting on my left shoulder.

  "We might well be on the road back to friendship, but I'm still not sure I can trust you at my back."

  His words cut deep, but his feelings certainly weren't without merit. I'd done more than my fair share to get him to submit to me over the years. One time with him beneath me just hadn't been enough.

  "Noted,” I said finally.

  We sat silent for a long while. I wanted to talk to him, but anything and everything that came to mind led to Peter—and Nikolas—and the fact that the two of us were here because the two of them weren't...

  Because they were together.

  "Stop thinking so hard,” Lucien grumbled.

  "I can't help it.” I shrugged and he tightened his hold on me. His fingers teased along my lower belly, lips moving across my shoulder toward my neck. I shuddered and let my head fall back against his shoulder. “Damn it, Lucien ... You know better than to start this—"

  "And sometimes, even when we know better, we still do the things that are bad for us."

  "You don't really want me."

  "Who says?” Teeth nipped at my ear. “Drop your glamour. I want you, not some illusion."

  If he didn't stop this soon, I wouldn't push him away. I tried to drop my glamour, but it wasn't as easy as it usually was. My mind was on Lucien and the way he was biting along my neck, not hard enough to break the skin, but hard enough to bruise.

  Finally, I shuddered, almost like a dog trying to shake off after getting wet. My eyes bled back to black, hair going from the non-descript brown to black, body filling out—each muscle shaking with effort—and my long tail reappearing. I ran a hand through my hair, smoothing it away from my face and pushing it back over the tiny horns at the top of my head.

  His fingers moved up my chest,
then teased down the insides of my arms, and I swallowed hard. “Lucien..."

  "I find that I am unable to help myself tonight."

  Oh, fuck.

  "What is it that you need? Do you need to feed?” My eyes rolled back into my head as he pressed the palm of one hand to the base of my tail. “Ohhh..."

  "You can feed me if you wish."

  "I've been good, Lucien. I promised that I wouldn't cause trouble."

  "I know you have. I've been watching."

  I turned and pushed him back, straddling his hips, crushing my mouth to his. Lucien's fingers framed my face then curled back into my hair. He made a fist and yanked my head back. He licked up the side of my neck, then set his fangs, but didn't bite down. I pushed my neck against him, wanting the pain of that bite, but I got a kiss instead.

  Tender presses of lips slid up my neck and along my jaw. Our eyes met for a brief moment, just before he captured me again in a kiss. I gasped as his tongue invaded my mouth almost desperately, sharp fangs cutting my lips and drawing blood. Not just my blood, but his, too. The taste of him on my tongue was exquisite and I deepened the kiss, wanting more.

  His hands left my hair and skimmed down my back, coming to rest on my hips. He pushed me down and arched up, and it was only then that I realized just how okay with me—and this—that he was.

  Had he sought me out for comfort?

  Come out here, knowing that I would give it to him?

  That I was just that easy?

  "Stop it, Sabaan,” he whispered between kisses.

  "I'm not that easy,” I growled in defense.

  "Yes, you are.” He pushed me back, thumbs coming up to press against my throat. “But that's not the only reason I'm here."

  I didn't ask why; I didn't have to. We were in the same boat. Who better to spend time with now, than someone who was safe? Someone who wasn't a risk to a relationship that was already strained? Who you knew wasn't going to fall in love with you and follow you around like a lovesick puppy?

  "This will change things—for you, especially."

  He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, nodded. “Sometimes change is ... necessary."

  "Oh, Lucien.” In that moment, I felt so bad for him. He'd not slept with anyone without Peter since they'd met. That he was resorting to it now, for just a moment's comfort...

  Lucien tensed beneath me. “If you'd rather not—"

  "Shut up."

  I bent and kissed him, hands sliding down to work his pants off. He helped, ridding himself of his robe as well. He grabbed the waist of the small shorts I was wearing and ripped them in half, dropping the pieces to the ground.

  "Hey, I liked those shorts!"

  "You look better without them."

  Laughing, I stretched out over him. “Nice of you to realize that."

  "I always have. Trouble is ... The sword that is so pretty—is still so very sharp.” He swatted my ass with the palm of his hand. “Grab the lube you brought out."

  I reached beneath the lounge chair, searching for the small bottle. When I bent to retrieve it, Lucien's hand slid down my back to the base of my tail. He massaged with his palm and teased with his fingers. Pleasure shot down my spine and settled in my balls. I froze, unable to move in fear of I'd come before we really got started.

  Lucien laughed and sat up. “On your knees, Sabaan."

  "But, I—"

  "Consider it an order, not a request."

  I bit back a whimper, handed him the lube, then turned and got on my hands and knees before him. For a long while, he said and did nothing, but I could feel his gaze on me. I could feel the lust within him building, my own rising to meet it.

  Slick fingers pushed into me without warning and I tried to jerk away. Lucien growled and pulled me back, holding me tight as he fucked me with his fingers. Two quickly became three and for a moment, the pain and pleasure were equal. I grasped the chaise beneath me, trying like hell to relax.

  It didn't work until Lucien kissed the base of my tail. Then ... then my body gave up the fight and pleasure shot through me.

  "That's it,” he whispered. “Does Nikolas touch you like this?"

  A few seconds later, his fingers left me and he lifted me from the chaise and turned me onto my back. Before I could even get settled, he spread my legs and pushed into me. The thickness of him stole my breath, but it was good. Damned good.

  I rose up to meet him for a kiss, but he avoided it and bent to kiss my shoulder instead. He stayed just like that as he fucked me, his breath heavy and quick at my ear. It was only then that I realized that this little encounter between us had taken on a whole different energy. What I thought was going to be a mutual comfort fuck had turned into something entirely different.

  He was using me. Plain and simple.

  I was about to call him on it when he jerked and groaned, shoving hard into me as he found his release. He stayed as he was and the longer he did, the more my anger rose. How had I not realized what he was doing before now? I mean, yeah, we'd been getting along, but for him to come out here and actually want me? Want my touch?

  I'd been so fucking stupid.

  "You done?"

  "Do you not want to get off?"

  "Last thing I need or want from you.” I pushed at his shoulders. “Now get the fuck off me before I fry your ass."

  "You could try, but you would fail.” He pulled out and sat back on the chaise and I hated that he still looked so goddamned sexy. He shrugged. “And I would hate to lose your company here at the mansion by having to kill you for it. You are quite ... accommodating."

  I'd known that he could be ruthless and vengeful, but this? This was a cruelty I didn't know he had in him. Brownie points to him for getting this close to me and getting away with ... well, with whatever angle he was working.

  "Nice, Lucien.” I grabbed my robe off the ground and pulled it on. “Real fucking nice."

  "It was exactly what I needed."

  "Oh, obviously. Just tell me one thing: why?"

  "Jealousy is a bitch.” He lay back, folding his arms behind his head. “But you know that better than anyone. Don't you, Sabaan?"

  "You self-righteous asshole.” I could only shake my head. “I can't believe I actually thought..."

  "What, that I wanted you?” Lucien gave me that smug look that said he had me right where he wanted me. “Run along, demon. We're done here."

  "Damn right we are."

  I called forth a flame and threw it at him before dematerializing. I hoped it burned his fucking dick off.

  * * * *

  I wandered the property for nearly two hours, my mind as restless as my body. When I finally came to a stop, it was in Simon's garden. Lucien had it designed for him by one of the best landscape companies in town, but Simon had gone along behind the crews and added his own touch. Palms and ferns and other tropical plants formed walls around the garden, cutting it off from the rest of the yard area. There was a lighted pond with a small waterfall near the front of the garden. In it, were some of the most interesting fish I'd ever seen.

  Simon had called them Koi. I'd asked him once if they were edible and, by his glare, I realized that even if they were, I'd better not touch.

  I walked over to the pond and sat down beside it. The fish came to the surface of the water, expecting food, and I wondered just how much time Simon spent out here. The way he worked his ass off in running the mansion, I wouldn't have guessed much at all.

  After a while, the fish gave up hope of getting fed and I settled in to watch them swim around. They made circles around the pond and around each other, and I shook my head, knowing I'd been doing the same over the past year.

  So afraid of change, yet needing it all the same.

  I sighed, knowing I should just head on back to my own place. But it was so hard. There was always that constant hope that one night ... That things would just be different. That Nikolas would see me and just know what I wanted of him. What I needed of him.

  That someda
y Lucien would see me as a person, not as some tool. As some monster to be avoided at all costs. But I hadn't been the monster tonight.

  I'd become the pawn in some fucked up game of chess between lovers and had been so desperate for touch and comfort, that I'd let it happen without realizing it.

  The chill of the night air settled around me and I wrapped the robe tighter around me, and then sighed in disgust when I realized it was Lucien's I'd grabbed and not my own. I called forth a flame in the palm of my hand, watching it dance this way and that, toying with the idea of setting the robe on fire.

  But I couldn't do it without leaving some sort of mark in the grass and I wouldn't do that to Simon. This was his sacred place and he didn't deserve to have it desecrated by my own selfish desires.

  "Please tell me you are not toying with the idea of eating one of my Koi."

  I looked up at the sound of Simon's voice. He was standing a few feet away, wearing nothing but a pair of loose fitting jeans and a blue button-down shirt that he hadn't bothered to tuck in. His feet were bare and I couldn't help but admire them. As terrible as some angels could be, they always had such pretty feet.

  "I would never eat one of your Koi."

  Simon laughed and sat beside me. “You don't mean that."

  "No, not really. I'm still curious as to how they taste."

  "They are nasty,” he said with a grin. “And probably poisonous to curious demons."

  "That'd be my luck."

  I extinguished the flame and watched as Simon pulled a plastic baggie from his pocket. It was full of what looked like pieces of orange. He took out a few slices and gently lowered his hand into the water. The fish came to him immediately, eating the pieces of fruit right out of his hand.

  He looked up at me and smiled. “Would you like to feed them?"

  "What is that? Fruit?"

  "Mandarin orange, they love it.” He took my hand and placed a few pieces in my palm. “Go ahead. Just lower your hand enough into the water to where they know you're offering them food. The pieces won't float and they won't go scrounge for them on the bottom."


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