
Home > Other > Spiked > Page 12

  The look on Peter's face was priceless, a mix of shock and horror and the slightest bit of realization that maybe, just maybe, he'd done something wrong. It was probably the closest thing to the truth that anyone had given Peter in a long, long while. I wasn't about to start kissing his ass.

  * * * *

  The rest of the night had been a disaster, in a way. I'd ended up escaping back to the empty throne room with a few pillows and comforters and a book, then slept there because it was concrete. Lucien had begged for me to stay in his and Peter's room, but I knew what kind of fight they'd been about to have and had kissed him and wished him well.

  And I hadn't been wrong. The walls had shaken and voices boomed, furniture flying this way and that. Hours later, things had finally gone silent and knew they'd finally given in to fucking away the rest of their anger. The lust was thick throughout the mansion, and I could feel Lucien feeding off it.

  I also felt it when things between he and Peter finally calmed and the love that I knew was between them poured forth. They'd talked, they'd cried, and they'd made up as I'd known they would. I tried closing myself off from them, but the bond between me and Lucien was too fresh, too strong.

  So for a long while, I just lay there alone, comforted by something I shouldn't have been witness to. Dawn came and went and I could feel Lucien restless. I'd dematerialized to his room, but found him in Peter's arms, asleep, but not in the way he should have been.

  I sat at the foot of the bed and watched them for a long while. At some point I drifted off and slept, because the next thing I knew, Simon was waking me.


  I looked around, frowning when I realized I was still in Lucien and Peter's room. So much for not wanting to catch them on fire. I stretched and rubbed at my eyes.

  "What time is it?"

  "Nearly sunset. You sleep okay?"

  "Not intentionally.” I got off the bed and stretched some more, then pointed toward the door. “I don't really want to be here when they wake up."

  "Me either,” he agreed. “Last night was pretty bad and I have a feeling they're going to want to finish it."

  We entered into the hallway and I shook my head. “I didn't expect to them to make up so quickly."

  "Peter and Lucien have a rule,” Simon said. “No matter what happens, they don't go to bed angry. They fight until they can't anymore, and then they make up the best they can."

  "Good rule."

  "Lucien wanted me to walk you through the lower levels to see if there was a room you'd be interested in taking until your permanent one can be fireproofed. You feel like taking a walk and looking around?"

  "Actually, that sounds good.” The quicker I found a private place to hide, the better. “Lead the way, beautiful."

  Simon blushed and started walking. We talked as we walked and, after a long while of looking though rooms, I had two that were big maybes. The others? Not so much. They were nice, but I had no idea how I'd fit everything I owned into them and still be comfortable.

  That was the problem with being an immortal. The amount of junk and treasures that one person could collect throughout the years was astounding. Simon's phone rang and I went into one last room while he talked on the phone. The room was no bigger than one of my closets and I quickly backed out.

  Simon didn't look happy. “Everything okay?"

  "Ah, it's Adam. Something's wrong with the faucet in the laundry room and there's water shooting everywhere. He can't find the valve to turn it off. Can I meet you back here in a few minutes?"

  "Oh, that's okay. There's only another few rooms. I can look and then come find you."

  "You sure?"

  I nodded. “Go on. Don't let the boy flood the place."

  Simon laughed and left and I continued on looking through rooms. Okay, so there were three maybes now, with the last room I looked being the first on the list. I wandered for a while, considering the rooms and realized I'd wandered a little too far beyond the actual rooms.

  I came to a stop in front of a door and the moment I recognized it, I turned to leave. Damn it, I'd not gone looking for the bastard. Before I managed to take two steps, I heard the door open. I kept on walking.

  "Not going to say hello?"

  "Hello,” I said, forcing myself to keep walking.


  Just keep walking.

  "I order you to stop."

  I laughed. “Funny thing about orders: you don't always have to follow them."

  Suddenly, Nikolas blocked my path. For a moment I thought he was naked, but he wasn't. Not completely anyway. All he wore was a pair of brown leather pants. His sweat-covered chest was bare, except for two nipple rings, as were his feet. His hair was spiked this way and that, but one blood-red lock of hair nearly covered his left eye completely.

  There was a smudge of eyeliner beneath the right eye and it made him look ... vicious. I was determined not to back away, but the moment he began stalking toward me, I started backpedaling. The expression on his face was far from amused and I wondered just how safe I really was.

  It was never wise to taunt the wolf.

  "You want to play?"

  "No, Nikolas,” I stopped and planted my feet, determined to hold my ground, “I don't."

  "Smells like you do.” His gaze traveled down my body and back up again. “Tell me I'm wrong, precious."

  My cock filled almost instantly, pressing against the fabric of my jeans. Damned thing had a mind of its own at times, but now was not the fucking time. I wasn't stupid enough to believe that just because I was in love with the fool that he wasn't dangerous.

  "I won't play your games."

  "Oh, I'm all out of games at the moment. What are you doing down here?"

  "Finding a fireproof room where I can sleep and keep everyone else safe. Not like it's any of your business."

  "Everything you do is my business."

  "Actually, everything I do now is Lucien's business."

  "So you say.” He pushed a door open behind me and crowded me until I backed inside. “Stay. Let's ... talk."

  I had to force myself to stay put and not run right back out. Running away from a werewolf was instinct that seemed to be programmed into humans and demons alike. Nikolas turned his back on me and walked to his desk and some of that bravado I'd been feeling before came rushing back.

  "Why bother? That would just consist of me doing a whole bunch of talking and you doing a bunch of macho bullshit posturing.” Yeah, yeah, keep taunting the wolf. “And by now? I'm not so sure I have anything to say."

  "Why did you do it?” Nikolas’ voice was soft, close.

  I hadn't felt him move, but he was standing so close now that I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. The pulse in his neck beat hard and fast and I stared at it, desperately wanting to sink my fangs into his flesh and taste him.

  "I had no reason not to."

  "You had me."

  "I've never had you, Nikolas.” I lifted my head and met his eyes, shaking my head. “Wanted you more than life itself, but you never gave a damn."

  "The fuck I didn't."

  "In my own place with nary an eye to see while I blow you and jerk you off, but never get anything in return? Oh yeah, I can tell just how much I've meant to you.” I turned on my heel and started for the door. “Not to worry, Nikolas. I won't make a fool of myself over you anymore."

  Just as I made it to the door, he slammed into me. I tried to fight him off, but his body held mine against the wooden door. I turned my head as much as I could to avoid having my nose broken.

  "I'm not done with you."

  I wanted to tell him I was done with him, but stupid me, all I could think about was that he was touching me. Angry touches, but touches all the same. I had no doubt that this was going to end in disaster.

  "Let me go,” I said softly. “Please, if you ever gave a damn, just let me go."

  "I can't do that."

  Twenty years. Twenty fucking years of wondering and pla
ying the fool.

  "You've done a pretty good job of it so far.” I winced as he grasped my wrists and yanked my arms up behind my back. “Tell me something, Nikolas. What was it that made you back off all those years ago? Was I not human enough for you?"

  "What the fuck are you talking about?” He growled and flipped me around and my back hit the door with a loud thud. Nikolas pinned my wrists above my head. I tried to pull them away, tried to shove him away from me, but he held fast, growling as he nipped along my jaw toward my ear. “I never backed away from you."

  "Get the fuck off, Nikolas!"

  "No...” His voice trailed as he sucked the lobe of my ear between his lips. “Don't think that's what you really want. Is it? Why did you really come down here, Sabaan? What was it that you were looking for?"

  I shook my head, refusing to validate him with answers that he already had.

  "Don't be a pussy,” he hissed.

  "Fuck you,” I growled.

  He let my wrists go suddenly, his hands dropping down to pull my hips against his. “Now see? We can work with that."

  The desire flared and I couldn't find the strength to pull it back. Had it been anyone but Nikolas, I'd have drained them and left them for dead. My body was giving in, even if my head was still throwing out alarms left and right.

  I pushed at his chest. “Nik..."

  He silenced me with a kiss, tongue searching and demanding. His hands fumbled at my jeans and I pushed them away, unbuckling the jeans myself and pushing them down. I pressed against him, cock dragging against skin and leather.

  "That's it ... fuck! Take it, Sabaan..."

  We soon ended up on the floor, pants around our ankles, pushing and pulling against each other. I nipped and bit my way across his shoulder and the harder I bit and grabbed and pushed, the louder and more excited Nikolas got. He bit hard just below my ear and it was as if something suddenly snapped inside of me.

  I threaded my fingers in his hair and yanked his head back, licking a line up his throat. He shifted to try to get me to let go and I took advantage, rolling him beneath me. I set my fangs where his neck and shoulder met and bit down hard. Blood rushed between my lips and I moaned, sucking it down as I thrust against him. His body bowed beneath me, cock dragging roughly against mine.

  Something sharp bit into my sides and I cried out in pain. Nikolas rolled us again and straddled me, one hand tight at my throat, claws digging painfully into my skin. I could feel the blood starting to run down my neck and into my hair. I swung at him, but he blocked it, grabbing my hand. He brought my hand up to his face and licked at my fingers, grinning.

  "I'm torn,” he offered, the look on his face was indescribable; it was somewhere between vicious and curious. “I'm not sure if it'd be more fun to fuck you—or eat you."

  I wasn't past being suffocated to death. No matter how strong I was, I still needed to fucking breath. I jerked my hand back, trying to buck him off. Nikolas didn't budge. Every time I moved, he just sort of rolled and moved with me.

  Both of my hands clutched at his around my throat, trying to get him to loosen his grip. Tears filled my eyes as my lungs started to burn for air. My head felt as if it was about to explode and my eyes started to grow heavy.

  "Uh-uh,” Nikolas tsked. “Keep those eyes open."

  I tried to pick out which one of the numerous blurry shapes before me was actually him. His voice drew me to one near the middle and I tried to focus on him instead of breathing. One clawed finger drew lightly down my cheek before moving on to my chest. I felt a tug and then heard the material of my shirt being ripped apart.

  "Funny, isn't it?” Nikolas mused. “That even though you're seconds away from blacking out, your cock is still hard."

  I couldn't even feel my cock. The only thing I could feel was pain. I clung to that pain, both hating it and relishing in it.

  Nikolas’ grip loosened slightly. “That's it; feel it, but stay with me."

  Just when I thought I could move, his grip tightened again. And then I was moving. My back hit a cold surface and a gasp tried to escape my constricted throat. It hurt like hell and tears spilled down my cheeks, stinging where he'd cut me. Fuck, why hadn't it healed yet? My legs were spread, jeans suddenly gone, and something thick and hard nudged at my hole.

  "The body is an amazing thing.” Nikolas’ voice was soft and would have been comforting if the circumstances were different. “It can take so much pain, so much pleasure, and at times? One can lead to the other, if the conditions are right."

  That thickness began to slowly work its way into my body, the cool slickness of it becoming hot. I had a few seconds to realize that I'd been concentrating on my ass instead of breathing and my eyes flew open. Nikolas was studying me intently, a smug look of satisfaction on his face. I struck out at him, but as soon as I moved, an electric current surged through me. My hips rolled of their own accord and Nikolas leaned forward.

  "Take me in, precious.” He licked at my lips, at my chin; grinning as he found his way into me.

  His hand at my throat tightened again as he began to move. I instinctively tried to fight it, tried to get him to let me go. Every movement though, moved me up and down on his cock.

  "Nowhere to go, baby. Nothing exists right now but pain and pleasure. You and me."

  Nikolas thrust into me, lips hovering right above mine, his gaze intense. Both of his hands were now around my neck, growing tighter and tighter as he moved. Darkness began to settle into my line of vision and I could finally feel my cock. I had a vague flutter of thought that it was too bad I wasn't going to get off after all of this, and then Nikolas’ hands were gone. I gasped, my body going taut as I drew air painfully into my lungs.

  His hands came up on either side of my head, keeping my face turned toward his. “Give it to me."

  I grabbed for him, claws tearing into the flesh of his upper arms. Pleasure shot through my entire body, wordless cries and screams ripping painfully from my throat. Heat filled me a few seconds later and the gentlest of kisses brushed my lips. I drew in a breath and swallowed hard.


  "You will always, always, be mine.” He rested his forehead against mine. “Things are complicated and I imagine they always will be, but I do love you."

  "I hate you.” So many years of wanting this, of wanting him, and now that I'd gotten it, it'd been all wrong. It was only a matter of seconds before the dam broke. “I fucking hate you."

  "As you should.” Tears flowed freely and Nikolas wiped them away gently with his thumbs. “Shh ... just let it go."

  I turned my head away, closing my eyes. “I should go."

  I needed to be up and out of this fucking place—needed to be alone to digest all that had happened. I attempted to push him away, but my entire body felt like a lead weight. The only thing I managed to do was nudge him slightly.

  "Help me up."

  "Stay with me, Sabaan. We need to get some things out in the open."

  "I need a shower. Now get the fuck off me."

  Nikolas scooted further back on what I now realized was some sort of modified bench. The look of concern in his eyes nearly turned my stomach. He opened his mouth, but then seemed to change his mind in saying anything. He stood with a huff and wrapped his arms around me.

  "Don't bitch, just let me lift you up."

  I let him lift me, trying to find my own footing as he did. The moment he had me up and off the bench, my legs buckled. Nikolas caught me easily and held me close, his warmth against me welcome against the cold air of the room.

  "If you'll just help me to the shower, I'll—"

  "Have a seat so that I can clean you up. Your neck is a mess."

  I didn't bother to mention that he was the reason it was such a mess. We continued slowly down a hallway and soon came to his large bathroom. There was a tiled area off to the left, and at least a dozen showerheads pointed toward one spot in the middle where a wooden bench stood.

  "Sit here,” Nikolas said as he sa
t me down on the bench. “I'll be right back."

  By the time I managed to orient myself on the bench, Nikolas was back. He carried a small basket in his hands full of first aid creams and ointments. I rolled my eyes. “I'll heal before it makes a difference."

  Nikolas raised an eyebrow as he placed the basket beside me on the bench. He pulled a mirror out and held it before me. “See for yourself."

  "Oh, God.” Saying that my neck was a mess was putting it mildly. My new tattoo was fucked, my neck looking like I'd come into close contact with a sharp piece of farm machinery. “What have you done?"

  "I won't lie. I hated it."

  "Leave me alone."

  Surprisingly, he turned on his heel and walked out without another word. I used the mirror to inspect the damage, concentrating hard on the area of my neck. I found the lines of the tattoo and held them together the best I could as my body began to heal itself. After a while, all of the cuts were closed and there was only a small, irregular line on the left side of my neck.

  * * * *

  After a quick shower, I was reluctant to leave the warm, steam-filled room. I wrapped myself in a couple of towels and sat on the bench, contemplating just dematerializing back to Lucien's room. I didn't want to face Nikolas before I had a chance to really think about what had happened.

  We'd been fighting, right? Or at least I thought we had been. But maybe for Nikolas, it was just foreplay. I missed the days when I knew how to read him.

  I heard voices in the next room and I quietly made my way down the hallway. I didn't enter into the room, but I saw Nikolas at the door talking to Simon. Apparently they'd said all they needed to. Nikolas’ phone rang and Simon took his leave.

  Nikolas stared at the display of his phone as it rang, as if he couldn't decide whether to answer it. When he finally did, I just shook my head.

  "What's up, princess?” He was quiet as he lit up a cigarette. “No, not gonna make it tonight ... Yeah, okay ... Jeez, don't do anything I wouldn't do."


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