
Home > Other > Spiked > Page 23

  "Fuck me, goddamn it!” I snapped, my patience gone.

  Triarius stepped back and turned me around, shoving me to my knees. Without a word, he thrust his cock into my mouth. Hands on my head, he pumped in and out, silk steel sliding over my tongue and driving me mad. I looked up and watched his head fall back. I wanted, more than anything, to hear him cry out to me. I needed him to be vulnerable, though I didn't know why. I sucked harder, head bobbing, determined to trip him over the edge. Triarius knew—the son of a bitch knew what I was doing. He pulled out and spun me around roughly, shoving my upper body to the cold stone floor.

  "How dare you,” he snarled as he thrust his cock deep into my ass.

  I didn't have a chance to ask him what he meant. His strokes were hard and brutal, his determination to break me crystal clear. I refused. I rose up onto my hands and slammed back onto his prick, making both of us groan. If he wanted me to fucking break, he'd have to do much better than this.

  "Stop fighting me."

  "No.” I flashed him a glare over one shoulder and a second later, my eyes rolled back as he rammed inside me in response.

  I felt like I was playing the devil for my soul, and that only spurred me on. I wanted him to fold, to buckle. I wanted to be the one person who could undo him. Triarius sped up, hips slamming into my ass. His hold on my hips was strong, and I knew I'd have bruises. I could already feel them forming. We both shifted at the same moment then and he nailed my gland. I damn near bit my tongue off when bolts of lightning rocketed up my spine. I didn't have to look back to see the smug grin I knew was there.

  There had to be a way to get to him. Searching it, I sat up, the motion driving his cock deep inside me. I let my head fall back against his shoulder and he kissed my neck, fangs just barely scraping the surface. That was it. That was the key.

  "Triarius...” I bared my throat to him—in full submission.

  The moment he struck, I shot, come splashing onto the stone floor as I shouted his name. Triarius jerked, arms tightening around my waist as he filled me. I felt him shake, and knew—just knew—I'd gotten through.

  "Damn you,” he whispered gruffly.

  "You already did that."

  Then he was gone.

  I closed my eyes and breathed in deep. His scent was still in the air. I smiled.

  * * * *

  "Whatever the hell you did, it must've been good.” Dai leaned against the door frame, arms crossed and a wry smirk on his face. “Or really fucking bad."

  "We fucked. What else was there to do?"

  He snorted. “Yeah. I figured that out when you came back with his scent all over you."

  "You're jealous...” I smiled slowly. I wasn't sure why that thought was so appealing, but it was.

  Dai's jaw clenched. “I am not,” he said finally.

  "He said you didn't agree with me being here, that you wanted him to kill me."

  He shifted a little and looked away. “Maybe. You were a threat."

  I stepped up to him and he glanced at me out of the corner of his eye. “And to you, I still am.” Then I went around him and out the door.

  Triarius had sent Dai to deliver a message to join him in the throne room. I wondered what sort of reception I'd get, given how he'd left me before. And what of Dai? When I first met him, I didn't see anything about Dai to give me the impression that he was one to watch, but now ... I shook my head and followed the directions Dai had given me to the throne room.

  It wasn't quite as far as the walk to where Dai had taken me earlier. Without a clock or the sun, I didn't know what day it was anymore, or if it was even day. I assumed it was evening because Triarius was not alone when I walked through the throne room doors.

  The room itself was smaller than I'd expected, but the polished black stone floor made it appear larger. Flames flickered off the surface, lighting the room up further. Stone benches with plush crimson seats lined the walls, and on them sat many vampires—and some humans, I guessed. At the other end of the room was Triarius. He was seated on a throne of dark wood and several armored guards stood near him. In the light of the torches and candles, his mask looked gold. He gestured for me.

  "Please, sit.” He waved toward a chair at the bottom of the short dais, near his throne. As I sat, he continued. “I trust you slept well?"

  "Yes, though I do wonder what day it is."

  "That is of little importance. I long ceased to care."

  His answers were short, clipped, and I couldn't help but smile to myself. I'd gotten through that damned barrier and found the man behind the devil. I didn't doubt that he was cold-hearted when he needed to be—or even when he wanted to be—but I knew now there was much more to Triarius than met the eye.

  "Dai seems to think I've done something terrible,” I ventured.

  Triarius scowled a bit, though I had a feeling it wasn't necessarily directed at me. “He is spoiled."

  "Do you trust him?"

  He was so quiet, that I thought he might not answer. Then he said, “I don't know,” under his breath.

  The admission was a surprise, but I kept it well-hidden. “Why do you doubt your trust?"

  "A gut feeling. My instincts are something I learned long ago to trust."

  I nodded. That made perfect sense to me. “Can't say that I really blame you. I honestly don't think he likes me much."

  "He thinks you've bewitched me."

  "Have I?"

  Triarius didn't answer and instead waved over a servant. “Would you care for a drink?” he asked me.


  "Water, it is."

  The servant bowed and hurried out of the room. Despite his attempt to look nonchalant, I could see the lines on Triarius’ face, as if he was lost in thought. He'd avoided my question altogether, and that gave me more to wonder on. How could I—a mortal—even begin to control someone as powerful as Triarius? Before I had the chance to dwell on it further, Dai walked into the throne room. I swallowed the groan and schooled my features into something less leery.

  Dai strode up to the dais and bowed low. He didn't even look my way. “I've come to collect Mr. Shaw for his evening meal."

  Triarius nodded, and then glanced at me. “I will meet you in my chambers when you are done."

  I didn't want to leave, especially with Dai, whom I didn't trust, but my stomach was growling. I stood and gave Dai my best smile. “After you."

  Without another word, Dai pivoted on his heel and left the throne room. I followed him, grateful for the silence. I figured I pretty much hit the nail on the head earlier when I'd confronted him. I might not have been a threat to the Brotherhood at large, but to Dai, I sure as fuck was. He seemed to hold a bit of weight with Triarius, but with me here, I had the feeling that changed.

  We turned down a hallway and then Dai stopped at a door. He opened it and stepped back, the smile as fake as my own.

  "Enjoy your meal."

  I didn't answer. I just walked into the room and he closed the door behind me. Only then did I realize something was terribly wrong. I was the only one in the room, and there were no other doorways to be seen. I swallowed hard, and then turned to open the door—only to find it locked.

  "Dai?” I knocked on the door. “Dai, the door is locked."

  Only silence.

  "Dai!” I pounded on the wood with my fists. “Dai! Open the fucking door!"

  I heard a sigh on the other side. Then came Dai's voice, though muffled. “I really hate to leave you, Mr. Shaw. There are matters that require my attention. And don't worry, Triarius will not suffer without you. In a few weeks, he'll forget all about you—everyone will."

  "Dai!” I screamed.

  "Of course, by then, you'll be dead. Have you ever seen a ghoul die, Mr. Shaw? It's a very unpleasant thing to watch. But ... you'll find out soon enough. Goodbye, Mr. Shaw."

  I banged on the door until my fists bruised. My heart pounded, the sound thundering in my ears. A week. I had a week before my body would need blood. After tha

  I scanned the room, searching for any sign of another exit. A single stone table stood in the center. It was the only furniture, and there was no way in hell I could move it enough to break down the door. I thought about kicking the door in hopes it would shatter, but I'd be more likely to wind up with a broken foot. There had to be a way out.

  I started feeling the walls, walking the perimeter of the room, hands running up and the smooth stone. If there was another door hidden in the rock, there would be a telltale crack. I spent the next hour and a half going over inch I could reach. Nothing.

  Movement just outside the one door startled me and I rushed over to it, slamming my fists against it. “Hey! In here!"

  More silence greeted me, then a hiss. I stepped back as blue-gray smoke seeped through the cracks. What the fuck? The vapor rose and I bumped into the table behind me. As it filled the room, it obscured my vision. My eyes began watering and I coughed. The noxious gas swirled around me and made breathing difficult. Then a figure stepped out of the cloud. Or so I thought.


  I reached out just as I went to my knees. He faded. I shook my head and coughed again. My throat threatened to close in on itself and panic finally set in. I crawled to the door and clawed at it, blood running down my fingers where my nails tore on the stone. My gut tightened and I dropped to my hands and knees, dry heaves starting seconds before the blood.

  I opened my mouth, hoping to scream, but nothing came out. The world faded as the smoke filled me.

  * * * *

  Something cool touched my forehead and a soft voice intruded on the only escape from hell I had.

  "He's fevered, but intact.” It was a woman's voice. The coolness returned, smoothing across my skin, down my cheeks. She said something else, but I couldn't make it out.

  Another touch followed, this one stronger but no less cool. What felt like fingertips ran over my lips, and then lower to trace a line over my throat. I heard a man's voice. It took a moment for recognition to set in.

  I opened my mouth, wanting to ask how he'd found me, but a finger pressed to my lips.

  "Shh, rest.” It was the woman again.

  It took a few seconds for my eyes to focus and I stared up into light green ones. She smiled.

  "I am Victoria, Triarius’ personal physician."

  My throat was dry, scratchy. I swallowed convulsively, and then felt someone lift my head a little. A cup was put to my lips and blessedly cool water poured into my mouth. I think I might have moaned. I wanted to protest when the cup was taken away, but I couldn't get the words to form. Darkness slowly took over once more.

  * * * *

  When I next awoke, I knew where I was. On my back, I stared up at the canopy over Triarius’ bed. I wasn't even sure how I'd gotten here. The bed dipped beside me and I looked over to find him sitting on the edge. He reached out and brushed a fingertip down the side of my face.

  "You know who I am?"

  One eyebrow rose and I stared at him. “Of course I know."

  Triarius smiled. “Victoria said you might be a little hazy when you woke up. How are you feeling?"

  I blinked and looked around. I honestly didn't know how I felt. Everything that had happened seemed like a dream, almost—or a nightmare, rather. I remembered the room, the smoke, Dai's final words.

  "It was Dai,” I said, looking back at Triarius.

  "I know. He's in the dungeon, awaiting trial."

  "How did you know?"

  Triarius sighed. “When you did not come to me, I knew something was wrong. I went in search of Dai, but I couldn't find him. Before I could send out an order to bring him to me, your pain hit."

  "You felt it?"

  He nodded. “Your blood is a part of me, Lance."

  "What was the smoke?"

  "That is a little more difficult to explain ... I believe Dai had help, from someone with more abilities than he possesses."

  "So it was magic?"


  I closed my eyes and breathed in deep. “What will happen to Dai?"

  "He will be tried. While I do not doubt he is guilty, that guilt must be proven to the other Elders before a sentence can be declared."

  Opening my eyes, I stared up at the canopy. “What will his sentence be?"

  "Death—by the same means he attempted to exact on you, though much quicker."

  "You're going to starve him?"

  "Tooth for a tooth,” Triarius said. He tapped the mask on his face. “An eye for an eye."

  "Can I ask you something?"


  "You said you wear that due to a sparring match gone wrong. Is that true?"

  "Yes ... and no.” He looked away for a moment. “Not long before I was turned, I found myself on the wrong of the law, so to speak. I survived by stealing whatever I could—food, clothing, objects to sell. I soon caught the attention of a palace guard, and in return for his silence, I offered him my body. The arrangement was better than most. He taught me how to please men, and how to kill. But, as you've found with Dai, jealousy is a deadly thing. Another guard wanted what he could not have. While my lover taught me, I was attacked. I refused to give in, and for my insolence, my attacker took it upon himself to mar my appearance. He hoped it would prevent others from ever wanting me again."

  "It didn't work,” I said dryly.

  "No.” Triarius laughed. “It did not."

  I leaned up on my arms and watched him. “Take it off?"

  His gaze met mine. “It is not a pretty sight."

  "I don't care. I've seen worse."

  With a nod, Triarius reached up and hooked his fingers on the top edge of the mask. Then he pulled it off slowly. My heart skipped a couple beats when he looked at me.

  In sharp contrast to the ethereal beauty of the rest of his face, the right side was grotesque. Deep lines marred the disfigured skin, running from the bridge of his nose, across his eye, and down to the upper part of his cheekbone. The flesh was misshapen and shriveled, and the eye was milky.

  "Can you see?"

  "With my right eye? No. I am half-blind."

  It was miracle he hadn't died. “How did you survive this?” I asked. I rose up the rest of the way and touched one deep scar. Triarius drew in a ragged breath.

  "Luck,” he said quietly. “I should have died."

  "I know.” A part of me didn't want to think on that.

  Triarius ran his fingers over the metal mask, remaining silent. I took the mask from him and studied it. It was cool and smooth, inside and out. I turned it over and over, brow furrowing.

  "Okay,” I said finally. “I give up. How do you keep it on?"

  He ran his finger along the outer edge, and a split second later, I shouted and dropped the mask. Blood pooled on my fingers from tiny puncture wounds. I looked at the mask and saw several small barbs, curving inward. Then I glanced up at him. There were no signs of punctures, but then again, they would have healed immediately when he took off the mask.

  "I didn't get the mask until after I was turned,” he explained. “Until then, I was forced to wear a cloth over the right side of my face. Where I'd been loved before, I found nothing but revulsion after. When I was turned, I vowed to give them all a reason to hate me."

  "So you set yourself up as something like a devil."

  "Something like that."

  I stared down at my fingers and was only partially surprised to see the cuts healing, albeit slowly. “When you carry out Dai's punishment, will you do it in private?"

  "It usually depends on the crime. If the crime was directed at the Brotherhood, then the punishment—or execution—is public. But because it was directed solely toward me and you, then it will be private."

  "You?” I eyed him warily. “How did it affect you? I'm the one he wanted dead."

  "Do you think I would have taken your death lightly?"

  That shocked me more than seeing him without the mask. “What?"

  Triarius set the mask aside and
turned, bearing me back down onto the bed. “Do you doubt me?"

  "I don't know..."

  His breath warmed my skin, making it difficult to think.


  His lips covered mine and I groaned, opening to him without hesitation. I refused to dwell on the meaning behind his silence, or the knot forming in my stomach. Instead, I drowned myself in his kiss. He growled softly, tongue sweeping through my mouth, devouring every ounce of doubt I had—and doubt I hadn't realized was there.

  I cupped his face in my hands, the difference in skin texture fascinating. It drew touch after touch, my fingers stroking as I sucked on his tongue, letting my teeth graze it. Without breaking the kiss, Triarius shifted and knelt between my legs. Still fully clothed, we lay there, content, for the moment, to taste one another's mouths. His breath filled me, and I was dizzy.

  "Triarius...” I whispered.

  He kissed and licked his way over my jaw, down the side of my throat. I felt his fangs graze my skin and I hissed, thighs spreading as my prick filled. He pressed harder against me, letting me feel how hard he was, how I affected him. I rolled us, surprising him. Straddling his waist, I ground my hips to him, both of us groaning as I rocked on his cock. He gripped my waist and thrust up.

  "Need...” My words faltered when shadows opened my pants. I watched, utterly mesmerized, and the shadows dipped inside, taking my breath away when they curled around my shaft. “Fuck,” I hissed, bucking into the touch.

  "Is that not the idea?” Triarius chuckled.

  I wanted to come back with something witty, some smartass comment, but nothing registered except the sensations rippling up and down my length. “Please..."

  He lifted me up and helped me to push my pants down. Somehow, I managed to get them off, and in the interim, he'd freed himself. When I straddled him once more, he handed me a jar. I studied it curiously, and then glanced at him.

  "Victoria is an accomplished alchemist as well as a physician."


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