Ruthless Billionaire: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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Ruthless Billionaire: A Dark Billionaire Romance Page 5

by Anya Palvin

  The attraction and their chemistry are just too strong to be ignored. He leaned in and she covers his lips with hers, deepening the moment by every stroke of his cheek, every pull of her hair,and every moan that escapes them both ended up in a mind-blowing kiss.

  The fireworks start and JT announced for everyone to join him on the balcony. Choker steps back, away from her to create some much needed distance, just in time for the guests to ascend. If he didn't, he would've taken her right here on the floor in front of all these people. He's never been kissed like that, nor has he ever kissed anyone with so much strong and uncontrollable emotionbefore, and trust me when I say he has kissed a multitude of women, but none captured him the way Ciara has.

  Is that a good thing?

  ... If it is why does he feel like his stomach is about to burst?

  ...Why does it feel like his mind has been blast to pieces?

  ...Why does it feel like the air has abandoned his lungs?

  ...Why does it feel like love?

  What the hell is going on?Why would she kiss him? Why would she allow him to kiss her? He just murdered a man for crying out loud, since when is that a turn on?

  Keys moved strolling over, and she tensed when she felt his arm on her waist again. "Hey, Choke you remember Doctor Carlyle right? I thought it would be good to invite her to the party. After all, she did save JT's life." he smiles as if nothing's wrong, but Choker is too busy staring into Ciara's eyes to hear or notice anything Keys just said. The fireworks are unstoppable in the sky and it’s unstoppable within them as well. It’s almost as if everyone perished from the balcony, and it's just the two of them left alone.


  Speaking of destiny; why can’t it be simple and direct?

  - Boy meets girl, boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex, marriage, kids,then happily ever after.

  What's with all the hurdles and pressure and tension and mistakes in between? Life would be so much easier and perhaps better if we could just completely get rid of doubt, disloyalty, trust issues, weaknesses, and all the other infuriatingmess that gets in the way of our happiness.

  But this isn't a fairytale, is it? This is the real world, and in the real world there's drama, lies, uncertainty, and regret. In fairytales, the worst that could happen is an evil queen trying to get her way or two ugly step sisters bossing you around. But in the real world, there's more than just one stumbling block preventing you from getting what you’re worthy of, and more than one person that could be THE ONE.

  6 out of 10 women thought their ex could've been THE ONE, and firmly believes that the new guy is instead. The real world is filled with questions, and doubt; with uncertainty and fear. There's no time to sit around and wonder what if when we change our minds faster than the weather does. Every moment is extremely precious, so it's only natural to try to spend it with someone that gets how complicated and messed up the real world is, because fairytales are always gonna be there to read about in books and watch in movies...but the real world won't wait on anyone.

  The fireworks ended and the guests started to leave in orderly fashion; one luxury limo after another.

  "Man, how was the meeting with the Garners?" Keys pops his head in as Choker removed his jacket and threw it on the bed along with his tie. His room looks clean and really neat, as if his bed hasn't been slept in for days. Truth be told, he probably haven't slept since he left New York two weeks ago, how could he? It's a miracle that he doesn't have huge dark circles under his eyes.

  He ignores Keys question, and unbuttoned his shirt. He feels so confused and hurt and disappointed and aroused all at the same time. The woman that’s been affecting him in every way is in his house, but so is his best friend, and they came together.

  Who knows what he's been doing to her? He fights the urge to turn around and strike a fist at straight to his face. "What are you doing with her?" Choker asks and Keys steps further into the room. "I told you in New York that we should handle it and you walked away, so that's exactly what I'm doing....handling it." he says warily. "Don't worry your head over the little things, just focus on getting the Garners to sign over the percentage that we need." he speaks as if he's giving an order, completely forgetting who he's talking to and what Choker's capable of. "I walked away because like I said, she's not a threat. Just this once I'm going to ignore the fact that you defy my orders and went behind my back to handle something that I specifically told you to stay away of. I'm also going to ignore the fact that you think you are in charge here. Whatever hold you have on her will be cut tonight, and that's not a request." Choker threatens, turning to face him so he knows how serious he is.

  They've been friends for over a decade, and he's never seen the look in Choker's eyes that he has right now. It's the usually deadly stare but it's more intense than it usually is.

  "Choke, you don't need to be upset, mate. I have everything under control." Keys tried to be as persuasive as he could but he steps back when he sees Choker's eyes turn red. "Alright, alright. I'll let her go. But if anything goes wrong, I get to say I told you so." he says it as if it's a joke but there's no humour in Choker's expression. "Ok then, I'm gonna go do that now then." Keys quickly leaved the room unsure of what was going through his best friend’s mind.

  "Why is he pissed off about this one chick? Who gives a shit if she saved JT's life? Doctors stitch us up around the world and we never get sentimental over it to the point of arguing about the people we don’t even know. Our friendship has gone this far, we interpret each other’s mind like no one else can. But for the first time in almost 20 years, I have no idea who that guy was." Keys continued to murmurs to himself as he walks downstairs in search of Ciara.


  "Thank you so much for coming and JT please stay out of trouble tonight. My son needs to at least spend one night without worry." Julia hugs JT and literally shoved him out the front door. "Ok, mom" JT calls out as he descends the front steps.

  Choker's closest friends get to call his mom "Mom" or "Mum" as a sign of respect. Not all the guys get the opportunity, but a selected few, including Keys.

  Ciara was listening close by and watched how Julia handles herself as a simple woman around so many dangerous men. She looked at her in great respect and admiration because in the midst of the chaos that happened tonight she's completely unaffected by it all.

  "You" Julia calls out to Ciara and she shook her head away from her thoughts and back to reality. "Me?" She asks touching her chest with her index finger. "Yes you, come here." she orders and Ciara hurries over without hesitation. "Who are you?" Julia asks, and Ciara is distracted by Julia's familiar eyes, they remind her of Choker, and his intimidating glances. "Err, uh, I'm Ciara. I'm the doctor that, I mean I'm the surgeon that operated on JT." she offered the best answer she could manage and Julia eyes her up and down. "What are you doing here? Who invited you?" She asks with bitterness and Ciara looks down at her feet nervously. She didn't want to tell a total stranger that she was blackmailed into coming so she came up with a suitable lie that might get her out of whatever possible mess she might be in right now. "I came with my boyfriend, Keys. I'm sure you know him." She lies about Keys being her boyfriend and Julia visibly relaxes.1

  She remembers Ciara from the news report a few weeks ago and her instincts were implying that she could be here to stir up trouble, especially since her son committed another crime not three hours ago in front of you can't blame her for being a bit paranoid. "Oh, I see. I remember now. You walked in together." she says in a kinder voice and Ciara let out a huge breath she was holding. "There you are" Keys comes strolling over just in time and Julia steps aside so he could properly greet his girlfriend, but he hugs Julia instead and kissed her gently on the cheek. "Hey mom, you look great." he says with his hoarse voice and that sexy Irish accent. "Thank you, darling. I was just getting to know your girl here." she says subtly throwing the word (girl) in there. But Keys didn't pick up on it quick enough to respond in the way Ciara thought he
would. "Oh yea, that's great. I uh, I actually have to get her home now because Choke is pissed at me for bringing a date when we always go stag to these kinds of parties. So I'll see you next week mom, everything was great." he kissed her other cheek and takes Ciara's hand. "It was nice meeting you, you have a lovely home here." she says smiling nervously. "Oh thank you but this is my son's home, I just drop in and out to make sure he's ok." Julia smiles when she talks about Choker. In some twisted way, she's always been proud of him. Ciara still doesn't realize that this Choker or Choke person is the same guy she made out with earlier and shared moments with in New York. The name just doesn't sound like anyone she's ever met or would wish to meet. Speaking of making out, the guy completely disappeared after the fireworks, and she didn't get to ask his name or ask anything for that matter.

  "Oh" is all she said as a reply to Julia's statement. "Drive safely, Keys" she waves to them as the valet brought his Ferrari to the front.

  "Everyone left?" Choker asks, and his mom closed the front door, narrows her eyes at him and folds her arms. "What?" He asks not having a clue why she could be looking at him like that or tapping her feet as if she's waiting for him to give an explanation or something. "Don't act like you have no idea what I'm thinking. Why didn't you inform me ahead of time that our little eye witness from a few weeks ago is now Keys' girlfriend? When and how did this happen? Does he have any idea what he's doing, or how we could all be compromised if their little fling ends badly? I mean honestly, Prince what the hell is he thinking? How could you allow this to happen?" She barks angry questions at him one after another, but he's honestly just as shocked as she is. "Who said anything about him being her boyfriend?" His question is almost a whisper. "She told me, I asked her why she was here and she said and I quote "I came with my boyfriend, Keys. I'm sure you know him." Julia repeats Ciara's exact words and Choker's heart literally stopped for a few seconds before he was revived with rage, and mind boggling questions puzzling him.

  If Keys is her boyfriend, why the hell would she kiss him?

  Why would Keys lie about not seeing her?

  Why would she tell his mom that?

  ...and why did she pick Keys over him?

  The Garners have a beautiful wide plantation of grapes in Venice. Horses as white as milk, the grassland are green and flourished. The house is made of ancient brick and beautiful golden framed windows. The fountains and ponds are tranquil yet bright. The octagonal-shaped pavilion structure has the most beautiful flowers surrounding it, and the most crafty chairs and tables.1

  "Mr. Prince, Mrs. Prince so glad of you to join us." Mr. Garner greets Choker and his mom as soon as they come.

  Mr Garner is a 60 year old Bulgarian King who lives happily in Venice with his 28 year old spouse who's also his niece. Twisted yes, but they’re absolutely in love with each other. He's been taking care of her since his brother died when she was only 3. He cared for her like a father, granting her every want and need ever since. Somewhere along the way, the law required him to marry again to produce an heir when his only son died, and in some strange exchange of moments and words, they fell in love.

  Some people find love in unusual and some even surprising places, some people never find love at all, so who are we to judge the ways of the heart, no matter how deviant and unusual it can be. The heart wants what it wants. And it knows clearly what it wants.4And

  Besides, some customs demand that one man have several wives, and some customs require that Royals should only wed their own kind and breeding, even their own relatives.

  Just because we don't understand something doesn't mean it's faulty. Different cultures have their own peculiar beliefs, and sometimes, when you look at a certain situation, it helps you to recognize the full worth of what you have so much more, no matter how small, poor, or boring your life is, there's someone out there getting raped, beaten, scorned, starved, and abused. So instead of pointing your fingers at someone you don't understand, appreciate the things in your own life and move along.

  "Thank you for having us, Hansel." Julia greets Mr. Garner by his first name. They've known each other for years, especially since her husband used to be Hansel Garner's right hand man before he was crowned King so many years ago. "Julia, you're looking more beautiful with age my dear, I see why Gadeno can't stop loving you." They hug in a friendly familiar way, and Choker shook hands briefly with him before taking their seats. Julia blushes and takes a sip of champagne that Hansel's servants served in.

  Hansel doesn't look a day over 40, and even in his Royal robes and attire he's still the most ruthless King in the entire world. If you want to win a war, he's the man to have on your side. His army and weapons have no limits and his connections and estates around the world could impress and also overawe just about anyone. But his most prized possession is his beautiful wife and son.

  "Where are the lovely Queen Daniella and Prince Mark?" Julia asks, still sipping her champagne. "They are inside having tea and cupcakes, I never involve my wife and my son in business affairs, I need them to be safe and far away from anything or anyone that isn't me. I know you very well Julia and your son has the potential of making me millions of dollars of that, I'm sure. But I don't trust my family with anyone, sometimes not even myself." he admits the most odd confession anyone's heard in years but nevertheless, Julia smiles in agreement. If she could keep Choker away from this lifestyle and this world, she definitely would, but he made himself very clear--- he wants to be who he is and no one else.

  "So Mr. Prince, what brings you to my home on such short notice? I thought I told you I would need to think about it before going into any agreements." he crossed his leg and folds his fingers together in a large fist on his knee. "I'm aware of everything you said. I no longer wish to go into business with you or your company. My partner Keys mentioned the idea to me but based on his recent findings and decisions, he's proven himself to be quite inept these days so I'll take over it from here." he answers coldly. "I see, so why are you here?" Hansel asks confused. "I need a favour." Julia answers quickly. He stares at her in a warm salutation way, as if he knows exactly what the favour is.

  Keys tried calling Choker but he rejects all the call. He soon sends a text message

  How did it go? Did you get the contract? Let's meet at the warehouse for lunch. I have a gift for you.

  Choker reads the message several times in his head before deleting it.

  "Mum, I have to go. Call me if something happens. I'll leave a few bodyguards at the gate and a town car." he kissed his mother's forehead before heading out. "I'm a little insulted, little Prince. I'm very capable of protecting your mother." Hansel smirks, trying to hide his bruised ego. "I honestly don't give two fucks how you feel, Your Highness. I don't trust anyone with my mother, so I guess we have that in common when it comes to the people we care about." Choker spits out each word from the truest part of his heart. "I can respect that." Hansel stands and shakes his hand.



  JT, Keys, and three other men in suits step out of a SUV outside the warehouse. Choker's assistant showed them to his office, and soon Choker's helicopter lands on the roof and he stroll into the building with three large bodyguards by his side.

  "Sir" his assistant greets him with a glass of brandy and he pours it into the nearest plant. "Go poison somebody else." he says gingerly and she takes the glass and disappointedly went back to her desk.

  Usually he would've taken a huge gulp and teased with her before dragging her off to his office or to his private bathroom. But for the past few days he's been negligible, and the one day he does show up, he's a completely different beast. She sits curious, wondering what could be the reason for the sudden change.

  "Choke, ayyy!" The guys greet him as soon as he steps into the office. JT walks over with the intention of giving him a welcome hug but changes his mind when he sees the look on Choke's face.

  The bodyguards that came in with Choker stood like statues around him, and he pulled
a Cuban cigar from his jacket and one of them offered him a snip and light. He had swollen it a few times before passing it to one of the bodyguards. "I have something for you." Keys announced in an excited tone. He pulls a key from his pocket and pinched it so it swings loosely from his fingers. "This is a key to the most exclusive, ultimate, secret gentleman's club in the world. They only issue keys to the richest most powerful men, and the owner changes the location every night so no one catches on. Choke this is yours. I've been working on this for like 2 weeks. I know how much you like classy women with a freaky sex drive, and sexy piercings." Keys chuckles feeling proud of his gift.

  When Choker doesn't respond or take the key or show any emotion nor an expression can be seen on his face, the guys sit down immediately.

  "JT, I need you back in New York, there's a folder on the jet already with your assignment and a duffle bag with everything you'll need." Choker gives the order and JT leaves, not bothering to say goodbye to the other guys. Choker clearly showed up for work with a no-nonsense attitude this morning, and any man with a brain knows he's not to be taken less with when he's this serious.

  He gives orders to the other men, leaving Keys and the three bodyguards he came in with behind.

  One of the bodyguards checks his text messages and he whispers something in Choker's ear. "Go, and keep me posted on everything." he tells his loyal subject before taking a seat in his chair. "Ok Choke, what's wrong? The last time you were this silent and cold it didn't end well for a lot of people. What's going on with you?" Keys voice is draped in fret. "I have a club to open in 4 days and a hotel to promote. Unlike you, I have works to do." He replies nonchalantly.


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