Twelfth of Never (Book 3 of the McKay series)

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Twelfth of Never (Book 3 of the McKay series) Page 8

by Hestand, Rita

  "A big family? Wow, a big family would be a big responsibility. I hadn't thought about the size I wanted. But I'm used to having lots of people around me. So big would be good." Sandy looked at him, unaware of what a real glance might do to her.

  "Yeah, six or seven might be just right?" He smiled.

  "You want that many?" She became wide-eyed.

  "Why not, I can afford them." Mike chuckled. "And they are a heck of a lot of fun."

  "But your career takes you away from home so much…" she insisted. "Wouldn't you be delegating most of the work to your wife?"

  "I've been here almost as long as you have. And my work can take me around here a long time." He smiled. "Actually, I want to work more locally anyway. But I would manage it somehow, even so far as taking some of them on location with me. Teaching them how to use a camera, and what camera's mean. Teaching kids things is all part of it. And I'd find a lot of things to get into. Hobbies, for instance. I once knew this guy who built toy trains. He had a huge train set in his garage. Him and his son played with that thing, building it up for years. Now it's like a museum piece. But it's not the trains that were so important; it was the quality time he spent with his son, sharing his interest. You know a father can be as good an influence on a child's future as a mother."

  "When did you decide all this?"

  "I don't know if I just decided, or have been thinking about it a long time. But now that I am a more established photographer I can pick and choose my work. I don't have to go to all those exotic locations to work, if I don't want to. I mean…I guess it would depend if I had something to keep me here or not. And about the only thing I know of that would be important enough for me to stick around for a long time is a family. I also like the idea of coming home to a family after a location gig. I never had much of that."

  That statement jolted her into a new awareness of Mike. Mike the family man. Would he be good husband material, and why on earth was she thinking along those lines? Sure, he'd kissed her, but there were no words of love, or a hint of anything permanent with Mike. It was she that insinuated herself into that position. But the way he was talking was making her visualize it for herself.

  "To keep you here?"

  "Sure, a woman, kids…That's what keeps most men stable."

  "But you aren't even dating…are you?"

  "No…I guess I'm not."

  With that he got up and left her side, leaving her to muse over his words all afternoon.

  Chapter Six

  Friday evening, Sandy was alone in the house. She had helped Julie all day with preparations for a dance for the kids. Tomorrow night would be the first dance and she'd enjoyed working with her sister on the project. Enjoyed it until everyone left.

  She envied Julie going home to a family and wifely chores. She envied watching Julie and Cade working together, how they cut up, and had so much fun, how Kellie joined them in the late afternoon, after school. They were a happy family. She even watched Letty and Hank; how right they were for each other and how easily their lives fit together even though Hank came from a poor family and Letty a rich one. It didn't seem to matter. She wanted that too.

  Sandy sighed.

  Thinking about her and Chad, she tried to visualize how her life would be. But the picture wasn't as sweet. Chad would have a practice and she would be traveling the countryside nursing animals back to health. They would come home and collapse at the end of a day for the first few years. She'd be too tired to fix supper, he'd be late. There would be no children because there simply wouldn't be time to fit them in. As time went on he'd be so busy she'd have to sink herself into her work to keep herself company. Oh, there would be vacations, in exotic locations, where they would spare no expense to enjoy themselves. Some might even be romantic and centered on solidifying their relationship. Somehow, the picture of them together began to fade. Sandy let a tear slip by. That wasn't the life she envisioned.

  So she picked up the phone and called Chad.

  "Hi, how are you?" she greeted him.

  "Doing great. Thought since you were into helping, I'd do the same with my Dad. Been playing golf almost every day and I gotta tell you I'm not half bad."

  "Great, glad you are enjoying yourself."

  "Well, you know most doctors play golf, and I want to fit in. It's not half bad. So how are the kids you been working with?" Chad asked, almost as if he really didn't care what her answer was.

  "They're great. It is so much fun. It is exhausting, but just seeing them smile and enjoy themselves. I wish you could be here to see it. I'm really enjoying this. I wasn't sure I would at first, but I wanted to try. Now, I can't imagine not helping out," Sandy gushed with enthusiasm.

  "Great, great!" Chad's voice dwindled to nothing. He sounded sort of pre-occupied.

  "So, have you missed me?" she asked.

  "Sure, sure I have. I mean, after a day of golf I'm a little tired, but I miss you. So when are you coming over?"

  Sandy glanced around her. "Uh…I don't know yet. Next week, maybe."

  "Why so long…?"

  "Don't you think it's a good idea? I mean, you've barely been home and I've been with you every day. Now you have some time for your folks and things you want to do."

  "Okay, honey, I got to go. I'm in the middle of a chess game with my cousin. Talk to you soon, then."

  "Yeah…talk to you soon." Sandy frowned into the phone as she hung up.

  What had she expected? And why hadn't she asked him tonight about having children?

  Wendy breezed in and caught her in her reverie. "Wow! What's got you so down?"

  Sandy shook herself, shrugging the blues away. "Nothing, I'm fine."

  "You could have fooled me." Wendy's brow went up as she eyed her sister. "Look, if you don't have anything to do, Caleb is nursing Sousa; he could use the help."

  "Sousa…?" Sandy questioned.

  "Yeah, she's a prize winning pig, she's about to deliver," Wendy informed her.

  "That sounds like fun. Maybe I ought to help out," Sandy offered.

  "I'd appreciate it. I know you enjoy that kind of thing more than I do. He asked me for help, but I'm not into blood and stuff. Not my cup of tea, thanks," Wendy said and stomped down the hallway.

  "Wendy?" Sandy called.

  "Yeah," Wendy hollered from her bedroom door.

  "Why don't you have a date?" Sandy asked.

  Wendy came back to Sandy's room and glared at her. "I beg your pardon. It doesn't look like you have men beating the door down to get to you either."

  Sandy let the sarcasm slide. "I don't. But honey the way you moon over Wade. Why don't you give him a run for his money?"

  Wendy quirked a brow. "What are you talking about?"

  "I'm talking about making him jealous. Maybe that would wake him up." Sandy smiled at her.

  Wendy leaned against the frame of the door. "Hmm…hadn't thought about that. Except Letty and Julie have already suggested it. Trouble is, who am I gonna use to make him jealous?"

  "Well, it has been known to work." Sandy grinned. "And I might know someone."

  "Maybe I do need to shake him up a little. I've been at his beck and call for years now." Wendy frowned.

  Sandy nodded. "Sometimes a man doesn't know what he's missing, until he misses it."

  "You could be right about that, too. I'll do it!" Wendy proclaimed. "If I can find someone willing."

  "There is a whole ranch full of cowboys," Sandy remarked with a smirk.

  "You're right. What am I thinking? Maybe that would be just what he needs," Wendy remarked.

  "Yeah, only, honey. I think you are adorable as you are, but why not entice him all at the same time."

  Wendy frowned again and stared at her. "What do you mean?"

  "Wear some revealing clothes, a blouse that is unbuttoned, a pair of shorts that are illegal in ten states." Sandy laughed.

  "That's really not me…" Wendy let her shoulders roll forward, slumping.

  Sandy nodded. "That's true
, honey. It isn't. And he should recognize the change. He'll want to put more clothes on you before it's over."

  "I'm not sure I could pull that off. I'm not a vamp."

  "Sure you could. You are a beautiful young woman and he should know that by now."

  Wendy glanced at her sister. "Will you help me pick out some stuff?"

  "Sure, let's go see what's in your closet," Sandy suggested.

  Before long they had lined Wendy's bed with all sorts of outfits.

  "These are brand new, you've never worn them?" Sandy asked, picking up a pair of very short shorts that left little to the imagination.

  "No…Letty gave those to me a couple of years ago. I just haven't had the nerve to put them on."

  "Try them on," Sandy encouraged.

  Wendy obliged reluctantly. When Sandy picked out a tight tank top to go with it that showed a remarkable amount of belly, she laughed. "This will go great with it. Of course to be decent you might need a shirt over it."

  Wendy put the outfit together and modeled it for Sandy. "So…what do you think?"

  "Wow! My little sister has grown up." Sandy laughed. "Now, don't stand around like you're taking one of Wade's orders. Stand provocatively so that you bring attention to yourself."

  "I'll look like a hoochie Mama." Wendy laughed.

  "Who cares, if it has the right effect, that's all that's needed," Sandy explained. "And you won't have to do it long if it bothers Wade."

  So Wendy posed for her, in fact, she posed so many times they were both roiling with laughter. "If this doesn't get his attention, nothing will," Sandy promised.

  Wendy flopped on the bed. "What about you?"

  Sandy's smile faded. "What do you mean?"

  "I mean, are you in love with Chad? You sure haven't acted like it lately."

  Sandy didn't know how to answer. She didn't know the answer.

  "I'm not sure."

  "He's cute. Even I've looked at him," Wendy acknowledged. "And I don't look at many guys other than Wade."

  "Really?" Sandy scrutinized her for a moment. "But I thought all you had eyes for is Wade."

  "He's mine, if he can be caught and tamed. But I'm not blind. Chad's handsome and ambitious and I could go for someone like that. Why aren't you all over him?" Wendy asked.

  "I was, for a while, but I don't know, Wendy. For some reason I have doubts."

  "Wow! That shocks me."

  "It shocks me that you could still love Wade after all these years. I mean, first it was just a teenage crush…but now." Sandy turned the attention back to her. "So now all we need is someone to make him jealous."

  "Yeah, and he wouldn't be jealous of most of the cowpokes around here. It's going to have to be someone very special to make Wade take notice." Wendy shrugged. "I guess I'll have to think about it a while."

  Sandy nodded.

  "Say, what about that Mike fella. He's a doll and he might make Wade sit up and take notice."

  Had a ton of bricks fallen on Sandy's head, she would never have suspected Wendy with Mike. For some reason, Sandy didn't take to the idea of her little sister playing the vamp around Mike. However, Mike was used to vamps; he worked with them every day, didn't he? He could probably handle her better than most.


  "You think he could go for me?" Wendy asked.

  "Well, you are a little young, but…say, are you going to be honest with the guy that helps you?"

  "Oh yeah…sure I am," Wendy promised and posed once more so provocatively that even Sandy gasped.

  "I guess Mike could pull it off better than anyone. After all, he works with beautiful women all the time," Sandy murmured. "Maybe you should talk to him first."

  "Yeah…sure." Wendy gestured and pulled her hair up seductively giving off a baited hook. "What do you think?"

  "I think I've created a monster." Sandy laughed.

  "As long as Wade thinks so too." Wendy laughed with her. "So will you ask Mike for me?"


  "Well sure, he's your friend. You and Letty know him better than I do," Wendy protested.

  "Don't you think you should?"

  "Maybe, but you could soften the blow and sort of hint at it for me. After all, I hardly know the guy," Wendy insisted.

  Sandy shrugged. "I guess I got you into this, I should help you."

  "That's right, sis." Wendy smiled. "Let me know what he thinks."

  "Are you sure you want to do this with Mike?" Sandy asked, a niggling in the back of her mind nearly getting to her.

  "I'm sure. He's a doll and he's so worldly." Wendy smiled. "I'm sure he could handle it with the finesse I would need."

  "Is he worldly?"

  "Well, he comes off that way, at least. Wade would think so." Wendy chuckled.

  "Okay…I'll try to talk to him about it."

  "Thanks…" Wendy kissed her on the cheek and she picked out a couple more outfits that were alluring.


  Sandy approached the corral with all the guts she had. Why had she opened her mouth and got herself in this fix? Why had she interfered at all? She needed as much help as anyone figuring out her love life, now she was figuring out Wendy's.

  The tension inside her was wound tighter than an arrow about to meet its target.

  She wiped the sweat from her brow and approached Mike standing on the fence watching Hank break a bronc. He was standing there, with his arms crossed at the top of the fence, wearing a t-shirt and tight jeans that emphasized his body, a black hat on his head. He looked adorable and she almost reached up and hugged him. But she didn't.

  "Where'd you get that hat?" Sandy asked.

  "Like it? I think it's the real me!" He smiled broadly.

  "It's almost a John Wayne." She smiled at him.

  When he smiled, her heart beat quickened. Sandy squashed the reaction.

  "What's going on?" She tried to sound casual, while her insides were sputtering like a faulty engine.

  "Hank's busting another onry bronc. And let me tell you he has a real knack with these horses. Like nothing I've ever seen. He's as good as any horse whisperer I've seen." He smiled seductively at her.

  Sandy almost lost her footing as she climbed on the rail beside him. "And you've seen a lot?" she questioned.

  He grabbed for her and just for a moment, their eyes met. She swallowed hard.

  "A few…So how's my favorite girl…?"

  His 'favorite girl'? Where had that come from?

  "I'm fine, spent most of the night with Caleb and his piglets though, so I didn't get much rest," Sandy complained. "I think I'm a little cranky."

  "That's okay, I like cranky. I saw the piglets, nine of them. I got a few pictures. Great stuff." Mike smiled at her.

  "You sound as though you enjoy photographing animals."

  "I do. I always have. I only got into modeling for the money. But my display work is in animals."

  "I didn't realize that. You know…have you ever considered doing vet magazine layouts?"

  Mike thought about her suggestion a moment. "Not even once, but it is a great idea. Let me think on that and see what I can come up with. I'd love to work on a showing. That's a really good idea, Sandy."

  "I'd love to go to a showing."

  "All right, I'll take you to mine at the end of the month. If you really want to see it."

  "I'd love to."

  She took a long admiring look at Mike, seeing him for the deep and sensitive man he was. She swallowed hard and ignored the hesitation in her thoughts. "Mike, I need to talk to you about something…" she began wanting to get it over with. Just then he reached a hand and moved her braid toward her back and smiled into her face. Their eye contact made her lose breath for a moment and suddenly her eyes fell to his lips, and she licked hers. He saw the action, and she felt the hot flush rush to her face.

  "Sure, talk away. I'm all yours." His eyes were on Hank, but his attention was riveted to her.

  "It's about Wendy," she began.

y?" He frowned for a moment. The moment between them was spoiled. "Your sister, what about her?"

  "Well, I…need to talk to you about her…" She didn't know how to approach this. She didn't want to, but Wendy was her sister and unless someone did something Wendy was going to waste her way into old age pining for Wade. And it was true that Mike could probably handle this kind of thing better than anyone else they knew.

  But just as the right words came to mind, Wade joined them on the railing. "Heard you were up all night with those piglets." Wade glanced at Sandy and smiled. "I should have known, you were always a softie for animals."

  "Yeah, I was and still am. I don't think Caleb wanted to be alone, though. At least that was my impression. I have never seen anyone, except maybe Dad get so excited about a pig before. He was so proud you would have thought he was the father. When those piglets came into the world, he was beaming from ear to ear." Sandy laughed, then sobered realizing the comparison she was making.

  "Caleb's good people. I think sometimes he misses your dad, though. He's gotten a lot gabbier in his older years." Wade smiled. "But he's a staple around here."

  "When did dad hire him, I can't remember?"

  "A few years back. None of you girls were here but Wendy," Wade was telling them.

  "We talked way into the night. He's a nice man."

  "Yeah, your dad was a good judge of character." Wade grinned. "Since your father's been gone, Caleb has sort of taken up the place here on the ranch."

  "Yeah…I guess he has."

  Wade nodded to Mike.

  "Here you have been getting a lot of pictures around here," Wade commented.

  "Yeah, I want to talk to you about that, too. Make sure there are no legal problems there."

  "The way I see that Mike, you’re a photographer and it's your business. The only problem you could possibly have here is with people you photograph. I heard you're doing a layout for Cade and Julie with the kids. I think that's great. I appreciate you helping them out. They are very serious and dedicated to the task of helping those kids. So anything you do with that is fine with me. And I don't think you'll get any hassle with the animals here." Wade smiled.


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