Twelfth of Never (Book 3 of the McKay series)

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Twelfth of Never (Book 3 of the McKay series) Page 16

by Hestand, Rita

  He didn't know he hurt her. How could he?

  She had to quit fretting over Mike. He made it clear he wasn't interested, and it embarrassed her that she had even mentioned the kisses.

  In some ways she was a bigger fool than Wendy.

  It was a cold wintery day when Wendy came trotting up the stairs and stopped at her open doorway. There was an unwritten rule that when one of the girls had their door open, the others could come in. So Wendy popped in.

  "You've got mail…" Wendy announced with a smile.

  "You're kidding. Me? I guess from one of the colleges that I applied to." Sandy nodded and reached her hand for the mail.

  Wendy put it in her hand and shook her head. "Doesn't look like it's from a college."

  "Oh no…I can't take it if I'm not accepted, that will be the last straw," Sandy cried out.

  Wendy moved out of the room. "Just open it and see, silly. You spend too much time fretting over 'what ifs'"

  "Easy for you to say…" Sandy hollered down the hallway.

  Sandy looked up. "Lord, I don't ask much, but I have just got to be accepted somewhere. I can't stay here and mope about Mike the rest of my life."

  She tore the letter open but it wasn't from a college. It was an invitation.

  "What the…." she started then began to read.

  "Oh my gosh. Oh wow!" she exclaimed. "He's invited me to his showing. He's invited me to his showing…." She began to smile. Her feet began to dance and jump about. She stomped them several times and laughed. Then she picked the letter up once more and re-read it.

  Mike was having a showing in Dallas and she was cordially invited to attend.

  At least he didn't hate her.

  She put the letter in the drawer by her bed and ran down stairs eager to tell someone her good news.

  But no one was around.

  Good news, wasted on nobody. She went outside; Fetch was playing with an old ball and brought it to her immediately to throw. She threw it for him and then went down the hill to the barn.

  Caleb was working as usual and she was going to bust if she didn't tell someone.

  "He's having a showing for Julie and Cade's work with the kids," she blurted as though Caleb knew anything about a showing.

  Caleb glanced up at her and stopped what he was doing. "Well now, I haven't seen you in some time."

  "Did you hear me?"

  "What, gal?"

  Sandy stared at Caleb for a long moment. Then she shook herself. "Mike…he's having a showing of his photographs of Julie and the kids. Isn't that great?"

  "Well now, yes it is. That's right nice. What's a showing?" he asked, scratching his head.

  "Oh Caleb, it's where he put his pictures up for all to see," Sandy explained in plain English.

  "Oh. Yeah…that's right nice. That might bring them some business." Caleb nodded.

  "It's wonderful. I wonder if Julie got an invitation."

  "I don't know. Why don't you call her and find out?" Caleb said, looking at her as though she'd grown two heads.

  "That's a great idea…" She kissed him on the forehead and headed back to the house.

  Chapter Sixteen

  "I got my invitation," Julie cried a couple of days later when she came over to check on some things for Cade.

  "Great. Let me see…"

  Julie handed it to her and smiled. "I knew he'd come through for us."

  "Yeah…looks like, only my date is different than yours."

  "Must be an error in the printing. I guess we can call the museum and find out which date is right."

  "Or I could call him," Sandy suggested.

  "You have his number?" Julie asked.

  "Yeah. I'll give him a call tonight then and let you know," Sandy said, giving her invitation back to her.

  "Sounds good. I have to run. I've got to pick up Kellie from school and then Letty and I have to take Hank's mother back to the doctor." Julie smiled at her. "The woman can barely walk, and sometimes it's too much for Letty. She needed help, and I volunteered."

  "Is his mother worse?"

  "She's had a few problems; they postponed the wedding until mid-December. The doctor likes to see her pretty regularly now, so we take her in."

  Sandy nodded. "I don't know how you keep up with so much going on in your life."

  "You have to keep yourself on a schedule if you want to get things done. Otherwise I'd forget."

  Sandy laughed.

  "Well, call me after you talk to him and let me know…okay?"


  She put off calling Mike until she was almost ready to go to bed. She'd been anxious about talking to him again and her stomach was in turmoil. Somehow she had to pull off a little sophistication for this. Mike must never know her true feelings.

  But just the sound of his melancholy voice had her frayed nerves calming.

  "Yes, I invited you on the 5th and Julie and Cade on the 6th. Is that alright?"

  "Well, I thought we could attend the same night. I thought there was a printing mistake."

  Mike hesitated answering. "No…no mistake. On the 5th I'll be talking with a lot advertisers and I can't give Julie and Cade my full attention. Only so many are invited on each night of the showing."

  Sandy's heart plummeted. "I see. Well, I guess I can find something to entertain myself."

  "Why don't you come a little early?"


  "Yeah, that way we can catch up on all the family gossip and then I can tend to business."

  "Oh…sure. All right. I guess I'll have to make some arrangement of my own, as I'm not coming to the showing and driving back home on the same night."

  "I can make them for you. You don't have to bother with that. I'm inviting you."

  "Okay, whatever. I'll see you on the fifth of December, then. Goodnight." She tried to sound pleased but knew she fell short. She knew he would barely have time for her at all, and she didn't know why he wanted her there in the first place. It seemed an expensive visit for the few minutes she might spend with him.

  He hadn't left her out. So she'd go.

  But strangely enough, she began to understand how Wendy felt. Wendy had loved Wade, but Wade wasn't in love with her. Now Wendy had to work with him every day and not get hung up on the fact that there would be nothing between them but friendship. She had to be Mike's friend, like Wendy, and not get hung up on her own feelings for the man.


  Thanksgiving was a lot of fun and Sandy had to admit she was thrilled to be with all her sisters and her brother-in-law. Naturally, Hank was there and Caleb was invited since he didn't have any one to celebrate the holidays with.

  But he nearly ruined the day when he asked where her and Wendy's boyfriends were.

  Julie did most of the cooking, but she had shared a pecan pie recipe with Sandy, so Sandy made one all by herself. She was proud of it.

  Wendy had helped with the peeling of potatoes and she vowed to help do the dishes.

  No one argued that with her.

  Hank and Letty had put off the wedding until mid-December hoping that his mother would be feeling better and able to get around on her own.

  Julie had been helping her plan the wedding and every day there was a new problem, or a new situation that came up.

  Hank spoke a prayer over the dinner, and Cade cut the fried turkey. Hank's mother had come to, and Kellie was having a friend over so she was happy.

  Fetch got to stay inside that night because it was too cold to leave him out.

  The dinner was great and afterwards everyone settled in the living room for a few tall tales and a little family gossip. The girls had a routine of doing a black Friday shopping trip, so they were looking at all the ads and deciding what to get everyone for Christmas. The men paid little attention to that and tried to find a ball game on television.

  On the marathon shopping, each girl had a list of wants and hopeful presents for everyone and before they began the all-night journey into the unknown,
and very packed malls, they went to eat at an all-night Waffle place.

  After lots of hot coffee and giggling about their adventure, they were off to the store that either stayed open all night, or opened very early in the morning. They ignored the stores with the long lines of people who had camped out for an entire day to get in first.

  Singing Christmas carols and acting silly was high on their lists of to-dos.

  But one thing Sandy wanted to do was buy Mike a gift. She knew he probably wouldn't get her anything, but for all the trouble she had caused him, she wanted him to have something from her.

  She asked Letty for help in finding him something. But Letty admitted she was having a hard time getting something for Hank, so that didn't work.

  She remembered Mike liked western things, so she shopped where the others didn't. And then she found it. It seemed funny at the moment. But she found a real preserved snake on the shelf of a western shop and reminding her of Selma's snake bite, she bought it and laughed. "It's perfect."

  When she showed it to Letty and Julie, they laughed and looked at each other as though she'd lost her mind.

  "Are you getting Wade anything?" she finally asked Wendy.

  "I don't know…if something jumps out there at me, maybe." Wendy shrugged. "It won't be much."

  It sounded very much as though Wendy was giving up on Wade. And no one could be happier than her sisters for that.

  Now if the showing just went off right, Sandy could come home intact without breaking down in front of Mike.


  The trip to Dallas in her small Kia had been long and boring. But the minute she arrived she felt queasy. How would she ever make it through this night?

  She called Mike. "Hi, I made it into town, but I need to know where I'm staying."

  "I couldn't get reservations for you, so you'll be staying here with me. I'll be busy a lot of the weekend, and I won't be there. But you can stay here. It's pretty comfortable," Mike said, he sounded so up, so relaxed, so good.

  "Okay, I guess."

  "Relax, honey, you are going to have a great weekend," Mike promised.

  There was that word, 'honey'. If he knew what that one little word did to her, he wouldn't be using it. It made her heart lurch and her body tremble with 'what ifs'.

  "I can't wait to see your work," she gushed.

  "Okay, let me know where you are, and I'll come get you," Mike insisted.

  "That's okay, just give me the directions, I can get there."

  Mike gave her directions. "Hurry, but be careful. I'm on the outskirts of Dallas, so maybe you won't hit bad traffic."

  "I'll be fine. See you soon." She hung up. Her hands were shaking. It was so good to hear his voice, and an inner sadness hit her when she realized she might not be hearing it again in a long while. This could be their last visit. She forced back the knot in her throat.

  The traffic wasn't bad since she had hit town just before everyone got off work.

  She stared at the fancy apartment building.

  Squaring her shoulders and forcing emotions down and out, she went to his apartment. It was a high-rise and he was on the top floor. In fact, it looked very much as though he had a penthouse apartment.

  She knocked softly, then harder when he didn't answer. Maybe she had the wrong apartment. But when Mike answered in nothing but a towel she couldn't stop her eyes from traveling up and down him as the water still dripped from his body. Every nerve in her body jumped to life. She'd never seen a more gorgeous man in her life, but she suddenly felt so out of place…in clothes.

  Her eyes were so full of him it was impossible to breathe.

  He smiled and cupped her chin, turning her head to meet his gaze. "Hello gorgeous…" He smiled.

  Then he did the unimaginable. He kissed her, softly on the lips.

  Sandy was reeling with blanked out emotions. What was she supposed to do now? Her mind went foggy as he pulled away. "I'll just be a minute…" he whispered as he pulled away. "It is so good to see you."

  Sandy stood stunned. She swallowed hard and watched him practically run back to the bathroom.

  Looking about the place, she was in awe. It was beautiful. From the soft and comfortable sofa to the beautiful walled window that led to a covered pool a few floors down, it was pure luxury. She had no idea Mike made this kind of money.

  She set her overnight bag down and stared out at the pool. The roof was lined in a see through plastic so she could see it easily. The cool water looked inviting even though it was almost freezing weather.

  Finally, she sat down on the sofa and relaxed, she hadn't realized how tired she was until now, but she was too keyed up to sleep. That kiss had thrown her, and she wasn't sure how she should act.

  When Mike came out, he was dressed casually in jeans and t-shirt, she was glad. She hadn't bothered to dress up, she figured she'd get a shower and dress before the showing.

  He sat beside her on the couch and put his arm around her and pulled her close. His eyes fastened on her lips again, and she shook from the sheer torture of not kissing him. When she looked up at him in surprise, his lips came down on hers in a kiss that left little to the imagination as to where it might lead. She couldn't stop responding to his gentle nips and kisses.

  But when good sense prevailed she pushed him away so she could look at him.

  "And I thought you weren't a playboy." Her voice sounded husky even to her.

  "I've missed you…" He smiled.

  "I've missed you too…" she heard herself admitting.

  But before she could say another word, his lips were pulling on hers, wanting inside, and warming her so that she couldn't object even if she wanted to. His kisses were so soft, so warm, and so welcome she began to respond again despite all better intentions.

  Before long her breathing became erratic, her response more physical, and his arms went about her to hold her close. Without thought or reason, her hands went under his t-shirt and her hands explored slowly. She flattened her palm and ran her hand over the hard smooth surface of him, she could feel him shiver. Just as sanity began to dawn, his hands went under her t-shirt, as his lips dipped lower, nudging the v of her t-shirt.

  The room heated up. His soap had a tantalizing smell that enticed her to want to kiss him all over.

  "I didn't plan to seduce you the minute you walked in." He finally pulled away and put his head on her forehead. His breathing was a constant gasp, his heart beat against her breast sounded as though it might explode. Or was that hers? "I couldn't wait for you to get here. And when you did, I almost took you to the bedroom in my towel…" He laughed.

  "Mike, I…." she began, trying to explain her own actions.

  "Sandy, don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you. Nor seduce you…at least not yet. I just want to sit here and hold you close, and tell you something…"

  Sandy stared into his face as he pulled away. His hands still kneaded her arms gently, as he smiled into her face. "I wasn't sure," he began.

  "About what…."

  "About how you felt. Not until Letty let it slip that you were in love with me, and had been for some time. I wanted to love you from the first day I set eyes on you. You have such gentleness about you. I guess I've been afraid to love. Afraid of the rejection." He squeezed her against him as he stretched out on the sofa with her. Her head was on his shoulder and the way he was touching her and looking at her made her heart swell with hope.

  Her head moved so she could look up at him. "And now…?" she asked in a whisper.

  "I'm no longer afraid to tell you how I feel. Because I see in your eyes, how I feel. I need you in my life, Sandy." He smiled and kissed her on the nose. "I can't pretend anymore that you are just a friend. Although I'll be your friend for life…I want much more."

  An awareness tingled through her. "Like what?"

  "Like this…" he said and kissed her again. This time it was hard to tell where she left off and he began.

  When they came up for air, he nipped at
her bottom lip, playing with it, teasing it, and kissing her once more with a passion that threatened to ignite the passion that they had saved for each other.

  "I can't tell you…" he began. "How I felt when I met you. We clicked on so many things. Little things, big things, interest, goals, life itself. You had such a naïve sense of humor and such a shy way about you. I fell in love with your soul, Sandy. I'm your soul mate…I always have been and I love you beyond imagination. I had you come tonight because I wanted this to be our night, before the showing. Marry me Sandy, and put me out of my misery," he whispered for her ears only.

  "Mike…" She smiled at him. "Are you sure?"

  "A man can't get any surer when he plans a wedding downstairs in a couple of hours."

  "A wedding? Ours?" she gasped.

  "I don't want to spend a minute more than I have to without you in my arms. I want to make you mine, all mine. Just mine. I want to make love to you all night long and be so tired when the showing starts that I have a silly, sheepish grin on my face. I don't want to wait a minute longer than necessary to make you mine. I bought a dress for you, and I've set up an entire ballroom for the occasion. Your family will be downstairs for it in two hours. Now…the only question remains…will you marry me?"

  "Oh…yes…yes. Of course I will. Oh Mike…I love you so." Sandy kissed him this time and it went on for long lingering moments. She was breathless. "You planned all this? I never dreamed…."

  "Do you mind?" he murmured as he nipped at the lobe of her ear. "I don't want to take the chance of someone else walking into your life and you aren't mine to claim."

  "It can't be soon enough for me…" she gasped. "I love you, Mike. And I think I have from the start, I was just a little intimidated by your worldliness. And all those gorgeous models…"

  "They don't begin to compare to you, honey. You're the one I want."

  "We wasted so much time…" she began.

  "No, we haven't. We've grown through all of this. And now we both know what we want."

  "Did you really miss me?" she asked shyly.


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