Course of Action

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Course of Action Page 24

by Gun Brooke

  “Our pleasure,” the other man said, with an admiring glance at Carolyn. “Better safe than sorry.”

  Annelie had barely closed the door behind them before she started to laugh. “Good Lord, Carolyn, you have admirers everywhere. I thought he was going to kneel before you and ask you to autograph his helmet.”

  Carolyn walked up to her and wrapped her arms around Annelie’s waist. “I would have, if he’d asked me. Right now, I’d like to…write on you…”

  “Write on me? How?”

  Leaning forward, Carolyn let her tongue trace the indentation at the base of Annelie’s neck. A soft purr emanated from Carolyn’s throat as she let her mouth travel toward her lover’s lips.

  Annelie moaned and held Carolyn close. “Trying to continue what you started out on the balcony, are you? Oh, mmm, that feels good…” She felt soft hands under her sweatshirt, stroking along her back.

  “You bet. I was onto something good. I could feel it,” Carolyn whispered. “I simply can’t stop touching you every chance I get.”

  “I like the sound of that. How about we move into the…Oh!” Carolyn’s exploring hands had reached Annelie’s breasts and found erect nipples waiting for her touch. “Why don’t you go into the bedroom while I close the doors to the balcony?”

  “All right. Give me a minute, though. I need to use the bathroom after all this excitement.” Carolyn smiled.

  “Sure. I’ll be there in a jiffy.”

  Annelie placed a soft kiss on Carolyn’s lips before returning to the living room. After closing the door, she heard a faint ringing sound, which she finally realized was coming from Carolyn’s purse. She hesitated for a moment and then pulled out her cell phone. The name Beth flashed on the display. Knowing Carolyn’s sister would reach the answering service within seconds, Annelie quickly pressed the Answer button.

  “Carolyn Black’s cell phone. Annelie Peterson speaking.”

  “Oh…hello, Annelie. I’m Carolyn’s sister, Beth. Is Carolyn around?”

  “Hello, Beth. Yes, she is, but she’s in the bathroom right now.” Suddenly nervous, Annelie found herself fumbling for a nonexistent phone cord to twist around her fingers.

  “Oh, don’t interrupt her. How are you doing, Annelie? It’s nice to talk to you.” Beth’s voice was light and cheerful—very unlike Carolyn’s.

  “I’m doing okay. Thank you for alerting Carolyn today. She told me you called her at work.”

  “I was stunned at how anyone can be so devious. I don’t pretend to know anything about your private life, Annelie, but I know you’re a good friend to Carolyn. I had a feeling you’d need the support of your friends once the media started in on this.”

  “You were absolutely right. Carolyn’s support means a lot to me.” Annelie stopped there, not knowing what else to say.

  “She can be very protective, you know. When she becomes attached to someone, you’re her friend for life. If you hurt her, she recoils and has a hard time getting over it. She’s more sensitive than most people realize.”

  Not sure about Beth’s motives for sharing this information, if it was a warning or just a heads-up, Annelie replied from her heart. “I understand what you’re saying. I don’t think Carolyn lets anyone in on her sensitive side very often. She’s been wonderful to me.”

  “She has nothing but good to say about you either,” Beth said in a friendly tone of voice. “I can’t wait to meet you. I asked Carolyn if I could come and sit in on the set when my pregnancy is more stable, so Joe and I can drive up for a week. Joe’s my husband, by the way.”

  “I know. And your daughter is Pamela. How’s she doing? I hear she’s her aunt’s favorite.”

  “Oh, she’s doing great. Carolyn’s her idol, all categories.”

  “Who are you talking to?” Carolyn came into the living room, dressed only in a towel. “Is that my cell phone?”

  “It’s your sister. Beth, Carolyn’s here. It was nice talking to you.”

  “Likewise, Annelie. Now you take care and stay strong, okay?”

  “Thanks, Beth. I will.” Annelie handed the phone to Carolyn. Wanting to give the two siblings their privacy, she had begun to walk out of the room when a strong arm settled around her waist and pulled her down onto the armchair. Carolyn sat down on the armrest, her hand moving through Annelie’s hair, caressing her softly. Relaxing, Annelie leaned against her, not listening to her words, merely the husky voice, the warmth of it, as she closed her eyes.

  She didn’t know how long she had sat there unwinding after the eventful day, and she didn’t even look up when Carolyn put the phone down. Carolyn slid down across Annelie’s lap, allowing Annelie to cradle her. Their lips met in a kiss that started out gently, only to turn passionate within seconds. Carolyn’s towel unwrapped by itself, and Annelie’s hands roamed the naked, slightly damp, woman before her.

  “I want you,” Carolyn whispered. “Oh, God, how I want you.”

  “I’m yours. You have me.” Annelie slid her hand down her lover’s stomach, nestling her fingers in the curls below before cupping her mound. “And it seems I have you.”

  Carolyn readily parted her legs and looked up at Annelie. “Yes, you do…” Her back arched as Annelie carefully parted the slick folds. “Oh…”

  Completely enthralled by the sounds Carolyn made when Annelie found the protruding ridge of nerves, eager for her touch, she felt her heart race. Because she had initially not allowed Carolyn to touch her or even see her naked, she realized how vulnerable Carolyn must have felt, being naked while she was fully dressed. The significance of Carolyn’s trust overwhelmed her.

  “I love you.” Annelie’s voice almost broke. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

  “Yes. I feel it, every day…” Carolyn pulled her legs up. “Take me…please…”

  Not wanting Carolyn to beg, Annelie complied, pushing two fingers inside and at the same time capturing her waiting lips in a kiss. Ripples of pleasure clasped her fingers together, and rhythmic tremors massaged them as Carolyn tensed. Deepening the kiss, Annelie caught the muted whimpers when her lover came in her arms.

  When Carolyn’s breath had slowed to normal, Annelie carefully extracted her fingers and pulled a blanket over them. Nuzzling Carolyn’s tousled hair, she realized she was still in shock over what her father had done, but her closeness to Carolyn had helped her start to find her bearings again.

  “I love you, Annie…” came a husky whisper from inside the blanket. “Am I too heavy for you?”

  “No. You’re perfect.”


  Margo rose from her office chair as the fax machine buzzed to life. Several documents emerged, one after another, and she browsed through them with narrowing eyes. When the machine had spit out the last paper, Margo bit her lower lip, but the expression on her face was triumphant.

  “Girlie, if I’m right about this…”

  Margo reached for the stapler, feeling utterly satisfied at the opportunity to thump something as she fastened the important documents together.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Something was choking her. Tossing to the left, Annelie tried to free herself.


  “Annie, wake up. It’s only a dream. I’m here.”

  Carolyn’s voice eventually filtered through, and Annelie opened her eyes to see Carolyn tugging at the sheet cocooning her body.

  “I don’t know how you managed to get so twisted up,” Carolyn said. “You’ve had a bad night.”

  “What do you mean?” Annelie was hoarse. All she could remember were fluttering shadows and a sense of frustration.

  “You’ve been tossing and turning since we turned out the lights. I had to hold you to get you to settle down.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to keep you awake. You’ve got a long day ahead.” Annelie shuddered and reached for a pillow.

  “I don’t care. It’s nothing some coffee can’t fix.” Carolyn pried the pillow from Annelie’s iron grip and pulled her close.
“Why don’t we take a hot shower together? Your fingers are like ice.”

  Annelie clung to her. “I’d like that. Could you just hold me a little longer?”

  “As long as you want.” Carolyn stroked her back with soft, circular motions. “Better?”

  “Yes.” Annelie’s throat ached and her jaws felt sore, making her wonder if she’d clenched her teeth while she slept. Nuzzling her lover’s soft neck, she inhaled the familiar scent of Carolyn’s sandalwood soap and felt her frayed nerves settle. “Move in with me?” The words leapt out before Annelie realized what she’d said.

  Carolyn shifted next to her, placing two fingers under Annelie’s chin, tipping her head back and looking at her steadily. “What did you say?”

  “I mean, move in with me during the filming.” Annelie swallowed, realizing she was backtracking. “The studio’s nearby, so it’ll cut your travel time. And I can’t imagine you not coming home to me. If you feel crowded…you can always go back to your place.” Annelie hated how pleading she sounded. This is too soon. She’s going to turn me down. Holding her breath, she waited for Carolyn to say something.

  “You sure?” Carolyn’s voice was noncommittal.

  “Very sure.” Am I? Yes, I am. I want this so much.

  Carolyn kissed Annelie firmly, then smiled wryly. “All right. I’ll stop by my place and pack some things. I’d love to stay here.” Carolyn’s eyes began to twinkle. “Of course, I’m only doing it for one reason.”

  Annelie exhaled, the tension starting to leave her. “Really?” She quirked an eyebrow.

  “The pool,” Carolyn deadpanned.

  Stunned at how quickly Carolyn could distract her, Annelie chuckled. “Naturally. The pool.” Then her laughter broke free as she hugged Carolyn. “I’ll love having you here. I may not let you leave.” Realizing she’d spoken again without thinking, she stopped laughing and put a hand to her mouth.

  Carolyn seemed unaware of her lover’s discomfort. “You may have to pry me out of here with a screwdriver.”

  Relaxing, Annelie reveled in Carolyn’s embrace and their morning ritual of showering together. Maybe now I can make it through the day.

  “I’ll be back fairly early,” Carolyn said. “If you need anything or just want to talk, call my cell.”

  “I don’t want to bother you…”

  Carolyn grasped Annelie’s shoulders gently and looked at her firmly. “Listen to me, love. You can never bother me.”

  “I hate feeling this vulnerable. I feel like apologizing.”

  “Not to me, and not to anyone else.” Carolyn leaned forward, brushing her lips over Annelie’s. “You’re going to work from home today too, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I’ll be here. Hiding.”

  “Annie, you don’t owe anyone any explanations. You’re just waiting to hear what Margo finds out. Then we’ll decide what road to take. That’s it.”

  But I feel like such a coward. I’m not used to hiding and letting other people fight my battles. Still, Carolyn’s probably right. “All right. I’ve got a ton of work to do.” Annelie smiled wistfully. “Hopefully time will fly.”

  “I’ll hurry home,” Carolyn promised. “Gotta run.”

  Annelie switched on her computer and heard its muted hiss. Sipping some hot Earl Grey tea, she was happy to see Kitty’s name in her inbox. Soon she was looking at her friend’s smiling face with Sam at a South Beach restaurant.

  Raising the mug again to her lips, Annelie blew on the steaming tea and read.

  From: Kitty McNeil

  Subject: What’s going on?

  Hello babe!

  What’s happening in your neck of the woods? Sam and I watched E! News today, and your pretty face was plastered all over the damn thing. Are they insane? This is even more proof the press is only out to make a fast buck—not check their sources! What can a hardworking ex-journo like me say to redeem my former profession? Honestly, it’s the fat cats at the top controlling this. If they’d bothered to check, they’d have known what a deadbeat your dad is! Damn, this makes me so mad!

  If there’s anything I can do, don’t hesitate to ask—I’ll try to call you tonight if I can figure out the time difference again. I’ll set the alarm if I have to.

  Oh, by the way, I visited the Diana Maddox official Web site and saw there’s going to be another convention in L.A. this weekend. Are you going to be there with the cast? In that case—pictures, please!

  Love you, gorgeous. Don’t let them get to you.


  Kitty didn’t know about Carolyn and her. Suddenly she longed to talk to her and reached for the phone, but was startled when it rang.


  “It’s me.” The familiar husky voice surprised Annelie and made her throat ache with unshed tears.

  “Carolyn. Did you forget something?”

  “Not a thing. I just wanted to hear your voice before I got to the studio. I miss you.”

  Feeling as if her heart settled in the softest of cotton, Annelie released a wistful sigh. “I miss you too. Are we being silly?”

  “Of course not. Will you be all right, love?”

  “Yes. I’ll be fine.” Now that you’ve called.

  “Good. Guess I needed to hear that. Oh, we’re here. Talk to you later.” A kiss sounded through the phone.

  “Love you. Have fun, Carolyn.”

  “I will. Ciao.”

  Annelie leaned back into her chair. It’s unbelievable how she reaches deep down inside me. All she has to do is speak. The words don’t matter. It’s how she sounds. Carolyn’s voice resonated within her, warming her. Stretching and finding it easier to breathe, Annelie reached for her mouse and started to work.


  Carolyn glanced around the bedroom of her apartment, checking to see if she needed anything else. After putting some clothes and toiletries into two large suitcases, she paused, reaching for her phone and dialing Annelie’s number. The soft alto voice replied immediately.


  “Hi, love, it’s me. I’m at the apartment and almost done packing.”

  “Good. I miss you.”

  “I’ll be home soon.” Home. Carolyn smiled to herself. “How was your day, Annie?” She pressed the last of her items down into one of the bags, closing it with one hand as she held the phone closer to her ear.

  “Long, but okay. By the way, Margo’s coming over later with more information.”

  Carolyn hesitated. “Look, if you need privacy while…”

  “No, no. I need you. I want you here when she comes.”

  Carolyn’s heart melted at Annelie’s hurried tone. “We’re in this together, love. I’ll be home soon. Want me to pick you up anything?”

  “No, just come home.”

  “I’ll just grab my mail and leave. I’ll have it forwarded to your address, if it’s okay.”

  “Certainly. Good idea.”

  “See you soon.” Carolyn placed two fingers to her lips and blew a loud kiss at the phone. Annelie’s soft laugh was well worth it.



  What will she think of me, meeting her by the door like this? Waiting in the open doorway for the elevator to reach the fifteenth floor, Annelie felt her face grow warm when she thought about how needy she must seem. After a muted ping, Carolyn exited, followed by an enthralled doorman pulling her suitcases behind him. God, she’s beautiful, even when she’s worn-out.

  “Thank you so much for your help. I’m fine now.” Carolyn tipped him generously, and then she and Annelie pulled the bags over the threshold. “Hello. I’m home.”

  Closing the door, Annelie wrapped her arms around her lover and hugged her close. “Yes, you are, and it feels so good to hold you.” Softly kissing Carolyn’s lips, she pulled back a little. “You look tired.”

  “Long day. We’re all set for the promotion picture shoot tomorrow. Regina and I finally settled for a look. Simple but modern.” Carolyn continued to tell Annelie how a crowd o
f fans had been waiting in front of her apartment when she dropped by to pack. “I had no idea they could find out where I live. My number’s unlisted.”

  Annelie frowned. “They have their ways. I’ve always made sure nobody knows where I live. I’m really glad now.”

  Carolyn had pulled one of her bags into the bedroom. “Me too. Where do you want me to unpack my things?”

  “In that closet and the drawers over there. I’ll help you later. Margo should be here in”—she checked her watch—“twenty minutes. I ordered Italian for us, and it’s staying warm in the oven.”

  “Without the cardboard plate, I hope?” Carolyn raised an eyebrow, making Annelie smile.

  “No cardboard plates.” She walked up to her lover, enfolding her in another embrace. “No fires today…well, at least not in the kitchen.” Leaning down, she traced Carolyn’s lips with her tongue, coaxing her to open her mouth. “Mmm…oh, yes.” Annelie deepened the kiss while stroking Carolyn’s back underneath her jacket.

  “Oh, Annie…” Carolyn breathed against Annelie’s mouth. “I…I better freshen up before dinner…oh…”

  Annelie let the passion flare for another minute before she relented. “I know you’re right, but it’s hard to let go. You feel so good.”

  Carolyn raised a hand and cupped Annelie’s cheek. “So do you, so hold on to that thought. I’ll only be a second.”

  Opening a bottle of Beaujolais Royale, Annelie thought about how Carolyn fit in her arms. She just feels so right. The sound of the phone ringing roused her from her daydream.


  “Hi, kiddo, it’s Jem. How’re you doing?”

  Annelie gave a wry smile. “Okay. How are things in Florida?”

  “I wanted to call yesterday but didn’t want to disturb you. I know all hell’s broken loose, and I figured you had Carolyn and Margo there helping you deal with everything.”

  “That’s true, but I appreciate your call. It’s been awkward and downright painful, but I’m handling it. Thank goodness, I’m not alone.”


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