Savory Deceits

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Savory Deceits Page 21

by Heart, Skye

  “Look, you’re my girl, and I’ll support you, no matter what you decide to do. Like I said, I do not believe in abortions, but I also know that it is not my body, or my life. It is yours. So, whatever you decide to do, I’m here for you, okay chica?” Starr said, giving me an encouraging smile. I smiled back, and nodded my head.

  “Okay. Thanks girl.”


  I sat on the kitchen floor, with my knees pulled to my chest, and silently cried. My jaw ached from where Tony had hit me. Thoughts of my mother, and how I felt I could not save her, flooded my mind. The day I watched her let the man she loved, beat her into a coma, haunted me. Then, the news of her passing, several days later at the hospital, hit me even harder. “I’m so sorry, mom. I should have done something.” I now whispered to myself. Then, I heard someone open my front door, but I did not care. I remained on the floor staring at nothing.

  “Nena?” Someone, not Tony, called out to me.

  “In here.” I responded trying to help myself up. Chris rushed into the kitchen, and caught me, before I tumbled back down again.

  “Are you all right? I tried calling you,” he began to say, but stopped, when he looked at me. “Did he do this to you?” He asked, noticing my blood stained lips. When I nodded, his jaw tightened.

  “I’m going to kill him!” He threatened. I shook my head.

  “No, Chris. Let it go.” I told him. Then I walked around him, grabbed a broom, and began sweeping up the broken glass.

  “Let it go? The last time I ‘let it go;’ you ended up in the hospital. I damn sure am not going to let that happen again!” He declared. Then, I leaned the broom against the wall, and turned to face him.

  “Please Chris. I just want to forget about this.” I said to him, feeling jaded. His brows narrowed.

  “And I’m supposed to just do nothing, and let him think he can put his hands on you? No, Nena. I’m going to handle this.” He said, turning to leave. Then, I grabbed his arm, and made him face me.

  “Chris, please! I know you’re angry, but right now, can you just…hold me?” I knew crying would probably make things worse, but I could not help it. Then, he sighed, and took me in his arms.

  “I can’t let him get away with this Nena,” he said, holding me. “I love you too much to just do nothing.” He said again. I closed my eyes, and wished the last couple of hours did not happen. The last thing I wanted was for my lover, to go waging war against my husband.

  “Chris,” I began, looking up at him. “Please, let me handle this. This is not your problem.” I reasoned. He started to object, when I put my finger to his lips, and continued. “I appreciate everything you’ve done, and want to do for me. And I love you for that. I just can’t have you all caught up in my mess.” I explained, hoping he would listen.

  “That’s the thing, Nena. It is not just your mess. It is mine as well. He and I were friends, so stop acting like I’m just an innocent bystander in all this.”

  “I just don’t want you to go picking a fight with him, because that’ll only make things worse.” I pleaded.

  “So you just want me to do nothing? Is that it?” He asked getting upset again. When I did not answer, he pushed away from me. “No, Nena. I can’t do that. First, he tried to step to me at the hospital, and now he put his hands on you? And you want me to just let that go? Nah,” he shook his head. “Nena, the only reason I stayed away from him was because of you. I did not want to make your life any more complicated, than it already was. Now, he thinks he can do some shit like that, and get away with it? I don’t think so.” He said, turning to leave again.

  “Chris wait!” I went after him. By the time I reached the door, he was already in his car. After he sped off, I closed the door, and winced at the throbbing pain I felt near my jaw. Then, I went back to the kitchen, picked up the cordless phone, and dialed Tony’s number. I waited a few seconds, and then his voicemail picked up. Before I heard the beep to leave a message, I hung up. I then dialed Chris’ cell, which went straight to voicemail as well, but this time I did not hang up.

  “Chris, please don’t do this. For me, please? I just…I don’t know…I just want everything to be normal again. The fighting needs to stop. I can’t do this anymore. I know what I have to do now. I have to…” Before I could finish, I heard the beep, indicating the message was over. Frustrated, I hung up.


  I sat on the edge of my bed, watching Tony sleep. The little snores, emanating from his mouth, made me smile. I traced the outline of his chest with my finger, and smiled again, at the contrast of his abs. When I leaned forward, to kiss him on the lips, I heard my cell go off in the living room. Then I got up, and quickly walked out of the room, quietly closing the door behind me. I grabbed my phone, looked at the caller’s ID, and grimaced when I saw Chris’ name on the screen. Straightaway, I hit the ignore button, and set the phone back down. When I started for my bedroom, the phone went off again.

  “Ugh! What do you want?” I whispered to myself. Feeling aggravated, I prayed that Tony did not wake up. Why didn’t I just turn it off, I thought. I went back to the phone and answered it. “What?” I said angrily.

  “How many times do I have to call, before you answer your fucking phone?” Chris’ voice boomed on the other end.

  “Boy please, you don’t own me! What the fuck do you want?” I said sharply.

  “Is he with you?” Chris asked, ignoring my question.

  “Who?” I asked, pretending not to know whom he was referring.

  “Bitch, don’t play dumb with me! You know who the fuck I’m talking about! Is he with you?” He asked again.

  “You got a lot of nerve calling me talking reckless. Now, I don’t know what your problem is, nor do I care! Do not call my phone anymore! As of right now, we are done!” I pronounced. He had a lot of nerve calling me a bitch with his trifling ass.

  “So, is he with you?” Chris asked again, completely disregarding my stance. Who in the hell did he think he was anyway? I began to regret the day I ever laid eyes on him.

  “Even if he was, what’s it to you? What I do, and whom I do it with, is none of your damn business! You got that?” I wanted to get loud, and cuss his ass out, but with Tony in the next room, I had to keep my voice at bay.

  “Keep talking that gangster shit. I’ll be over there in a minute.” He threatened.

  “Chris I swear, you better not come over here!” I hissed. Then he chuckled.

  “So, he really is over there.” He said, sounding as if he were smiling on the other end. Chris’ tone then changed from menacing, to opportunistic.

  “And? So what if he is? Why do you care anyway? Aren’t you screwing his wife?” I was a little loud with that one, and glanced at my bedroom door.

  “Bitch!” He started, and then he stopped, before he spoke again. “You know what? I won’t come, but I need you to do something for me.” He said. I shook my head, because he really did lose his mind.

  “What? No! I am not doing anything for you! We’re done, Chris!” I said in a voice above a whisper, and glanced at my room door again.

  “Well, it’s either that, or I’m coming over.” He baited me, and I hated that. Why couldn’t he just leave me alone? Then I sighed, feeling trapped.

  “What is it?” I asked defeated.

  “Make sure you keep his phone near you. When it goes off, and you see the name, Nena, or baby pop up, answer it.” He instructed, and I rolled my eyes.

  “You really are pathetic you know that? You have to go through all that, just to get her to like you?” I said, repulsed by him. His antics were deplorable, and I struggled to see what Nena saw in him.

  “I’m pathetic? You’re fucking a married a man, and you call me pathetic?” He chuckled again, and continued, “Baby, you and I, have a lot more in common than you think. We share the same goal. You want him, and I want her. My plan worked. They’re apart right now, and now I need you to help me keep it that way.” He said smugly. I no longer wanted to be
any part of his sick game. I cared a lot for Tony, and did not want to deceive him, any more than I already had. He was beginning to trust me, and I valued that. I hated Chris for putting me in this position.

  “Fine. I’ll do it. But this is the last time, Chris. I mean it! After this, you stay the hell away from me, you hear me?” I ordered.

  “Chill, I got you.” He managed to say, before I hung up in his face.



  “Girl, are you going to be okay here by yourself?” Starr asked me on her way out.

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Have fun at your sex-capade.” I teased. Starr giggled, and then twirled in front of me, showing off her skintight leopard dress.

  “How do I look?” She asked me.

  “Does it really matter? It’s all going to come off anyway.” I joked, and she blushed.

  “I know, but humor me.” She asked again.

  “You look like you’re ready to let ol’ white boy tap that ass,” I replied laughing. “But you are wearing that dress girl.” I complimented. Starr smiled, pleased with herself.

  “Thanks, chica, I try.” She said.

  “So, where are you meeting this guy?” I asked her.

  “Well, I’m going back to the office, because he’s working late. I just thought I’d surprise him with a little me, for a midnight snack.” She said with a wink.

  “Girl, you’re better than me, because I could never do what you’re doing. How do you know that his wife won’t show up with the same thing in mind?” I argued.

  “His wife will not be a problem. Ever since she got sick, he told me she has been a little frigid in that department, never being in the mood for anything. Oh well, her loss is my gain.” Starr divulged, impassively.

  “What do you mean sick? What’s wrong with her?” I asked, surprised at Starr’s lack of sympathy. She was the most compassionate person I knew.

  “I don’t know some heart problem thing, I think. Whatever. Anyway, I better get going. Help yourself to whatever you need, and don’t wait up.” She said, grabbing her purse, and then slipping into her black suede stilettos.

  “All right, girl. Be safe.” I said picking up the remote.

  “That reminds me,” Starr said, and reached into her purse. When she pulled out a gold wrapped condom, I shook my head at her, and smiled. “Magnums are a girl’s best friend.” She said, winking again. I laughed.

  “Girl you are so crazy.” I said to her.

  “Yeah I know, and that’s what he loves about me. He says I bring excitement to his life.” She bragged. Starr seemed a lot more smitten with this man, than she ever did, with the others. “Maybe I should bring more than just three.” She said to herself, and then rushed back to her room. I shook my head again, clicking my way through the movie channels. Shortly thereafter, Starr returned with a brand new box of Magnum condoms, and I rolled my eyes.

  “Freak,” I said aloud, hoping she heard me.

  “Hey, I’m just making sure I got enough. You can never be too careful. Don’t want to end up with a bun in the oven like some people.” She said with a smirk. I threw a pillow at her, and laughed.

  “Yeah, whatever! Just make sure he doesn’t pass out on top of you, since he’s like twenty years your senior.” I teased.

  “Seventeen years my senior,” Starr corrected, “but don’t let the age fool you girl, because he sure knows how to…” she started to say. I quickly stopped her.

  “Uh Uh, T-M-I.” I said sticking my fingers in my ears. I did not want to hear the intricate details of her affairs. She had said too much already. Starr giggled, slipping her brown mink coat on.

  “All right, well I’m off.” She said, strutting out the door.

  After Starr was gone, I eventually clicked the TV off, and got up to place my mug in the kitchen sink. Yawning, I made my way to Starr’s spare bedroom. Living with Starr gave me a certain type of comfort, since Nena and I were not really speaking. Though I missed my sister, I could not bring myself to call her. With everything that has happened, especially with the loss of her baby, there was no way I could call Nena, and tell her that I was carrying Chris’ baby. The situation was already weird enough as it was. Besides, I had not made up my mind yet, about what I was going to do, with my pregnancy. Starr gave me a lot to think about however. In light of the situation, I wanted to do what is best for the baby and me; only I was not exactly sure as to what that was yet. I slowly crawled into bed, feeling tired and sleepy - one of the many symptoms I hated about being pregnant. The lack of energy was driving me crazy. I was used to getting up and going, without a second thought. Now, I barely got up, and hardly went anywhere. Normally, during this time of year, Nena and I would be together doing our last minute Christmas shopping, and for the first time in years, we were going to spend the holidays apart. I rested my head on the pillow, and closed my eyes. Thoughts of Chris, and how we used to be, ran through my mind. I thought about the first time he told me he loved me. I was misty-eyed at how nervous and vulnerable he seemed, trying to get those three little words out. A tear now rolled down my cheeks, beneath my eyelids, as I reminisced about the bond we shared as lovers, which was now broken. Then, my mind drifted to the baby inside me. Since learning I was pregnant, I was ashamed to admit, that all I could think about, was how a child would affect my life. I never once stopped to think about what my unborn baby was going through, not knowing whether he or she, was going to live or die. Suddenly, thoughts of the day our mother passed, surfaced in my head. She would never get to see Nena and me, walk down the aisle, or get to know any of her grandkids. I did not want my baby to have to go through the pain of loss. At that point, a sense of peace washed over me, and in some weird way, I felt comforted somehow. More visions of my mother flashed through my mind’s eye. The times we spent together, which were very happy times, long before the divorce. We all were so happy. I rolled over, and opened my eyes. The clock on the nightstand read 2:48AM. Then, I pulled the covers up to my neck, and went back to sleep, hoping to get back to the dream, where life seemed so simple.



  I held on to the large Cherrywood desk, my legs spread-eagled, as he took me from behind.

  “Oh yeah, that’s it,” I goaded, bucking back to meet his rapid strokes. Both his palms were on my ass, as he delved himself deeper into my sweltering heat.

  “Oh yes, Poppi!” I cried, biting my bottom lip. The sensation of his manhood, inside of me, was nothing short of euphoric. I arched my back, and he slapped my behind. “Oh yeah, spank me baby!” I urged. Then he slapped my backside again, and I cried out once more. I was in heaven, high off his lust, and spinning out of control. His massive, ten and a half inch member, invaded my inner sanctum so maniacally, that it felt as if my legs went numb under his power.

  “I can’t hear you!” He said, continuing our mantra. Affirmation was his turn on.

  “Yes!” I cried again, obliging him. He was by far the best lover I have ever experienced. Resultantly, I tightened my grip on his desk, when I could feel my anticipative orgasm on the horizon.

  “Harder, baby!” I urged again, with my eyes rolling to the back of my head. He then grabbed my hair, and suddenly, my inner walls contracted, and then exploded onto his shaft. I was breathless and sweaty, my head still spinning from my lover’s domination. Simultaneously, he fell over me, and kissed the back of my shoulder. Breathing heavily, he remained on top of me, with his member still inside me. Then after a few minutes, when he caught his breath, he stood, slipping out of me, and pulled off the condom. He then tossed it into the trash bin, next to his desk, and fell back into his chair. I stood, and turned to face him. Next, I hopped up on his desk, and let my bare bottom rest on the cool oaked surface. Then I spread my legs, and reached out to grab his tie, pulling him closer. He happily rolled his chair towards me smiling.

  “Who said you were done?” I whispered. Without a word, he pushed my knees further apart, and buried his face between my legs. Once again, I
was in heaven, engulfed by his sultriness. I closed my eyes, while he feasted on my crevices. With his finger inside me, and then two, I longed to feel his rigid manhood again. He was so sensual with his tongue, that it did not take long for me to climax once more. With a finishing kiss on my inner thigh, he stood up, stroking his now hardened penis. Then, he reached for his desk drawer, and pulled out another gold wrapped condom. He quickly tore the package open, and rolled the condom onto his thick member. Then, he pushed me back down onto his desk, and grabbed my thighs, pulling me towards him. He entered me again, with my leg resting on his shoulder, and I gasped. Taking all of him in me, I gripped the edges of his desk once more, and braced myself for the ride. This gorgeous, blue-eyed, tall, thirst-quenching type of man, rode me to the moon and back, setting off volcanic type of eruptions, deep within me. When he hit my g-spot, it was like detonating a series of explosions between my legs, one after the other. My body convulsed several times over, and before long, he fell over me again, drenched in sweat. I ran my hands through his thick, dark, salt and pepper hair, as he rested his head on my breasts. When his breathing labored, he lifted his head, and looked me in the eyes.

  “You’re incredible.” He said, kissing me on the lips. I remained lying on his desk when he stood up. “Shit!” He exclaimed, looking down at himself.

  “What?” I questioned, lifting my head up. Then, he placed his hands on his hips, shaking his head. I sat up, and my jaw dropped. The condom rolled up, at the base of his shaft, exposing his penis.

  “It broke?” I questioned in shock.

  “Yeah, it looks like it.” He said, shaking his head. He peeled off the remaining piece of latex, and dropped it in the trash. “I’m sorry.” He said, looking at me.

  “No, don’t be. It’s not your fault you have a big dick.” I joked. I hopped off the desk, and stood before him, getting serious. “I’ve been tested, and I’m as clean as a whistle. Have you?” I asked, looking him in the eyes.


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