Savory Deceits

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Savory Deceits Page 23

by Heart, Skye

  “Driving? At this time of night? Where on earth could you be going at three in the morning sweetie?” She asked me. I rolled my eyes at the irony.

  “Nowhere mom, it’s nothing.” I said.

  “Honey, is everything okay? Why are you out this late? Are you going to see that Tony fellow you mentioned earlier?” She pried.

  “It’s a long story mom, and I’ll tell you all about it some other time. I promise.” I replied purposely.

  “C’mon honey, what’s going on? Why won’t you talk to me?” She asked, trying to guilt-trip me.

  “The same reason you never talked to me about your new live-in boyfriend.” I retorted.

  “That’s not fair.” She said, and I had had it.

  “Okay, mom, I have to go. Talk to you soon. Love you!”

  I ended the call. I was not trying to hurt her feelings, but I hated when she kept things from me. This explains why she has been so apprehensive about moving down here with me. I shook my head again. I cannot believe she had been seeing someone long enough to be living with him, without my knowledge. Now, I definitely had to pay a much-needed visit to her soon. I had to find out whom this mystery man was, and if he was treating my mother right. From the sound of it, I already did not trust him. My mother had always been a bad judge of character, when it came to men, and I am sure this man was no different. All they had to do was make her feel beautiful, and the rest was history. Factually, my mom was already beautiful, and could have any man she wanted, but she did not believe in herself. I, on the other hand, knew how to use my beauty to my advantage. Although I learned a lot from my mother, that right there, I had to learn all on my own. After a while, I finally pulled my car into the parking lot of the jailhouse. Whoever this man was, he better had been treating my mother right, or he would have hell to pay.



  I crept into my apartment, and quietly made my way towards my bedroom, careful not to wake Naima. Once inside my domain, I closed the door behind me, and dropped my purse on the floor. Next, I plopped on the bed, exhausted. After kicking off my heels, I looked at the clock. It was 4:20AM, and I knew the sun would be up soon. Sluggishly, I got off the bed, and dragged myself into my master bathroom. I slipped out of my leopard print dress, and tossed it into the clothes hamper. The look on Eric’s face, when he saw me in it, made me smile. When I bent down to unhook the garter belt from my stockings, I smiled again, thinking of the sensual way he had kissed each thigh. He was no doubt an amazing lover, and just the thought of him got me all hot and bothered. I hated that our evening cut short, due to his wife’s phone call. I had planned to spend the entire night with him in his office, but something about his wife, and her existence, always killed the mood for me. I did not know why it bothered me so much, but it did. I figured it was because a part of me liked to think of Eric as mine, and only mine, so when his wife would call; it usually extirpated that fantasy for me. Nonetheless, my body still tingled at the wake of his touch. I hoped he would call me later, as he said he would, because I already missed him. Lately, I found myself fantasizing about us having a real relationship, openly to the public. Although I knew that would never happen, a part of me still hoped for it to. After removing the last pieces of my clothing, I stepped into the tub. Reaching up to my shower rack, I grabbed the orange bottle, and squeezed a large amount of Caress’ mango scented body wash gel into my palm. Replacing the bottle, I slowly ran my hands over my body, pretending they were Eric’s hands. Then, I closed my eyes, when I found the moistness between my legs, and began massaging my fleshy jewel with my middle finger. As the water sprinkled over me, I reached up, removed the showerhead from its hook, and placed it between my legs. I switched the setting of the jets from gentle massage to pulsating, and instantly, all my senses came alive. With my free hand, I rubbed my breasts and pinched my nipples, as the vibrations of the water jets stimulated my tantalizing pearl with delight. I rested my foot at the edge of the tub, and quickened my self-inflicted strokes. Then, I started gasping when I felt myself reaching orgasm. I bit my bottom lip to prevent myself from screaming, when I came hard on the showerhead. When I gathered myself, I replaced the showerhead back on its hook, and finished showering.


  I entered my large, two-story house exhausted. It was just after five o’clock in the morning, and I knew my wife would still be asleep. Instead of going upstairs to our bedroom, I made my way to the study. There, I closed the glass double doors behind me, and took a seat at my desk. I loosened my tie, took off my shoes, and started to reminisce about the last few hours. Starr, you are simply amazing, I thought to myself, and then smiled. I kicked my legs up on the desk, and felt my cock begin to rise, at the thought of her. Then I licked my lips, recollecting how good she tasted. Unzipping my pants, I slowly began to massage my dick to full erection. I could not stop thinking about Starr. I wanted her. I cursed my wife for calling me at the office so late. Whenever she would call, Starr’s mood would suddenly change, and then she would always find an excuse to leave. I made a mental note to leave the phone off the hook next time. Now, I dreaded going upstairs to my wife, because I much rather be lying next to Starr instead. I craved her sensuality, and the way her touch could easily make me submit, to whatever she wanted. I glanced at my cell, and thought about calling her. No, she is probably asleep right now.

  “Eric?” I heard my wife call out to me. I quickly pulled my hand out of my pants, swiftly zipped them up, and stood up just in time for my wife to walk into the room. “What are you doing in here?” She asked sleepy eyed. I went over to her, and stopped her from coming any further.

  “Oh nothing, I’m just finishing up some last minute paperwork.” I said when she yawned.

  “Can’t it wait? Come to bed.” She complained.

  “In a minute hon,” I said. Then I kissed her on the forehead, and turned her towards the door. When she did not budge, I frowned. “What is it?” I asked her.

  “My daughter won’t be coming for Thanksgiving. She had other plans, so it’s just me and you today.” She said, smiling at me. I gave her a weak smile.

  “Okay, more food for us then.” I joked, and went back to my desk. “I’m going to finish up these last few documents, and then I’ll be up as soon as I can, dear.” I said, taking my seat. She gave me a half smile, and then left the room. Then, I sat back in my chair and sighed. Now, it was going to be even harder to tear myself away from her later, so I could see Starr. I was looking forward to finally meeting my stepdaughter, so she could serve as a distraction to my wife, making it possible for me to slip out unnoticed. I rubbed my temple, thinking of the many things I could say, in order to leave later, but nothing logical came to mind. It was Thanksgiving, and everyone either was off, or went home to be with their families. Either way, I would figure something out, because I needed to see my Starr again.


  I poured myself a cup of tea, made my way to Starr’s bedroom, and lightly knocked on the door. When I did not get an answer, I turned the knob, and pushed the door open. Starr was sprawled across the bed, tangled up, in her sheets. I smiled when I heard the faint snores deriving from her body. Slowly, I tiptoed towards the window, and snapped up the shades, bringing light into the room.

  “Ugh,” she groaned, grabbing the pillow from under her head, and then placing it on her face. When she turned away from the rays of sunlight shining into the room, I giggled.

  “Long night?” I asked, sitting on the edge of her bed. I sipped my tea, and waited for her to answer. When I heard more snores from her, I nudged her leg.

  “Whaaaat?” She whined through the pillow, with her back still turned.

  “Do you know what time it is?” I asked her.

  “No, and I don’t care.” She replied through the pillow. I set my cup on the nightstand, and then yanked the pillow away from her face. “C’mon!” She whined, pulling the blanket over her head.

  “It’s almost two o’clock Starr. What time did
you get in last night? Or shall I say this morning.” I asked her.

  “I don’t know, go away.” She responded under the blanket. I laughed again, and shook my head.

  “Hey, nobody told you to go out whoring all night. Must have been fun.” I said, slightly envious. When she did not respond, I tugged at the blanket. “C’mon girl, tell me what happened.” I persisted. Starr threw the blanket off her head, and sat up angrily.

  “Look bitch, I’m really tired. I’ll tell you all about it later, okay?” She said to me. Her eyes were half shut, and I laughed shaking my head again. “What?” She asked, opening her eyes.

  “Man, do you look bad.” I said chuckling. She then grabbed the pillow, and struck me with it.

  “So! Get out!” She yelled with a smile, before lying back down, and pulling the covers back over her head again.

  “C’mon, you know I’m just teasing. But for real though, you need to get up.” I said, pulling on the covers again. This time, she held onto them.

  “Whyyyy?” She wailed.

  “Well, because that turkey’s not going to cook itself, not to mention that I’m starving.” I replied, rubbing my slightly firm stomach.

  “Then go find something else to eat. There is plenty of food here. I will cook later. I’m sure you’ll last till then.” She said under the blanket. Then, I pouted like a five year old.

  “Noooo. I don’t want any of that stuff. Besides, it’s Thanksgiving, so get your ass up, and get to cooking woman.” I joked, pinching her leg. Starr sat up, and then glared at me.

  “You got five minutes, Nai! Or else I’m going to shove my foot so far up your ass, that you’ll be carrying twins!” She hissed, before dropping back down onto her pillow, using the covers as a fortress again.

  “And I thought I was hormonal.” I laughed again. Starr ignored me, then I pinched her butt cheek, and she jumped up. “Ow!” She screamed, rubbing her bottom. I laughed, kicked my feet up on the bed, and got comfortable. “You’re lucky you’re pregnant.” She threatened, sitting up, and then leaning back against the headboard, crossing her arms.

  “Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it luck.” I said aloud. I looked down at my stomach, thinking about my baby.

  “Have you decided what you’re going to do about the baby?” Starr asked me. I looked up at the window, before answering. Then, I turned to her, and smiled.

  “I’m going to keep it.” I said, and Starr’s jaw dropped. I knew that would make her happy.

  “Really?” She asked stunned. “Are you sure that, that’s what you want to do?” She asked me, and I nodded.

  “I gave it some thought, and realized you were right. It’s not my baby’s fault that I got pregnant, it is my own. I just concluded that this probably happened for a reason. Maybe there is some divine lesson that I have to learn through all this, who knows? I just know that, I would not have been able to live with the guilt, if I got an abortion.” I explained. Starr blinked back tears, and reached out, pulling me to her.

  “I’m so glad you made that decision.” She said hugging me tight.



  I used the spare key that I kept in my glove compartment to let myself into my apartment. My nose felt swollen and tender, and the cut above my eyebrow stung. I was lucky Hopkins answered his phone when I had called, or else I would still be in jail. I had tried to get a hold of Nena, but her phone seemed to be off. I twisted my neck side to side, making my way towards my bedroom. When I opened the door, I was surprise to find Nena, soundly sleeping in my bed, wearing my shirt. Smiling, I crept towards the bed, and then I leaned over, to kiss her forehead. She stirred, and her eyelids fluttered.

  “Happy Thanksgiving,” I whispered in her ear. Then slowly, she opened her eyes, as I stood over her smiling.

  “Chris!” She exclaimed, scrambling to her knees, and throwing her arms around me. I hugged her back, grateful that she was here waiting for me, and not at home, with Tony. Her being here, made it all worth it.

  “I’m okay baby.” I said, kissing the side of her neck.

  “I was so worried! My phone died, I lost my charger, and when I tried to find out where you were, I couldn’t…” she started to explain.

  “Shhh, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it. I’m here now.” I said, rubbing her back.

  “I’m sorry. I should have left when you told me to, and all of this could have been avoided.” She continued to apologize. Then I pushed out of her arms, and cupped her face with my hands.

  “Listen to me. I’m okay. Don’t worry about it. I’m good.” I said, kissing her on the lips. When she pressed her lips harder against mine, I flinched. Then she stopped, to look at me again, and saw the bruise on my nose. “I’m okay. I just need some ice.” I said, stepping back to remove my jacket. She sat back on her legs, and watched me.

  “So what did they say? Are they charging you with anything?” She asked me. I sat next to her on the bed to remove my boots.

  “No. Thanks to you, I’ve been released without charge. They told me what you said about him attacking me, so they let me go.” I explained, standing up to unbutton my jeans.

  “You’re welcome, I guess. What exactly did happen anyway? When I came out, you two were already going at it.” She said, looking at me.

  “He just walked in, and started swinging.” I replied, now standing in nothing but my boxers. Nena closed her eyes, and shook her head.

  “I’m so sorry.” She apologized again.

  “Don’t be.” I said, pulling her up to me, on her knees. “I’m just glad that you’re here.” I said, and bent down to kiss her again. After brushing my lips against hers, I broke the kiss, and touched my forehead with hers, looking into her eyes. “Now, I’m going to go take a shower. Want to join me?” I offered. She responded by pulling off my shirt, revealing that she wore nothing underneath. Then she pulled down my boxers, and I stepped out of them, crawling onto the bed, pushing her back down on it. While sitting in jail, all I could think of was this moment right here. With Nena in my arms, complaisant to my love for her, I savored the taste of her lips. Then slow and steady, her moans came with every stroke of my shaft, and I fought the immediate urge to expel my seeds into her. I needed to hold out just a little bit longer, to enjoy the feeling of finally having attained, the woman of my dreams. Letting the anticipation of dispensation build, everything seemed to move in slow motion, as I watched her bite her lip, and give in to my control. I left no part of her body untouched, and she cried out reaching her peak. Then suddenly, like a level 5 earthquake, she shuddered beneath me. When her body finally stopped convulsing, I picked her up, and carried her to the bathroom.


  “You have a court date next month, on the sixteenth.” An officer said to me, as I signed my release papers. “If he forfeits his hearing, you lose your bail money.” The officer said, turning to Alana.

  “Oh, he won’t. I’ll see to that.” She replied, glancing at me.

  “All right that’s it.” The officer said, taking the signed papers from me. “You’re free to go. Stay out of trouble, and have a happy Thanksgiving.” The officer said again, before leaving us. Then, I turned to Alana, and gave her a hug. I was so grateful that she came.

  “Thank you so much.” I said to her.

  “You’re welcome. Are you okay?” She asked, looking at me. I was sure I had a few scrapes and bruises on my face.

  “Yeah I just want to get the hell up out of here.” I said, grabbing the plastic bag on the counter that contained my belongings. Alana drove me home, and once we arrived at my condominium, I remained in her car. I could not figure out whom I hated most; Chris for betraying me, or Nena for defending him.

  “Are you sure you want to be here? I mean, you’re welcome to stay at my place if you’d like, until things settle down.” Alana offered.

  “Nah, I’m good, thanks. I will be all right. Chris knows better than to show his face here again, and Nena’s most likely with him right now anyway.”
I replied bitterly, when I noticed that her car was gone. Alana sat back in her seat, studying me, seemingly worried.

  “It’s Thanksgiving, and you shouldn’t be alone. Why don’t you come by my place later, and have dinner with me? I’m cooking.” She sounded hopeful. As messed up as my life was right now, I welcomed the distraction.

  “All right, that’d be cool. Want me to call, before coming?” I asked her. She nodded, and smiled. “Okay, well I guess I’ll see you later then. Thanks again.” I said, before exiting the car. Then she touched my shoulder.

  “It was nothing. See you later.” She replied. Alana sat in her car, and watched me go inside, before driving away.



  I picked up my phone, and hit SEND, under Nena’s picture. Since making the decision to keep my baby, I wanted to make amends with my sister. With Christmas just a week away, now was the best time to let her know, she was going to be an auntie. Having Nena’s support would help a lot. Though I still harbored some resentment towards her, however, I missed her.

  “Hello?” She answered after four rings. I paused before speaking.

  “Hey girl,” I finally said.

  “Hey, Nai! How are you?” She sounded excited.

  “I’m good, how about yourself?” I asked, feeling a bit pretentious talking to her again. It has been a couple months, since we last spoke to one another, yet the tension was still a little thick, even over the phone.

  “I’m all right.” She responded. Again, there was another long pause, before I spoke.

  “Look, the reason I called is because…” I began.

  “You don’t need a reason to call, Nai. Never have, and never will. I’m just happy that you did.” Nena said softly. My eyes glistened with tears. Although she really hurt me, I still loved her dearly.


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