Savory Deceits

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Savory Deceits Page 27

by Heart, Skye

  “I swear, I am never having sex again!” I affirmed, in a huff. I pulled on my long sleeved maternity shirt, and then reached out for Starr again, to get off the bed. I stepped into my pants, and pulled them up.

  “Yeah right,” Starr began, handing me my shoes. “Wait till those urges come back, you’re going to be begging some lucky fellow to tap that ass again.” She laughed again, and I rolled my eyes, but then laughed too.

  “Yeah, we’ll see. C’mon, let’s go. I’m hungry.”


  I slowly pulled into the driveway of a large opulent home, at the end of a nice cul-de-sac. After shutting off the engine, I got out of the car, and looked around.

  “This can’t be the place.” I said to myself, as I scanned the neighborhood. Thick green shrubs, filled with flowers, outlined the perimeter of every house on the block. Well-trimmed bushes, and manicured lawns, complimented every single, two or three story home. In addition, luxury sedans and SUVs, parked in front of all the houses. The beautifully lined cobblestone driveways, with stain-glassed front doors, made me wonder if I had literally stepped into the land of the rich and famous.

  “Well, don’t just stand there. Come over here, and give me a hug.” A woman said behind me. Then, I turned to see my mother, standing in the doorway of the large, two-story brick home.

  “Mom!” I ran up the driveway, and threw my arms around her. “Did you win the lottery?” I asked, and she laughed.

  “Come in sweetheart, its freezing.” She said, ushering me in, and closing the door. Inside, I was in awe. I looked up at the crystal chandelier that hung in the foyer, and down at the prettiest marble tiles I have ever seen. Then, I looked at my mom, still in shock.

  “I take it we’re not in Kansas anymore.” I joked, still marveling at the beautiful Victorian furniture, off to my right, in what appeared to be the living room. Mom smiled again.

  “C’mon,” she said, walking ahead of me. “Make yourself comfortable.” She said again, taking a seat on a plush leather sofa, when I entered another nicely furnished room behind her. There was a large impressive minibar in the corner of the room. Walking over to the bar, I surveyed dozens of liquor, champagne, and some other form of alcohol that I could not even pronounce, or even dream of acquiring myself. This man clearly had expensive taste.

  “I take it this is all courtesy of Mr. Eric Johnson.” I said, taking a seat next to my mother.

  “Well, you could say that.” She said, following my eyes around the room.

  “Mom, when did all this happen? And why didn’t you tell me you were dating?” I asked her.

  “Well, I’m not, sweetheart. Eric and I are married.” My mouth dropped open.

  “What? Married? Since when?” I questioned in disbelief.

  “Going on two years now.” She replied.

  “Mom! Are you freaking serious? How could you keep something like this from me for two years?” I shook my head at her. This was clearly not like her at all.

  “I know honey, and I’m sorry. It was a spur of the moment thing and well, you know, I just sort of fell into this lifestyle. I never told you, because I didn’t know how you’d feel about it.” She explained, taking my hand. “Sweetheart, I love him, and he makes me happy. Please be happy for me.” She said. My eyes softened. I have never seen my mom happy with any man. The millions of dollars that this particular suitor obviously appeared to have, undoubtedly persuaded this shotgun marriage, that my mother was now trying to justify.

  “As long as you’re happy, mom, that’s all that matters I guess. So, where is this mystery man, who’s now my stepfather, I suppose?” I asked, looking around.

  “Well, he’s not here right now. He had to work.” She said. Strangely, she avoided looking at me when she said that, and I began to wonder.

  “He does know you have a daughter, right mom?” I asked eyebrows rose.

  “Of course he does honey! How could you ask such a thing?” My mom said, seemingly insulted. I shook my head.

  “I don’t know mom, I’m just making sure. I mean c’mon, you just told me about this two-year marriage like literally five minutes ago.”

  “Okay honey. I get it.” She said, in a not so friendly tone. She was upset, and the last thing I wanted to do was cause her to stress, so I softened my tone.

  “Are you still taking your medicine?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “Can we not talk about that right now? I’m fine sweetie.” She said with an attitude, which started to annoy me. On top of her lying, her demeanor was bothersome.

  “Okay,” I began, dropping the subject of her health. “So when do I get to meet this mystery man?” I asked her.

  “Eric will be home late, which gives us plenty of time to catch up, and have some fun mother-daughter time.” She said smiling again.

  “Okay, let me get settled in first, and then I’m all yours.” I told her. I stood, and headed back towards the front door, to get my bags from the car.

  “Great!” She beamed. “I’m going to order some Chinese food. Are you hungry?” She asked, picking up the cordless phone. “Starving!” I yelled from outside.


  “Hey what’s that?” Starr asked, taking a seat in the overstuffed recliner, curling her feet under her.

  “Nothing.” I replied, then balled up the card, and tossed it into the wastebasket near the couch. I pulled the throw blanket up around my neck, and stared at nothing.

  “You okay?” She asked me, and I sighed.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. That was an invitation Nena sent me to her graduation next month.” I said, and Starr raised her brows.

  “Are you gonna go?” Starr asked. Did she really just ask me that? Hearing her question nearly set me off.

  “Why the fuck would I?” I snapped.

  “Chill chica, I was just asking. You need to get those hormones in check Missy.” She said, and smiled. Then I smiled too. Starr had thick skin, and rarely took anything personal. I loved that about her.

  “I’m sorry. She got some nerve sending me an invitation. My hand still burn from where I slapped her.” I said, and Starr shook her head.

  “I still don’t see how she could start a relationship with Chris, after him having been with you. It’s disgusting.” Starr said with a frown. Old wounds started to resurface, and I did not want to think about any of it.

  “Can we please change the subject?” I said rubbing my temple. I started to feel a headache coming on.

  “Sure. What do you want to talk about?” She asked, getting up from the chair, heading for the kitchen. “You want something to drink?” She asked me.

  “Sure, bottled water. Thanks.” I turned the TV on, and began flipping through the channels. Starr came back with two bottles of water and handed one to me. “Are you in for the night, or are you going out to one of your fuck-fests, with your Hershey’s cookies and crème?” I said laughing at the words Starr had used, to describe her boss. She smiled.

  “I don’t know. He hasn’t called me yet.” She said. Then, I watched as she stared at nothing, the smile never leaving her face.

  “What was that?” I asked when she seemed to come out of her daydream.

  “What was what?” She asked, finally looking at me.

  “That look,” I said laughing. “You practically came on yourself thinking about him.” I accused her.

  “Whatever!” She blushed.

  “Oh I know that look all too well. You’re falling for him.” I concluded. Starr sighed.

  “Correction, I have fallen for him.” She admitted, and then turned serious, looking a bit worried.

  “Are you sure?” I asked, all jokes aside. Starr nodded, and I propped myself up on a pillow. “Have you told him?” I asked her.

  “More like he told me,” she said, and then shook her head. “How can this ever work? He’s married.” She said, more to herself, than me. I empathized with her situation. “I never expected it to go this far, or happen this quickly. I’m in too deep, and n
ow my heart is on the line. I don’t know where to go from here.” She looked disheartened, and I could tell she had given this some thought. Then I started to feel guilty, because Starr has always been so supportive of me, yet I failed to realize that she was dealing with her own personal struggles alone. “The more I see him,” she continued, “the more time I spend with him, the more I want him to stay… with me.” She divulged.

  “Have you two talked about it? About his wife and what he plans to do?” I asked, giving her my full attention.

  “All the time,” she replied seemingly frustrated. “And then we make love, and then all is forgotten. It’s like when we’re together, nothing and no one else in this world seems to matter.” She explained.

  “Sweetie, clearly you’re in love with him, so you two need to seriously sit down, and have a talk about your future together. Not at his penthouse, where your hormones take over, causing you to not think and assess the situation clearly. You need to do this in a more neutral territory, like in a public place, where you two would be forced to keep your hands off each other.” I said with a smile. Starr nodded.

  “You’re right, chica. It’s just that he does this thing to me to where I can’t think, see, or even walk straight when I’m with him.” She said in a daze.

  “It’s called good dick,” I said laughing. “And you’re sprung.” I finished with a smile. Starr smiled too, and then her cell went off, indicating she had a text message. She then looked down at her phone, and smiled. Then she began pressing swiftly on the phone’s keypad typing a response.

  “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I said, slowly rising from the sofa. I grabbed my bottle of water, and waddled to my bedroom. Still smiling, without taking her eyes from her phone, Starr said, “Goodnight chica.” I shook my head, and smiled again. “Night.”



  “Mm, something smells good.” Chris said when he came home. I glanced over my shoulder, and then smiled.

  “Hey.” I said, appreciating how sexy he looked. Chris came up behind me, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “What you cooking?” He asked, taking another whiff.

  “Spaghetti,” I replied, holding up the wooden spoon, so he could sample my homemade pasta sauce. He blew on the spoon, before he slurped its contents. “Good?” I asked smiling. I knew he would love it.

  “Mm hmm,” he replied, licking his lips. “But I know something else that tastes better.” He said, nuzzling my neck. He fondled my breast with one hand, and slipped the other hand between my legs.

  “Mm,” I moaned, reaching over to turn the stove down to a simmer. Then I turned around, and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him down to kiss me.

  “Mm, c’mere,” he said against my lips, and then lifted me up, to sit me on the kitchen counter. Wearing nothing, but his oversized NAVY t-shirt, I opened my legs, and he pushed the shirt up around my waist. Hands on my hips, he pulled me to the edge of the counter and undid his pants. I grabbed his waist, pulling him closer, and kissed him again. Then he pushed my legs further apart, stooped down, and dove his tongue right in. I gasped, reaching up to hold onto the cabinet handles above my head.

  “Mm yes,” I moaned, as he feasted aggressively on me. “Oh, baby, I want you so bad.” I said panting. He took his cue, stood up, and gradually entered me. Then he grabbed my bottom, bringing me closer to the counter’s edge, driving himself deeper into me. “Oh!” I cried out.

  “Damn, I love this pussy!” He groaned, thrusting with such intensity. “Ugh!” He groaned again, pulling his shirt all the way off me. “Damn baby, you feel so good!” He exclaimed, squeezing my breasts.

  “Oh, Chris!” I screamed, holding onto the edge of the counter.

  “Ugh! Nena!” He groaned, moving faster. I felt his member engorge inside me.

  “Oh my God! Oh yes! Please don’t stop!” I screamed grabbing hold of cabinet handles above me again. My body tensed, the muscles on his back tightened, I screamed, and then the wild ride suddenly coasted to a stop. Panting and sweating, Chris eased me back onto the counter, and held me close.

  “Damn, I love you Nena.” He said, resting his head in the crook of my neck.

  “I love you too baby.” I wrapped my arms around him, and closed my eyes. How can something that feels so right, be so wrong to everyone else?


  I stood outside his door, and listened to them go at it like a bunch of rabbits. Then I balled my fists, ready to kill them both, with my bare hands. Knowing that they were together was one thing, but hearing her cry out his name, was enraging. After thinking long and hard, about what Alana had told me, I finally decided to go to Chris’ apartment, and beat the shit out of him again. However, when I got to Chris’ floor, Nena’s cries of passion resonated down the hall, and filled the walls. I wanted to break the door down, and strangle her, but I knew that would not change anything. From the sound of things, Nena was right where she wanted to be, and that hurt me more than I was willing to admit. My heart ached, but I no longer yearned for her. I had heard enough. With bloodshot eyes, I turned around and left.



  “Nena Simone Skye!” The loud voice boomed through the speakers. Seated in the second row, I stood up, and proudly walked across the stage, to accept my Masters in Psychology diploma. I smiled, shaking the Dean’s hand, and glanced over at the crowd, hoping to see my sister. Disappointment clouded my face when I did not see Naima, but a smile returned, when I saw Chris waving at me from the crowd. I walked past the Dean, and went to stand on the other side of the stage, with the rest of my fellow graduates. After they called the final name, we took off our caps, and tossed them in the air, extricating a loud cheer from the crowd. While cheering, I glanced over at Chris once more, and he blew a kiss at me, mouthing the words, I love you.

  Later that night, Chris took me to a five star restaurant to celebrate. Seated across from each other, hand in hand, he studied my face. Delightedly, I looked back at him.

  “Baby, I know how much you wanted Naima there, and I’m so sorry she didn’t come. After all, you did your part, and reached out to her, so now it is her turn to do the same. It’s time to stop feeling guilty, and let yourself be happy. I’m so proud of you.” He grinned, and I smiled back.

  “I am happy. Thanks Chris.” I said appreciating him being with me. Then he stopped, and stared at me again, before speaking. Chris had been so loyal to me, ever since the day we met. How can I not have fallen in love with him?

  “I’ve loved you for a long time Nena, and a part of me still can’t believe that this actually happened… that we finally happened. You do not know how happy I am to have you by my side. I want to be with you forever.” With that said, he rose from the table, and got down on one knee. Then he pulled a small velvet box from inside his jacket pocket, and I gasped. “Nena,” he said, taking my hand, and then kissing it. “I want to be with you forever.” He repeated softly. I could hear awe’s coming from the people seated at the tables nearby. At that moment, I blinked back tears, as I looked in his eyes. “Will you marry me?” He asked, opening the box to expose a large, shimmering, square-shaped diamond ring. I gasped again at its beauty, and the world seemed to have stood still. The waiters, and the other guests, stopped what they were doing to watch us, awaiting my answer. My hand went to my heart, touched by his gesture. Blinking back tears again, I nodded my head.

  “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.” I said, letting him place the ring on my finger, and then kissing him. Suddenly, everyone in the restaurant started clapping and cheering. Soon after, our waiter brought us a bottle of champagne, and set it on our table, with two crystal glasses.

  “This is on the house, compliments of the owner.” He said with a nod.

  “Thank you!” Chris said, reaching for the bottle.

  “Please, allow me.” The waiter said, popping the cork, and filling both glasses. “Enjoy the rest of your evening.” He then said, before turning
to leave. I started eyeing my new engagement ring, adoring its beauty.

  “I take it you like the ring.” Chris said, taking a sip of champagne.

  “Like it?” I asked brows rose. “I love it!” I beamed. As I continued to admire my ring, reality began to set in, and my expression turned serious.

  “What is it?” He asked, studying me again.

  “This is beautiful Chris,” I began, still staring at my ring, before looking back up at him. “And I would love to be your wife, but Tony and I aren’t even divorced yet.” I reminded him.

  “I don’t care about that, and I’m not going to pressure you to get one either. All that matters is that you agreed to marry me. Whether it takes six months, a year, or hell, even ten years, Nena; for you, I’d wait forever.” He said, kissing my hand again. Then I smiled, eyeing my ring once more. At that point, I thought about Tony. I had not seen, or spoken to him in months, ever since the night he and Chris went to jail. A part of me missed him, but another part of me hated him, for putting his hands on me. In any case, I knew I would have to face him eventually. Now that Chris and I were engaged, it had to be sooner, rather than later.


  “Honey, you sure you don’t want to come see the movie with us?” I asked Eric, one more time, on the way out the door. I really wanted him to change his mind. I missed him.

  “No, you two go on ahead. I am going to stay here, and finish some paperwork, and maybe later go back to the office. I think I left my laptop there.” He said, from behind his desk in the study. My eyes narrowed. I knew that his having to, ‘go back to the office,’ meant that he was going to see his whore. Alana noticed my expression, and then eyed Eric suspiciously. Since finally meeting her, he barely ever had enough time to hold a decent conversation with her, let alone spend time with me. However, I still loved him, so I quickly masked my disappointment. I wanted my daughter to give him a chance, and not be so quick to judge him, as she did with my past lovers.


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