Custodian (Elemental Paladins Book 5)

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Custodian (Elemental Paladins Book 5) Page 10

by Montana Ash

  “You chose the wrong side,” he declared, before kicking him in the sternum.

  Air rushed from Trent’s lungs as he landed heavily on the ground. Beyden winced when he heard the loud thump of Trent’s head making contact with the hard ground. He didn’t move after that but Bey could see the rise and fall of the man’s chest and knew he hadn’t killed him.

  As for the remaining paladin who hadn’t said so much as one word during the entire encounter, he was now screaming like a banshee under the assault of multiple animals; birds, kangaroos, insects, and even a wombat. Beyden would have laughed but even he could admit, the scenario was rather terrifying. Still, Beyden waded between his furry, feathery rescuers. They parted like the red sea did for Moses and Beyden reached down to give the man a hand up. The second he felt a palm against his own, he delivered a swift uppercut, knocking the man out. It wasn’t really the move of a gentlemen but Beyden had run out of patience.

  “Are you okay?” Fawn suddenly yelled, hurrying to his side, now that all four men were incapacitated.

  Beyden couldn’t stop himself from bowing in her direction when she approached, even though she had long since asked him to stop. After Ryker, Fawn had been the first person he had met at the training centre. He had been looking for a glass to drink from in the kitchen when a soft, feminine voice had spoken behind him. Turning quickly, he had been struck dumb, not only because a warden had been talking to him, but also because she was stunningly beautiful. With her long, caramel-coloured hair, matching eyes, and tall, slender body, the beast warden could have graced any catwalk in the world. They had become good, if casual, friends since then and Beyden also really liked her four paladins – two of whom were also female.

  “I’m fine,” he assured Fawn and her Order. “Thank you for the assistance.”

  Fawn smiled at the menagerie who were all returning to their homes once more. “It was my pleasure. I must admit, I was a wee bit surprised when I suddenly heard Max’s voice in my head. I didn’t know she could do that.”

  “She can do all kinds of things,” Beyden hedged. He trusted Fawn, he truly did, but his bond with Max demanded he remain circumspect. Fawn didn’t appear offended in any way and simply smiled at him, waving an elegant hand in the direction of the four unconscious knights.

  “We’ll take care of them.”

  “Are you sure?” Beyden asked, feeling responsible for the mess on the ground in front of them. But the buzzing in his head was now impossible to ignore, as was the writhing, itching brand on his arm.

  “Your liege?” Fawn asked, grinning at him.

  Beyden winced, Max’s worried voice was drowned out by Ryker’s scolding one. He sighed, “Time to go home.”


  Ryker scrubbed his hands over his face as he studied his second in command. He and Darius were in his home office, trying to draw what amounted to a concept map on the whiteboard. They were attempting to gain a clearer picture of who was on the dark side and who was on the light – Max’s description of course. Another three days had passed since Dex’s old paladins had shown up for their surprise visit and Beyden had been accosted by his dickbag of a childhood friend. The time had been spent going round and round in circles as they all tried to tie up loose ends without a knot.

  It was impossible; how could they form a game-plan when they didn’t know what game they were playing? What they needed was firsthand information. Ryker knew the time was coming when he was going to have to press the issue of Mordecai. But seeing the hurt and fear in Max’s eyes whenever the man was mentioned, had him holding back. He knew he was giving his liege what she wanted. But was he giving her what she needed? Ryker wished he knew.

  “Ryker? Do I have something on my face?” Darius asked, startling him.

  “What?” Ryker questioned.

  “You’ve been staring at me for the past five minutes,” Darius pointed out.

  Ryker shook his head, sitting heavily in his chair. “Sorry.” He was trying very hard not to be exhausted by the ongoing events that plagued the household and its occupants. “How many Orders have been confirmed, again?” he repeated his earlier question, realising he hadn’t heard a word Darius had said.

  Max had put Darius in charge of identifying the wardens and paladins who carried loyalty brands. Many had contacted them, recognising the druid symbols for Max’s unique coat of arms, but very confused as to why they should all be sporting some new ink.

  “As of this morning, there are 17 Orders with 17 wardens and a combined total forty-five paladins from those Orders. There are also an additional twenty-two unbound paladins plus the ninety-five ex-chades. That’s one hundred and fifty-eight individuals on top of Ivy and Nikolai now carrying around Max’s symbols.”

  Ryker let out a whistle – that was a lot of people.

  Darius nodded to Ryker’s silent thought, “I know. Far more than I would have thought, especially in such a short amount of time. If we use Ivy as our timeline for the first, it’s only been six-ish months.”

  “That’s promising,” Ryker said.

  “It is. But not all of them are thrilled with the situation. Despite the fact they must be inherently loyal to Max, they are confused and wondering what her agenda is. I can’t say I blame them either,” Darius admitted.

  “Yeah. Explaining Max and her intentions on a case by case basis has worked so far but it won’t continue to do so. We’re going to need to hold a meeting somehow – and soon.”

  “Most definitely,” Darius agreed.

  Ryker ran his hands through his hair, brain ticking over the logistics of such a task, and already feeling stressed about it. “I’ll talk to Max about it,” he promised.

  Darius nodded, “There’s something else which is fast becoming a real issue.”

  “What?” Ryker didn’t mean to bark the question but the continuous issues really were beginning to wear on him. They just couldn’t seem to catch a break. Every time they resolved a problem or threat, two more seemed to pop up in their place. And if Max’s constant nightmares, visions, and uncharacteristic quietness were anything to go by, they hadn’t even touched the tip of the iceberg yet.

  “Space,” Darius stated. “All these wardens and paladins converging on our little piece of coast. Where are they all going to stay? Those who are staunchly loyal to the IDC are staying close to Garrett and others on the council. But those who are on Team Max? Members of the local warden council have opened up their homes to international Orders and many are staying at local hotels. But if people keep showing up with brands at the same rate they have been, we’re going to run out of accommodation. Caspian already has two Orders staying with him as well. Our place is big but –”

  “But no way will I allow any unknown wardens to stay here with Max. I don’t care how many brands they have,” Ryker assured his friend.

  Darius smirked at him, “How did I know you were going to say that?”

  Ryker smiled, “Because I’m an overprotective arsehole?”

  “You’re not – well, you’re not overprotective. The arsehole part, however ...” Darius goaded.

  Ryker scowled in mock outrage as he gave his second in command a healthy shove, “You dick!”

  Darius laughed and Ryker was pleased to see how the happy sound softened his usually stern features. Happy was a good look on his friend. “Anyway, I agree with you – we all do. None of us are willing to put Max at risk – Cali either.”

  Ryker was glad his Order was on the same page. Cali may be one awesome soldier but she was also carrying precious cargo and after the threat Marco had made toward the unborn child a couple of months ago, none of them were willing to do anything that could put Cali and the baby at risk. It was another thing the entire Order agreed with – they would protect the baby with their lives. Ryker couldn’t be prouder of them all. Despite their varied drama-filled pasts, and their decidedly non-traditional liege, they had managed to forge an incredible Order with a deeply entrenched bond that no man, paladin, or wa
rden could break.

  He knew it was still hard for Max to accept their constant presence and their need to serve her. It had been a big adjustment for someone so independent. She’d had no-one to rely on her entire life and no-one she could trust – other than a few odd friends scattered over the globe. She still had issues with their need to serve her and to provide her with anything she wanted and needed, but she had slowly come to understand their sense of duty and responsibility. It was in their blood. It was what they were made for. Max understood purpose, even if she didn’t always agree with it.

  “Right,” Ryker agreed, getting back on track. “So, no houseguests here. But you’re right. We’re going to need more space. Dave’s ...” he trailed off, not bothering to complete the sentence because Dave’s wasn’t an option either.

  Darius was also shaking his head, “Dave’s is almost filled to capacity with ex-chades. And even if it wasn’t, I think we’d be pushing our luck to get so many wardens, paladins, and ex-chades in the one place. The Orders who are with us understand their lost brethren have been healed but I really don’t think we should be pushing proximity just yet,” Darius said.

  “Definitely not,” Ryker agreed.

  “How about the Lodge?”

  The voice was quiet in Ryker’s head but he easily recognised Beyden’s voice. Although he and Darius were the only ones in his office, the conversation wasn’t secret or private. Ryker made sure to keep the Order link open so the entire household was kept up to date or, more importantly, if Max needed him. It was another thing Max had had to learn to compromise with. Being able to hear their thoughts and vice versa had been a real issue for her. She wasn’t particularly a private person – she and the other women were far too open with their sharing in Ryker’s opinion. They gave TMI a whole new meaning. No, Max’s need to keep the link closed at times sprang from her not wanting to burden them with her feelings, emotions, or her pain. It still galled Ryker. They were her Order, her personal knights, literally bound at the soul level to ease her burdens. But she was a Custodian, a daughter of Mother Nature and her innate nature told her to protect and nurture everything around her – including them. Once he had identified the underlying cause of her resentment – that it wasn’t just stubbornness – they had managed to forge a healthy compromise by muting the bond.

  “The Lodge?” Ryker prompted, encouraging Beyden to speak up.

  The man was nowhere near as quiet as he had been when he had first arrived but he was still rather hesitant to speak up in group settings. He was content to sit back, listen, observe, and then follow directions. He wasn’t a leader – never would be. He just wasn’t built that way and he had no desire to be, besides. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t a damn good knight. He was incredibly astute and though he was softly spoken, he had the mind of a strategist. Ryker and the rest of the Order had learned to listen whenever Bey spoke a long time ago. As well as to not piss him off when he had a blade in his hand. Beyden was an expert marksman with any blade – almost better than Ryker, he begrudgingly admitted.

  “Only almost?” came the teasing female voice.

  Ryker smiled. “Yeah, almost,” he assured his liege.

  “Hmm, I’d like to put that to the test one day. I’ve seen Bey with his blades, babe. He is one badass motherfucker,” Max assured him, taking on an American accent for badass and motherfucker.

  “Not badass enough to have twin scythes,” he reminded the woman of his dreams. As far as he was aware, he was the only paladin ever to carry and use two scythes at once.

  Max chuckled at his self-boasting, the sound warming him from the inside out. They were talking through their own private connection and Ryker loved it. Although Max could choose to talk to any of them privately, the link she shared with him was different. He liked to think it was based on their shared love rather than their shared soul-bond thanks to the Order.

  “It is,” Max’s voice caressed him. “Our love is so strong, it created its own connection – its own tether. Mine. Always mine,” she vowed.

  Ryker swallowed hard, dialling back the Order link for a moment so they wouldn’t feel the maelstrom of emotions flooding his system. And hopefully, not notice the tears Max’s words brought to his eyes. Man, he was becoming such a sap. Maybe after this, he would go spar with some of the team – kicking some butt would have him feeling mean again in no time.

  Max’s amused chuckle had his lips twitching in response, “I don’t think anyone would accuse you of being a sap – not to your face anyway. You’re still a big meanie, don’t worry.”

  “Good,” he grunted. He’d hate to think his carefully cultivated reputation as a temperamental dick was in danger.

  “Um, Ryker?” Beyden’s voice was deeper this time and much closer.

  Refocusing on the room, he noticed that the beast paladin had made his way to them while he and Max had been talking. Damn, his woman was bloody distracting. “Sorry. Max,” was all he said, knowing Darius and Beyden would realise he had been taking with Max privately. “You were saying?”

  Beyden nodded, smiling a little, “The training lodge. After the incidents with Trent and Dex’s old paladins, there’s been a clear division of supporters versus opponents. As more and more Orders are being recalled, Garrett’s supporters are quickly spreading their lies. There has been a huge drop in numbers of paladins staying in the barracks, as well as wardens hanging around there. I know we’re trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy and keep the training going but we all know that won’t be happening for much longer.”

  Beyden was right and Ryker couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness. After Flint and his Order had been killed and he had spiralled into a deep, rage-filled depression, the only thing that had kept him going was the Lodge. Training the new recruits had given him a sense of purpose – even though he had been a massive prick to everyone. Over the years, it had gone from being something to do, to a job, and then finally, his life. When Max had become his liege, he had assumed he would have to give that part of his life up. And he would have done it willingly with no hesitation. His liege came first – always. But he couldn’t deny how happy and satisfied he had been when Max had forced the issue, not allowing him to give up his ‘day job’ despite what the council and the rest of society thought about it.

  “Hmm,” Darius mused. “Most of the wardens and paladins still hanging around there are sympathetic to our cause anyway because people associate the Lodge with us, given we’re the trainers,” Darius pointed out.

  “True,” Ryker acknowledged, before turning to Beyden, “It’s a good idea.”

  Beyden’s cheeks flushed with pleasure and embarrassment over the praise and he shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal.

  “So, what? We just take over the Lodge? Do I smell a coup coming?” Cali asked as she walked into the room, followed by the rest of the Order plus Dex and Ivy.

  “I don’t think a coup will be necessary,” Darius shook his head at his sister-in-law.

  “Aw, you’re no fun, Dare,” the blonde pouted and Ryker couldn’t help but chuckle at the look of concern on Darius’s face.

  It didn’t spring from the use of the casual moniker either. Ryker couldn’t really blame him – Cali had become particularly violent since the pregnancy. The women of the house shrugged it off, not thinking it was strange at all – even Ivy – who was rather inept in social situations. But the rest of the men were a little fearful. Okay, more than a little, Ryker admitted. None of them wanted to sleep with their backs to the mother-to-be and none of them denied her anything for fear of getting shanked. Ryker didn’t know how Dex did it. He was clearly a man of great courage and faith.

  “So if a violent takeover is off the table, what do you suggest? How do we get the word out?” Cali asked.

  “A meeting,” Max said from the doorway.

  Ryker smiled, holding out a hand to her automatically, his chest expanding when she walked over and took it without hesitation. How she managed to make him
feel like he was ten feet tall with nothing more than a single gesture, he didn’t know. But he knew he loved it.

  “What kind of meeting?” Axel asked, leaning his butt against Ryker’s desk, ankles crossed as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Ryker knew many believed Axel was a nothing but a careless playboy. But Ryker knew differently. Axel did care. He cared a great deal. And he was one of the most serious paladins Ryker had ever met. Appearances could certainly be deceiving.

  Max chewed on her lip for a moment, looking hesitant, and Ryker knew she was going to say something he wasn’t going to agree with. “A council meeting. With the entire IDC.”

  “No. No way,” Ryker growled, the rest of his Order echoing his words in one variation or another. Max firmed her lips, straightening her shoulders, and he knew they were going to have a fight on their hands;

  “I need to talk to him,” she asserted, not naming the ‘him’. She didn’t need to. They all knew who she was referring to.

  “No way in hell!” Ryker snarled.

  Max dropped his hand, rounding on him, “Do you really want to go to war, Ryker? Any of you? Because that’s where this is heading, make no mistake about it. Civil war. Do you really want to fight your fellow knights?”

  Ryker swallowed hard, feeling waves of frustration rolling off Max. But that isn’t what bothered him. No, it was the fear that had his anxiety spiking. One look around the room and he knew the others felt it as well.

  “Do you really think war is where all this is headed?” Beyden asked, amber eyes shining with worry but still tinged with disbelief.

  Max’s eyes widened, “Are you serious, Bey? What the hell have I been saying for months now, huh? What the hell do you think we’ve been doing, saving all those chades, housing them, retraining them? Do you think all those super chades are heading this way to hold my hand? What about all the wardens and paladins converging in the area at the behest of the council? You think they’re coming to pay their respects? Fuck, you can’t be that naive!” she scolded, shaking her head in derision.


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