The Deputy's Duty

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by Terri Reed


  As the eldest of six siblings and deputy chief of the Fitzgerald Bay police department, Ryan Fitzgerald is a protector. Of his family. Of his community. But staying in control means keeping his distance...until Meghan Henry comes to town. Seeking justice for her murdered cousin, and safety for an orphaned—and missing—child, the daring journalist is not afraid to face danger head-on. And when she uncovers a dark Fitzgerald secret, Ryan’s left with a devastating choice. Which will he protect—his family, or the woman he’s started to love?

  Fitzgerald Bay: Law enforcement siblings fight for justice and family.

  Enjoy a special 15th anniversary bonus story from Love Inspired Historical, An Enduring Love by Jillian Hart

  The wistful, almost yearning expression on Ryan’s handsome face as she’d held baby Georgina had confused her.

  Then it was back to the coldness in his blue eyes and the hard set to his jaw that she’d grown used to over the past six months as she’d pressed for more to be done in bringing her cousin’s murderer to justice.

  “If you hadn’t been here, Meghan, I would have been able to control the situation.”

  His saying the words aloud felt like a physical blow. Little Georgina’s life hung in the balance. Because of her. She squeezed her eyes tight. “Please, dear Lord, keep baby Georgina safe. Please let us find her.”

  When she opened her eyes, she found Ryan staring at her with an arrested look on his face.

  “Why is the missing baby so important to you?” Ryan asked.

  An ambulance roared to a halt a few feet away, saving her from answering.

  But soon she’d have to tell him.

  FITZGERALD BAY: Law enforcement siblings fight for justice and family

  The Lawman’s Legacy—Shirlee McCoy, January 2012

  The Rookie’s Assignment—Valerie Hansen, February 2012

  The Detective’s Secret Daughter—Rachelle McCalla, March 2012

  The Widow’s Protector—Stephanie Newton, April 2012

  The Black Sheep’s Redemption—Lynette Eason, May 2012

  The Deputy’s Duty—Terri Reed, June 2012

  Books by Terri Reed

  Love Inspired Suspense

  Strictly Confidential

  *Double Deception

  Beloved Enemy

  Her Christmas Protector

  *Double Jeopardy

  *Double Cross

  *Double Threat Christmas

  Her Last Chance

  Chasing Shadows

  Covert Pursuit

  Holiday Havoc

  “Yuletide Sanctuary”

  Daughter of Texas

  †The Innocent Witness

  †The Secret Heiress

  The Deputy’s Duty

  *The McClains

  †Protection Specialists

  Love Inspired

  Love Comes Home

  A Sheltering Love

  A Sheltering Heart

  A Time of Hope

  Giving Thanks for Baby

  Treasure Creek Dad


  At an early age Terri Reed discovered the wonderful world of fiction and declared she would one day write a book. Now she is fulfilling that dream and enjoys writing for Love Inspired Books. Her second book, A Sheltering Love, was a 2006 RITA® Award finalist and a 2005 National Readers’ Choice Award finalist. Her book Strictly Confidential, book five in the Faith at the Crossroads continuity series, took third place in the 2007 American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year Award, and Her Christmas Protector took third place in 2008. She is an active member of both Romance Writers of America and American Christian Fiction Writers. She resides in the Pacific Northwest with her college-sweetheart husband, two wonderful children and an array of critters. When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, gardening and playing with her dogs.

  You can write to Terri at P.O. Box 19555 Portland, OR 97280. Visit her on the web at, leave comments on her blog,, or email her at [email protected].




  Terri Reed

  Dear Reader,

  In 2012 Love Inspired Books is proudly celebrating fifteen years of heartwarming inspirational romance! In honor of this special occasion, we’re spotlighting the Love Inspired Suspense series this month.

  If you haven’t read a Love Inspired Suspense book before, now is a wonderful time to discover them.Love Inspired Suspense offers gripping suspense, compelling romance and an inspirational message—all within one series. These edge-of-the-seat, contemporary romantic suspense stories feature Christian characters facing challenges to their faith…and to their lives!

  We’re excited about our author line-up this month. Look for Threat of Darkness by Valerie Hansen, the latest book in her exciting miniseries, The Defenders. Terri Reed delivers the dramatic finale to Love Inspired Suspense’s continuity series, Fitzgerald Bay, with The Deputy’s Duty. Rachelle McCalla’s Reclaiming the Crown miniseries continues with Prince Incognito. Susan Sleeman rounds out the month with Double Exposure, the first book in her new miniseries, The Justice Agency. And enjoy a fifteenth anniversary bonus story at the end of each book.

  I hope you enjoy each and every story. Look for four new Love Inspired Suspense books every month for the perfect combination of riveting suspense and inspirational romance!


  Tina James

  Senior Editor

  Writing a continuity series involves the collaborated efforts of the other authors and the editors. It was a joy to work with my fellow authors: Shirlee McCoy, Valerie Hansen, Rachelle McCalla, Stephanie Newton and Lynette Eason. I’d like to thank my editors Emily Rodmell and Tina James for your patience, for the time and energy you put into making all our books the best they can be.

  Special thanks and acknowledgment to Terri Reed for her contribution to the Fitzgerald Bay miniseries.

  Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

  —Colossians 3:13


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  Dear Reader

  Questions for Discussion

  An Enduring Love

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight



  “The house is the second one on the right.”

  Deputy Chief Ryan Fitzgerald nodded to the officer sitting next to him and tightened his grip on the steering wheel of the official Fitzgerald Bay vehicle. He pulled
to the curb in front of a boxy house with a front brick facade and white siding. The paved driveway was empty. He doubted this trip to the town of Revere would pay off, but it was the only lead he had to a murder suspect and a missing eighteen-month-old little girl.

  He glanced around, taking stock of the neighborhood. Quiet, tree-lined street. No one was out and about on this blistering June day. Better indoors, out of the sun and the humidity. The lucky ones with air conditioners, blowing out cool air.

  His gaze snagged on a burgundy Subaru parked across the street. His gut clenched.

  Meghan Henry’s car.

  What was the nosy reporter doing here? Ever since she had arrived in Fitzgerald Bay six months ago, she’d been hounding him for answers in her cousin Olivia Henry’s murder. He didn’t blame her for wanting to see justice done. Olivia’s death had rocked the community of Fitzgerald Bay and the Fitzgerald family. She’d been his brother Charles’s nanny for his twins at the time of her death. Everyone who knew her had said she was a sweet woman. No one could understand why someone would kill her.

  Her body had been discovered at the base of the lighthouse cliffs. A life cut too short.

  So yes, Ryan understood Meghan’s desire to see the culprit arrested and put away, but not at the expense of his family.

  With everyone in town believing Charles was capable of killing Olivia Henry, all of the Fitzgerald Bay police force had worked overtime to clear his name. Meghan Henry’s constant questions and snooping had hindered the investigation and inflamed the citizens of Fitzgerald Bay with suspicion.

  And now here she was, poking around at the one lead he had to go on in another recent murder case.

  Burke Hennessy, a prominent lawyer in town, had been found dead in his home by his wife, Christina. At first glance the death appeared accidental or possible suicide. But the M.E. discovered evidence to suggest murder. And his wife was the prime suspect.

  Burke had been running for the mayoral seat until his untimely death. The medical examiner found Burke had ingested a potent combination of drugs, enough to incapacitate him while the murderer suffocated him with a down pillow. Feathers had been found in his nose and throat and the official cause of death had been ruled asphyxiation. They found the pillow that had been used hidden in a closet in the Hennessy home. Christina’s fingerprints were all over it. The D.A. thought he had a good case for murder. Now all Ryan had to do was find Christina and bring her into custody.

  If Meghan hadn’t already spooked Christina and sent her fleeing again.

  Ryan was going to arrest Meghan for obstructing justice the second he saw her. He could imagine her wrinkling up her pert nose and daring him with her green-hued hazel eyes. The woman possessed a fiery spirit, for sure. A testament to her Irish heritage.

  Like his sisters and mother.

  “Stay with the car,” Ryan said to the rookie in the passenger seat as he exited the vehicle. “Keep an eye out for anything suspicious.”

  Officer Jackson nodded and climbed out to rest his lanky frame against the fender. He crossed his arms over his chest.

  Ryan marched up the concrete steps and rapped his knuckles on the heavy-duty metal screen door. From somewhere inside a woman sang a lullaby, the sound melodic and pleasing. And familiar. He paused, searching his brain for recollection.

  A second later a woman, mid-forties with frosted hair and an ample girth, appeared at the door. Since the Hennessys lived a few doors down from Ryan’s family home, he recognized Helen Yorke, the Hennessys’ former housekeeper.

  Helen wiped her hands on an apron covered with red cherries as her brown eyes widened with surprise. She pushed open the screen door. “Deputy Chief Fitzgerald?”

  “Hello, Helen,” Ryan responded, trying to peer into the house over the woman’s shoulder. “Is Christina Hennessy here?”

  She shook her head. “Not at the moment. Why?”

  Not a wild-goose chase after all. Things were looking up. When his youngest sister, Keira, a rookie officer with the FBPD, had suggested contacting the Hennessys’ ex-housekeeper, Ryan had been dubious. He couldn’t see Christina seeking refuge with a former employee. Looked like he owed Keira an apology for doubting her. And a chocolate sundae. His baby sis had a penchant for chocolate.

  “Do you know where Mrs. Hennessy went? Did she have Georgina with her?” Ryan asked, keeping a sharp eye out for any sign of deception in the woman’s face and demeanor.

  “Christina showed up on my doorstep yesterday asking if I could keep little Georgina for a few days while she dealt with some personal business. She was so distraught over the death of poor Burke I could hardly refuse. What is this about, Deputy?”

  Distraught, my eye, Ryan thought, but refrained from commenting. “Georgina is here, then.” This, at least, was good news. The child was safe. When Christina had disappeared with her adoptive daughter, Ryan had feared for the little girl’s safety.

  Helen tucked in her chin. “She’s in the other room. We were putting her down for a nap.”

  We. Meghan. Anger churned in Ryan’s gut.

  “Meghan Henry is here, then.” He needed the confirmation. At Helen’s nod, he asked, “How do you know Miss Henry?”

  “We became friendly last January when she arrived in Fitzgerald Bay after her poor cousin was murdered. She’d been very supportive when I had to leave the Hennessys’ employ to take care of my mother. Meghan stopped by today to see how I was doing. Wasn’t that sweet of her?”

  “Yes, very,” Ryan agreed, because he’d been raised to be polite. Sweet had nothing to do with it. Meghan was chasing a story. Burke Hennessy’s death was big news. The fact that he’d been murdered hadn’t been released to the public yet. So how had she heard that Christina was the prime suspect so quickly? “Excuse me a moment.”

  Ryan jogged back to Jackson. “Call Dispatch. Tell them we have a bead on Christina Hennessy and need to stake out this address. Also, notify Child Protective Services that we are removing Georgina Hennessy from her current location.”

  Jackson nodded and moved to do as asked. Ryan returned to the front door of Helen Yorke’s house.

  Helen frowned, her gaze going to Jackson by the Fitzgerald Bay police vehicle. “What’s going on, Deputy?”

  He glanced up and down the deserted street. When would Christina return? Better to remove the child before any confrontation. “I am taking Georgina Hennessy into protective custody.”

  Helen’s gaze snapped back to him and widened. “Custody?”

  “May I come in?”

  The woman blinked. “Not until you tell me what’s going on.”

  Appreciating her protectiveness of Georgina, Ryan said, “It would be better if I explained to you inside.”

  She hesitated then stepped back. “Excuse the mess. My mother passed on and I’ve been trying to box up her things to get the house ready to sell.”

  Entering the home, Ryan mentally catalogued the interior. Taped boxes stacked in the corner. Half-full boxes littered the area rug over scarred hardwood floors. Three arched doorways led to other rooms and a hall opened to the left.

  However, Meghan Henry was not in view. She must be with the child.

  Helen set her hands on her hips and gave him a pointed look.

  “Mrs. Hennessy is a suspect in her husband’s murder,” Ryan stated.

  Shock flooded the older woman’s expression. “What?” Helen shook her head. “No. Christina loved Burke.”

  “We have evidence implicating her. But for now I’m taking Georgina into custody,” Ryan explained. “To protect her.”

  Doubt clouded Helen eyes. “You’re sure of this?”

  “It’s still early in the investigation.” He played on her maternal instincts. “The child’s safety must be a priority. If Christina is innocent, she’ll
regain custody of her daughter quickly enough.”

  Placing her hand over her heart, Helen said, “Poor Georgina. Follow me.”

  Ryan made a quick walk-through of the kitchen, dining room and a bedroom, verifying Christina wasn’t on the premises before joining Helen outside a room at the end of the hall.

  As Ryan approached, she said, “I’ll pack a couple of bottles and some finger food. She’ll be hungry soon.”

  He allowed her to pass. When he entered the small bedroom, he halted abruptly. Meghan Henry cradled the sleepy toddler in her arms as she sang. The sound of her voice and the sight of her cuddling the child wrapped around Ryan’s senses. His chest tightened.

  Meghan bent close to coo as she bounced the sleepy little one in her arms. The red dress she wore heightened the color of her cheeks. Tenderness softened the brackets that had pinched the corners of her mouth the last time he’d seen her—when she’d stormed into his office demanding to know what he was doing to solve her cousin’s murder. The love shining in Meghan’s hazel eyes was unmistakable. And curious.

  The sight unexpectedly touched something deep inside Ryan.

  Seeing this softer, calmer side of Meghan appealed to him on an elemental level—which set his teeth on edge. He didn’t understand why the sight of her holding a baby would make his insides melt and his heart ache.

  He’d been there in the hospital when his nephew Sean was born. Watched his sister Fiona care for her newborn boy, heard her make the identical cooing sounds that were now emanating from Meghan. He’d witnessed plenty of women attending to children of various ages. But he hadn’t felt this same strange expanding pressure building in his chest.

  He softly cleared his throat to announce his presence as much as to release the tension knotting his shoulders.

  Meghan glanced up. There was no surprise or repentance in her tear-filled eyes. The gentle smile curving her lips hit him in the solar plexus like the business end of a nightstick.

  His mouth went dry. Whoa, buster. Don’t go losing perspective because of this woman.


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