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Master Page 37

by Catherine Taylor

  “I went to her apartment and saw that it was empty, and it made me close to giving up. It was like you both had never existed. I’d wake up in the morning and it was like I had dreamt everything, that it was just one of the fantasies I had created in my head, but then I would come downstairs and Poppa would be singing in the kitchen, making my breakfast, and I knew that it was all real, even if I didn’t have my happy ending, and now here you are.”

  “But you did have your happy ending,” Jahn smiled. “I saw that when I walked into this place. You kept your promise to me and you’ve created a real life for yourself, on your own, without my help. You didn’t need me, Lena.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You’re here now and you need looking after. I am going to cook you some dinner and then I will run you a bath and…”

  He silenced her by seizing her into a kiss, holding her, his hands running over her body. When his lips slipped away from hers, he grinned.

  “You have no idea how much I want you to nag me for the rest of my life.” His eyes swept over her face. “But it is time that someone did something for you. I want you to sit here and wait for me, only for a few minutes and I swear I will be back. No one wants your happy ending more than me.”

  He stood up, and Lena watched him go out of the lounge, shutting the door after him. When he was gone ten minutes, she grew anxious and got up, just as the door opened again. Jahn stood aside to allow her father to enter and she could see that he had been crying.

  She became nervous and was about to ask what was wrong, when two more people followed. Lena froze and stared at a familiar face, her eyes shifting to the small, child in her arms. The woman was crying too and the child stared back fearfully.

  Lena gasped, her strength draining away and she collapsed to her knees, her body trembling. Jahn was immediately to her, his arm around her.

  “It’s alright, Lena, just try to hold it together. Greta is a little frightened, and she will be uncertain at first, but Helga has been showing her pictures of you.”

  Helga nodded emphatically. “I talked to her everyday about you, from the moment I took her out of the orphanage.” She turned to the child. “Who is that lovely lady, Greta?”

  Greta pouted and frowned at her, but turned to look at Lena. Holding out a chubby finger, she said quietly, “Mama.”

  Lena shook with tears and Jahn held her tighter.

  “Vera couldn’t do it, so they hid her away, until Helga could get her out. Helga will stay on for a while, but you will have your child back and she already knows who you are. She can’t help but fall in love with you. No one knows that more than I do.”

  Taking deep breaths, Lena settled her crying. Looking up at her father she could see his happy face, though his tears still fell freely. Slowly, and with Jahn’s help, she got to her feet and wiped her face. Another breath and she managed a smile as she took her first tentative step forward.

  “Hello, Greta,” she said quietly, restraining herself from reaching out. “You are a beautiful little girl. You must be two years old now.”

  Greta stared at her and looked back to Helga. “She cry.”

  “She is just so happy to see you.” Helga laughed as she bounced her in her arms. “This is your Mama and she used to cuddle you all the time, when you were just a tiny little baby. Maybe you should give her a cuddle and make her very happy.”

  Another frown, and Greta stared back at Lena. Her large brown eyes studied her and Lena maintained her smile, beaming at the chubby face, the soft skin the colour of coffee, and the curl in her black hair.

  “I missed you so much,” Lena whispered. “I still have the toys I had for you.”

  Greta’s eyes went to Jahn and she frowned.

  “I’m going to wait downstairs,” he whispered to Lena. “Just take your time.”

  Lena nodded, keeping her eyes on Greta. The little girl watched Jahn until he was gone and then saw Lena’s doll sitting on the couch. She pointed to it.


  “Her name is Greta, just like you,” Lena smiled. “Would you like to see her?”

  Greta studied Lena again, and finally nodded. Her little arms reached out to her.

  Lena trembled as she quietly took Greta from Helga. Gently embracing her, she made eyes at Helga, who hurried in to support her. Closing her eyes, Lena breathed in the sweet scent of her daughter and knew that something was finally good in the world.

  * * * *

  Lena sat on the bed, gazing at the tiny, peaceful face as Greta lay sleeping, still holding her doll. Helga sat on the other side and sighed.

  “I’ve got used to her being around,” she whispered. “I never had children of my own and this one is an angel. I’m going to miss her when I go back.”

  “Stay as long as you want, Helga.” Lena said, reaching across to hold her hand. “I’ll need all the help I can get.”

  “You don’t need me. I saw you when you birthed that child alone. You weren’t frightened. All you cared about was that baby in your arms. You already had her to your breast. I will never forgive myself for what Vera and I did to you that day and when Vera came for the child.”

  “It’s all in the past. Vera will understand more than ever, now that she has her own child. Do you know where she is?”

  Helga sighed. “I do. She is at my place, wailing her misery of how unfair life has been, and that’s another reason I have to go back soon. It seems I will now have a nephew to raise.”

  “My uncle,” Lena laughed softly. “My family is getting bigger by the day, and you are part of it, Helga. Always know that.”

  “Your friend came to see us in Odessa. He arranged all of this.”

  Lena sat up. “Oh my god, he’s still waiting downstairs.”

  “Go,” Helga smiled. “I will stay here until you get back.”

  For a moment, her fears returned as Lena imagined Jahn to have gone. She hurried downstairs and breathed her relief as she found him in the kitchen, talking to Danil.

  “I am so sorry,” Lena panted, embracing him tightly.

  He grinned at her. “For what? Your father cooked me a wonderful meal and tried to make me drink some wine. Now tell me how Greta is.”

  “She’s beautiful.” Lena smiled up at him.

  “Of course she is. She looks like her mother, even with the darker skin and black hair.”

  “Her father came from New Zealand. He was a handsome man and funny, probably the nicest man I met before you, a news reporter, covering the first year celebrations of Ukraine’s independence. He’s out there somewhere, completely unaware that his only night in Ukraine produced a child.”

  “Maybe you should try to find him one day. I believe the Maori people have deep values about family.”

  “I don’t even know where New Zealand is, and tonight I don’t care.” She slipped her hand into his. “Come, and we’ll sit upstairs so if Greta wakes up, I can be there for her too.”

  Jahn let her lead him through the kitchen and out to the hall, as far as the stairs, before he stopped. Lena turned back to him and grinned.

  “You look tired. Maybe I should try to carry you.”

  He shook his head. “I’m not going up.”

  She stared at him, her heart picking up pace. “I have so much to say to you, of what you’ve done for me.”

  “Which doesn’t come close to what you’ve done for me.” His face was sombre as he stared at her. “Lena…”

  “Don’t say it,” she cried out. “Please, don’t say it.”

  Jahn breathed deeply. “I have to go.”

  “No you don’t. It’s all finished. You said so yourself.”

  “It is all finished, but it came at a price. I can’t stay in Ukraine, and for the first time in my life, I regret that.”

  Lena wanted to scream, to clutch onto him, but she knew it would do her no good. Instead she held back the tears and forced a smile to her face.

  “You should,” she whispered. “Ukraine is going to be a wonderful place on
e day.”

  “It already is,” Jahn smiled. “It’s made up of people like you and Natasha. It can’t help but be a great nation.”

  “And where will you be?”

  “I can’t tell you that. Just know that you will be safe.”

  “Will I hear from you?”

  He shook his head. “You now have the life you deserve, and I want you to get on with it, and forget about me.”

  Lena gave him a defiant grin. “This time, I am going to outright disobey you. I need to know that you are out there somewhere, and one day I’m going to come looking for you.”

  “I’d like to think that maybe you’ll find me,” he smiled. “So in this case, I’ll ignore your disobedience. Come and walk me out.”

  With her legs shaking, she had to hold on to him as they went back to the kitchen. At the door he stopped her and gazed at the bustle in the kitchen. Chefs were yelling at waiters, Danil was scrubbing pots and Dmitri was balancing plated meals, trying to steer through the chaos.

  “Lena’s Palace,” Jahn whispered, his gaze falling on her. “You’re going to make a brilliant chef.”

  She smiled back at him, her tears finally running down. “I learnt from the Master.”

  He kissed her, held her for a moment and was gone, shutting the door between them. Lena leant back against it, her heart beginning to shatter.

  Helga came in excitedly, with Greta in her arms. “There you are. She woke up and called for you. Greta wants her Mama.”

  Lena swiped at her tears and beamed at her child, with her tiny, chubby arms outstretched towards her. She happily took her from Helga and embraced her.

  “Mama is here, baby girl, and we are going to be happy, I promise.”


  The glass doors slid open and the crowd of passengers flooded into the customs area, weaving past the roped stanchions and forming orderly queues. Their passports and documents were poised ready to be handed to the officers.

  Jahn was relaxed and smiling as he handed his over. The customs officer accepted it and began his study of the face before him, comparing it to the passport. The details and picture matched, six foot three, black hair, brown eyes.

  “The purpose of your visit?”

  “Photographic assignment for National Geographic.”

  “How long do you intend to stay? It is not marked down.”

  “Undecided as of yet. I’m on an open visa.”

  The customs officer nodded and checked the information. “Probably a good idea. You’re going to find yourself spoilt for choice.”

  Jahn grinned. “I’ve heard it’s a beautiful country.”

  “Maybe not as green as your England, but then we don’t have all the rain that you lot get, but the scenery is spectacular.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing it.”

  The officer handed back his passport. “Welcome to New Zealand, Mr Tyler.”

  Thanking him, Jahn walked on to collect his luggage and find a taxi. He didn’t truly relax until he was in his hotel. The first thing he did was to remove the contacts from his eyes, and then splayed out on the bed.

  He knew that he had no concerns. His accent and English were perfect, but his stomach was nervous. It would take some time to get used to this new place and later, after a good sleep, he would need to find some female company, to remove the last of his tension.

  The room was glowing orange and turning his head, he saw that the sun was beginning to set. He got off the bed and wandered over to the window, staring out at Auckland. It was a bustling city and eventually he would have to find a smaller town, the country perhaps.

  Reaching into his pocket, he got out his wallet and pulled a photo out, holding it up and grinning at the sinking sun. He gazed at Lena’s naked body, with the red blush on her bottom.

  “More beautiful than a sunset.”


  The author hopes that you have enjoyed Master and invites you to explore his return in A Line Crossed and A Line Drawn, the second and third books of The Line Trilogy, which begin with The Finest Line. For more information, please visit the author’s website.

  Excerpts from

  A Line Crossed

  For a long time he stayed silent and then quietly he spoke. “I went to the same church as Esther years ago but I left. I didn’t really know her back then but the next time I saw her, I recognised her. It was about two years ago and I couldn’t believe that someone like her could be in a place like that. We talked a little but we never got much time. It wasn’t allowed. We didn’t sleep in the same place either.”

  “Where were you?” Mairead asked.

  Amiri smirked sadly, “Wouldn’t have a clue. They drugged me up, blindfolded me and I was out to it. Then I was in this big room with all this fucking weird shit for bondage. I was shitting myself until I saw Esther. She recognised me and I smiled at her, just fucking relieved to see someone familiar. She couldn’t smile back though, just saw it in her eyes before she was bowed down again and next minute I was flying across the floor.”

  Mairead shook her head in bewilderment. “I don’t understand Amiri. Where the hell were you? Why were you flying across the floor?”

  “Because he backhanded me for looking at her and then he pulled me up by my hair and forced me to look at him. I’m strong but fuck I had nothing on him. Black thick hair, ice blue eyes, a face as hard as stone, muscles rippling, tattoos down his arms.” Amiri paused and grinned at Mairead. “He was fucking hot and I melted like butter in his grip.”

  Mairead stared at him open mouthed, “Who the fuck was he?”

  Amiri smiled. “He was our master.”

  In the short time she had known Amiri, she had learned that there were things in his past that haunted him, and had left him feeling suicidal. She already knew that he liked to shut himself away from the world by day and only work at nights.

  Many times he had made comments about how Mairead was his kindred spirit. She had believed he was referring to their love of pole dancing but she was now beginning to understand that dancing had nothing to do with it.

  She asked him curiously, “Master of what?”

  Amiri grinned at her, “As in master and slave.”

  “You were a slave?” Mairead shook her head. “That’s illegal isn’t it?”

  “You know Mairead,” Amiri laughed. “For a kinky bitch, you don’t know a lot do you?”

  “I’m learning,” she pouted. “James has certainly taught me a thing or two.”

  “It’s complicated,” Amiri explained. “But basically you consent to someone taking over your entire life. They use you anyway they want and they provide for you. It’s usually a one on one thing but some masters have more than one slave. This one certainly did. When I was there he had me and three other bitches there. He had me doing things with females I didn’t believe possible. There was this other bitch there who was dressed up like a kid, but she was more like a girlfriend to him, I think. I didn’t have much to do with her, but the other ones...”

  “But you’re gay,” Mairead was confused. “So was this guy gay or what?”

  “Mostly straight I think, but he has men from time to time, mainly to get them to do things to the women while he watches, but yeah... we all got fucked, literally.” Amiri stared at nothing. “He didn’t really look at us like we were people, more like pets or something. He was really strict with us but then he could be really loving and nice.”

  “That’s awful.” Mairead stared at him incredulously. “How the hell did you find this guy?”

  “I didn’t. He found me.” Amiri explained. “I used to blog on these fetish sites and one day he contacted me. It wasn’t your typical greeting. He told me that I was even more worthless than I felt about myself and that he would like to scrape his shoes off on me and treat me as I should be treated, like scum.

  He would tell me how he would hurt me if he got his chance and humiliate me. At first I was angry and attack
ed him for his comments, but the more he abused me, the more I wanted him. I found myself responding to him, needing him. If he didn’t come online some nights, I would go out of my mind. I constantly begged him to let me see him and one day, several months later, he told me he would send people to pick me up from the city.

  He was terrifying and awesome and cruel, but if he gave you one kind word or did something to show you that he was pleased with you, it was unlike any other praise you could possibly receive. It meant something. You felt incredible. The desire to serve him was overwhelming. Do you understand why I can’t talk to anyone else about this? They wouldn’t understand. My whole life would become something for people to look at like some fucking freak show.”

  Mairead knew only too well what it was like to feel different and have the world examine your life, making their judgements.

  “So what else did you know about him?”

  “Nothing,” Amiri shook his head. “Which is another reason I don’t think it’s any good talking to the police. What could I tell them?”

  “You must have had some idea where he was located. How long were you in the car for?”

  “I have no idea,” Amiri sighed. “Three bitches picked me up and I was given something to drink. I knew it was laced but I drank it anyway. I could have been in the car an hour or a day.”

  “What about where you were? Was it in the city or the country? Was it an old house or modern?”

  “I saw two places the whole time I was there, my cage which was in some basement where I spent a lot of my time and that room where everything took place. He only let me stay a few weeks. When I left they drugged me again and brought me back to Wellington” His face contorted with grief. “I sat in my flat for hours when I got back, crying because all I wanted was to be in his arms again but he wouldn’t allow me to contact him again.”

  “Why would you want to go back?”


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