The Duke and The Governess

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The Duke and The Governess Page 10

by Lyndsey Norton

  John had been dancing with the grasping Lady Greyston; the woman was like an octopus with her hands everywhere, and he had seen Elizabeth the first time he’d passed the door. He’d intended to give Jessica some grief about it, but the next time he passed, Jessica was on the stairs. It took him a few minutes to extricate himself from Lady Greyston, the palms of her hands seemed to be adhered to his buttocks, but as he went out of the door, he saw Jessica and Elizabeth vanish around the turn in the stairs. He took that first flight two at a time but he didn’t catch up with them until Jessica was back on the Nursery wing and he watched from the corner as she dismissed a nanny and then waltzed with his daughter up and down the corridor.

  He saw the empty chair and decided to sit. He folded his arms over his chest and sat proudly watching them swirl around the corridor. Elizabeth giggled softly as Jessica turned. He marvelled at her grace and a certain part of his anatomy woke up suddenly. He groaned at the ache in his groin and had to squeeze it under his hand. Suddenly she saw him and stopped dead. ‘May I have this dance?’ John asked as he stood up and gently took Elizabeth from her arms.

  ‘Of course, Your Grace.’ Jessica said, embarrassed.

  ‘Daddy! Miss Jessica was dancing with me.’ Elizabeth said.

  ‘I know. And I’m going to waltz you straight back to bed.’ He looked at Jessica. ‘Maybe you’ll save the next dance for me.’ Jessica just smiled, knowing he was teasing for Elizabeth’s enjoyment. As she watched the tall Duke turn about the landing on his way to his daughter’s suite, she sat demurely in the chair and sighed with regret. She picked the book she had been reading up and opened it to the last page she read and tried to concentrate on the words. But she couldn’t get the memories out of her head and how he’d felt when she danced with him on her first ball.

  A hand appeared over the edge of her book, making her look up into John’s face. She inhaled sharply as she stared into the bluest eyes again and she felt her cheeks flush as he said ‘Would you do me the honour of this dance, Lady Carruthers?’

  She heard the blood rush in her ears as she put her book down and her heart pounded as she carefully placed her hand in his. He held her lightly in his arms and they stepped and turned in time to the distant music. Jessica was astonished to be doing a waltz, as the dance had been banned in Britain, although it was still danced on the continent. She was unsure of the steps at first and found the way the Duke held her as intimate as any embrace. There was something distinctly scandalous about the way his leg moved between hers. It made her heart pound.

  ‘I must say, My Lady, you haven’t lost any of your grace since the last time we danced.’ He murmured as he looked down into her rapt face.

  ‘Neither have you, Your Grace.’

  ‘Maybe now I can really apologise for my stupid and ignorant sister. She really was quite the snob at the time.’ He said softly and pulled her closer than was polite, but she didn’t pull away.

  ‘I’m sure Lady Asquith... I do beg your pardon, Her Grace, repaired any damage.’ Jessica said calmly, trying to keep her breathing under control.

  ‘She didn’t.’ He sighed. ‘Victoria never cared about anybody but herself, so poor Verity still suffers from the cut your mother gave her.’

  ‘Don’t we all.’ Jessica said with more vitriol than she’d intended. ‘Tell me how your wife died?’

  ‘Haemorrhage during child birth. The umbilical was wrapped around Elizabeth’s waist and once Victoria started to bleed there wasn’t anything to be done.’

  ‘I’m sorry. But I suppose it could have been worse.’ Jessica said softly.

  ‘Worse, how?’ John said sharply and looked down into those sad, blue eyes.

  ‘Elizabeth could have had the cord around her throat.’ She said and looked at his intricately tied cravat. ‘Then you would have lost them both.’

  ‘I’m so glad I didn’t. Elizabeth has been a saviour for me.’ John whispered like a prayer.

  ‘I didn’t realise that you loved your wife that much, I’m sorry again.’

  ‘I didn’t love Victoria at all. She was vain and vacuous and though I didn’t wish death upon her, I’m glad she’s not here.’ He sighed and stopped dancing. ‘I would have asked you to marry me, if my mother hadn’t taken the gossip as gospel.’ He released her hand and gently stroked his fingertips over her cheek. ‘I knew from the first moment I met you that you would dominate my life and there hasn’t been a night I didn’t picture your face before I went to sleep.’

  She looked in his eyes and saw the honesty in them and as her mouth opened to castigate him, he brought his lips quickly down on hers. Jessica thought she’d died and gone to heaven. He pulled her against him with the hand that was still on her back and stupidly he plundered her mouth as his need and desperation escaped to run rampant through his body. His tongue forced her lips apart and explored every facet of her maddening, silky mouth and he sensuously stroked his hand up from her waist until her firm breast was cradled in his palm before he realised she was struggling in his arms and as he released her lips her fist crashed into the point of his shoulder and she yanked herself out of his arms in a panic. She stumbled away from him as he released her body.

  ‘Your Grace!’ she said forcefully, her chest heaving in effrontery as she backed against the wall. ‘Please remember where you are. This is not some house of ill repute in London! This is a nursery!’ and she turned and fled in virginal panic.

  You bloody intemperate fool! He scolded himself. He sat down dejectedly on the chair and fought not only to control his breathing, but the rampant erection testing his best silk britches, that he rubbed absently while he pondered events. He was surprised that she had reacted just like an innocent virgin. It suddenly occurred to him that the gossip had been completely wrong and Jessica Gordon had not had her skirts around her waist in the Garden at Lord Devon’s, in fact, he would wager that her maidenhead was still intact and he intended to prove himself right! He returned to the party totally unaware that Elizabeth had watched from the door of her room.

  ‘I wonder if Daddy is in love with Miss Gordon?’ she wondered to herself and went to back to bed with a yawn. ‘I’ll ask him tomorrow.’ she determined, as she’d never even seen her Daddy kiss one of the maids.

  Jessica dived straight into her bedroom and stood with her back to the door, her chest heaving. She was caught somewhere between shock and desire. Her heart had almost leaped into her throat when his lips had descended onto hers and the soft, silky feel of them did strange things to her body. Her heart raced, she felt a weakness rush through her limbs and would have collapsed into a quivering jelly if he’d not had his arms around her to hold her up. But she felt a thrill at the same time as panic galvanised her into action and she pummelled him to release her. She held her hands to her flushed face and wondered how she was going to face the Duke in the morning.

  When the nannies had all retired and Jessica could retire. She stripped off her gown, let down her hair and washed her face. After that she quickly stripped and threw on her night gown, climbing quickly into bed. She sat and plaited her hair, tying a ribbon around the ends before she lay on her back and stared at the ceiling. Without her realising she was doing it, her left hand idly stroked her breast, as John Farrington had done and again she felt the flush of desire course through her veins.

  John returned to the ball and was immediately commandeered by Lady Pritchard, the other merry widow. He danced a few more times and then retired to the card room for a game of whist or two. As he arrived in the room, he could see Anthony bristling.

  ‘You should be careful what you say, Sir! She happens to be my sister-in-law!’ He said loudly.

  ‘I was only repeating the gossip that was about at the time of her marriage to your brother!’ Viscount Boston said without any caution, but even John could see he’d imbibed a little too much brandy.

  ‘All of that gossip was wholly untrue and my sister-in-law has suffered enough at the hands of the ton!’ Anthony spat.
/>   ‘Gentlemen!’ The Duke said with a harsh look at Norfolk for not stopping this argument. ‘There will be no fisticuffs. I’ll cut dead any man that makes the wrong suggestion about Lady Carruthers. I don’t particularly want my daughter to see you spill each others blood tomorrow morning. Now this is supposed to be a family party, lets try to leave London’s appalling manners behind us!’ He patted Anthony on the shoulder and left the table. But he didn’t take his attention off them until Viscount Boston retired to bed on the insistence of his wife.


  Next morning, while all the children were being breakfasted in the school room, Jessica sallied forth to spread the flowers of the treasure hunt. She took the box of flowers and started placing them around the public areas of the house. She went into the main drawing room and opened the lid of the box. She took the first flower out, smiled to herself and then displayed it clearly on the mantle beside the huge Ormolu clock. She had already put the flowers in order, so her trip around the house wouldn’t take long and as she turned from the mantle, she inhaled sharply as the Duke of Warwick was sitting in the corner.

  ‘Good morning, Lady Carruthers.’ The corner of his mouth lifted in a knowing smile. ‘What delights do you have for the children this morning?’

  ‘Good morning, Your Grace.’ She replied calmly as she dropped a slight curtsey, although her pulse raced dramatically. She couldn’t stop herself from looking at the corner of his mouth where it was curled and it sent her blood singing through her veins. ‘We are having a treasure hunt today.’ She fingered the flowered box in her hands. ‘I was just putting the clues out for the children to find.’

  ‘Allow me to accompany you.’ He said generously as he stood up and clasped his hands behind his back. ‘How many clues are there?’ He walked beside her to the dining room.

  ‘Your Grace! I couldn’t possibly tell you that!’ she smiled coyly as he opened the door for her. She walked to the dining table, lifted the lid of the box, took out another paper flower and managed to balance it in the huge candelabra in the middle of the table.

  ‘Jessica.’ The Duke said quietly, making her turn her face towards him as he stood beside her. ‘I’m sorry.’

  She frowned. ‘Sorry for what?’ she asked puzzled.

  ‘About last night.’ He sighed. ‘I should never have kissed you so....deeply.’ he murmured.

  ‘You should never have kissed me at all!’ she said and turned for the door, but not before John caught the lift of her mouth in a smile and he rushed to catch her. As she got to the door, John placed his palm on it to hold it shut.

  ‘Are you laughing at me?’ he demanded, his ducal feathers becoming ruffled.

  She looked up at him and the expression in her eyes made the breath go out of him. ‘No, Your Grace.’ She smiled gently. ‘But a less public place would be more appropriate for that kind of activity.’ She lifted the box. ‘May we continue?’

  He removed his hand and opened the door. She turned for the back of the house. ‘Where exactly would be appropriate for that kind of activity?’ he asked impertinently and as she stopped dead and looked at him in horror, he felt a frisson of doubt. Good God! I’m importuning her like a randy adolescent! He berated himself. Suddenly she laughed. It tinkled like chimes in a breeze and he was...charmed?

  ‘What a question to ask a Lady!’ Jessica spluttered. ‘Maybe we should change the subject?’

  At the conservatory, she placed the flower in a specially prepared pot. Old Bates, the head gardener, smiled at Jessica like a benevolent uncle. ‘Miss Jessica!’ he greeted her jovially. ‘I’ve got your pot just here, right where the children will see it.’

  ‘Thank you, Mr. Bates. And can I tell you how lovely the topiary looks from my window this morning?’ She smiled brightly and the Duke was enchanted by her charisma with a member of staff. ‘Did young Ewan spend all the day before yesterday up a ladder?’ she asked as she adjusted the flower to catch the eye from the doorway.

  ‘He did, Miss Jessica. I was afeared he would topple out by the end of the day. But he’s a good lad and a fine apprentice.’ He smiled proudly. ‘He’ll be a fine head gardener when I’ve gone to me maker.’

  ‘Tosh!’ Jessica said. ‘You’ll grow old together, just like that Yew Tree you planted when Master Christian was born.’

  ‘Do you still need a hiding place in the yard?’ Bates asked as he eyed the Duke and frowned.

  ‘Oh! Forgive me, Mr. Bates, this is the Duke of Warwick. His Grace was helping me spread the flowers.’ She laid a hand on Bates’ arm. ‘No. I don’t need another place now. Andrew has kindly arranged for Thunder to sport the last clue on his head gear.’ She smiled brightly. ‘I must get on, can’t let the grass grow.’

  ‘No, that we can’t. Miss Jessica.’ He almost doffed his cap, but he still eyed the Duke as if he would offer him out.

  Jessica smiled and breezed out of the door onto the terrace, followed closely by the Duke. ‘I think I’ll need your protection.’ He muttered. ‘The fellow was positively protective of you!’ He smiled down at her amused face. ‘Might I have to summon seconds?’

  ‘Of course not, Your Grace. But I was very unsettled when I arrived and the staff have been very kind.’ She opened the box and placed a flower in an urn next to the steps down to the lawn. She closed the box and strode down the steps. ‘Tell me about Elizabeth?’ she asked as he caught up with her.

  After a couple of minutes, Jessica was convinced he was as besotted with his daughter as any loving father could be. She stopped at a tree, just as he was explaining how the pout never worked.

  Jessica put the box on the ground and lifted the lid again, this time the flower had long ribbons on it. She looked up at John and he was concerned for her expression.

  ‘Would you make me a promise right here and now?’ she asked looking up at him, quite seriously and although his heart almost leaped out of his chest and pictures of her naked and under his hands blazed through his mind’s eye, he nodded solemnly. ‘If somebody on the ton spreads malicious gossip about her, will you try to prove it wrong, before you condemn her to a life of purgatory?’ She sighed. ‘Listen to her story first. If she pouts, you know she’s lying, if she doesn’t you know she’s telling the truth!’

  ‘How do you know that?’ The Duke demanded, shocked that she had already divined the purpose of the pout.

  ‘She’s a girl. Just like my sister Cecily in some ways, but less giggly.’ She smiled softly as she stood and tied the ribbons around the tree trunk. ‘She always pouted when she was found out in a lie.’

  ‘I’ll have to test that one.’ He said darkly. ‘I don’t like the idea of her telling lies.’

  ‘No parent does, but we all do it.’ Jessica said firmly, ‘and the worst ones are the lies we tell ourselves.’ She picked up the box and started walking. ‘I’m sure my father believes he made the right decision, but all he did was turn me into a nurse for a cranky old man who couldn’t wait to evict me from his house the moment his son was dead!’

  ‘Was it really that terrible?’ The duke asked innocently and she stopped dead and turned to him. He didn’t like the hard look in her eyes. She held out the box.

  ‘Would you hold this for a moment, please Your Grace?’ John took the box and she smiled at the confusion in his face. She reached down and rummaged under her skirt. When she straightened up there was a flash of silver and a dagger was almost at his throat. He stepped back in shock. ‘This was a present from Anthony my first Christmas at Dean.’ She turned the dirk so it was held gently between her fingers and pointing at the sky. ‘Do you see the blood on the blade?’ John had to look hard, but he could see a line of black on the blade. He nodded his head. ‘That belongs to the butler, Richmond. He called me a whore the day I arrived, as did the Earl and Anthony had to insist that if I bore a child, it would be my husbands and not Richmond’s bastard!’ He could see the hate in her eyes. ‘I sliced this across his hand as I was leaving. If I ever return, I should imagine I would be r
aped and beaten. Richmond would consider it his right to have me.’ She sighed and put the knife away. ‘It was horrific, Your Grace. And I was actually relieved when the Earl sent me here. I eat better and now my clothes have arrive I can dress better.’ She picked up the box and walked towards the stable yards.

  ‘Anthony mentioned you were treated like a chattel, but I thought he was exaggerating!’ the Duke said softly.

  ‘No, he wasn’t. I washed, fed and cared for the old Earl until he forced me to sign the affidavit about my virginity, at the same time as he told me about my husband’s death and threw two guineas at me before I left. I was told not to use the Carruthers name or the style “Lady”. As far as I knew, until Anthony arrived yesterday, my marriage had been annulled and I was plain Miss Gordon again.’ She looked at the fine lawn cushioning her feet. ‘I don’t even know how he died.’ She whispered.

  ‘He was killed in front of the San Maria Fort.’ The Duke said softly and looked off across landscape. ‘His body was riddled with canister shot.’

  ‘How terrible.’ She said in a dead voice, as if his death literally meant nothing and then she frowned. ‘What was a Cavalry Officer doing in front of a Fort? I thought infantry attacked forts, not cavalry!’

  John shrugged. ‘I have no idea.’ He smiled then. ‘So did you and Anthony....?’ he left the question hanging.

  She stopped again and turned a frigid expression on him. ‘The Earl and I are friends.’ She said coldly. ‘Only friends. I have told him my troubles and he has told me his.’ Her eyes lost focus as she recalled some of Anthony’s childhood memories. She closed her eyes when she remembered how he screamed in the night and the terror he felt most of the time at home. ‘Living with a dissolute father made him the epitome of a gentleman and he’s going to make some lucky woman a very good husband.’ She opened her eyes. ‘And he needs a very good wife, not some silly chit that wants his title!’ she finished with a snap. She turned to look at him. ‘Now, if you will excuse me, Your Grace. I have some clues left to place.’ And she walked quickly towards the stable.


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