The Outsiders

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The Outsiders Page 17

by SE Hinton

  “Cathy’s got a job after school; she can’t help. I don’t know what I have to do to convince you that I don’t mind it.”

  “O.K., O.K., I’m convinced.” I was also tired of the subject and I had got to worrying about how we were going to get three dollars before tomorrow. Charlie didn’t get his rough rep or his bar by being nice to people, especially ones who couldn’t pay their bills.

  By the time we got to the bowling alley it was ten o’clock. There weren’t many people there. Mark and I watched a few games while M&M stared into a package of M&M’s. I finally got bugged about it and asked him what in the Sam Hill was he doing.

  “Take a look.” He handed me the package, which was open at the top. “Put it right up to your eye.”

  I did, and all I saw was a bunch of candy.

  “It’s beautiful, ain’t it?” asked M&M. “I mean, look at all the different colors.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed, thinking, If I didn’t know this kid better I’d say he was high.

  “Let me look,” said Mark, so I handed him the package. “Hey, this is groovy. Look at all the colors.” He gave the candy back to M&M, looked at me, and shrugged.

  M&M got up. “I gotta go home now. I’ll see you guys later.”

  “We just got here,” Mark objected.

  “Yeah, well, I just came along for the walk, and now I gotta go home.”

  I watched him leave. “The kid’s weird,” I said. “That’s all there is to it.”

  Mark lit up a cigarette, our last one, so we had to pass it back and forth. “I know, but I still get a kick out of him. Come on, let’s go catch up with him. There ain’t nothin’ to do around here.”

  Outside I spotted M&M at the corner. There were three guys trailing him. When you see something like that around here you know right away somebody is about to get jumped. In this case, it was M&M.

  “Come on,” Mark said, and we cut through an alley so as to come up behind those guys.

  Three against three. The odds would have been even except that M&M was one of those nonviolent types who practiced what he preached, and me and Mark weren’t carrying weapons. We slowed down to a walk when we came to the end of the alley. I could hear the voices of the three guys who were following M&M, and I recognized one of them.

  “Hey, flower child, turn around.” They were taunting him, but M&M just kept right on moving.

  “It’s Shepard,” Mark whispered to me. We were waiting at the end of the alley for them to come by. They didn’t. They must have had M&M up against the wall. We could hear them.

  “Hey, hippie, don’t you answer when you’re spoken to? That ain’t nice.”

  “Curly, why don’t you leave me alone?” M&M sounded very patient. I moved over to the other side of the alley just in time to see Curly pull out a switchblade and reach over and cut through the rawhide string on M&M’s peace medal. It fell to the ground. M&M reached down to pick it up, and Curly brought his knee up sharply and hit M&M in the face.

  Me and Mark looked at each other, and Mark flashed me a grin. We both liked fights. We ran out and jumped on them, and the one we didn’t get took off, which was a wise thing for him to do. Since we had surprised them, it wasn’t too hard to get them pinned. I had Curly Shepard in a stranglehold with one arm twisted behind his back, while Mark had the other guy pinned on the ground.

  “How’d you like a broken arm, Shepard?” I said through gritted teeth, careful not to loosen my grip. His switchblade had fallen on the sidewalk, but I didn’t know what all he might be carrying. He liked to play rough.

  “O.K., you proved your point. Let us go, Douglas.” Curly said a few more things that I’m not going to repeat. He must have figured out who it was twisting his arm when he saw Mark. Me and Mark were always together. Curly had a special grudge against me anyway. I used to go with his sister; she says she broke up with me, which was the truth, but I was spreading it around that I broke up with her and was giving all kinds of cool reasons. Curly was a little dumb—he belonged to a gang led by his brother Tim and known as the Shepard Gang. Really original. Tim was all right—at least he had a few brains—but I considered Curly a dumb hood. “Look, we didn’t hurt him.”

  That was a lie, because M&M was sitting there against the wall and already his cheek was swelling up and turning purple. He was trying to tie the ends of the rawhide string together and his hands were shaking.

  “Let them go,” said M&M. “I’m O.K.”

  I gave Curly’s arm an extra twist for good measure and then gave him a shove that almost sent him sprawling. Mark let the other guy up, but when he was almost to his feet, Mark gave him a good swift kick. They left, cussing us out, partly in English and partly in sign language.

  Mark was helping M&M up. “Come on, kid,” he said easily. “Let’s get you home.”

  The whole side of M&M’s face was bruised, but he gave us one of his rare, wistful grins. “Thanks, you guys.”

  Mark suddenly laughed. “Hey, look what I got.” He waved three one-dollar bills at me.

  “Where did you get that?” I asked, although I knew good and well where he got it. Mark was very quick; nobody had to teach him how to hot-wire a car—or to pick a pocket.

  “It was a donation,” Mark said seriously, “for the Cause.”

  This was an old joke, but M&M fell for it. “What cause?”

  “’Cause we owe it to Charlie,” Mark said, and M&M almost laughed, but instead winced with pain. I was really feeling good. I could quit worrying about Charlie’s beating us up.

  Mark suddenly poked me. “You still in the mood for a little action?”

  “Sure,” I said. Mark motioned toward the next intersection. There was a black guy standing there, waiting for the light to change. “We could jump him,” Mark said, but suddenly M&M spoke up.

  “You make me sick! You just rescued me from some guys who were going to beat me up because I’m different from them, and now you’re going to beat up someone because he’s different from you. You think I’m weird—well, you’re the weird ones.”

  Both Mark and I had stopped walking and were staring at M&M. He was really shook up. He was crying. I couldn’t have been more stunned if he had begun to dissolve. You don’t see guys crying around here, not unless they have a lot better reason than M&M had. He suddenly took off, running, not looking back. I started to take a few steps after him, but Mark caught me by the arm. “Leave him alone,” Mark said. “He’s just all uptight from getting jumped.”

  “Yeah,” I said. That made sense. That had happened to me before, and I could remember how scared it could get you. Besides, M&M was only a kid, just turned thirteen.

  Mark picked something up off the ground. It was M&M’s peace medal. It must have dropped off when M&M started running. He hadn’t tied the ends of the string together very well.

  “Remind me to tell him I have this,” Mark said, stuffing the medal and the string in his pocket. “Let’s stop by and give this three bucks to Charlie before I buy some cigarettes with it.”

  “O.K.,” I said. I didn’t feel quite as good as I had before. I was thinking about what M&M had said about beating up people because they were different. There was a lot of truth to that. The rich kids in town used to drive around over in our part of the city and look for people to beat up. Then a year or so ago a couple of kids got killed in that mess and the fad slowly died out. But there were still gang fights around here and social-club rumbles, and things like Shepard’s jumping M&M happened every day. I didn’t mind it much, unless I was the one getting mugged. I liked fights.

  “Come on,” Mark called, “maybe there’s somebody to hustle in Charlie’s.” I grinned and ran to catch up with him. Mark was my best buddy and I loved him like a brother.

  S. E. HINTON’s career as an author began while she was still a student at Will Rogers High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Disturbed by the clashes of the two gangs in her high school, the Greasers and the Socs, Hinton wrote The Outsiders, an honest, sometimes shocking
novel told from the point of view of a 14-year-old Greaser named Ponyboy Curtis.

  The Outsiders was published during Hinton’s freshman year at the University of Tulsa, and was an immediate sensation. Today, with more than fourteen million copies in print, the book is the bestselling young adult novel of all time. The book was also made into a film in 1983, directed by Francis Ford Coppola and featuring budding young stars Tom Cruise, Matt Dillon, and Rob Lowe.

  The Outsiders brought with it publicity and fame. S.E. Hinton became known as “The Voice of the Youth.” This overnight success also brought a lot of pressure, resulting in a three-year-long writer’s block. Her boyfriend (now husband) eventually helped break this block by suggesting she write two pages a day before going anywhere. This ultimately led to her second novel, That Was Then, This Is Now. Ms. Hinton went on to write several other novels, including Rumble Fish and Tex.

  In 1988 she was awarded the first annual Margaret A. Edwards Award, given in honor of “an author whose book or books, over a period of time, have been accepted by young adults as an authentic voice that continues to illuminate their experiences and emotions, giving insight into their lives.”

  S. E. Hinton still lives in Oklahoma with her husband and son, where she enjoys writing, riding horses, and taking courses at the university.




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