Queens Consort

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Queens Consort Page 61

by Lisa Hilton

  ‘Beowulf’, 22, 418—21, 423, 425

  Beraza, Mañuel Sagatibelza, 124

  Berengaria, daughter of Edward I and Eleanor, 194

  Berengaria of Castile, 175—6

  Berengaria of Navarre (later Queen of England): betrothed to Richard I, 120, 121; ancestry, 121; journey with Eleanor of Aquitaine, 121—2, 123, 124; early life, 122; language spoken, 122; appearance, 123, 124; marries Richard, 125, 141; in Holy Land, 125—6; returns to Europe, 126, 127; possible rift in marriage, 129—30; reconciliation with Richard, 131, 132; in Poitou, 132; childless, 133; and death of Richard, 133—4; and Adam de Perseigne, 135; spends rest of life as Lady of Le Mans, 137—40, 141; financial problems, 138—40; in England, 139; dower arrangements, 148—9; defects to Philip Augustus, 149; death, 140

  Bergues, 263

  Berkeley, 64, 300; Castle, 241—2, 247

  Berkeley, Sir William, 395

  Berkhamsted, 148, 151, 156, 245, 248, 271; Castle, 210, 211, 215, 314

  Berkshire, 298

  Bertha, wife of Aethelred, 26

  Berwick-upon-Tweed, 155, 205, 214, 257, 351, 354, 366

  Bethune, Richard de, 239—40

  Bible, translations of, 281—2

  Bigod, Hugh, 71, 83

  Biset, Margaret, 168

  Black Death, 267

  Blackheath, 275, 325, 342, 345

  Blacklow Hill, 216

  Blackman, John, 340

  Blanca of Navarre, 121, 134, 135, 143

  Blanchardine and Eglantine, 412

  Blanche, daughter of Edward III and Philippa, 254, 257, 267

  Blanche of Brittany, 308, 312, 313

  Blanche of Castile, 140, 155, 158, 165—6, 170, 175—6, 187, 208, 424

  Blois, Eustace of, 110, 111

  Blois, Stephen, Count of, 68

  Blois, Theobald of, 109

  Blondel, 130—1

  Blore’s Heath, battle of (1459), 349

  Bohan, Main, Viscount, 312

  Bohemian craftsmanship in manuscript illustration, 280

  Bohun, Mary de, 298, 307, 314

  Bohun family, 394

  Boleyn, Anne, 66, 358

  Bolozerskaya, Marina, 277

  Bona of Bohemia, 274

  Boniface VIII, Pope, 204

  Boniface IX, Pope, 308

  Boniface of Savoy, Archbishop of Canterbury, 168, 170, 172, 174 187, 192

  Bonneville-sur-Tocque, 148, 149

  Book of the Duchess, 295

  Book of the Knight of the Tower, The, 27

  books, 197, 198, 253; first printed, 412; see also literature

  Booth, Laurence, bishop of Durham, 348, 354

  Bordeaux, 96, 108, 110, 137, 145, 148, 169, 176, 267, 344, 345; palace of Ombrière, 97; Saint-André cathedral, 97

  Bordeaux, Richard of, 269

  Born, Bertran de, 121

  Boroughbridge, battle of (1622), 229

  Bosworth Field, battle of (1485), 402, 404, 418

  Bothwell, 205

  Boulogne, 69, 70, 77, 84, 88, 183, 233; St Bertin abbey, 89

  Boulogne, Eustace of, 20, 69, 75, 84, 87, 88—9, 90, 91, 108

  Boulogne, Mary, Countess of, 69

  Boulogne, Osto of, 75

  Boulogne, Pharamus of, 77

  Boulogne, William of (Stephen and Matilda’s son), 90

  Bourbon, Duke of, 315

  Bourbon, Jacques de, 248

  Bourbon., Duchesse de, 253

  Bourchier, Lady Anne, 360, 361

  Bourchier, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 389, 391

  Bourdigne’s Chronicle, 375

  Bourges, 97, 101; archbishopric of, 98, 99

  Bourgueil, Baudri de, 53

  Boutier, Paulin, 138

  Bouvines, battle of (1214), 153

  Boyars, John, 327

  Brabant, Duchess of, 274

  Brabant, Duke of, 78

  Brabant, Margaret of, 263

  Brabant, Marie of, 204

  Brandon, William, 395

  Bray, Richard, 394

  Brecon, 394

  Brecon, Charter of (1402), 331, 332

  Brembre, Nicholas, 275, 286

  Bremule, battle of (1119), 60

  Brent, Dr, 409

  Breteuil, 38

  Bretigny, treaty of (1360), 314

  Brictric, lord, 35

  Bridget, daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth, 376, 378, 387, 396, 409, 410

  Brindisi, 126

  Brionne, Gilbert of, 18

  Bristol, 85, 151, 156, 181, 205, 230, 238, 266 326, 373; Castle, 83, 311

  British Museum, 212

  Brittany, 309, 312, 313

  Brittany, Alan, Count of, 18, 39

  Brittany, Conan, Duke of, 36

  Brittany, Constance of, 111, 117, 136

  Brittany, Duke of, 268, 307—9

  Brittany, Gilles of, 308, 312

  Brittany, Henry of, 187

  Brittany, Jean of, 308, 312, 313

  Brittany, John, Duke of, 120, 177, 180, 187

  Brittany, Marguerite of, 308, 312

  Brittany, Marie of, 308

  Brittany, Richard of, 308

  Brocart, Peronell, 316

  Bromley, John, 256

  Bromley, Lady Martha, 361

  Brotherton, 206

  Brotherton, Thomas of (son of Edward I and Marguerite), 206, 207

  Bruges, 22, 24—5, 274, 412, 415

  Brussels, 78

  Brut Chronicle, 236, 322, 325

  Buchan, Countess of, 208

  Buck, Sir George, 399

  Buck, Sir John, 399

  Buckenham, Norfolk, 66

  Buckfast, Devon, 75

  Buckingham, Henry Stafford, Duke of, 350, 360, 361, 386, 389, 390; meets Richard III, 386; share of the Bohun inheritance, 393—4; conspires against Richard III, 394—5, 411; death of, 395

  Buckingham, Katherine, Duchess of, 353, 360, 361

  Buckinghamshire, sheriff of, 179

  Burdet, Thomas, 379

  Burgh, Alice, 397—8

  Burgh, Isabel, 397

  Burgh, Richard de, 170

  Burgh-on-Sands, 210

  Burghersh, Bishop, 245

  Burgundy, 313, 362, 371, 415

  Burgundy, Charles, Duke of, 359, 361, 365, 366—7, 368, 371—2

  Burgundy, Florine of, 101

  Burgundy, Guy of, 18

  Burgundy, John the Fearless, Duke of, 308, 312, 313, 322, 323, 336

  Burgundy, Margaret of (Edward IV’s sister), 405, 412

  Burgundy, Philip of, 291, 324

  Burley, Sir Simon, 273, 286, 287

  Bury, Richard de, 233

  Bury St Edmunds, 154, 341; chronicler of, 181

  Busci, Roger de, 35—6

  Butler, Lady Eleanor, 389

  Byland, battle of (1322), 231

  Bywell Castle, 367

  Cabot, Lawrence, 328

  Cade, Jack, rebellion led by, 342

  Cadmos, battle of (1147), 102—3

  Cadwaladr, 406

  Caen, 29, 147, 149, 261; Holy Trinity abbey, 29, 35, 37, 39; St Stephen’s foundation, 29, 37, 51

  Caerleon, Lewis, 394, 412

  Caerphilly, 227

  Calais, 274, 294, 297, 315, 325, 342, 349, 350, 359, 363, 365, 366, 369, 384; garrison mutiny, 347; siege of (1347), 264—5, 288

  Cambridge, 166, 326; Queens’ College, 355, 375, 377, 390

  Camoys, Thomas, Lord, 318

  Canterbury, 63, 85, 89, 90—1, 129, 145, 147, 155, 166, 205, 228, 248, 264, 275, 289, 350, 362, 377; St Augustine’s monastery, 58, 87, 171; see of, 49, 63, 168

  Canterbury Cathedral: Becket’s shrine, 171; Henry IV’s tomb, 313—4; royal window, 360

  Canterbury Chronicle, The, 150—1

  Cantilupe, Matilda, 186

  Canute, King, 23—24

  Capetian dynasty, 107

  Capgrave, John, 340

  Cardiff, 227, 238

  Carduc, 98

  Carlisle, 62, 82, 88, 257; Castle, 229

  Carmarthen, 348; Castle, 334
  Carmelite Missal, 280

  Carpenter, Christine, 348

  Castile, 121

  Castilian pirates, 267—8

  Castle Rising, 66, 247—8, 249

  Catesby, William, 400

  Catherine de Valois (later Queen of England), 344; dower, 316; ancestry, 322; marriage to Henry V, 322, 324; coronation, 322, 325; in Paris, 324—5; appearance, 325, 326; arrival in England, 325; love of music, 326; relationship with husband Henry, 326; time in England, 326; and death of Henry, 326—7; dowry, 327; dynastic importance, 327—9; and James I of Scotland, 329; affair with Edmund Beaufort, 329—30, 331; marries Owen ap Maredudd ap Tudor, 330—2; children, 332; and Owen Tudor’s relatives, 332; character, 334; death of, 332, 334; embalmed body, 321

  Catherine of Aragon, 413—15, 417

  Caxton, William, 411—13, 418

  Cecily, daughter of William and Matilda, 37, 52

  Cecily, Duchess of York (daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth), 360, 362, 371, 387, 396, 407, 410, 411

  Celestine, Pope, 89

  Celestine III, Pope, 128, 129

  Cerda, Carlos de, 267

  Cerne Abbey, 196, 373

  Chalfont, Gilbert de, 179

  Chalus, 133

  Champagne, 69

  Champagne, Blanca of, 149

  Champagne, Count of, 97, 98, 99

  Champagne, Henry of, 111

  Champagne, Theobald, Count of, 97, 98, 111

  Champagne, Thibault, Count of, 69, 72, 73, 134, 135

  Chandeler, John, bishop of Salisbury, 311

  chantry foundations, 410

  Charles, cousin of Godfrey ‘The Great’, 61

  Charles IV of France and Holy Roman Emperor, 231, 232, 233, 235, 242, 273, 274, 281

  Charles V of France, 205

  Charles VI of France, 290, 291—2, 293, 294, 313, 314, 316, 323, 327, 334; children, 322—3

  Charles VII of France, 316, 321—2, 323—4, 327—8, 335, 337, 341, 366

  Charles VIII of France, 401

  Charles of Anjou, 170, 177, 184, 192, 194

  Charles of Anjou, King of Sicily, 335

  Charles of Maine, 375, 376

  Charles of Valois, 235

  Charles ‘The Bad’, King of Navarre, 307—8

  Charles the Simple, 22

  Charolais, Count of, 336

  charters witnessed by queens, 50—1, 57, 61—2, 64

  Chartres, 56 134; cathedral, 176; ‘school’, 54

  Chartres, Countess of, 159

  Château Gaillard, 132, 147

  Chatre, Pierre de la, 98, 99

  Chaucer, Geoffrey, 278, 279, 280, 295

  Chelsea manor, 76

  Chertsey, 178

  Cheshire, 289, 349

  chess playing, 196

  Chester, 169, 176, 214, 256, 300, 348

  Chester, bishop of, 209

  Chester, Lucy, Countess of, 64

  Chester, Matilda, Countess of, 82

  Chester, Ranulf, Earl of, 82, 85

  Cheyne, Sir John, 395

  Chibnall, Marjorie, 81

  Chichester, 148, 150, 156, 198; leprosarium, 48

  Chigwell, Hamo de, 239, 243

  childbirth, royal, 255

  Chinon castle, 114, 132, 134, 147, 148, 316

  Chiny, Ida of, 61

  Christian (Matilda’s clerk), 83

  Christian humanism begins to take form, 54—5

  Christianity: revival in Normandy, 29; role of Saxon women in conversion of male kin, 26

  Christina, daughter of Edmund Ironside, 40, 41, 45

  Christina, daughter of Edward Atheling, 34

  Chronicle of Brittany, 312

  Chronicle of St Denis, 309

  Chronique de Touraine, 97

  Chronique Normand, 105

  Church, Anglo-Norman, 48—50

  Cirencester, 178, 228

  Cistercians, 75, 128, 134, 140

  Clairmarais, 75, 77

  Clairvaux, Bernard of, 89, 99, 100, 101, 106

  Clare, Eleanor de, 226, 229, 230, 238

  Clare, Gilbert de, 195, 209, 210

  Clare, Margaret de, 210, 215, 216

  Clare, Osbert of, 197

  Clarence, Elizabeth of, 268

  Clarence, Isabel of, 398

  Clarence, Philippa of, 269

  Clarence, Thomas, Duke of (son of Henry IV), 318, 324, 360, 362, 363, 364, 365, 369, 370, 372, 374, 380—1, 382; plans to marry again, 378; execution, 379; claimed to be illegitimate, 389

  Clarendon, 167, 187, 267, 346

  Clemence, wife of Godfrey ‘The Great’, 61

  Clement IV, Pope, 183, 191

  Clement VII, Pope, 273

  Clementia (King John’s mistress), 145

  Cleve, William, 343

  Clifford, Lord, 348

  Clifford, Sir Robert de, 208—9

  Clifford, Rosamund de, 111, 112, 115

  Clisson, Olivier de, 312

  Clogh, Thomas de, 266

  clothing, new trends in, 278—9

  Clovis, 328

  Cluniacs, 75, 407

  Cluny, 69

  Cnut of Denmark, 23—4

  Cobbe, Marjory, 371

  Coeffet hospital, 140

  Cog Thomas, 267—8

  Cogg, Adam, 223

  Coggeshall, Essex, 74

  Cognac, 157

  Cognac, Philip of, 130

  Coigners, Geoffrey de, 208

  Colchester, 326

  Coiles, Roger, 316

  Collyweston, 411

  Cologne, 129, 259

  Comnenus, Isaac, 124, 125; daughter (later Countess of Toulouse), 124, 125, 129, 135

  ‘Complaint of the Commons of Kent’, 342

  Compostela, 96

  Conches abbey, 29

  Concordia, 288—9

  Conrad, Emperor, 102, 105

  Conrad of Sicily, 177

  Constance, daughter of William and Matilda, 37, 39

  Constance, sister of Louis VII, 81, 83

  Constance of Castile, 107, 111, 295

  Constantinople, 102; Boukoleon Palace, 102

  Constitution Domus Regis, 62

  Conway, 300

  Conway, John, 332

  Cooke, John, 326

  Copeland, John, 263

  Copin (Le Mans Jew), 140

  Cordial, 412

  Corfe Castle, 74, 150, 151, 153, 244 289

  Corneilles abbey, 29

  Cornwall, Piers Gaveston, Earl of, 209, 210, 211, 212—14, 215, 216, 224, 230, 246, 283, 301

  Cornwall, Richard, Earl of, 150, 152, 156, 159, 168, 169, 173, 178, 186, 192

  Cosham, 270

  Cotton, Lady Margaret, 411

  Coucy, Philippa de, 285

  Courcy, Lady Margaret de, 295, 299

  Courtenay, Alice de, 145—6

  Courtenay, Hugh de, 262

  Courtenay, Peter, bishop of Exeter, 395

  Courtenay II, Peter de, 146

  Courtenay, Robert, 146—7

  Courtenay, William, Lord, 410—11

  Courtenay family, 146

  courtiers, English, appearance of, 52

  courts, royal, 52, 62, 79

  Coutances, Walter of, archbishop of Rouen, 127

  Coventry, 202, 299, 326, 349, 350, 364, 370, 372; Castle, 347—8

  Craon, Peter de, 293

  Crécy, battle of (1346), 250, 261, 263

  Cressing Temple, Essex, 75

  Cressiwil, Sir Richard de, 257—8

  Cromwell, Lord, 233

  Crondall church, 199

  Croyland Chronicle, The, 352, 362, 379, 381, 384, 388, 392, 396, 399, 400, 401

  Crusade, Second (1147—9), 101—6

  Crusade, Third (1189—92), 125—6, 141

  Crusade, Eighth (1270—1), 191, 192—4

  crusaders, 101 see also Templars

  Cumberland, 82

  Cyprus, 124—5

  Cyprus, King of, 270, 298

  Dallaghiexa, Luchino, 358, 360

  Damascus, 103, 105—6

  Damett, Thomas,

  Dampierre Castle, 376

  Dangerosa (William X’s mistress), 96, 113

  Dartmouth, 256, 365, 370; Priory, 410

  Daubeney, Sir Giles, 395

  David (poet), 63

  David, King of Scotland, 48, 58, 65, 70, 77, 88, 242, 248, 256—7, 263

  De Celesti Hierarchia, 198

  De Secretis Secretorum, 253

  Deddington, Oxfordshire, 216

  Deeds of the Kings of England, The, 55

  Deerhurst, 199

  Denys, William, 311

  Derby, Robert Ferrers, Earl of, 183, 184

  Desiré (Le Mans Jew), 140

  Despenser, Hugh, elder and younger, 191, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236—7, 238, 239, 241, 288

  Deuil, Odo de, 103

  Devizes, 84, 86, 88, 89, 150, 215; Castle, 117

  Devizes, Richard of, 104, 124

  Devon, Earl of, 274, 345

  Devon, Margaret, Countess of, 329

  Diceto, Ralph of, 115, 144

  Dictes and sayings of the Philosophers, 412

  Dieppe, 375

  Dinham, John, 350

  ‘Disinherited’ peers, 242

  Domesday Book, 34, 36

  Domfront, 148, 149

  Dominicans, 198—9, 216

  Donald of Scotland, 43

  Doncaster, 300, 370

  Dorset, Marchioness of, 407

  Dorset, Thomas Grey, Marquis of (son of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville), 361, 373, 378, 386, 387, 388, 394, 395, 409, 410

  Douce Apocalypse, 197

  Douglas, Earl of, 257

  ‘Douglases, Black’, 367

  Dover, 77, 86, 91, 111, 155, 274, 342; Castle, 77, 168, 183—4

  Drayton Manor, 397

  Dublin, 405

  Duncan of Scotland, 43

  Dunstable, 62, 90, 353

  Dunstanburgh Castle, 366

  Duppin Moor, battle of (1332), 257

  Durham, 62, 77, 263; chronicler, 71; college, 390; Cathedral, 42, 51, 53; Priory, 390

  Dursley, 89

  Eadgyth Swan-Neck, 42

  Eadmer, 46

  Eadwine Psalter, 63

  Ealdgyth (Edith), wife of Harold, 31, 34

  Easteney, John, abbot of Westminster, 387

  Eaton, 113

  Ecclesiastical History, 26

  Edessa, 101

  Edgar I of Scotland, 43

  Edgar Aetheling, 30, 35, 40, 43, 47

  Edgecote, battle of (1469), 319, 364

  Edinburgh, 283

  Edith (Ealdgyth), wife of Harold, 31, 34

  Edith, Edward the Confessor’s queen, 29—30, 34, 41, 42, 46—7, 197

  Edith of Scotland, see Matilda of Scotland

  Edmund, son of Edward III and Philippa, 254, 261

  Edmund, son of Henry III and Eleanor, 171, 177—8, 184, 188, 192, 194

  Edmund, son of Owen Tudor and Catherine de Valois (later Earl of Richmond), 332, 333—4, 348, 373

  Edmund II ‘Ironside’, King, 23, 24, 40

  Edward, the Black Prince (son of Edward III and Philippa), 248, 249, 254, 260, 261, 267—8, 269, 270, 271, 272


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