by Lisa Hilton
Parthenay, 152
Paschal II, Pope, 49, 50
Patay, battle of (1429), 328
Peasants’ Revolt (1381), 275—6
Pecham, Archbishop, 198, 199—200
‘peers, Disinherited’, 242
Pelham, Sir John, 317
Pembroke, Aymer de Valence, Earl of, 213, 216, 218, 225—6, 227, 228
Pembroke, Earl of: Walter, son of, 401
Pembroke, Earls of, 84, 268, 364
Pembroke, Mary, Countess of, 360
Pembroke, William Marshal, Earl of, 150, 156
Pembroke Castle, 334
Penrith, Alice and Agnes de, 253
Pepys, Samuel, 321
Perche, Thomas, Count of, 329
Perche, Matilda, Countess of (daughter of Henry and Adeliza), 60—1
Percy, Agnes de, 66
Percy, Henry, 300
Percy family, 345, 346, 382, 395
Perellos, Viscount, 297
Perigord, 96
Perrers, Alice, 271, 272 273
Perrers, Sir Richard, 271, 272
Perrette (cradle-rocker), 206
Perseigne, Adam de, 134—5, 138 140
Perseigne, Gautier de, 135, 138
Pershore, 178
Peruzzi (bankers), 260
Peter of Savoy, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 177, 178, 183, 187
Peterborough, 24
Pevensey, 32, 317; Castle, 268
Philip, Master (royal physician), 260
Philip III of France, 194, 204
Philip ‘the Fair’ (IV) of France, 204, 205, 212, 213—14, 216, 316
Philip V of France, 231, 243
Philip VI of France, 242, 243, 257, 259, 263
Philip Augustus of France, 111, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 127, 130, 132, 133, 137; and Lusignan rebellion, 147; Normandy campaign, 149; truce with England, 152; John’s strategy against, 153; death, 158
Philip of Savoy, 169, 170, 177, 194
Philip the Good, 323
Philippa of France, 248—49
Philippa of Hainault (later Queen of England): arrival in London, 251; marriage to Edward III, 251, 252; appearance, 252, 254; image as ‘bourgeois’ queen, 252; childhood, 252—3; ancestry, 253; dower lands, 253, 255; coronation, 254, 406; interest in books, 253; intercessions, 253—4; and birth of son Edward, 254; children, 254, 260—1; birth of daughter Isabella, 255—6; Scottish campaign, 257, 263; financial matters, 258 connections with Hainault, 258 266 270; in Flanders, 259, 260; relationship with husband Edward, 260; Christmas presents to husband, 262; estranged from husband, 264; visit to Calais, 264—5, 288; enterprising spirit, 266 and Edward, the Black Prince’s wedding, 268, 269; dislocates shoulder while hunting, 270; death, 270, 271
Picquigny, 375
Piers the Fair, 151
Pietro di Capua, Cardinal, 134
Pipe Rolls, 64, 118
Pisa, 122
Pisa, Rustichello de, 197
Pisan, Christine de, 276, 291
plague, bubonic, 267
Plantagenet, Katherine, 397
Plantagenet, Philippa, 284
Plantagenet family, 112, 328; male heirs, living in 1483 393
Pleshey, Essex, 296
Plymouth, 395
Plympton, Martha, 254
Poitiers, 98, 109, 112, 114, 117, 132, 137, 159; St Jean Montierneuf abbey, 109—10; St Pierre cathedral, 109
Poitiers, battle of (1356), 248, 250, 268
Poitou, 96, 115, 127, 132, 169
Pole, Edmund de la, 409
Pole, John de la, 333
Pole, Katherine de la, 333
Polychronicon, 111
Pontefract, 300, 351, 392; Castle, 229, 301, 390
Pontefract, Sir John of, 397
Ponthieu, 30, 191, 192, 210, 214, 249, 263
Ponthieu, Guy, Count of, 30
Ponthieu, Joan of, 165—6, 175—6
Ponthieu, Lord of Arques, 20
Poor Clares order, 218
Port des Piles, 109
Portchester, 337
Portofino, 120
Portsmouth, 62, 152, 341, 365
Prague, 273, 274; Hradschin Palace, 274
Prata, Pileo de, bishop of Ravenna, 273
Preaux, Peter de, 147
Prèux abbey, 29
Prévot, Pierre, 138
printing, 411—12
Priour, Emma, 258—9
Provençal court, 167
Psaltery, Guy de, 207
Pudding Norton, William of, 249
Puebla, Dr de, 413
Puy, Bartholomew de, 157
Pyebrook, Joan, 256
Quarre abbey, 411
queens, charters witnessed by, 50—1, 57, 61—2, 64
queens, role of, 26—7
Queen’s Council, 178—9, 311—12, 320, 327
‘queen’s gold’, 63—4
Radcot Bridge, battle of (1387), 286
Rahere (Norman minstrel), 54
Ralph, prior of Holy Trinity Aldgate, 89, 90, 91
Ramleh, 125
Rançon, Geoffrey de, 102—3, 116
Randolf, John, 316
Ratclyffe, Sir Richard, 400
Ravenspur, 300, 372
Raymond, Prince, 104, 105
RaymondBerengar, Count, 165, 167, 170
Reading, 358; Abbey, 47, 64, 66, 79; chronicler, 229
Reading, Robert of, 213, 229
Récits d’un Ménéstral de Reims, 105
Reculée castle, 376
Reginald II, Count of Gueldres and Zutphen, 256
Regno, the, 177
Reims, 89, 97; Council of, 18
Reims, Richer of, 23
Reinhelm (Matilda’s chancellor), 49
religious life and female scholarship, 26
religious movement in 12th century, 74—5
religious orders, 75 see also individual entries
Renée of Anjou, 335—6, 337, 338, 367, 375
Rennes: cathedral, 395; St Sulpice abbey, 90
Rennes, Marbod of, 52
Reynolds, Walter, Archbishop of Canterbury, 208, 223—4, 228, 240
Rhuddlan priory, 198
Rhys, Anthony, 308
Ribblesdale, 367
Richard (Poitevin poet), 118
Richard, Duke of Normandy, 18—19, 20, 29
Richard, Henry III’s brother, 172
Richard, illegitimate son of Henry I, 60
Richard, Mr (royal clerk), 198
Richard, son of William and Matilda, 37, 44
Richard I, King (son of Henry II and Eleanor), 111, 113, 114, 115, 119; invested as Duke of Aquitaine, 113—14; becomes king, 119; betrothed to Berengaria of Navarre, 120, 121; crusading, 120, 125, 126; in Sicily, 122, 123; on journey to Holy Land, 123, 124, 125; marries Berengaria, 125, 141; imprisonment by Leopold of Austria, 126—7, 129; crowned again, 129; reunited with mother Eleanor, 129; possible homosexuality, 130, 131, 133; reconciliation with Berengaria, 131, 132; reconciliation with brother John, 131—2; and Château Gaillard, 132; besieges Chalus, 133; relationship with Marie, 135; death, 133—4, 136 137
Richard II, King (formerly Richard of Bordeaux; son of Edward III and Philippa), 272, 273, 327, 415; coronation, 273, 328; marriage to Anne of Bohemia, 274, 275; and Peasants’ Revolt, 275—6; appearance, 276; and Earl of Oxford, 283, 285; mercurial tendencies, 276; supposed homosexuality, 276, 282—3; character, 276—7; peerage expanded, 277; and pageantry, 294; building projects, 278; and cooking, 278; and fine clothes, 278; intimacy with wife Anne, 282, 283, 285, 288—9; Scottish campaign, 283, 285; marriage to Isabelle de Valois, 283, 294, 295—6; defeated at Radcot Bridge, 286; plan to strike at the lords, 286; stabilises government, 287; and Londoners, 287, 288, 289; and death of Anne, 289; travels in England, 289; campaigns in Ireland, 290, 299, 300; proposed marriage to Isabelle, daughter of Charles VI, 290—1, 292—3; and lsabelle’s dowry, 293; meets Charles VI, 294; meets Isabelle, 294; ambition to be Holy Roman Emperor, 296; criticised by Parliament, 296; arrest of Lords Appellant, 296—7; gains
support of Parliament, 297; and Henry Bolingbroke, 297—8; tyrannical behaviour, 298—9; opportunity to gain more wealth, 299; sees Isabelle for last time, 299; returns to England, 300; arrested by Henry Bolingbroke, 300—1; marries Anne of Bohemia, 308; in Wilton Diptych, 310—11; and Charles VI’s madness, 316; death, 301; tomb with Anne of Bohemia, 310, 311
Richard III, King (formerly Duke of Gloucester; son of Richard Plantagenet and Cecily Neville), 319, 369, 373; appearance, 381; Anne Neville chooses as husband, 381; marriage to Anne Neville, 381—2; named in Edward IV’s will as lord protector, 383; receives news of brother Edward IV’s death, 384, 385; remains in the north, 384—5; and Woodville family, 384—6, 387—8; meets Buckingham at Northampton, 386; arrives in London, 387, 388; invested as protector, 388; disposes of Lord Hastings, 388—9; moves to discredit Edward IV
Richard 1II—contd and Elizabeth, 389—90; proclaimed king, 390; coronation, 391—2; and princes in the Tower, 393; conspiracies against, 393, 394—5; and Elizabeth Woodville, 396; rule confirmed by Parliament, 396; illegitimate children, 397; relationship with wife Anne, 397, 398; stops sleeping with Anne, 398, 399—400; interest in Elizabeth of York, 398—9, 400; rumours regarding Anne’s death, 400; and return of Henry Tudor, 401—2; at Bosworth, 402; death, 402
Richard Coeur de Lyon, 130
‘Richard the Redeless’, 278
Richildis, widow of Count of Hainault, 19, 36
Richmond, Alan the Red, Count of, 42, 43
Richmond, Earl of, 233
Richmond Palace, 415
Rievaulx monastery, 230, 231
Rivers, Lord (formerly Sir Richard Woodville), 350, 353, 354, 356—7, 359, 360, 361—2, 364, 365, 377, 378, 385, 386, 387, 388, 390, 412
Robert, Archbishop of Canterbury, 30
Robert, Duke of Normandy, 18, 20, 21, 31
Robert, Master (illuminator), 253
Robert ‘Curthose’ (son of William and Matilda), 37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 50, 70
Robert the Bruce, 205, 208, 211, 214, 229, 230, 231, 242; sister Mary, 208; son David, 242
Rocabruna castle, 132, 148
Roche, Comte de la (‘The Bastard of Burgundy’), 361, 362
Roches, William des, 136
Rockingham Castle, 148, 311
Roger (Eleanor of Castile’s clerk), 197—8
Roger, bishop of Salisbury, 62
Rolf (or Rollo) the Viking, 17—18, 23
Romance of the San Graal, The, 412
Rome, 126, 127, 183
Romilly, 69
Romsey Abbey, 41, 75—6
Ros, Lord, 233
Roses, Wars of the (1455—85), 333, 347, 348, 349—54, 356, 364, 367—8, 369—70, 373—4
Roucy, Mamille of, 101
Rouen, 18, 19, 23, 29, 57, 65, 86, 88, 127, 135, 137, 149, 323, 324, 325, 337, 341, 375; Holy Trinity, 28; Tower of, 39
Rouen, Archbishop of, 18
Rouen, Establishments of, 137
Rouet, Paen de, 295
royal abbesses, 25—6, 35
Royal Book (Liber Regalis), 280, 295, 391
Royal Foundation of St Katherine, 175
Royan, 169
Runnymede, 154
Rutland, 148
Rymer, Robert the, 223
‘Sachsenspiegel’, 281
St Aethelwold, 51
St Albans, 83, 90, 181, 187, 202—3, 346—7, 348, 352, 353; Abbey, 272 Castle Inn, 347; church, 53
St Albans Chronicle, The, 183, 202, 203, 207, 271
St Anne, 282
St-Armand-de-Boixe abbey, 145—6
St Denis, 326, 337; abbey, 97
St Edith of Wilton, 42, 51
St Elizabeth, 359
St Georges d’Esperande castle, Savoy, 194
St Georges-de-Boscherville abbey, 29
St Hilaire cathedral, 114
St Jean Pied-de-Port castle, 132, 148
St Jerome, 282
St Marie de Turpenay abbey, 136
St Mary Cleophas, 359
St Michael, abbey of, 259
St Michel monastery, 29
St Omer, 34, 183, 184
St Paul, 26
St Pol, counts of, 277, 295—6, 336 356
St Pol, Isabel of, 357
St Pol, Pierre, Count of, 356
St Quentin, Dudo of, 22
St Romain, Artaud de, 171
St Symeon, 104
St Vitalis, 74
Saintes, 137, 148, 156, 157, 159
Saintes, bishop of, 157
Saintonge, 96
Saladin, 105, 120
Salder, John, 362
Salic Law, 242—3, 259, 284, 328, 350—1
Salisbury, 45, 72, 81, 365, 395; Cathedral, 187; priory, 198
Salisbury, Catherine Montague, Countess of, 262
Salisbury, Earl of, 274, 300, 301, 349, 350, 351
Salisbury, John of, 71, 97, 104, 106, 107
Salisbury, Richard, Earl of, 382
Salmon, Pierre, 316
Sampson, Henry, 184
Samson (Breton monk), 38
Sancha-Beata, Queen of Navarre, 121
Sanchia of Provence, 165, 169, 176, 180, 187
Sancho El Sabio, King of Navarre, 121, 132
Sancho VI, King of Navarre, 114, 148, 192
Sancho VII ‘El Fuerte’ of Navarre, 132—3
Sandal castle, 351
Sandwich, 129, 350
Santiago de Compostela, 96
Sarum, 118
Saumur, 148, 158, 336 castle, 132
Savignac movement, 74—5
Savoy, 194; ‘eagles’ of, 168; palace of, 268
Savoyards, 177, 178; royal patronage, 170
Saxon customary laws, 281
Saxon women, role of in conversion of male kin to Christianity, 26
Saxons, 34
Scales, Anthony Woodville, Lord, see Rivers, Lord
Scarborough, 216, 231
Scone, Stone of, 205, 242, 257
Scone Abbey, 256—7
Scotland, treaty with (1328), 242
Scots, invasion by (1138), 77
Scottish campaigns: 1290 204, 205; 1310 214; 1322 230—1; 1346 263; 1385 283, 285
Scrope, Lady, 371
Scrope, Richard, 285—6
Selby, Yorkshire, 35; Abbey, 53
Senlis, 326
Senlis, Matilda of, 58
Sens, 324
Sens, Archbishop of, 107
Sergio, Dominic de, 371
Serlo (monk poet), 53
Sevigne, Marquise de, 315
Shaa, Dr Ralph, 389
Shakespeare, William, 313, 314, 321—2, 351
Sheen, 278, 289, 377, 415
Sherborne, 150
Sheriff Hutton, 401
Shore, Jane, 378
Shrewsbury, 181, 228, 297, 298, 300; Abbey, 223
Shrewsbury, John Talbot, Earl of, 344
Shropshire, 64
Sibyl, sister of Geoffrey of Anjou, 142
Sicily, 122—3, 131, 177, 178, 193
Silence, 27
Simnel, Lambert, 405, 407, 408, 414
Simons, Richard, 405
Sir Lancelot, 248
Sluys, sea battle off (1340), 260
Somerset, Duke of (new), 348
Somerset, Duke of (third), 373
Somerset, Edmund Beaufort, Duke of, 329—30, 331, 344, 345, 346, 347, 350, 351, 354, 367
Somerset, John Beaufort, Earl of, 296, 329, 333
Somerton, John, 343
Somme towns, 367
Sonning, Berkshire, 301
Southampton, 188, 337—8; customs payments, 343
Spirling, Gilbert, 363
Stafford, Henry, 348
Stallworth, Simon, 390
Stamford, 253, 326
Stamford Bridge, battle of (1066), 32
Stanley, Lord, 360, 384, 393, 395, 402
Stanley, Sir William, 402
Stapledon, Bishop, 238
Stapledon, Walter, 251, 252
Startford Abbey, 362
Stephen, King (fo
rmerly Stephen of Blois), 37, 38, 39; seizes crown, 66, 72; Matilda of Boulogne selected as bride for, 68—70; first display of regal power, 73; death of children Matilda and Baldwin, 73—4; support for religious movements, 75; intimacy with wife Matilda, 76; mistress ‘Damette’, 76; administration of the country, 77—8; and Empress Matilda’s claim to throne, 78—9; desertion by barons, 80, 83; peace conference with Empress Matilda, 81—2; and unrest in England, 82, 85; and siege of Lincoln, 82—3; as prisoner to Empress Matilda, 83, 85; reliance on Matilda, 85; and Henry Plantagenet, 88, 90—1; and succession of Eustace, 89; death, 91, 110; burial, 87, 91
Stephen, Sir, 206
Stephen the tailor, 207
Stirling Castle, 283; siege of (1304), 205
Stoke, battle of (1487), 405, 408
Stone of Scone, 205, 242, 257
Stony Stratford, 386
Strange, Lord, 393, 402
Strange of Knocklyn, Jacquetta, Lady, 360
Stratford-le-Bow, bridge over River Lea, 54
Strickland, Agnes, 27, 65, 225, 232, 374—5
Strohm, Paul, 154, 265
Strothere, Alan de, 266
Sturgeon, Nicholas, 326
Suffolk, Lady, 337, 375
Suffolk, Michael de la Pole, Earl of, 285
Suffolk, William de la Pole, Earl of, 333, 336 339, 340, 341, 342—3, 354
Suger of St Denis, Abbot, 97, 104, 107
Surrey, Earl of, 188
Susan (servant), 153
Sussex, 78
Sutton Courtenay, 46
Swain, son of Cnut, 24
Swynford, Sir Hugh, 295
Swynford, Katherine, see Lancaster, Katherine Swynford, Duchess of
Syon Abbey, 376
Taillebourg, 97
Taillebourg, second battle of (1242), 159, 169
Tailleur, John le, 258
Tancarville, Comte de, 248
Tancred, King of Sicily, 122—3
Tarascon, 169; castle, 166
Tarrant, William of, 179
Tarrant Launceston, Dorset, 35
Tarsus, 103
Templars, 75, 87, 120, 125, 316 see also crusaders
Temple Cowley, Oxfordshire, 75
‘tenurial crisis’, 80
Terric the Teuton, 151—2, 153
Teshcen, Duke of, 273—4, 275
Teutonic knights, 298
Tewkesbury, 35
Tewkesbury, battle of (1471), 373—4
Tewkesbury Abbey Chronicle, 181, 374
Thames, River, La Neyt island, 278
Thaon, Philippe de, 55; ‘Bestiary’, 63
Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury, 81, 89, 91
Thomas (Philippa of Hainault’s valet), 254
Thomas, son of Edward III and Philippa, 254, 268
Thomas à Becket, 114, 139, 301
Thomas of Savoy, 168, 171, 177, 178
Thorée, 132, 138
Tickhill, 205