Kingdom Come (Price of Power Book 1)

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Kingdom Come (Price of Power Book 1) Page 40

by Blake Bisciotti

  “After the dwarves joined the battle the Faletonians fled. Their losses were great. We lost many good men as well, but it would have been far worse, were it not for our formidable friends.” Bayloff turned and gave an appreciative nod back to the dwarves.

  “Where is the good Captain Victus Antonel?” Craegan asked sounding genuinely concerned.

  Bayloff glanced back to his men and then looked Craegan straight in the eyes. “Captain Victus Antonel will not be returning to this city.” Gasps of shock went up amongst the councilmen. “Yes, Captain Victus Antonel will not be returning to the city.” The seasoned commander let the silence set in. “Captain Victus Antonel is no more. Now there is only…” Bayloff lifted his chin slightly and locked eyes with the chairman of the council, “King Victus Antonel!” He screamed the words. “Our king!” He exclaimed as he looked back to his men and each of the soldiers with him said in unison, “Unto our honor!”

  The members of the council were at a loss for words. Craegan began, “What? What is this about? I do not understand, sure-” but he was cut off by Bayloff who interjected with anger in his voice.

  “For far too long this city has been ruled…better yet plagued by the corrupt decrees of this council. The poor have suffered while your coffers have grown.” He walked closer to the table dais as he continued. “How many decisions were made in these chambers that benefited you before our people? How many times were honest and the poor truly served by our gracious council? And how many times were your pockets and purses fattened by what comes out of this room.”

  “Nonsense! This city has been ruled fairly by this council for generations and will always continue to be,” said an insulted Jordyn Kynburl loudly, his lips curling in anger on his tan face.

  “No. I’m afraid you’re wrong. First by daring to say ruled fairly and second by claiming it shall continue. It’s over. It ends today. King Victus rules this city and all who reside in it. And he rules Abellard as well. Lord of the people. You had your chance, and you squandered it. A new era has begun. Our king has conquered the Faletonian lands and since caused them to surrender…but they will be back. There is much for King Victus to do and his work begins now.” Bayloff continued but Craegan attempted to interrupt.

  “We can not waste time on bullshit like this, where is Captain Antonel? Where is Dionne Dider?”

  “King Victus Antonel!” Bayloff corrected with a scream and a look that eradicated any thoughts that he did not mean business. “And Dionne remains with his king outside of the city.” Bayloff paused a moment, knowing that he had taken the last feather out of the council’s cap. Dionne Dider was a respected man in the army and city, and he now served Victus. “Don’t worry, you will all have your chance to individually meet with your King. He will want to discuss the rule of this city with you. Those of you who were just men, and I know that some of you are indeed,” he made his stares known to the men who Victus told him were fair men, “you will be treated equitably. But let it be known that if you are found to have deceived or unduly enriched yourselves to the detriment of the people of this city, you will be dealt with accordingly unless our King decides to show mercy.”

  “Enough! Guards!” Hollered Craegan Moorefont. Silence filled the room and then the great door opened again. In walked not only the guards who were outside the great door, but also those that were located at various other points in the building as well as those who guarded the entrances to the building. With the guards entered nearly fifty more soldiers that had returned from the war, almost filling the room. Among them were Andres and Arden, two army officers the council knew well.

  “You have no control of these men.” Bayloff said pointing to the guards, who appeared surprisingly calm. “They serve their King.”

  “Silence. We’ve had enough of this. Guards, seize him,” said Craegan in a tone that suggested he knew the guards would do no such thing.

  “This city belongs to the men who rightfully sit in this chamber.” Jordyn snapped.

  “No more.” Bayloff assured him and turned back to his men behind him.

  King Victus’s men had moved aside and made room for the twelve guards in the middle of the chamber. Each of the twelve wore the armor of the city guard and they huddled near each other. They looked at the fifty plus armored men who brought them to the chamber. Their position would have been a very precarious one; however some of the faces of those surrounding them were familiar. One guard even had a cousin amongst the King’s men. They did not fear this group, quite the contrary in fact. Almost all of these men would have gladly joined Victus anyway. The ones that wouldn’t have knew better than to say so now.

  At nearly the same time all twelve guards dropped to a knee and bowed their heads. “We serve our king, King Victus Antonel, defender of our cities, lord of our people.” The councilmen were simply too shocked to speak, but what happened next sealed their fears. The guards rose to their feet and all at once said “Unto our honor.” And the rest of the soldiers followed, “Unto our honor!” Victus’s mantra rang through the chamber and the soldiers, the guards, and even the dwarves began shaking hands and embracing. There was no resistance. The council was helpless. Power had been transitioned without even a hint at violence.

  “Consider this council as disbanded. You must leave at once. Expect to be called to meet with the King later this week. Or perhaps he will come to you.” Bayloff said as he turned and walked out. All of the dwarves and most of the men followed him, but fifteen soldiers remained in the hall to make sure the councilmen promptly gathered their things and vacated.

  Bayloff lead the men and dwarves out of the building. Women, children and other men had begun to gather in the streets and cheer for them. They headed out of the city and back to the army’s camp to King Victus Antonel. It was time Victus returned to his city. It was time the people received their King.


  Ronne Bederough stood amongst some soldiers chatting and waiting. The city of Abellard was visible in the distance. Its flags blew gently in the summer air and were far enough that their half solid blue and half blue and red check pattern blurred together. A few birds flew above the city, more pleasant types of birds than the buzzards that had been flying overhead at Verrigon, formerly Southland. Abellard looked very small when the eyes compared it to Verrigon although it did look much more refined and established. Several spires protruded over its walls and the South Sea served as a backdrop that ran to the horizon. Abellard had a small but busy harbor where boats were always in action, although there were less vessels now with many men conscribed to the army.

  The army waited for the return of the men that had entered the city to inform the people and, more importantly, the council that Victus Antonel was now their ruler. “I can’t wait to get into my own bed and catch up on some sleep.” Ronne Bederough said and the men near him articulated that they shared the sentiment. “My wife will join me at first. Then, after four long minutes of love, I will send her away. I’m weary and need the bed to myself.” A smile made its way across his face and his men laughed.

  Orvious and the Bolke brothers, along with fifty sturdy warriors, brought the message to the city. They had been gone for about an hour. “I wish they’d blow a horn and call us in already.” One soldier said aloud.

  “Aye,” Ronne said with a chuckle, “but Orvious probably has the council members scrubbing the floors and begging for forgiveness. He’s always been at ends with them.”

  As if on cue a holler could be heard nearby and all men turned to the sound. A man stood pointing towards the city and all eyes followed. The men were returning. “Alright men, prepare to return to your homes.” A cheer began to go up in reply to Ronne’s comment but never reached its full potential as Orvious and the other men approached quickly and with purpose. The expression on his round face let all who could see him know they may not be going home so quickly. The stocky commander found Ronne immediately.

  Orvious hopped from his horse. “Bastard sons of bitches!” His
face showed frustration and anger. “They would not concede.”

  “They have no choice.” Ronne’s voice almost tailed up as if it was a question.

  Orvious turned to the Bolke Brothers. “Get the men ready.”

  “Yes sir.” One replied and they both went to do as Orvious instructed.

  “Orvious.” Ronne called and the angry man gave him his full attention. “Tell me what is happening.”

  Orvious’s face slowly lost its visible frustration and anger. “I brought them the news. I told them their time is over and that Victus is ruler of this city. I let them know that the army…the people serve him and not them.” He looked to the city and rubbed his beard gently. “They seemed to have the men that remained ready for something like this. Those men were armed and quickly gathered, soon there were as many men backing the council as there were soldiers I had brought with me. Once the bastard on the council saw this they became aggressive and told me that if Victus wants to rule he should come himself to tell them…but then they had the balls to say he should worry that they may imprison him for treason if he did indeed come.” His heavy face twisted again and he spat on the ground.

  “What will we do?” Ronne asked as he now looked toward the city. The gates remained opened.

  “We will do what we came to do. We will take the city and remove the council from power.”

  “But the council’s guards?” Ronne sounded worried.

  “They are hardly a force compared to ours. We have nearly eight hundred men. They probably can muster barely one hundred and fifty.

  “Are you suggesting we confront them? Men from our own city?” Ronne’s voice now showed this notion was preposterous to him.

  “We must do what we were told to do by our king. Abellard must be King Victus’s.”

  “I will not have men from Abellard fighting men from Abellard.” Ronne said aggressively.

  Orvious took a challenging step closer to Ronne, staring at him intently. “Do you already forget what we swore to do? Did you think it would be easy, Ronne? Did you think we would march right in here and the keys to the city would gladly be turned over? We must do as we are instructed. We serve Victus now.”

  “We left and found war, we will not return to war.” Men now began to turn towards the sound of arguing.

  “We left and took control of a city defended by thousands of vile enemies. Now we will take a city with barely one hundred armed men. Half of them likely want to join us. The other half will realize it would be unwise to oppose us.” Orvious’s stare was as sharp as a red steel sword. “Dougard would have wanted this. He had the utmost respect for our king.”

  Ronne turned away from him. He ran his hands through his red hair. “I will not have the blood of Abellard men on my hands, but my men will do what is right for the Kingdom. We will do what it takes. We will follow your lead.”

  Orvious’s voice was calmer. “Perhaps we can avoid a fight, no one wants one. I suspect there will be many tough decisions to be made in support of our new kingdom; this is only the first. I hope you will not always need convincing to do what is right for the kingdom. For our king.”

  Ronne shot Orvious a scornful look and then went to gather his men.


  Seventeen men sat facing a raised platform on which Rez Mostin stood with his slightly hunched over posture. Ardius was also on the platform but he sat just to the flank of Rez. He looked at the faces of the men that he had gotten to know over the last ten days. Every magic user of the Crimson Fox was present, with the exception of the three that were on loan to the army of Victus Antonel. The mages respected Rez greatly and sat silently ready to listen to him and were curious as to what he was about to say. They were in the mystical magic room, where they learned and trained.

  “The progress we have made here has been incredible. Those of you who have worked tirelessly with the arcane arts for years have become fantastic mentors while those of you who are in your early years of learning have served as eager apprentices.” Rez paused and his green eyes looked proudly over his men. He had raised them as mages. “The Crimson Fox is stronger because of you and you are stronger because of your hard work. As you may or may not know, the war is already over. The armies are returning home.” This brought about some low chatting among the men; it mostly had the sound of surprise.

  Ardius was sitting just behind and to the side of his mentor. His eyes shot quickly over towards the Magi Warden. The war was over? This was news to him. Perhaps there are many things that they still keep from me. Ardius thought to himself.

  Rez continued, “Your skills will aid these cities greatly and compensation will be received for your efforts. As you all know…times are changing. A great force has formed to the north. Armies have marched from our cities and now return. Men have left their homes and some will never return to the arms of wives and smiles of children. Your skills will help these cities grow, and strengthen the Crimson Fox’s position.” He took a pause and a deep breath. Old Rez Mostin looked tired.

  “Times are changing.” he said again. “And we must keep up with the evolution. Our magic is stronger than ever. From the battlefield to the crop field, we are strong.” His voice sounded older than normal and he cleared his throat. “Many of you have recently met Ardius Harasitus.” With that he pointed his hand back to the bald man, who was not used to hearing his family name mentioned and was surprised that Rez knew it. “Ardius has been working with me. If you didn’t already know this man you know now that he is ambitious, intelligent and meticulous. One who you will continue to learn more about.” Rez stopped again and looked back to Ardius, offering him a slight smile. A hopeful glimmer could be seen in his large green eyes.

  “Ardius will take over my role as Magi Warden.” The statement was made quickly and profoundly. Some murmurs went up amongst the men. Many had probably guessed as much while a more than a few were likely disappointed. The wizards loved Rez and didn’t love change. “I will continue to serve with Ardius; however he will assume the official title in two days time. I will act as his confidant on matters. You should welcome this news, for it is for the best. The Grand and I are very pleased with this young man.”

  The rumblings of the group began to grow louder but were quickly silenced as a man began to ascend the platform from the left side. All eyes were fixed on him and all mouths silent. Even Rez was surprised to see The Grand approaching. The leader of the Crimson Fox had asked the meeting to be called and instructed the change to be announced, but his presence was not expected. As he arrived at the podium, The Grand looked out over the wizards before him and they looked back with admiration and intrigue. He had on a well-fitted top and pants, both made of thick blue silk. The sleeves, cuffs and collar were gold; elegant vestments that were fitting for a man of his position. His short brown hair was styled, but in a way that looked purposefully disheveled.

  When he was beside Rez, the Grand said, “Over the years I have worked with many men. Many great men and many…not so great men. I do not need to tell any of you what type of man Rez Mostin is. He has served the Crimson Fox terrifically for many years and was instrumental in grooming each and every one of you. You see it is only prudent to put your best men in charge of your best assets.” The Grand paused, smiled and scanned his audience with his chocolate brown eyes. “And you are our best assets. Magic lost its prevalence in the world long ago…and therefore men have sadly been without its power and usefulness. But not us.” He waived a finger in the air defiantly. “We have harbored its mystic beauty, but what we have not done is let it get the best of us. You all know how important…and difficult…this is. How did we do it? Your own discipline and…that terrific man right there!” The Grand pointed a finger at Rez and then began a proud clap. The mages began to clap as well and then stood to hoot and holler. Amongst all the cheering one of the mages conjured a ball of energy that shot up into the air and popped in a flash and a fizzle over their heads, which only lead to further applause and cheer.

  “But…” said The Grand in a raised voice but the cheering was too loud. The mages loved Rez and kept cheering for him. “But!” He said louder and the clapping stopped quickly and once again all eyes were on the leader. “We can not keep this blessing forever. What type of friend would I be to dear Rez were I not to respect his service by honoring his desires to live out his golden years in a way he wants and when he wants? No man deserves to do so more. May those golden years be many Rez.” The Grand began to clap again and the mages did as well, although calmly and they once again stopped quickly when their boss began to speak again.

  “The Crimson Fox must move on now. It must continue on and grow as it has since these cities were founded, long before my time. As Rez said, times are changing. Not just within the Crimson Fox, but in this area of Herridon. I do not know what to expect, I just know we must be prepared. Victus Antonel is returning and he is doing so with valor…and power. There will be power struggles in all three cities. There will be wrestling for control. There will be opportunity.” He nodded and looked youthful although he’d seen half a century. “How will the Crimson Fox fit into this picture?” The Grand threw forth a sweeping gaze as if expecting an answer from the crowd. A loud noise towards the back of the magically enlarged room had everyone turn their heads. The Grand grinned. One after another, men came pouring into the room. The first to arrive stood behind the mages with their arms firmly at their sides. More and more men came in. Soon there were nearly one hundred men standing behind the mages. They were not dressed alike, not all were armed; however they were all soldiers of the Crimson Fox.

  The Grand nodded. “I’ll tell you what role we shall play.” All eyes returned to the leader. “We will become more powerful and more important than ever before. We will not be confined to shadows and treachery. The vale of secrecy will be removed, for it has played into holding us down for far too long. The Crimson Fox will be synonymous with power and strength.” A look of pride covered his face. “We will make all respect us from the fisherman to the farmer, from the politician to the army commander. Our will shall be imposed on each city and those who rule it and reside in it. Thus begins the era of the Crimson Fox,” he screamed the last few words and held a clenched fist to the air; the men cheered, including the soldiers who had just entered. The Grand let the cheering continue and turned to look at Rez and then to Ardius.


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