The Fae Queen's Warriors

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The Fae Queen's Warriors Page 25

by Tara West

  EVERY HEARTH IN THE lodge was lit, but Quin couldn’t shake the chill in his bones. He thought he’d grown used to Periculi’s cold weather, but tonight was especially frigid. He wondered if the unnatural chill was not from the drop in temperature, but rather from a looming menace that threatened to destroy them all. He wrapped his arm tightly around Kyria. If they hadn’t arrived in time, her Fae guard would’ve fallen and Kyria would’ve been slain.

  “Brothers-in-arms.” Theron said, pale eyes shining as he scanned the rows of defenders and their families. “By trying to frame us for the cowardly attack on his own soldiers and attempted murder of his queen, the mad king has declared war on us. We also have reason to believe Fanfir is circling our waters. These are trying times for the defenders.” He paused. “I ask you, who is best suited to lead us? While I have deep respect for all three commanders, there is only one whom I believe has the strength, cunning, and skill to lead us into the battles we will face.” He motioned to Titus, who sat on the bench opposite Quin. “I nominate Commander Titus for the position of Periculi’s general.”

  A cacophony of cheers and hollers rose, and Quin had no doubt Titus would be the next general. That meant Theron and Quin would serve as deputy generals. The thought both terrified and excited him. Once the mad king was defeated, the queen would give the defenders the respect and reparations they deserved.

  After Theron returned to his seat with much back patting and fist bumps, the sound of Commander Uday’s wooden leg striking stone ricocheted across the hall as he returned to the podium. Uday had aged a lot over the past few years after losing one of his brothers-in-arms plus his oldest son to a dragon. His mahogany skin had lost his healthy color and his coarse black hair had thinned into one, skinny white braid that twisted down his back like a dying vine. He had served his defenders well for over thirty years, but he was tired, and Quin didn’t blame him for wanting to leave.

  “Men, we have two candidates for consideration, as I will not be throwing my sword in the circle. It is my wish to retire soon with my family to the warm shores of Eretria.” Commander Uday smiled at a handful of older children who sat with his wife and brothers. “Hopefully, once the mad king has been dethroned, our new ruler will see fit to offer our aging defenders retirement.” Everyone turned to Kyria.

  She offered him a warm smile. “That and more, Commander.”

  Quin kissed her ear. How he loved this woman. She would make a wise and kind ruler. He prayed the Fae would successfully take down the king and that their intentions were noble. He had no wish to war with them, too.

  “Let us take a vote,” Uday said. On the bench beside him were two piles of rocks and a bucket. “Red stones for Commander Titus, gray stones for Commander Pavo.”

  Pavo was already deep into this third cup of wine. His brother-in-arms had nominated him in a lackluster speech. Quin thought he’d thrown his sword in so Titus wouldn’t have to run unopposed.

  The defenders voted by table. Since theirs was in the center, Quin and his brothers quietly waited as the red stones became fewer and the gray ones remained virtually untouched.

  Beaming, Theron patted Titus on the back. Titus remained focused on a stain on the wall.

  “Women get a vote?” Kyria whispered in his ear, pointing to a female who dropped a red stone in the bucket.

  “Of course,” Quin whispered. “They make sacrifices for Periculi, too.”

  “I know they do.” A slight smile tugged at her lips as she watched another woman cast a red stone. “I’m just surprised. Women are forbidden to participate in politics in Delfi.”

  Quin pushed back a strand of her hair, his balls tightening in anticipation when she let out a soft moan. “Perhaps that will change when the queen takes the throne.”

  She smiled. “Perhaps it will.”

  It didn’t take long for the red stones to pile over the bucket. Commander Uday picked up Titus’s sword from the stone circle beside the hearth and beckoned him forward. “It’s been decided. Congratulations, General Titus.”

  Theron let out a victory yelp, smacking Titus’s back as he made his way through the throng to the podium. Ever humble and serious, he received congratulatory back slaps with nods. Except when they were alone with Kyria, Quin rarely saw him smile. He was all sharp edges, thanks to a childhood of slavery and the painful loss of Alexi. After the warring was over, he hoped that would change.

  Uday handed him his sword. “As a commander, it would be my duty to ordain you, but I think it would be more fitting a ceremony if led by Delfi’s queen.”

  She was alarmed. “What do I say?”

  “Whatever you want,” Quin answered. He’d never witnessed a swearing-in ceremony. General Faustus had already been in power when he joined the defenders. He went with her to the podium, Theron following closely. Mindful of her weak legs, Quin kept a firm arm wrapped around her waist.

  When Titus handed her his sword, she held it with ease. Quin was relieved her upper body strength hadn’t been affected by the curse.

  “Commander Titus, please kneel.”

  Quin heard the slightest of tremors in her voice as all eyes in the room were upon her. He was thankful their eyes held no judgement, not after their enemy had ordered her execution. Finally, they trusted Kyria and treated her like a queen. He couldn’t have been prouder of her.

  Titus looked up at her as if she had the sun and stars in her eyes. She gingerly tapped each shoulder with the tip of the sword. “I ordain you General of Periculi.” She handed his sword back to him. “Please rise.”

  “Thank you, sprite.” He nodded to Quin and Theron, giving them a look which thanked them for being his loyal brothers and standing by him through difficult times. Quin also caught the subtle flash of pain in Titus’s eyes, and he knew Titus still longed for Alexi. Their brother would’ve been so proud of Titus. Quin hoped he could see Titus’s achievement from beyond the veil.

  Clearing his throat, Titus turned to those present. “My fellow brothers-in-arms. I thank you for the faith you’ve placed in me. As your general, I promise to put my brothers and their families’ rights above all else. But before I can do that, we must fight for those rights.” His words took on a fierce edge, and his eyes lit with fire. “It may not be an easily won battle. If the Fae fail in their mission, it will be up to us to take down the tyrant, but we can do it.”

  He paused, his hard stare sweeping the crowd. Though Titus had already informed his brothers of the impending Fae assassination, Quin knew Titus didn’t want to give them false hope. The defenders had to prepare for the worst. “There are no braver, stronger, or fiercer soldiers in all of Periculi,” Titus continued, “than the Dragon Defenders.”

  When he raised his sword, they broke into a wave of roars, stomping their feet and banging the tables so loudly, the ground shook.

  Titus held out an arm to Kyria. Quin loved how her eyes lit up when she went to him. He knew she cherished every one of Titus’s rare smiles, every fleeting word of praise. Loving Titus had to be hard for her, yet she did it without question.

  Titus said, “Once the king has been deposed, I am confident Delfi’s queen will see to it that our sacrifices are duly rewarded. No longer will we eat rotting food. Our widows will never want for anything. And when it’s time for our brothers to retire, they can do so with dignity.”

  Thunderous applause filled Quin’s ears like the roars of a dozen dragons. The sight should’ve filled his heart with awe and inspiration. Instead the feeling of dread worsened.

  It was too late for any of them to change course now. Kyria must remain queen to ensure the defenders were treated fairly, and Titus couldn’t step down from his position as general, for there was no defender better qualified to lead them. What would that mean to their future? Would she agree to rule from Periculi, or would Sawran’s mild climate tempt her away from them?

  TITUS DRAGGED HIS WEARY bones to the bathhouse. If he hadn’t had Kyria to warm his bed, he would’ve skipped the bath and fallen str
aight into his furs, but he was covered in blood, both dragon and human. After disrobing he waded into the steaming water, leaving his brothers and Kyria behind. He couldn’t look at her, for her beauty both lifted his spirits and shattered his heart.

  Though the water was soothing, he couldn’t relax. His mind was reeling with possibilities for the future, and none of them ended with Kyria becoming their bride. He heard her swim up behind him.

  “What’s wrong, Titus?”

  He flinched when she placed a hand on his back. “When the king has been assassinated, the Fae will want you to return with them.”

  “To the Fae lands?”

  He stared straight ahead at the flickering wall sconces. “Yes.”

  “Titus, I’m the queen. My place is in Delfi.”

  When she forced him to turn around, he was nearly undone by her beauty. Her thick black hair was piled on top of her head, loose strands falling around her long neck. She looked like a goddess, and he had no trouble believing she was a Fae princess. How could he have thought she’d marry him, a former slave, and his brothers?

  They sat at the far edge of the pool, each clasping a tankard of ale. The only other time he’d seen them turn to drink was after Alexi died.

  “Will you remain in Sawran?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said, dramatically batting long lashes. “That’s the capital.”

  Did she expect him and his brothers to follow her there, or had she always known their romance wouldn’t be long-lived? “You understand our place is in Periculi. That we have vowed a lifetime to the defenders.”

  “Will you not serve them by returning with me to Sawran and representing their interests there?”

  “Kyria, we’re the best dragon slayers among the defenders. We are needed here.” Titus didn’t like to brag, but it was true. Even without Alexi, their unit always had the highest number of dragon kills each year.

  She reached for his hand. “Then I’ll move the capital to Periculi if need be.”

  His heart skipped a beat. “You’d do that for us? You’d live out your life in this hostile wasteland?”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her pebbled nipples into his chest. “I’m not losing you again.”

  Quin and Theron swam up beside them, crowding around her.

  “I don’t know if the Fae king has other children or grandchildren, but if not, you are also heiress to the Fae throne,” Theron said.

  Quin frowned. “They will expect you to marry Fae, not a weak human.”

  She traced the stubble along his jawline. “Stop.”

  Titus pinched her taut nipple, rolling it between his fingers. “We don’t know what the future holds. We have to prepare for possibilities.”

  Her head fell back, and she closed her eyes.

  He knew it was wrong to tempt her, but her breasts were so pretty, large enough that he couldn’t fit an entire mound in his mouth, yet small enough for the swell to rest comfortably inside his palm. He cupped them, his dick hardening.

  When Quin and Theron nibbled her ears, she sank against them, and Quin pulled her flush against his chest. Titus’s hand dipped into the water, cupping her mound and then he inserted a finger into her slippery sex. Why was he doing this when this lovemaking could be their last?

  When he went deeper, probing the swollen bundle of nerves, she spread her legs wider. He reluctantly withdrew. This was wrong. They couldn’t go on pretending their life was idyllic, that Kyria wouldn’t be taken from them soon.

  She stroked his chest and glanced over her shoulder at Quin and Theron. “Do you want to spend what times remains to us fretting over the future, or do you want to make love to me?”

  Quin said, “Make love.” He flipped her around, and she straddled him, sliding down on his cock with a groan.

  Quin floated back to the stone bench, panting into her mouth while she rode him hard and fast. Theron kissed her neck and pinched her nipples while rubbing his cock between the globes of her tight, round ass. Quin came, and she stopped moving, sucking in a silent scream while digging into his hair.

  Titus lay against the wall, stroking his cock and watching them. He wasn’t ready to make love to her yet. When he took her, he wanted her all to himself.

  Theron wasted no time pulling her off Quin’s lap and bending her over the side of the pool, her firm breasts slapping the stone floor while he pounded her from behind. It didn’t take him long to climax, an expression of ecstasy on his face.

  Titus swam over and pulled her from their grasp. “My turn,” he said, lifting her into his arms.

  He carried her to the edge of the pool, laying her on a mat. He wasted no time entering her, making love to her with long, deep, slow strokes. He wanted to be tender with her but his desire quickly built.

  “You drive me to the edge of madness, woman,” he said.

  “Fall over that edge with me, Titus,” she pleaded breathlessly, meeting each thrust with lifted hips. “Titus!” she moaned.

  When her channel tightened and squeezed his cock, he said urgently, “I don’t want to lose you.”

  She plastered his face with kisses. “You won’t. I’m yours. I’ll always be yours.” She looked deeply into his eyes, as if she could see into his very soul. “I love you, Titus.”

  His heart soared. He traced her bottom lip, swollen from kisses, with the pad of his thumb. “You sure?” he asked, feeling like an idiot for doubting her.

  “More than sure.”

  The sounds of his brothers splashing in the water faded, her love wrapping him in a warm cocoon. His cock grew harder inside her. He’d never confessed his love to anyone before. Not even Alexi, and he’d loved him as if they had the same mother, but what he felt for Kyria was something new. It was pure and stronger than he could deny. A love that he couldn’t keep secret, for he’d learned after nearly dying on the battlefield that life was far too fleeting. He would not die without telling her.

  He stilled deep inside, looking into her loving eyes. “And I love you, more than the sun, stars, and my very soul.”

  “Oh, Titus!” she cried, hooking her ankles together at the small of his back. They continued their slow dance of love, sending each other to heaven once more.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  FINGERS STEEPLED, MILAS did his best to keep a straight face and conceal his growing rage. He glared at the battered soldier from his throne, impatience growing. The fact that he’d been awakened from sleep, to receive news that Ergor had failed made him even angrier. Ergor was supposed to have been the only survivor. Thankfully Evander suggested removing his other guards for a private meeting in the throne room, because he was about to lose his temper.

  “What is your name again?” he asked the young soldier. Shadows cast by the waning moonlight made the soldier’s cuts and bruises appear darker.

  The soldier stood at attention and stared straight ahead. “Marcello, My King.”

  “Marcello,” Milas said with clenched teeth, “please explain what happened.”

  “We were set upon by mercenaries.”

  “Mercenaries?” Milas shifted uncomfortably. “Not defenders?”

  “Their armor had the defender insignia, but the defenders claim they were imposters.”

  “And these defenders came to your aid?”

  “Yes, the queen and I were fortunate the defender army showed up when they did.” He swallowed, a visible knot working its way down his throat. “Had they come a moment later, we’d both be dead.”

  Milas didn’t show relief that his bride had survived, for a plan was already formulating in his head. He would have Evander execute Marcello and tell everyone the defenders had slaughtered his soldiers and kidnapped the queen. “And you are my only surviving soldier?”

  The soldier’s eyes misted. “Sadly, yes, but you would be proud to know my brothers-in-arms died protecting their queen.”

  “How did General Ergor die?”

  “He was killed by a defender.” Marcello frowned. “I
believe he confused him for a mercenary and attacked him by mistake.”

  That had been no mistake. His loyal general was still trying to carry out their original plan.

  But this soldier’s story didn’t add up. Ergor had assured him these mercenaries were highly skilled. “And how could you tell the defenders from the mercenaries?”

  “That was easy,” the soldier said evenly. “The defenders were far better fighters, My King.”

  Milas clenched the padded armrests of his throne, wishing he could wrap them around Marcello’s throat. “Did the general give you anything before he died?”

  “No, My King.”

  Fuck. “And where is the queen now?”

  “The defenders took her back to Periculi. They said it wasn’t safe for her to travel to Sawran.”

  No doubt she’d spread her legs for all of them for saving her, the Fae whore. “Did they send you with a message for me?”

  “No, My King.”

  “I see.” Milas worked hard to unclench his jaw. Why no message? They surely knew he was behind the attack. “Have you told anyone else of this?”

  “Evander, My King.”

  “Thank you, Marcello.” Milas waved Evander forward. “See to it that this soldier is rewarded for his bravery.” Milas didn’t need to go into detail. His loyal guard knew what to do with Marcello.

  “Yes, My King.” Clicking his heels together, Evander bowed.

  “Evander,” he whispered, “have you found the priestess Jade yet?”

  “She is still visiting her parents, but word is she will be returning to the temple in a few days. Shall I send soldiers to the senator’s estate?”

  As tempting as the idea was, Milas didn’t want to cause a scene when he’d soon be calling on senators to send their soldiers into battle against the defenders. “No. Wait for her to return to the temple. You’re sure my bride had no other friends?”

  “My King, my sources tell me the queen and her lover kept to themselves.”

  “Very well, I will wait.” Though by then Kyria would be dead, and his revenge would no longer taste as sweet. Still, the dragons needed to eat.


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