Just One Embrace [The Tiburon Duet, Book 2]

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Just One Embrace [The Tiburon Duet, Book 2] Page 11

by Lara Santiago

  Lena headed straight for the queen's private quarters to make an appeal. When she was summarily barred from an audience with the queen by Elsbeth's own private guards, she demanded to know why. She was told the queen entertained a special guest. She felt the blood pulsing in her temples, threatening to explode in fury. Something was afoot. Something she had to stop. What could it be? How could she stop it?

  Supposed an earthling had been brought here, and the queen did have a special guest. What if Crag no longer wanted to life partner with her? Could it be possible Crag was about to partner with the earthling ? Why? How could the council let it happen? Again!

  Lena knew she had to do everything in her power to stop this travesty. She needed information. Who would know what happened on Earth besides Crag and the queen? Lena thought of an idea and headed towards the quarters of the only person who also might know what was going on with Crag.

  Once she found out what that something was, she could formulate a plan to stop it. The only relevant fact being that The Commander would be hers.

  * * * *

  "How do you like your tea, Ellie?” the queen asked her guest. They sat in her cozy chambers with a pot of spicy brewed tea between them.

  "Oh, it's delightful,” she said with seeming sincerity. The queen watched for any indication of deception and found none. This earthling was so much different from the last one, the one her poor son Keller still life partnered with on Earth.

  Crag had been correct. Ellie was indeed taller than Lena. She smiled inwardly at Crag's earlier defense of Ellie's height. He was obviously smitten with her.

  "How do you find Tiburon? Do you like our environment?” she asked. It didn't matter, but she expected Ellie to eventually exhibit the same attitude as Keller's life partner.

  "Well, I haven't seen all of it, but what I've seen so far is interesting. Your people are lovely, and I must admit, I enjoy looking up at most everyone I meet."

  The queen admitted to herself she was charmed. “Oh, yes, you do seem very tall for an earthling."

  A chime sounded and she allowed a servant to enter and clear the small table. Meanwhile, she and Ellie ventured on to chat about everything from children to living quarters to the library of books Elsbeth admitted to having hidden in her private chambers. She acquired a number of them from Keller in his missives to her over the past couple of years. She adored reading mysteries in her personal time.

  After a few more pleasantries, Elsbeth rose to signal their time was at an end. Ellie seemed to understand immediately and stood with her. She bowed and stuck out her hand. Elsbeth also bowed and shook her hand.

  Crag was not her son, but when his mother died, she'd taken it upon herself to act as a maternal force in his life. He might as well be her son. Crag's father had served as her first Commander upon her ascension to the throne of Tiburon.

  Crag had chosen well for himself. And this earthling gestated his child, the heir in the line to The Commander position. She had only seen pictures of her own grandson, little Craig. He was precious and looked exactly like Keller at the same age. Elsbeth wished he'd remained on Tiburon but knew from Crag that he was happy where he was. She did wish for her eldest son to be happy even though she missed him and still regretted his falling in love with an earthling.

  In the most recent missive brought by Crag were the newest images of Keller's twin daughters. They were the most beautiful girls she'd ever seen. Having three sons herself, she looked forward to having granddaughters.

  "You understand about Crag's position as The Commander here on Tiburon, do you not?"

  "Yes, I understand,” Ellie said, but her eyes traveled to the unique painting on the wall behind Elsbeth's desk.

  "I'm sorry,” Ellie said and focused back to her, but soon her eyes traveled over Elsbeth's shoulder for another look.

  "Do you like it?” Elsbeth asked. The painting was striking in its intensity, and yet, not many people noticed it. Elsbeth was very impressed with the earthling who noticed the painting, which meant so much to her personally.

  "Yes, very much. It expresses a great deal of passion. Vivid brush strokes show the artist's vibrant love for someone important to him. Maybe more than just one."

  "My dearest, late life partner painted this for me the day I bore him his first son, Keller. He was so happy. He left the healers quarters to let me rest and painted this through the night. I've always treasured it."

  "I can see why."

  "Thank you for visiting with me, Ellie. I'd like you to know that while I don't have control over the events to come, and naturally I mustn't take sides, if Crag life partners with you, I'd say he's a lucky man."

  "Thank you for allowing me an audience, Queen Elsbeth. It was wonderful talking with you. If I stay, I'll promise to do everything to make him happy."

  Unlikely as it seemed now, the queen hoped the life partner ceremony could be performed before Lena found out Crag might be set to marry an earthling.

  Lena would be furious once she found out Crag was fated for another.

  Chapter Eleven

  "In the second component of the petition before the Council of Elders, regarding the consent to allow the earthling, Ellie Granger, to reside on planet Tiburon permanently, the council has reached a consensus.

  "Are you ready to bear witness to our judgment, Commander?"

  "Yes, Senior Elder Forte, I am."

  "Our decision is as follows: we consent to the second component of your petition. Ellie Granger, the alien female previously established as officially carrying your progeny, will be extended an immediate invitation to live on Tiburon. This will occur following the official close of these proceedings with regard to the completed petition. If Ellie agrees to our ceremony protocols and conditions, she'll be inducted as a citizen forthwith."

  Crag released a deep breath, not conscious he'd been holding it during the reading. The elders would make her a permanent citizen of Tiburon, and then the matter of their life partnership would be the final component of the petition.

  "The third component of your petition is regarding the life partnership of the earthling, Ellie Granger to Crag, The Commander of Tiburon. Such a partnership would mean the child she carries would be the next Commander in our world.

  "This is a serious consideration for the Council of Elders to decide. It is not to be taken lightly. We would ask for a period of time to allow Ellie to learn the duties for the birth mother of The Commander and what they will entail. First and foremost, her child would not leave this world. The child would be trained practically from birth to be the next Commander.

  "Do you understand and agree to this Commander?"

  "Yes, Senior Elder Forte, I do."

  "And you, Ellie Granger of Earth, do you agree to this?"

  She stood tall and answered in a firm voice, “Yes, Senior Elder Forte, I do."

  "We will adjourn for a period of not more than thirty days to allow Ellie to learn of our laws and to make her decision.

  "If there are no other considerations in this matter..."

  The doors to the council chamber burst open from without to admit a very irate Lena and an impressive entourage from the House of Fairfax.

  "Stop these proceedings immediately. I have a complaint to register involving any petition with regard to The Commander, especially with any subsequent life partnership agreement he may be engaged in,” Lena said and strode to the center of the Council of Elders chamber.

  "Lena of Fairfax, why have you disrupted these private proceedings?” Senior Elder Forte was nearly apoplectic in anger. Crag knew the Elder hated disorder during formal chamber hearings.

  "Senior Elder Forte, I invoke the ancient ritual of pretext and appeal a ruling on my request on the grounds of predetermined betrothal."

  "Predetermined betrothal? Lena what are you talking about? This is highly unusual..."

  "I must be allowed to speak, Senior Elder Forte. I found an ancient edict in the library of scrolls, which clearly states that, as the
eldest daughter of the House of Fairfax, I am to be allowed the choice of life partnership with the current Commander if I so choose. And I do so choose."

  "By Sultana's fury, do not say one more word, Lena..."

  "Crag, my love, I wish to life partner with you. I told you I wanted you as my life partner before your trip to Earth. I spoke to the queen while you were away and made my wishes known to her, as well. That sets my predetermined betrothal. It is my preordained right to have you as my life partner."

  "Lena, she carries the next Commander of Tiburon. She carries my child. Do you understand?"

  "It is of no consequence to my rights to life partner with whomever I wish to spend my remaining days. I am the eldest daughter of the House of Fairfax. My rights are clear in this matter."

  The queen stood and took the opportunity to say, “Call for the scroll clerk, librarian."

  A guard was sent out the already open doors, but Eldon, the scroll clerk, trudged into the room on his own, his face buried in the yellowed paper of an ancient scroll. The members of the House of Fairfax parted to allow him entrance into the council chamber room.

  "Eldon, what do you know of this matter?” Senior Elder Forte stated in a clear, firm voice.

  Eldon looked up as if he didn't realize where he was. His eyes widened as he took in his surroundings and began stuttering.

  "I ... I ... Citizen Lena ... asked..."

  "Eldon. Do you have pertinent information regarding the pretext for appeal of which Lena speaks?” The queen stood her ground.

  "Yes, my queen. I have the ... scroll. It states the eldest daughter of the House of Fairfax may select The Commander as her life partner if she so chooses."

  "Are there any other stipulations?"

  "Well, he can't be in a current life partnership arrangement, of course, but The Commander no longer has a life partner..."

  "Is there any other criteria listed, Eldon? This seems like a highly suspect scroll."

  "Yes, Eldon. What does it say if The Commander is unwilling to consider life partnership to the eldest daughter of the House of Fairfax?” Crag asked, his furious glare focused on Lena.

  "He may only be excused if he already is in a current life partnership or if there is another predetermined betrothal in place."

  "What constitutes another betrothal?"

  "Well, if I read this correctly, if Crag has another life partner in mind to join with, she must be of noble birth equal or higher in rank to Lena to be in contention for your life-partnership."

  "What if the other possible life partner carries the progeny of The Commander?” the queen asked.

  "It doesn't mention anything about gestation, only that if The Commander has someone else he wants to partner with, she must be of equal or greater status to Lena, wherever she is from.

  "The only stipulation is the intended must be from either the royal house, the high council, or of an equal rank to the House of Fairfax in another world. It must be established in order for another to join in life partnership for the purpose of peaceful negotiations or to override the wishes of the eldest of the House of Fairfax.” Eldon read out loud from the scroll.

  "So if Ellie came from a family of equal status on her planet, I'd be allowed to life partner with her over Lena?” Crag asked.

  "Yes. Oh, wait, here is an addendum regarding gestation. The progeny of the current Commander may be allowed to apply for the position, regardless of the status of life partnership or where the child is raised."

  "Meaning what?” Crag had a bad feeling he knew exactly what was stated.

  "The child could be reared in your household after you life partner with the eldest from the House of Fairfax. It doesn't matter whether the child is the natural progeny of The Commander's life partnership with the eldest from the House of Fairfax."

  The implication was clear. Now that it was established Ellie's baby was his progeny, the child could be raised in his household by Lena if she became his life partner. Crag wondered if Ellie understood and knew she did when he glanced at her horrified face.

  "You can't take this child from me! You promised me you wouldn't. You promised. I'll go back to Earth and raise the baby on my own. You can pretend you don't know it's yours.” Ellie raised her voice, her hands sliding over her womb.

  "It's been legally established the child is The Commander's progeny by the Council of Elders. We may not unlearn this information,” Senior Elder Forte said, his eyebrows drawn in speculation.

  "I am willing to lower myself to raise The Commander's child once we are life partnered. I have two children who do not qualify for the position of Commander. However, if the earthling's child is to be the next Commander, then it may reside in my household,” Lena said, her tone imperious.

  "You will never take part in the rearing of my child!” Ellie said in a clear voice.

  "Well, then you must prove to be from a family with the status equal to that of the House of Fairfax,” Lena replied.

  Crag held up his hand. He could see this was getting nowhere. Lena wanted to be life partnered with his power. Ellie was not going to allow her child to be raised without her. He could life partner with Lena and never put his mouth on hers ever. He had an heir. Ellie would still be allowed to stay on Tiburon, but she would live alone, under no protection. She would not even have conjuxtrix status, as they were not life partnered yet. They wouldn't be allowed to converse with each other. Crag wanted to banish Lena to the dungeons of Tiburon so her request would be buried, which would not happen. What could he do? The only thing left was to prove Ellie was an equal in her world.

  "What political connections are required in order to equal the House of Fairfax status, Eldon?” Crag asked.

  "Oh, well, I'll have to check, but I believe she must be the direct relative of a member of a royal family or a politically important family. A healer will have to be sent forthwith to determine paternity or maternity of such an alien."

  The council was then adjourned in a flurry of loud voices and speculation over the theatrics brought on by Lena. Crag, who momentarily held such high hopes for his future, was now devastated. The distraught look in Ellie's tearful eyes almost brought him to his knees.

  * * * *

  "Crag, I love you, but I'm not giving up this child for that horrible, spoiled woman to raise."

  "I know. I would never ask you to do that. I'll figure something out. I don't suppose you can trace yourself to a member of royalty on your planet or at the very least an important political figure."

  "I don't suppose I can.” Ellie was embarrassed to admit she didn't know the name of her biological father. Crag's harsh frown disturbed her. She wasn't sure of its source, so she stepped back from him. Was he about to go the snobby Brandon route because she was of a lower birth? Would he next ask her to stay on as his mistress?

  Crag saw her uncertainty and softened his face, “I'm sorry Ellie. I'm not upset with you. It's the situation Lena has created. I don't know where to start. I'm so angry I can barely speak.

  "At this point, my two choices are to convince you to live on Tiburon, where I will be forced to partner with Lena while you raise our child alone. Oh, yes, and we'd never be allowed to see or speak to each other for all the rest of our lives.

  "Or I could let you go back to Earth, but I'll still be forced to life partner with Lena. With you and our child on Earth, I'd have to produce an heir with her instead of recognizing our child as the true Commander. I'd rather be cast out of Tiburon into the barren wasteland than get physical with her. If I could even stop myself from killing her, given the opportunity so close at hand."

  "What can you do?” Ellie asked. She harbored no illusions this would end easily or in her favor, but they'd conquered many obstacles thus far. She refused to give in to the haughty, spoiled princess from the illustrious House of Fairfax.

  "I have an audience with the queen to discuss possibilities. I believe she's on our side, but she'll be limited to what she can do. The House of Fairfax is a powerful

  "Do you care for Lena? Why does she want you so much if she knows you don't like her?"

  "Power. She wants power. She was slated to life partner with Keller until he lost the purity of his mouth to Gabrielle. He would have been king."


  "So, Lena wanted to be queen, but since the new future king, Keller's brother Kyle, was already life partnered, she wants to be life partnered with the next best power position. After the high council members, who are all spoken for, the next position of power in the hierarchy of Tiburon is mine."

  Ellie nodded. At least there were no feelings of love. At least he didn't expect her to wait around while he married someone else.

  "It would make matters uncomplicated if you could find a way to trace a family member back to a position of royalty or political power."

  "The thing is, I don't know who my father is, Crag. I'm not sure there is a way to find out, either.” Then she slid to the floor on her knees and cried her heart out.

  Chapter Twelve

  "Lena, I implore you. Do not force this life partnership between us.” Crag stood in her palatial quarters, ready to fall to his knees and beg if she would release him from her pretext appeal against him in the Council of Elders. If she withdrew her petition, he was prepared to offer her absolutely anything within his power. After his conversation with the queen, it was clearly decided this was his only option to break free of the pretext she'd wrought.

  "Crag, you must know I will never back down from this. It is my right to have the life partner of my choice, and I choose you. Why would you want an earthling anyway?"

  "Ellie is my life mate, do you understand? I love her. Why would you want to tie yourself to me knowing this?"

  "You mean Sybille wasn't your life mate? How interesting you would admit that to me. It only tells me you've already life partnered without being in love. Therefore, you can do it again with me.” Her smile was condescending, and he closed his eyes momentarily at giving her such a weapon against him.

  "Make no mistake, I will have The Commander as my life partner.” She then glanced at the streak in his hair.


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