Just One Embrace [The Tiburon Duet, Book 2]

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Just One Embrace [The Tiburon Duet, Book 2] Page 13

by Lara Santiago

  The Governor simply had to be her father.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ellie returned to her apartment with the intention of shoring up her possibilities. She spent the evening and into the next day making plans for every possible scenario. Keller promised they would camp on the Governor's doorstep in four days. She planned to stay all day and into the night if necessary. In the meantime, she needed to check in at work. If she didn't go back to Tiburon with Barton, she'd have to make sure she was still employed.

  After learning the results of the home pregnancy test and the discovery of her predicament, Ellie had taken off a week from work to cope. She had listed ‘personal’ as the reason to her boss. She never got around to calling Brandon before her trip to Tiburon, and thankfully she wouldn't need to now.

  Crag showed up soon after. Ellie left a message to extend her leave of absence by another week to travel in space. Now she would need yet another day off to look up her father. She also needed to explore the restrictions a pregnancy would impose on her current job if she wasn't able to return to Tiburon and Crag. The thought of never seeing him again stabbed at her heart. She shook off the bad feelings to focus. As long as her pregnancy went smoothly, she should be fine.

  It occurred to her she had already used up the bulk of her vacation time. She would need even more once the baby arrived. Ellie sighed deeply. A baby out of wedlock was veritable scandal in her chosen career, even in this day and age.

  The clientele Art and Antiquities by Warner catered to were not tolerant of scandal. In those circles, an unwed mother still represented a huge disgrace. Ellie already planned to hide her condition as long as possible. Luckily, she was tall. She hoped to last five or six months before being found out. Once her condition became obvious, she would endure the snickers and imperious looks with grace and charm. It wouldn't be the first time the clientele gossiped behind her back.

  The torment of never seeing Crag again took her breath away. The mere thought made her tear up every time, so she put it from her mind and summoned a brave face. She headed through the front doors of Art and Antiquities by Warner to speak to her boss, Mr. Warner. She hoped he approved her further time off requests without specific explanations.

  Ellie took a deep breath for strength and opened the outer door of Mr. Warner's private office. “Hi, is he in?” she asked Darlene, her boss's secretary.

  Darlene had never been very nice to her. Today was no exception. Dragonzilla gave her a snotty look before rolling her eyes and answering in an imperious tone. “He's on a conference call with someone. Someone important."

  "Oh. Well, may I wait?” Ellie did her best to ignore the insulting tone.

  Without further comment, Darlene shrugged and pulled out a nail file. Ellie sat in one of the two burgundy leather chairs across from Dragonzilla's desk.

  The noise of the emery board set Ellie's nerves on edge. She ignored it to focus on what she would tell her boss. She would mention a medical condition, but no specifics. Once she had smoothed this over, she could make long-range plans in the event she was not of noble birth, as she suspected.

  The outer door to Mr. Warner's office opened again, and in stepped the last man she ever wanted to see again. Brandon Farnsworth. He didn't see her right away. His eyes zeroed in on Darlene first as he entered the room. Ellie knew Dragonzilla harbored a huge crush on Brandon. Darlene lowered the nail file, and charm fairly oozed out of her pores with his attention exclusively focused on her right now.

  "Hi, Darlene, may I speak with Mr. Warner for a moment?"

  "Oh, sure, Mr. Farnsworth. He'll be done with his conference call in just a sec. I'll tell him you're here. You can go in next.” Dragonzilla turned a sneer in Ellie's direction. Ellie resisted the urge to stick her tongue out in rebellion since the pecking order had just changed and Ellie was moved down. Darlene loved to pretend she was important. Ellie was suddenly sick of being treated like a second-class citizen.

  "I was here first, Darlene. I'd appreciate the courtesy of being Mr. Warner's next appointment."

  Brandon turned in surprise as she spoke.

  "Darling! How good it is to see you.” Brandon strode over and sat down in the chair next to her. Ellie wasn't in the mood to talk to him. He tried to grab her hand, but she pulled them both away from him. She also didn't want to touch him.

  Darlene gave her a sour look when Brandon sat down next to her at first, but then an evil expression canvassed her face. She retrieved the nail file she'd thrown down when Brandon popped in.

  She didn't look up when she announced, “By the way. I'm not your message service, Ellie.” Darlene sawed away at her claws. “The Expectant Mothers Clinic called twice while you were gone. Apparently, you missed an appointment with them."

  Oh, crap! Ellie forgot all about her appointment in the wake of her recent space travel! If Dragonzilla knew, then probably everyone in the city had heard about her condition by now. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Brandon sat straighter at the news.

  "Thanks. Sorry to have troubled you,” Ellie said as her mind raced. She was proud that her exterior façade remained serene. No need to give Dragonzilla more ammunition.

  Brandon, still frozen in place from the information Darlene spouted, finally spoke. “Darling, why on earth did you need an appointment at an expectant mother's clinic?” His face had gone marshmallow white at the mention of pregnancy.

  "Don't worry, Brandon, it's not your child."

  "You're pregnant with another man's child? How can that be? You know I love you. How could you betray me like this, Ellie?"

  "Betray you? You unbearable snob. You have a wife! I do not answer to you."

  Darlene snorted at Brandon's confession of love. Ellie noticed a look of longing cross Darlene's face in an unguarded glance at Brandon before she went back to filing her nails with gusto.

  Dragonzilla could have him, but in the meantime, what a mess.

  "Did Mr. Warner happen to hear you take the message?” Ellie asked innocently. She'd need to construct some scenarios with her boss if he already knew. She suspected he did. Dragonzilla wouldn't miss an opportunity to bash Ellie when she was down.

  "You know, I believe he did happen to be standing next to my desk when I took the message. He may have heard me confirm it when I read the message back to the nurse ... out loud,” she continued with smug satisfaction. “I wanted to be sure to get it right.” And yet, Dragonzilla wasn't her message service, unless the message was really juicy gossip, apparently.

  The door to Mr. Warner's office opened wide, and her boss strode out. If he was surprised to see her, he had the bearing not to show it. She, on the other hand, was unnerved by the fact he already knew she was pregnant. She knew it showed on her face. So much for the calm façade she'd worked so hard to put in place.

  Mr. Warner wore a dispassionate frown on his weathered face. He sighed deeply once he saw that she waited for him. Evidently, he hadn't expected to deal with her yet.

  "Miss Granger, would you step in to my office, please?” Her boss displayed a supremely disappointed look on his face. “Mr. Farnsworth, do you mind waiting? I'd consider it a favor."

  "Of course. Glad to be of service.” Brandon's congenial tone grated on her nerves. He gave her a crushed look of betrayal as she passed him, which also annoyed her.

  Once inside Mr. Warner's elegantly wood paneled office, Ellie knew something distasteful was coming, but he looked ready to play it out in humiliating detail, all the same. She seated herself in one of the comfortable leather chairs parked before his ornate desk. Her back remained ramrod straight to endure the lecture she was probably about to get.

  "Eleanor, I was shocked and dismayed to discover you were expecting a child out of wedlock."

  Ellie stiffened when he said the words. She couldn't help it. She remained dispassionate and shrugged. “My personal life is really none of your business,” she said in her most formal tone.

  "Art and Antiquities by Warner cannot withstand
this sort of scandal, Miss Granger. The clientele here expect a certain prudent way of life you do not seem to understand. I believe it would be best for everyone if you clean out your desk and have your resignation in hand before end of the business day,” he said distastefully. “Please don't make this situation any more embarrassing by expecting a reference, as there will not be one forthcoming."

  "What?” Whatever she was expecting, this wasn't it. She was ready for an ‘I'm ashamed of you for getting yourself in this position lecture,’ not a pink slip.

  "I believe I was clear. You need to clean out your desk and resign.” Mr. Warner had on his serious face. She recognized it as the face he used with consignment artists when discussing how much their art was worth. She knew he'd made up his mind to fire her.

  "Or perhaps instead, I'll get a lawyer and sue you for wrongful termination."

  Mr. Warner sighed and reached for a folder on his desk. “Don't bother. I didn't fire you. I asked for your resignation."

  "It's the same thing.” Ellie crossed her arms and sat a little higher in her seat. She mentally prepared herself to do battle, even as it occurred to her she didn't truly want this job any longer.

  "Let me refresh your memory, Miss Granger.” He slipped on his reading glasses and studied a piece of paper from the folder. “Five years ago, you signed a condition of employment document. On page six, paragraph three, it states clearly ‘any action by said employee of a dissolute nature or circumstance will be grounds for dismissal'. Subsection one clearly states several examples of disgraceful behavior; ‘an out of wedlock pregnancy’ is listed first."

  Ellie mentally deflated. She vaguely remembered that document. She'd read it but also knew she never expected to end up in an out of wedlock pregnancy. What a mess.

  She was pregnant and unmarried. She was about to be fired and faced a legal battle to save a job she only tolerated. Unless by some miracle the governor of the state was her father, Ellie had little hope of spending her life with the man she loved who was also the father of her child. When had her life turned into such a soap opera? It reminded her ominously of the life she'd spent with her mother and fought so hard to leave behind.

  A part of her never wanted to cross the threshold of this snotty, ill-bred place of business ever again, but she knew she couldn't let Mr. Warner get away with this. She stood up angrily and slung her purse over her shoulder. She planted her hands on the front edge of his desk and glared at him as she leaned forward slightly. The contempt suddenly showed on his face as she found herself locked in a staring contest with her boss.

  The door to Mr. Warner's office opened behind her. She sensed someone standing in the doorway. Dragonzilla to the rescue for the inappropriate employee who was being given a pink slip today. Darlene had probably had a standing order to wait ten minutes before interrupting with a trivial matter to get her boss out of uncomfortable situations. Neither of them broke the stare.

  Ellie wasn't quite done yet. In a low voice, the controlled tone of which surprised even her, she said, “Mr. Warner, I've worked for you without incident for over five years. I've swallowed my pride countless times in the face of others you associate with who believe I'm not good enough, which constitutes a large percentage of this establishment's clientele.

  "So, let me tell you, I am good enough. In fact, I'm better. I worked very hard to overcome a background I couldn't control and chose to become the best employee I could for you. You know I've worked harder than anyone else you employ.

  "It speaks volumes to me, Mr. Warner, about your true character that you'd trash me so thoroughly and so completely over this. Do you know for a fact that I'm pregnant and unwed? Or did you just overhear some gossip before you automatically judged me dissolute?

  "I won't give you the satisfaction of resigning. My lawyer will be in contact. And whatever happens, I assure you, any reference from you would be meaningless to me.” Ellie started to turn, prepared to stroll out of his office with her head held high. She hadn't broken eye contact when he spoke.

  "Why drag this through a court of law?” he asked in a superior tone. “Do you even have a lawyer?"

  Ellie wished for the first time in her life to be rich enough to have a powerhouse lawyer with a reputation big enough to scare him, but she didn't. She wanted out of here.

  "I guess you'll find out when he calls you.” Ellie turned to leave before her face betrayed the lie she'd just told.

  When she came around, she sucked in a sharp breath at the person who stood behind her in the doorway. Her hand went to her chest as a shot of warm fuzzy feelings settled in her center. Not Dragonzilla after all, but Crag, decked out in dangerous looking black leather, a seriously heated look directed at her. A smile curved her mouth.

  "Darling,” she said with growing elation, “I didn't expect you."

  "I missed you, love. Are you ready to go?” Crag directed an angry look at her boss, making her smile even wider.

  * * * *

  Arms crossed, sporting his best look of pure malevolent intentions towards the man who would dare to impugn Ellie's character, Crag took a long step into the office. When she turned around and her gaze enveloped him, he was glad he had surprised her in this manner.

  Ellie's boss merely gave him a disgusted look, much like the one Lena gave whenever talking about someone she didn't like.

  From behind Crag, Keller then pushed past and planted himself in front of Mr. Warner's desk. He'd graciously agreed to accompany Crag to show him the location of Ellie's place of employment, or rather, her former place of employment, as things stood now.

  "Professor Keller, so good to see you.” Ellie's boss fawned immediately as if in deference to those he deemed worthy.

  "Unfortunately, Mr. Warner, I can't say the same thing in return. Miss Granger is a personal friend mine and also a regular volunteer in the University's Art Department. She is one of the finest people it's ever been my pleasure to know.

  "Since she has been dismissed without cause from your business, I'm forced to inform the university of your lack of good judgment. I'll also be obliged to tell my personal friends and associates that I can no longer do business with your firm.” Keller paused dramatically then turned back to Mr. Warner's shocked face. “I have an excellent lawyer at my disposal, which means Ellie does, too. Good day.” Keller did an about face, winked at Ellie, and proceeded to exit the room.

  Once again Keller pushed past Crag to leave, but he slapped Crag's back on his way out to the receptionist's area.

  "Please, Mr. Keller. Let's not be hasty.” Ellie's boss chased after him and out of the outer private room, making excuses in the wake of Keller's imperious declaration and departure. “I'm sure we can work something out."

  Crag held out a hand to her, but Ellie threw herself into his arms instead. He caught her up to his chest, inhaling the scent of her and did his best to keep from planting his mouth on hers.

  "I can't believe you're here. I missed you so much. I was afraid I'd never see you ever again.” Ellie's muffled voice rose from the collar of his jacket.

  "Are you ready to go?"

  There was a man waiting in a chair outside the room where Crag had entered. Crag recognized the earthling as Ellie's old boyfriend. Brandon stared at Ellie as they passed, arm in arm, out of Mr. Warner's office. Ellie leaned into him and didn't look at either occupant of the room until they opened the door to leave. Brandon's look seemed regretful to Crag. Perhaps the earthling finally realized what he'd lost in giving up Ellie. Crag was grateful for his foolishness.

  He took Ellie's arm and led her out of the room.

  "He's all yours, Dragonzilla,” Ellie said quietly on the way through the door.

  Dragonzilla? Odd name for an earthling, Crag thought as they departed.

  * * * *

  "What are you doing here?” Ellie said once they got outside. Keller had driven Crag to Ellie's work place and stepped in long enough to have a desired impact on her former place of employment. Keller then left t
o go back to the university, telling them he'd see them in a few days to camp out at the Governor's office.

  Crag led her to her car and then drove back towards her apartment.

  "I came to lend assistance in your quest,” he said, smiling.

  "I can't believe the queen let you go. Isn't she worried you won't come back?"

  "I didn't actually ask for her permission before I left,” he said with a blank look on his face.

  "What are you doing? I never meant for you to give up your position, Crag. I would never have asked it of you."

  "Of course not. I made the decision, Ellie. I couldn't entertain the idea of life partnership with Lena. Not ever. To that end, I've decided to stay here on Earth with you. We'll simply raise our child here."

  Ellie decided it was a good thing he was driving because she would have run off the road at a volatile statement like that. The apartment parking lot came into view, and Crag wheeled expertly into a slot. She realized it was the place where they'd met for the very first time a few short months ago.

  "Oh, Crag.” She put her hands to her face and said, “I won't allow you to shame your father or disgrace your family. I don't ever want to be the cause of friction."

  "Don't worry, Ellie. I didn't shame my father or disgrace my family. I found a way around Lena's pretext proclamation."

  "What? How?"

  "Let's go inside, and I'll explain everything."

  Crag escorted her from the car in much the same manner as he had several months ago, which had led to this unexpected life they now faced. This time he didn't have to carry her.

  Once inside her apartment, Ellie brought them two Snapple Strawberry Lemonades to drink. She'd suspiciously acquired a taste for the beverage recently. They settled on her sofa, and she felt she'd been more than patient.


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