War Kids: Books 1 - 3 ( Young Adult Thriller Series

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War Kids: Books 1 - 3 ( Young Adult Thriller Series Page 36

by HJ Lawson

  Scrambling out of the truck, Ali gets down first and reaches his hand out for me to take it.

  “Thank you.” I smile and jump down, leaving Kyra standing with her hands on her hips, not looking too pleased that he offered me his hand first.

  “I’m fine,” she says, as she shrugs her shoulders and then jumps down, her legs wobbling a little.

  She gives me a little wink—she's playing with him.

  “Women,” Ali sighs.

  Gérard walks over toward us with a large gun in his hand. “You guys okay?” he whispers.

  “Yeah,” I nod.

  “Mmm… well, okay. Albert is going to lead the way.”

  We all begin to follow Albert into the woods. Albert also has a gun; it’s swinging by his side. He does look like a person that goes out shooting in his fields; he may be useful later on.

  “Jada, slow down,” Gérard says. “Here, take this…” He pulls a gun from the back of his pants.

  “I found it when I was getting Faith off the plane. I don’t want you to use it but… it’s better that you have it,” he says as he passes it to me.

  I gratefully take it. I’ve missed having a gun in my hand today.

  Chapter 18

  Dark Angel.


  “Brandon, I have to stop running,” I say breathlessly.

  I glance up and down the tunnel. We both fall silent and listen … it looks like we have lost them.

  “It feels like we’ve been running in circles,” Brandon groans as we come to a halt.

  “I was thinking the same thing. How are we going to get out of here? The map is useless; we are completely lost,” I say, stating the obvious.

  “What the hell is going on above ground?” Brandon asks.

  “God knows. It must’ve been a big explosion to rock down here.”

  “…And the fact that the police officer thought they were safer down here, of all places.”

  We both fall silent as we wonder what the hell is going on above ground. We will find out if we ever get out of here alive.

  “What are we going to do?” I ask Brandon, as I crouch down toward the wall to give my legs a rest.

  Brandon does the same, and places his arm around me.

  “We have to find Louis, or someone else who lives down here,” Brandon says, as he pulls me closer to him. I move my head onto his shoulders. We just sit there, neither wanting to move. Terrified that if we do, they will find us. I think starving to death down here would be better than what they have planned for me.

  “Come on, Annabel, we have to go,” Brandon says reluctantly. I know he’s right, but it doesn’t make it any easier. My legs don’t want to run any more.

  Brandon stands and waves his hand out for me to take. It’s weird that our eyes have adapted to the darkness, considering we’ve only been down here for a few hours. All sense of time has frozen in the darkness, with no light to guide us.

  I take his hand and he pulls me up. Once again my buttocks are soaking wet. God only knows what I sat in… I shudder at the thought.

  “You okay?” Brandon asks, as I make a funny sound.

  I begin to laugh like a crazy woman, “Yeah, I’m fine. My whole world has been turned upside down. I’m currently hiding in the sewers from a crazy killer, and I probably just sat in someone’s piss. But other than that I’m great. How you doing?” I continue to laugh.

  Brandon sways his head to the side, then turns toward his own buttocks. “Same as you,” he says. He smiles as he places his arm around me.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here.”


  We walk down tunnel after tunnel, none showing any sign of life and many ending in dead ends. There are several doors. Brandon frantically tries to get through each one, but with no luck.

  “Brandon, we are going to be down here forever,” I say. My feet are completely soaked to the bone, and I’m tired.

  “Hush,” he says rudely, to my surprise. We haven’t seen or heard anyone in some time now.

  But then I hear it… the voices. I get ready to run. Brandon takes hold of my arm, stopping me in my tracks. He pulls me toward the door and we crouch down.

  I sit silently and pray…

  “Yeah, it seems like all hell has broken out,” a male voice laughs.

  Brandon leans forward to look down the tunnel. “Louis,” he whispers.

  I can hear mumbled words, but it's unclear what they're saying.

  “Louis,” Brandon whispers a bit louder.

  “Did you hear that?” the voice questions.

  “Down there?” another voice says as it walks towards us.

  “Jesus, Brandon what are you doing?” I hiss.

  “I think it's him… he’s our way out,” he replies. “Louis, is it you?”

  I hope to God it is, or we are screwed.

  “Brandon? Brandon, is that you?” the male voice shouts. I can hear the slopping of the water as he enters our hiding place.

  “Jesus, I’m so pleased to see you.” Brandon springs up, making Louis jump backwards in surprise.

  “What the hell are you guys doing down here?” Louis asks.

  “Do you know how to get out of here?” I ask as I stand.

  “Is this your girlfriend?” Louis asks.

  Brandon smiles and places his arm over me. “Yes, she is. Do you know how we can get out of here?”

  “I am not sure you want to,” Louis replies, as he looks up toward his friend, who is propped against the wet wall and looks as though he will slide down it at any time.

  “Why do you say that?” I ask.

  “Because they dropped a bomb,” Louis says and waves his arms in the air. “Boom!”

  The other man just rolls his eyes, maybe because he’s high, or because he doesn't really care. Probably both.

  “We know about the bombs… we were up there when it happened,” I tell him.

  “Not the big bomb, though…” A huge smile appears on his friend’s face, as if he is excited to share the information with us. “They dropped a nuclear bomb, guys. We’re all screwed.”

  My stomach drops as he says those words... nuclear bomb. Everyone knows a nuclear bomb will poison and destroy everything around it.

  Why are we not already dead?

  “How do you know that?” I ask.

  “People have been hiding out down here—some of them throwing up from radiation poisoning,” the guy says.

  “They’re making a right mess, dirtier than the rats and rodents,” says Louis, clearly upset.

  I turn to Brandon. “We can't stay down here.”

  “What's wrong? Not good enough for a princess?” Louis laughs.

  “Hey, remember she’s with me,” Brandon snaps.

  “God, Brandon, only joking… so serious, now that you have a girlfriend.” Louis smiles warmly.

  “Have you seen any crazy prisoners running around in orange jumpsuits?” Brandon asks.

  “Yeah. We’ve been watching them, they have been rounding up grounders… you know, people above ground,” he says as he points upwards. “They have men, women and children, plus some police officers. Looks like they are screwed.”

  “Can you show us how to get out?” Brandon asks once again.

  Louis smiles. “Of course I can.”

  Chapter 19

  Stay or Hide?


  Each broken twig screams out as we try to quietly creep through the woods. It reminds me of the times my father and I would go hunting for animals… today I fear we will be hunting a new enemy.

  “Get down,” Gérard orders as we get closer to the edge of the woods. I can see the lights from the local stores.

  Kyra crouches down beside me as we all line up next to each other and peer out for a better look.

  “Are you okay?” I whisper to her. It's the first time we’ve had a chance to speak.

  Kyra turns to me, the color gone from her face. “Let’s just say I’m glad we are close to my medici
ne.” She takes hold of my hand and squeezes it. “How are you doing?” she asks softly.

  “Bloody rednecks!” Albert spits out.

  I see what he’s talking about… Captain Reef’s army is not here; instead, people are looting the stores.

  “Okay. We are going to get in and out quickly. We need to get medicine for Kyra, and food,” Gérard explains.

  “Gérard, may I have a word… alone?” Faith asks, as she waves her hand to him.

  They walk off into the woods for a moment, and then they return.

  “Mmm… Kyra, I think it will be good for you to stay here with Faith. Your sugar levels must be dropping low because of everything. Faith can watch over you,” Gérard says.

  “Okay,” Kyra says. I think she’s a little happy with the outcome.

  “Jada, are you staying or going?” Gérard asks. I have a feeling he wants me to stay with them.

  I’m not letting them go out there without me. I know Gérard can shoot, but he cannot protect Ali and Albert. I was shocked Albert was able to drive here without killing us.

  “I’m going. Not letting you guys have all the fun,” I say playfully, as I try to lighten the mood. Not sure I’m any good at this role… not like Haytham was.

  “Girls, stay down and hidden,” Gérard says, as he leans in and gives Faith a kiss. Kyra springs up to kiss Ali.

  I don’t have anyone to kiss me, but I do have my father here.

  “As Jada said, let’s go have some fun.” Gérard smiles, looking like he’s been ready for a bit of action, instead of playing Father to us kids. With that, he takes off running toward the stores, with his head lowered as he does so, trying to make himself smaller.

  The rest follow in the same manner; Ali trails behind me—I guess he’s trying to protect me somehow.

  As soon as my foot steps off the muddy grass, I can hear store windows being smashed, followed by laughter. Sounds like the party has already begun.

  Within moments we are at the side of the store, and my heart is racing. There are a number of young and old men diving in and out of the store, carrying their loot with them.

  It looks like moments after the announcement they were here; they're stealing what they can before Captain Reef’s army moves in. These looters will stand with Captain Reef; they are the spineless people that rot this planet. They stand by the strong and let the weak suffer.

  “Okay, so this is the plan. We walk in and get our stuff and then leave,” Gérard explains.

  “The hell!” Albert snaps. “That’s your plan?”

  Gérard smiles. “Yes, Albert, that is the plan. They are here for the loot, not for us.”

  “Really?” Albert asks, confused.

  “Really, do you have another idea? Because whatever we do they will see us—so we may as well pretend like it’s a normal day. Jada, don’t forget to get candy for Kyra. Oh, and canned food,” Gérard says.

  Jesus, it does feel like we are going to the local store to get our weekly shopping done. Except the other customers are crazy rednecks robbing the place blind.

  Chapter 20

  Unseen Terror.


  Louis weaves in and out of the tunnels, with us following closely behind. He tells us about all the sick people hiding down here, away from the nuclear explosion. It’s clear he knows where he is going; he doesn’t need the flashlight to guide him. His eyes have adjusted a lot more to the dark than ours have.

  “How long have you lived down here?” I ask him.

  “Lost count… maybe two or three years? I’m a newbie down here,” he replies. “Every day blends into the next.”

  “Yeah, I can imagine.”

  “You lose all sense of time. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking it’s morning. And it's not until I get outside that I realize what time it is.” Louis shrugs his shoulders. “It’s peaceful down here with the solitude of darkness. Well, normally… but I kind of like it, no parents bothering me, I just normally go above ground when I’m in a hurry or need... ” he falls silent for a moment, “you know… stuff.”

  Clearly he means drugs, or cash for the drugs.

  His friend slowly walks behind us, and he grunts and groans every so often... it sounds like he’s arguing with himself.

  “You never did tell me why you guys are down here,” Louis adds.

  “Can’t I just stop by to say hi?” Brandon laughs.

  “Don’t say you were coming down to borrow a cup of sugar,” Louis cracks.

  Before Brandon can tell him anything, I hear the sounds of dry, rough coughing, followed by a gagging noise, then splatters of water hitting the ground… someone is vomiting. Just the sound alone makes me clench my own stomach t-o prevent from gagging. We all stop and wait for Louis’s signal. He points toward the retching sound.

  “Is it safe?” I ask.

  “Yeah. Sounds like someone affected by the radiation,” Louis says.

  “Is there another way?” I ask.

  “Sorry, no.”

  Damn. I really don’t like this. I quickly shine the light down the tunnel and see a man bent over. As quickly as the light is on, I turn it off. I have seen enough.

  Brandon’s cold hand slips into mine, and he squeezes it tightly as we begin walking.

  The sick noises get louder, the closer we get.

  “Help me,” the man groans.

  I cannot take this. I shine the light once again.

  The poor man is on the floor doubled over in pain, and with sweat rolling down his face as the radiation poisons his veins. Will this be the same result for us if we go above ground?

  “We have to help him,” Brandon says, as he looks down at the man.

  “I agree.”

  The man looks up at us… like we are angels here to save him. “Thank you,” he mumbles.

  Louis and Brandon lift him off the ground.

  “Annabel, we cannot go up there. We will end up like him,” Brandon says.

  “I know, but what choice do we have?” I ask.

  “Water…” the man begs.

  “We should go back to my place and check the radio. That’s the only way we will find out what’s really going on up there,” Louis says.

  “Damn, you’re right,” I say bluntly, upset with the thought of staying down here any longer.

  “Down this way,” Louis says, as he leads us to the right.

  I flick on the flashlight once more to light our way.

  Then I see the whites of eyes glowing back at me… Oh no!

  “Get her!” a gravelly voice yells. It's a prisoner. They were hiding in the darkness for me.

  I instantly sprint in the opposite direction from the evil that awaits me. I am running for my life… I don’t stop. I can’t.

  “Run, Annabel!” Brandon yells to me. His voice sounds far away. Why is he not by my side?

  “Run, Anna—” His voice cuts before he can finish, and I freeze.

  I stumble into a small recess of the cave and stand there in silence, listening for any sound… any sign that he is coming this way.

  I hear someone approaching, and I pin my body up against the wet wall. Please, God, don’t let them see me. My heart races. They are going to hear the sound… it's so loud.

  “Run… they have Brandon,” Louis says in a panic, as he gets closer to me.

  “We have to help him!”

  Louis grabs hold of my arm. “We cannot help him now,” he says as he pulls me along with him.

  He’s right… I have no choice but to run by his side—leaving Brandon behind.

  Chapter 21

  Born To Fight.


  Go time. Gérard leads the pack as we enter into the lion’s den. Deep breath, Jada, you can do this... my father’s voice rings through my head. For the first time, I know he’s right—I can do this!

  I push my shoulders back with pride. I can do this… I’ve been training for the past few years. I was born to be a fighter.

  With that, my
body pushes me closer to Gérard. Father and daughter are ready to take on anything.

  “You guys better be quick, most of the good stuff is gone,” yells a redneck, a few years older than me, as he runs past us.

  Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting… a bloody helpful and happy redneck. Gérard smiles over to Albert, with an ‘I told you so’ look.

  As we enter the store, it is clear no one cares about us. They are just aimlessly grabbing stuff off the shelves —some are even filling up shopping carts.

  Bless them, they are stealing televisions. Pearl could do with a new one. Don’t really think they will have much use for that when their world is turned upside down.

  Ali and I grab backpacks off the rail, as Gérard and Albert move toward the medical section. It looks as though it has been attacked, with all of the boxes strewn everywhere. I guess the druggies were here as soon as they heard the world was screwed up. I hope he gets what Kyra needs.

  “You get the chocolates, and I will get the canned goods,” I say. Ali quickly follows my orders.

  I scanned the store when we walked in… there are about ten men in here, happily shopping away. I bet they normally complain when their wives send them to the store to get groceries.

  As I head toward the canned goods aisle, there are already others there. But they look like good people… like us. Just came to stock up before the next nightmare starts. They seem terrified.

  I open up the backpack and shove in as much as I can, including a can opener and some bottles of water from the fridge. I can feel their eyes on me. I look over and smile as I walk away. In and out.

  “Gérard, did you get what you needed?” I ask him, as the other looters just carry on normally, as if we are invisible.

  “Yeah? You?”

  “Yeah,” I reply.

  “Time to leave,” Gérard adds, and we all meet up at the front of the store. Ali is happily munching away on a chocolate bar.

  God, it looks good. My mouth starts to water. Before I know it, Ali has snapped off a piece for me.


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