Samson and Sunset

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Samson and Sunset Page 9

by Dorothy Annie Schritt

  “Hey Shay,” I said, “I’m going up there a ways.” I pointed straight ahead. “There are some horses up there I want to take a look at.”

  “Okay, but don’t you get out of my sight.”

  I only had to go a short way and there they were: two of the most beautiful white horses I had ever seen, prancing around their corrals with streaming snowy manes and tails. I called to Shay, gesturing for him to come see. He walked away from the circle of guys he was talking to and came to see what I wanted. “Look!” I said. “Aren’t they the most breathtaking horses you’ve ever seen?”

  “Boy, they are beautiful, princess,” he said, watching them.

  “Why are they here?”

  “Don’t know. Must be someone’s selling them.”

  Several of the guys who were talking to Shay came over and one guy said they belonged to a rancher from Thedford who’d been crippled in a car accident and was selling off his stock. There was a lot of small talk about it. Shay and the guys kept walking over to watch them lead the cattle to the auction arena. Not me, I climbed up on the old wooden fence that was housing the horses. I loved watching them. They ran with such grace, their heads held so high, their beautiful tails blowing in the wind.

  “Callie,” I heard Shay yell. “Get off that fence, it’s old. Get down!”

  “Oh, phooey!” I was loving the view.

  “Callie,” Shay yelled several times. “Get off the fence, now!” Then I heard: “if you don’t get off that fence right now, I’m going to come over there and spank you.”

  Well, how could he yell that in front of all those guys? How embarrassing! I climbed off the fence and shot him the meanest look I could muster. Then I yelled back to him, “You’re not quite big enough to do that little boy.”

  I’m sure there was some noticeable chill in the air after that.

  “I’m going in!” Shay called to me after a few minutes. “I want to see this lot.”

  “You go ahead, I’ll be there in five minutes.”

  When Shay and a couple of the guys were out of sight, I climbed back up on the fence to see these beautiful animals. I was standing about three rails up, still embarrassed at being threatened by a spanking, when I heard a loud crack, the rail broke, and I fell backward onto the ground. Luckily, except for a long scratch on my arm, the only thing hurt was my pride. A couple guys came running over and helped me up, while one went to get a hammer to fix the rail.

  “Are you alright?” asked the guy helping me up.

  “I’m fine,” I said hurriedly dusting myself off.

  “See why your husband didn’t want you up there?”

  “Please don’t tell him,” I said. “He’ll never let me hear the end of it.”

  “How’re you going to explain that big scratch?”

  “I’ll figure it out,” I said.

  I went to the car and got my jacket, put it on and walked inside as if nothing had happened. That scratch sure burned, but I ignored it and looked for Shay. When I’d found him, I climbed the bleachers and sat down by his side. I put my arm through his and snuggled up close.

  We were at the sale about three hours and Shay bought several lots of cattle. I think they sold in lots of five or ten. When it was almost over, Shay went to the office to settle up and I went up to one of the auction guys and asked about the two white horses. To my great disappointment, they had been sold. Why was I surprised? They were so beautiful, I thought, of course they’d sell quickly.


  We had a fairly silent drive home. I was still pissed off at Shay for embarrassing me in front of all those guys. When we got home I fixed us steak, corn, mashed potatoes, gravy and rolls. After that we had a store-bought peach pie.

  It was around 7:30 p.m. by the time I got the kitchen cleaned and went out and sat on the porch steps, thinking to myself, “He’s not getting sex tonight.”

  But then I reconsidered; I’d be punishing myself and that wasn’t going to work for me. Going to sleep without being touched by Shay would be unbearable.

  The door opened and Shay came out and sat down on the top step. I was one step down and he wrapped his knees and arms around me.

  “How did you get that big scratch on your arm, princess?” he asked innocently.

  “I fell.”

  “Really, where?”

  “Oh, don’t act as if you don’t know. I know you know what happened. Too many people saw it.”

  “Well, princess, what’s it going to take for you to learn to trust me?”

  “Don’t ever say you’re going to spank me in front of people when you know you’re not.”

  “Well, don’t push your luck, baby. Someday I just might, just to tame you down a little.”

  “I’d like to drop the subject,” I said.

  “I’ll bet you would.”

  We sat there about twenty minutes and Jose pulled up in the driveway with the trailer.

  “What’s he doing?” I asked.

  “Well, come and see,” said Shay mysteriously.

  When I was almost to the trailer, I stopped dead in my tracks. Through the open back of the rig I could see those proud white necks and high-held, flowing tails.

  “Happy one week anniversary, princess!” Shay said. “Now you have to name them because you’re stuck with them.”

  “Samson and Sunset,” I said without missing a beat. “Samson will be yours and Sunset will be mine. Oh, Shay! I’m so sorry for being a spoiled brat, but you know you are kind of a contributor.” I whirled around and he took me in his arms. “Thank you,” I said, “I love you so much.”

  After we got Samson and Sunset settled into their new stalls we went to the house and both got lucky again.

  Just before we went to sleep, I said, “Shay, we’re not leaving Samson and Sunset here at the ranch are we?”

  “No, babe, we’re having them shipped to Westover, to the farm. You and I are going to go for many, many sunset rides. Now let’s go to sleep and we’ll go riding tomorrow.”

  I nestled into the crook of his arm.

  “Love you, Callie.”

  “I love you, Shay.”

  That night white horses galloped through my dreams.

  The Big Caper

  The next morning we had our usual love-in, then went outside to see the horses. Shay had bought the beautiful matching western saddles and saddle blankets, and he showed me how to saddle up the horses.

  Every time I was finished, he’d take the saddle off and say, “Do it again.”

  After seven times, I said, “Alright, already. I think I have it down pat!”

  “You know, Callie, if you ever mess up saddling your horse you could endanger your life.”

  “Oh great, now you’re trying to scare me?”

  “Of course I’m not, that’s the last thing I want. You have enough fear in your life. Saddling and riding are very safe if you learn the correct procedures. Now watch me mount up and do as I do.”

  I did. It seemed simple enough. We walked them around slowly so I could get the feel of turning, stopping, starting; so that Sunset could begin to trust me, and I could begin to trust her.

  After a little warm up riding lesson from Shay, we rode a long distance into the hills. It was a beautiful day, bright, sunny and clear.

  “Hey, Shay, aren’t we going to make them run?” I said after a while.

  “No, princess, you’re not ready for that. And there could be a prairie dog hole out here, so best we ride gently today.”

  After a couple of hours, we went back to the stable, unsaddled the horses and put them away. Shay said Jose would cool them out, brush and feed them. We had to pack; it was our last day at the Sand Hills ranch.

  We just had hamburgers and chili for supper, showered, and hit the hay.

  “Hey babe,” Shay whispered as he held me in the dark. “We probably won’t be back here for a long time. Do you think we should say goodbye to the ranch with some great farewell sex?”

  “I think we absolutely shou
ld,” I said.


  We woke up early and were out the door just as the sun was rising.

  “Well,” I said as we sped down the wide dusty road, “I guess the honeymoon is over.”

  “Doesn’t have to be, princess,” said Shay with one hand on the wheel.

  I got gifts for everyone along the way—a beautiful rose-pink scarf for Mom, a glass mug with Sand Hills written in silver cursive for Dad, a floppy, soft teddy bear for Kelly; earrings for Susie and a locket for Cookie. I got a beautiful pair of cream colored, cashmere gloves for Maggie, and a fountain pen for Sterling.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Shay said as I nestled the last purchase into my goody bag.

  “Nonsense,” I said. “It’s fun.”

  We took turns driving, but Shay shouldered most of the work, while I cuddled close.

  After stopping at a gas station to gas up, Shay came to the car with two bottles of root beer. While I sat and sipped the drink, I noticed he kept turning his head and looking at me. Then he’d look straight ahead, smiling; slowly shaking his head back and forth. He did this several times.

  Finally, I said, “Okay, lover boy, what are you thinking about that’s giving you that grin?”

  “Well,” Shay said, “I want to tell you something, but I don’t know how I want to say it.”

  “Well, just say it! Can’t be that hard to say, unless it’s bad…”

  “Oh no, it’s not bad,” he said.

  “Then what?”

  “Well, you know how my mom has that hothouse, where she grows those beautiful, prize-winning roses that smell so sweet?”

  “I’ve seen them, yes. They’re beautiful.”

  “Well,” Shay continued, “the honeybees have all those flowers outside to go into, yet they hang around the hothouse door just trying to get in because they know the flowers on the inside are the best, their pollen must be that much sweeter…”

  “You think I’m a bee?”

  “Now just let me finish,” Shay chuckled. “I’ve been sleeping with girls since I was fifteen years old—”

  “What, now you’re telling me you’re a tramp?”

  “Will you stop it, Callie? I’m trying to tell you something and you’re not helping.”

  “Okay, okay, I’m just giving you a hard time,” I said. “You’re so funny when you’re trying to be serious. Go on.”

  “I’m trying to tell you all those girls were like the flowers outside, and you’re the flower inside the hothouse.”

  “Oh, you think I’m hot!”

  “Shut,” as Shay always said, “I’m telling you that of all the girls I’ve ever been with, you are absolutely the greatest. You do things to me that I thought were impossible. I just love you so much. You’re my hothouse rose, overflowing with sweetness. You fill me up.”

  “Shay, that’s so sweet! I didn’t think a big macho man like you had those kind of sentimental thoughts,” I smiled. “I’ve heard some of the things that come out of your mouth when you’re with your buddies drinking!”

  “So then, smart mouth, how do you think I should have said it?” he challenged, his eyes crinkling up with amusement.

  “Callie,” I said in a low voice, “you know that stud bull we have in the pasture with all those cows? Well, he only likes to mount this one cow, ’cause he thinks she’s the best! That’s how I feel about you.” I grinned. “How’s that big boy?”

  “Crude,” he said. “That was really crude. I said you were naughty and you just proved my point.”

  “Well. If you were going to say it crudely, what would you have said?” I asked.

  He turned and looked at me. “Callie, I’ve fucked a lot of girls, but you’re the only one I ever made love to. How’s that smart mouth? And while we’re on the subject of crudeness, I don’t want you using foul language.”

  “Why? You do, sometimes.”

  “That’s different. I can; you can’t. Like at the ranch when you had your little temper tantrum? You said ‘screw you.’ No more of that language, missy.”

  “Hey, I’m an adult. I can say what I want.”

  “Well, then let me tell you this, the next time I hear anymore of that language, I’m going to wash your mouth out with soap, and don’t you think for one minute I won’t.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, as I moved across the seat and slid my hand between his legs.

  “Damn, Callie, now I’ve got to find a remote spot to park for awhile.”

  And he did, and we did.


  We got to Westover, around 8:30 p.m. I was so glad to be home; I wanted to go right to Hudson to get Kelly. But Shay said he’d already spoken with my mother and they both agreed I needed to rest up for a day.

  “We’ll go Tuesday, princess. I want you to sleep in tomorrow.”

  I was too tired to argue, plus I knew he was right. I missed Kelly so much, but I was outright exhausted and I did need sleep. So I agreed without an argument.

  When we reached the Big House, Shay said, “Now wait,” as we neared the door, “I want to carry you over the right threshold.”

  “Well,” I said, “then that would be inside, upstairs. Just carry me through the doorway of our suite.”

  He insisted on carrying me over both, for good measure.

  Inside, we showered and made love. Afterwards Shay tucked me into bed.

  “You go to sleep, princess,” he said, pulling the blanket under my chin.

  “Shay, it’s the middle of July,” I protested. “I only need a sheet.”

  He turned the fan toward me, bent down and kissed me. “I don’t want to hear anything out of you until morning. You need some rest.”

  “Hey, you got a deal, darlin’.”

  Shay dressed and went out quietly. He was always so good at being soundless if he thought I was resting. Don’t know when he came to bed. It was lights out for me.


  At 6 a.m. I heard Shay stirring and woke up. After he showered and dressed, he said I was not to get up: Cookie was bringing me a tray.

  When Cookie arrived, I told her I was embarrassed that she had to serve me.

  “Well, sweetie, you’re having my Shay’s baby, so you just let me help. Cookie loves doing this.”

  “I am really tired, still, Cookie.”

  “You look tired, sweetie. Now you just eat a little and then go back to sleep. I’ll be back at noon with your tray. What do you want for lunch, sweetie?”

  “Cookie, you just give me whatever there’s extra of. You don’t ever have to cook something special for me. Also, when you come back at noon, could you stay awhile and visit?”

  “I’d like that, sweetie, and you can count on it,” she said.


  At noon Cookie arrived with my tray, pulled a comfortable chair up to the bed and we had ourselves a girls’ giggle and gossip session. After she left, I watched a little television and went back to sleep. Shay woke me at around 6 in the evening and I felt quite refreshed. As I got out of bed I thought to myself, Shay had just better watch out! I was feeling frisky.

  We showered together and Shay dried us both off. When we were all clean and dressed, Cookie brought us each a tray: t-bone steak, baked potato, vegetables, salad, and chocolate cake for dessert. She even brought a pitcher of tea.

  “Kids, she said, “this is your welcome home, newlyweds’ supper from old Cookie.” She winked at us and off she went.


  I can’t remember when I ever spent a whole day in bed unless I was sick, but it was lovely. When supper was over and I was lying in Shay’s arms, he said we were going to leave at 9 in the morning to go to Hudson.

  “Call your mother and tell her we’ll be there about 1 p.m.”

  "Why so late, Shay? It doesn't take that long to get to Hudson."

  “Well, we need to stop at the bank to close your account, and then we’re doing a little shopping.”

  “What are we shopping for?”


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