Forced to Cooperate

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Forced to Cooperate Page 5

by Piper Stone

  Now I knew why the man was pissed. She was slowly making her way through the ranks, killing targets that might create difficulties for her brother’s export business.

  “And two of mine,” Dominick said almost too quietly. “One of my soldiers even got a shot off, swearing to God that the perpetrator couldn’t be a man. I laughed at him.”

  “I take it you’d like me to handle the situation?” I asked of no one in particular. Everything about this woman was intriguing, invoking a more primal state of need.

  “Best handled by Bratva,” Dominick said in his usual authoritative manner, which meant he didn’t want to get his hands dirty for this one. “You have the perfect perspective for providing a suitable end for these kinds of situations.”

  Meaning we had no issue with taking out an entire family if necessary.

  “Fair enough.” I took another sip of my drink, studying the photograph again.

  “Make no mistake, Aleksei, the woman is highly skilled. From what I’ve heard underground, she has her next target already in her sights.” Miguel spoke slowly, glancing down into his glass.

  “And who would that be?” I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like the answer.

  “One tall Russian with a surly attitude,” Lorenzo chortled.

  I was beginning to like the girl already. Perhaps I would enjoy some quality time breaking down her defenses.

  And much more...

  “He’s smiling,” Lorenzo huffed. “You better take this seriously. If she kills you, your father will start an all-out war, allowing Peter Church to infiltrate your network in a blink of an eye. That will just be for starters.”

  “You’re more worried about your cash flow, Lorenzo,” I snapped back in return. Even though the man bristled, I walked past him, heading to the floor-to-ceiling window. The lights of the city cast a festive glow on the area, overshadowing the level of danger lurking in the streets. While we certainly ran high-quality drugs, some coming in directly from mother Russia, we were careful in our dispatch. We certainly wouldn’t want to be sullied by Church Exports’ methods of operation.

  It seemed my father had severely underestimated Peter Church years before. I wouldn’t make the same mistake.

  “What are you going to do, Aleksei?” Dominick asked as he flanked my side, staring without blinking. I could tell the man was troubled. His regime had seen its share of scandal in the last few months as well.

  I thought about the question, polishing off the rest of my drink. I knew without a doubt this wasn’t going to be my only cocktail of the night. If I knew anything about those who hunted on this level, they enjoyed doing so in plain sight. “Exactly what must be done. Fight fire with fire.”

  I was almost shocked by my visceral reaction to her, my need to take something that didn’t belong to me. There was no tangible reason and any other intelligent man would simply use her as a prop, a method of obtaining information as well as seeking retaliation.

  What I wanted I would take without question, but on my terms.

  Her absolute surrender.

  Her complete submission.

  And I would do everything including breaking her in order to obtain my prize.

  “The man knows what he’s doing, gentlemen. I suggest we allow him to get to his work.” Dominick polished off his drink, allowing his glass to hit the table with a solid thud.

  Giving Dominick a nod, I grabbed the folder and headed for the door, only stopping long enough to drop the empty glass and issue a few last words. “I appreciate the heads up. Rest assured that I will handle the situation. My way.”

  No matter who had to die.

  Game on.

  And I never lost.

  Chapter Four


  By the time I made it into the ballroom, the celebration had been underway for a solid hour. The sound of the band boomed in the expansive space, drowning out the raucous laughter coming from all directions. The liquor was certainly flowing. I immediately scanned the room before walking toward the closest bar. Everyone of power was positioned in this room, although there was some surprise at my presence.

  There’d been speculation regarding my father’s close personal relationship with Mayor Willowby, enough to feed the press for a solid two days. Then as expected, even the most tenacious reporters had backed away.

  Certainly under duress.

  I would use him as a resource later, pinning him down on what he knew about Church Exports. For now, everything would remain quiet. This was a celebration.

  “Yes, sir? What will you have?” the young girl asked in an almost timid fashion, her eyes flitting up and down the length of my face.

  “Vodka neat, the best quality Russian vodka you have. Only the best for my friend here.”

  I chuckled under my breath hearing Trent Willowby’s order. My order. I shifted my gaze, lifting a single eyebrow. The newly elected mayor was flanked by not one but two insanely gorgeous women. He had no issue flaunting the fact he was single, enjoying the high life. If only his constituents knew about his kinky proclivities.

  “I would have thought my presence would be an issue for you, Mayor.” I kept my voice low even as he held out his hand. Taking it, the firm handshake was more gregarious than normal. He was also quite inebriated.

  “Nonsense. Your father and I go way back. How is the old fart these days? I haven’t seen Aleksandr in two months.” Trent grinned.

  “As you can imagine, my father has been very busy. I’ll be happy to send your regards.” As one of the girls trailing behind him moved closer in my direction, her hand ready to prop on my arm, I knew exactly what Trent was doing. A small payment for services rendered. I loathed this kind of man, although even my own father would say I was similar in nature.

  “Yes, well, he and I need to swing some clubs at some point, plus, I need to talk with him about some business we have,” Trent continued, prattling on about making certain the Petrov organization was toeing the line, to ensure the mayor’s powerful hold on the city wasn’t broken. The thought was laughable.

  If the man had been inundated with police matters, including an outbreak of overdoses on the street, he certainly didn’t seem worried in the least.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed another recent arrival. I was forced to admit that the attraction was instantaneous. I was also well aware of her identity.

  Willow Church.

  My instinct had been right. She wanted to see for herself what I was made of. What better location to do so than a public gathering, a true celebration? She looked stunning in a bright crimson gown, the soft material hugging every curve, the color accentuating the glorious strands of copper-colored hair. There wasn’t a man in close proximity who wasn’t standing in awe of the sensuous creature.

  Myself included.

  I rarely had this kind of attraction to a woman, but she was exceptional.

  Trent finally seemed to realize that I wasn’t paying a damn bit of attention to him, shifting his gaze to see what had blocked him out. I felt the heat of his body as he walked closer, forced to lean into me in an attempt to whisper his comment.

  “She is gorgeous, Aleksei. I thought you were a permanent bachelor.”

  I shot him a single look, remaining expressionless. “Men of true power don’t allow any weakness to show to anyone. That can always be used against you when the time is necessary. Something for you to keep in mind.”

  He looked uncomfortable, red creeping up along his jowl.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I see some business associates that I need to speak with.”

  “Of course. Do tell your father I need to speak with him,” Trent said meekly.

  I didn’t answer, merely gave the blonde a curt nod before walking away. Where I went, Willow would likely follow.

  In time.

  She certainly wasn’t a player, at least in the terms of being in the public eye. I was curious about her chosen profession. Assassin. If she’d truly been responsible for taking
out two of Lorenzo’s men, and two of Dominick’s, then she was quite skilled. My cock was throbbing, my balls tight as drums.

  Still, she would need to be grilled for her knowledge. I’d yet to work out a plan, but I was hoping that given her appearance, she would easily fall into my hands.

  Then she was never getting away.

  I chatted with several acquaintances, growing bored within thirty minutes. If Willow had stayed, she was certainly keeping a low profile. Perhaps Miguel’s information had been wrong. No, the man had remained alive given his propensity of following his instincts and his attention to detail.

  “Well, well. I would say you’re slumming it, Aleksei, but I doubt you’ve been in a better crowd for a long time.”

  “Police Commissioner Robert Ninchenzo. Why am I not surprised you’re here?” I asked as the man approached. I’d known the commissioner for years, meeting him at a carnival when I was just a boy. My father had only recently established his hold on the city and the then detective had his sights set on becoming leader of the boys in blue. They’d developed a mutual friendship, even though very few people knew about the true extent of their relationship.

  He held out his hand, scanning the room. “You have balls coming here, Aleksei,” he said under his breath.

  “You know I never mind breaking the rules.”

  Chuckling, he took a sip of his drink. “Like father, like son.”

  I inched closer, keeping my voice low. “What do you know about an increase of drugs on the street, a strain that is leaving bodies in alleyways?”

  He certainly didn’t seem surprised at my question. “Stay out of it, Aleksei, and tell your father to do the same.”

  “What do you know?”

  “I know that my officers have their hands full. This drug is bad news, a real killer. We’re still in the process of having it analyzed, but early reports are that it’s a pure cut of heroin and whatever the hell it’s laced with can stop the heart within seconds of taking it. I also know the rumor mills indicate your operation is behind it.”

  Fuck. This was already getting out of hand. “Our family has nothing to do with this. Where’s this drug coming in from?”

  “Where do you think? Overseas. We’re thinking Russia.”

  “Which is why the fingers are being pointed in our direction.”

  Robert nodded. “From what I can tell, the shipments must be coming in under your noses, which surprises me.”

  Yeah, well, the man had no idea just how surprised I was, but I was determined to get to the bottom of it. “Keep the heat away from my men.”

  “I’ll do what I can, but the mayor is itching for a takedown.”

  I sucked in my breath. No wonder he’d sent me an invite. “Of course he is. You ever hear of Church Exports?”

  “Sure. Who hasn’t? Heavy players in the export business.” Robert took another sip of his drink, waving to several people as they walked by. “I really need to get going. We can talk about this in private. Why don’t we meet for a drink in a couple of days?”

  It seemed word on the street regarding Peter Church hadn’t gone very far. That would give me some time to do explorations of my own. I lifted my glass without saying a word. If I knew the man, he would dig into every dark alley and crack house in order to get the answers he wanted.

  The answer I required.

  I had a bad feeling that things were just starting to heat up. Whatever the case, Peter Church wasn’t going to continue doing business in my ports.

  My head was aching from the garish music and the growing crowd. Seemed everyone had a reason to celebrate. As I walked out onto the balcony, the chilly night air was instantly refreshing. I walked toward the protective railing, passing by the whimsical candle-laden tables, only then realizing that I wasn’t alone. The scent was instantly intoxicating, exotic spices and musk with just a hint of vanilla wafting into my nostrils. I took several deep breaths, realizing that I’d never felt so damn alone.

  I had my reasons, most of which only a few closest to me knew about. Remaining unattached also was necessary given past circumstances. A rush of anger swelled from deep within as memories flooded my mind. I took a long pull on my drink, holding the liquor in my throat for a few seconds before swallowing.

  I certainly didn’t need to remember the damning past. Not now.

  “Interesting party.” Her tone was soft, utterly feminine with an air of confidence.

  “Why interesting?”

  She shifted, allowing me to hear the rustle of material from her dress. Only when she walked two feet closer did I realize who the mysterious woman was. My reaction was instantaneous, desire killing off every hint of sadness.

  Her stiletto heels clipped against the smooth stone, her hips swaying back and forth, and her eyes firmly locked onto mine. Even in the shadows, I could almost catch a slight iridescent shimmer in her pupils.

  “Because the attire of just ten guests is worth enough to fund all the homeless shelters, and food programs in the city and the fuckers don’t give a damn.”

  I lifted my glass out of respect. “Bold words from such a lovely woman.”

  “How can you tell I’m lovely?” she asked, crowding my space even more.

  “I can spot a beautiful woman a mile away.”

  “Are you one of those wealthy yet abominable men who care for no one but himself?” Willow moved toward the railing, leaning over and tilting her head toward the moon. The slight shift allowed me to see her exquisite features; high cheekbones and luscious full lips. Even her skin held a glow.

  “Some would call me ruthless.”

  “And what do you call yourself?”

  “Formidable,” I answered in honesty.

  The answer brought a laugh, the sound just as charming.

  “At least you’re honest. Integrity is something rare and quite valuable,” she half whispered. If the woman was trying to seduce me, she was actually doing a very good job.

  “Then I must ask,” I said quietly as I leaned over the railing next to her, “why are you here?”

  “For the free food and booze.” She laughed once again, the ice in her glass tinkling.

  There was something quite formidable about the woman herself, a force to be reckoned with. She was testing the waters, determining what I was made of.

  “Ah. A truthful woman herself.”

  “Yes, I prefer no secrets in a relationship.”

  “And are we in a relationship?”

  Turning slightly, she held out her glass, inching even closer. Everything the beautiful woman did was a lure, and she was very good at her job. I allowed my fingers to float across hers as we clinked glasses. While her single purr was practiced, it had the reaction she was hoping for.

  My cock was now pinched against the tight confines of my far too expensive trousers. Maybe her methodology was to get me into bed before shooting a bullet into my brain.

  She pulled the glass to her lips, taking the time to trail the tip of her tongue around the rim, purring again as she took a sip.

  I was fascinated by just how far this would go.

  “There is nothing like excellent Russian vodka,” she mused, turning her attention once again toward the city lights. “Smooth and elegant in a rough and tumble manner.”

  As the band began playing another song, this one louder than all the others and allowing for the melodic sounds to float in our direction, I decided to turn the tables. “Would you care to dance?”


  “Why not? Is there also nothing better than being in the beautiful moonlight on a chilly night, listening to a marvelous band butchering one of the finest jazz songs in the world?”

  Her laugh seemed genuine, her hand floating in front of her mouth.

  I took the opportunity to take the glass out of her hand, easing both on one of the tables before pulling her into my arms. For this, there didn’t need to be any pretense. I held her firmly, her breasts crushed against my chest. As I whisked her around the pa
tio, she kept a perfect rhythm, one hand wrapped around my neck and the other planted in my hand. Being this close to her was much more of an aphrodisiac than I should allow.

  She could certainly break down my defenses if I chose to allow her.

  “Is it too forward of me to ask your name?” I lowered my head, breathing in her scent once again. Every part of me was on fire, a blazing hunger billowing that I hadn’t experienced in some time.

  Willow shuddered in my arms, her fingers digging into my skin. The pressure was intense and wonderful, stimulating every cell in my body.

  “You can call me Roxy,” she whispered into my ear, allowing her hot breath to cascade across my neck.

  “Roxy.” I merely growled her name, my reward another quiver of her body. A reaction that couldn’t be faked.

  Any more than her knowledge of my hard and aching cock.

  “And yours?” she asked after a few seconds.

  “Aleksei.” There was no reason to lie. The game of cat and mouse would come to a head soon enough.

  “Delicious, just like the man.”

  We remained quiet as the dance continued, my mother’s insistence on taking ballroom dancing lessons finally coming in handy. I could feel Willow’s body relaxing even as her breathing became shallow, and her scent was now mixed with her feminine wiles, longing taking over. I needed to learn exactly why I was on her hit list and who was next.

  Was Peter Church stupid enough to believe he could take out more than one mafia leader? He had to know any knowledge of what he was preparing to do leaking out would mean his death warrant.

  When the song ended, we continued to dance even though the only noise was from the cheering crowd.

  “Who are you, Aleksei? Why are you here? Are you a supporter of the mayor?”

  “Not in the least. The pompous ass couldn’t lead a team of rats out of the underground.”

  “Bold words for such a handsome man.”

  “I call it like I see it. He is treacherous in manners that will one day cost him everything. I hate liars and cheats, those pretending to be something they’re not.” I said the words with enough truth behind them that she seemed surprised.


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