Forced to Cooperate

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Forced to Cooperate Page 8

by Piper Stone

  “Maksim is my brigadier, my captain, and the single man I trust with my life,” Aleksei directed the comment to me, still keeping the smirk on his face. “Maksim, how many men are on the property?”

  “Six, boss. No one will get in or out.” Maksim lifted his eyebrows, finally turning his attention in my direction.

  “The last time anyone attempted?” Aleksei asked. “You can be candid around our guest. She is quite familiar to the rules of the street.”

  Maksim grinned, shifting from foot to foot, eager to provide the answer. “He was taken out in pieces after being set on fire, his remnants tossed in several locations. He ain’t never going to be found.”

  “Thank you, Maksim. If you wouldn’t mind, take our guest to the dungeon. She needs a taste of my mastery. Make certain she’s... comfortable then come see me in my office.”

  “Absolutely, boss.”

  Dungeon. Bristling, I hissed at Aleksei. “You really are a bastard.” As the brute of a man led me away, I heard his snide answer.


  Chapter Six



  I’d provided my share over the years, certain acts absolutely necessary in keeping the peace. As well as my reputation. However, I had not, nor would I ever brutalize a woman. Still, Willow had gotten dangerously close to learning far too many things about me, finding out my weaknesses. I couldn’t allow that to happen. She would need to learn obedience one way or the other.

  I stormed down the hall, throwing open the doors to my office. I was pissed beyond belief. I’d found out about the shipment only after her departure from the hotel, the information taken from a low-level employee working for Peter Church.

  The hard way.

  I was hoping the young man would still be of use, providing more details with regard to Church Exports. That’s why he remained on ice, waiting for my personal interrogation.

  The illegal drugs coming into my port on my turf was unacceptable. I had to escalate my plans to eliminate Mr. Church sooner versus later. I had the distinct feeling that my family’s other enemies would smell blood in the water, becoming piranhas within days. I couldn’t allow that to happen. I held the glass of scotch to my head, not looking forward to telling my father the sordid details.

  I had no doubt I’d be blamed for the mess.

  I’d spent perhaps too much time researching her background. She’d carefully covered up her tracks, just as she’d managed to hide her real identity from almost everyone. But I wasn’t just anyone. I had my sources, men trained to find anyone I required. Still, she’d lived the majority of her life in anonymity. I hadn’t even been able to make a connection to Peter in an official manner.

  It was as if she’d been erased from the record books.

  My frustration was growing.

  “She’s a handful, boss,” Maksim said as he entered the room. “Who is she? You almost never bring a woman here, certainly not to stay.”

  “Be careful of your tone, Maksim. I don’t like to be questioned.” He was right. No woman had ever spent the night in my house. No one was good enough. I was particular for several reasons, including making certain the location of my home remained a secret. I had far too many enemies, those who would enjoy destroying what personal life I’d manage to salvage over the years.

  The thought brought memories into my mind, beautiful images of the other man I’d once been, someone who believed in happy ever after. Another time. Instead of the brutal bastard I’d become. I pushed the random thoughts aside, refusing the ugliness.

  “Yes, boss.” He moved closer, lifting a single eyebrow. “I apologize. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  Sighing, I moved toward the folder I’d placed on the desk, swirling my finger across the unopened top. Taking out my frustration on my employees wasn’t going to change anything. “You didn’t, Maksim, but we have a problem. The man you hunted down for me. Is he secure?”

  “Very. Got him locked away, just awaiting your orders.”

  I could almost hear excitement in his voice. “I’ll be handling the issue personally but first I need your help in tracking down information.”

  “All right. Whadya need, boss?”

  “Church Exports. They are becoming a player and you know what that means. I need you to gather information on the streets. Find out if anyone is talking about them and if they are, I need to know in what regard.” I heard the edge in my voice but now wasn’t the time to back down. I had to act swiftly.

  “I’ve heard the name, but they’re legit. Two-bit assholes pawning off religious artifacts to unsuspecting customers.” He laughed until he noticed my serious expression.

  “Not any longer. They’re moving in on our turf. Drugs and the kind that kill. Maybe more. I must know everything you can find. Get your best and most brutal men on this but use some restraint. I do not want any unnecessary bloodshed. Do you understand?”

  Maksim nodded. “Absolutely. What can I expect?”

  I thought about his question for a moment before answering, “Chaos.”

  “If you’ll excuse my ignorance, they have no soldiers to speak of, at least none that have made their presence known. Why don’t we just take them out, alleviate the problem?”

  Maksim’s point was well taken. The easiest route was simply to eliminate the threat in any way possible. “Because we don’t want that kind of notoriety curtailing our business. He has dozens of investors, powerful men in their own right. From what I’ve heard, the body count has already increased, which will put extra pressure on our operation. We need to be diligent in everything we do.” The information provided by Miguel had included a full list of people possible involved, some wielding enough power to force us into shutting down for a time. I simply couldn’t take the chance, not when things were going so well. I also had very personal reasons.

  One that had altered my life forever.

  “All right. Makes sense. And the girl?”

  “She’s off limits. Mine to deal with and punish. If she becomes an issue, including attempting escape, you will stop her at all costs. I also want no one else to know she’s here.” Only Maksim had learned I had a guest. I wanted to make certain it remained that way. I doubted that Peter had any idea she was missing. That would soon change.

  “Of course, boss.” He glanced around the room, taking a step closer. “What about Dimitri?”

  Planting my hands on the cool surface, I leaned over the desk. “Secure at least for now. I need to get this under control.”

  “Good enough. I’ll report in later.”

  “Excellent. Just make certain we keep this on a lockdown. I don’t want anyone on the street to have any idea.”

  Maksim gave me a pensive look, hesitating. I could tell he had more questions than I was ready to answer, but he knew me better than most, merely nodding out of respect before heading to the door.

  “One more thing,” I said under my breath.

  He turned, another sly smile creeping across his face. He knew my tendencies, the need to control everything around me. “What do you need, boss?”

  “Find out everything you can about Willow Church and her alias Roxy.” If she’d even used that name before.

  “Anything in particular?”

  I thought about the question, uncertain of what I was actually looking for. “Where she went to school. Where she was born. The basics.”

  “Not a problem.”

  Was I trying to ascertain whether I could trust her? Perhaps. She was a woman with deep, dark secrets and I was determined to find out everything about them, including her weaknesses.

  I waited until he left before polishing off my drink. I had a bad feeling that things were going to become violent in the streets. What I’d learned in my handling the oversight of our brotherhood was that the majority of people craved someone taking the lead, forcing rules and methods of punishment. They thrived on following behind leaders like good lap dogs. Upsetting their daily routine onl
y proved to create additional work on my end.

  I had zero patience at this point.

  I turned and gazed out the window, glancing at the moon already rising above the horizon. The nights came early in the fall, the time of day I enjoyed the most. My people knew better than to bother me at night for fear of facing my wrath. I could trust all of them, knowing Maksim had a firm hold on controlling the other Bratoks, although only my father insisted on using the old Russian terms. He’d been indoctrinated into the Solntsevskaya Bratva by my grandfather, a man rising from the vicious labor camps. My father’s own rise to the elite group, highly feared amongst all those living in the mother country, had fueled his ambition, making him one of the most dangerous soldiers.

  My indoctrination had been expected, known since the time I was a small boy. That’s why moving to America had been somewhat of a surprise, yet an opportunity that my father had never taken for granted or without caution.

  There were many in Russia who would gladly eliminate the competition to take his place.

  He’d been entrusted to handle a solid portion of the East coast.

  Even though I’d earned my place in the ranks of the Petrov regime with my own tactics, I’d never forgotten anything my father had taught me. Although loyalty was earned, men vying for the honor of making it up the food chain, they could often be bought.

  Greed was an influential tool, even more than power.

  What lengths would Peter Church go to?

  I placed the gun in my desk drawer, realizing I’d soon need rest, even for a couple of hours. While I had the feeling Willow finally understood her predicament, I would reinforce my way, just as I’d promised. That would enable us to discuss plans. Her cooperation was vital, even though I had my doubts about Peter Church’s love for his sister.

  Something was very off about the relationship. Coercing her into becoming an assassin? Not sharing any portion of his business in any manner? No. I didn’t buy their connection on any level.

  I took the stairs two at a time, leading down to a locked door, the basement transformed during the building process. This was my only truly private space, a location that was secure from any concept of unwanted ears, soundproof if Bratva business was absolutely necessary.

  It was also my playroom, one almost never used for encouraging the sounds of pleasure. That had ended years before.

  I unlocked the door, moving inside and instantly enjoying the view.

  Hearing the noise, she jerked around to face me, her hands clinging to the metal bars. She hissed, her body moving in a violent manner as she glared at me.

  “What the hell is wrong with you? A cage? You locked me in a goddamn dog cage.” Her anger was evident, her eyes flashing.

  I moved closer, taking my time. “I was very direct with you, Willow. I told you that punishment would be swift and harsh. You earn privileges. You are not entitled to them. Now, I suggest you remain silent while I explain how things are going to be.” I stood with my hands behind my back, waiting as patiently as possible for her to obey.

  Finally, she slunk back, still on all fours, still full of venom and ready to strike at a moment’s notice. And I knew she wouldn’t hesitate.

  I walked around the cage in a complete circle, allowing her to hear my footsteps. “Excellent. You can learn when to keep your mouth shut.”

  Bristling, she snarled but didn’t allow herself to retort.

  “Good girl.” I eased back where she could see me clearly. “I also made a promise to keep you safe, but I can’t do that unless I can place a certain amount of trust in you. Can I do that, Willow? Can I trust you enough to simply enjoy my hospitality?”

  She sat back, studying me intently.

  “You may speak.”

  “Yes.” Said with such disgust.

  “I think ‘yes, sir’ will do.” I took another turn around the cage.

  Willow chewed on her inner cheek, blinking several times. “Fine. Yes. Sir.”

  “Wonderful. We are communicating much better. I have no intention of keeping you in this cage unless you disobey me again. You have your own room and bathroom in my house, my sanctuary. You can have access to almost every room, including the kitchen. My office and the locked room upstairs are the only two locations off limits. There is no exception for any reason.” I allowed the edge of my ring to ping against the bars as I walked back to the front. She didn’t flinch.

  “All right. I mean yes, sir.”

  “You are learning, which will keep you alive. However, I am going to need to punish you for your infractions.” I crouched down in front of her, scanning every inch of her lovely face. She hadn’t cried, as I would have expected, and she wasn’t now. In fact, she was rock solid, other than being pissed off. She’d been taught what to expect if ever compromised.

  She sucked in her breath, only nodding her reply.

  I grabbed the keys, jingling them before sliding the correct one into the lock and opening the door. Holding out my hand, I helped her climb out, pulling her close for a brief few seconds. The feel of her in my arms was enticing, but I needed to make certain that she accepted my control. “That’s much better.”

  After folding her arms, she stared at me defiantly. So rebellious.

  So exciting.

  My cock ached even more than it had before, desire building. The woman had no idea what effect she had on me. She was strong and vibrant, a dangerous combination. “Remove your clothes.”

  She instantly opened her mouth to retort, furrowing her brow as she glanced around the room. I noticed the nervous tic in the corner of her mouth as she studied the various apparatuses.

  “I enjoy darker proclivities from time to time.” I could see a single glint in her eyes. Not from fear or anxiety.


  Maybe she did desire a dominating man, a darker relationship. My cock twitched again, pushing hard against my jeans. Punishment first before any kind of pleasure.

  “Undress. If I have to ask you again, you’re going to lose your right to wear clothes as well. I suspect that wouldn’t make you happy.”

  I could almost hear the curse words flowing through her mind. Instead of turning away from me while performing the task as she’d done in my office, she kept her eyes pinned on me, a slight smile curled on her lips as she slowly removed her clothing. I found that highly provocative, perhaps more so than taking her for the first time.

  Although that had been sweet indeed.

  “Place your arms over your head,” I directed before moving toward the ornate mahogany cabinet holding my favorite implements, at least the ones strictly used for play. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d peered inside, let alone used one for discipline. I was honestly surprised at my body’s reaction, the increasing pulse and skyrocketing blood pressure.

  I knew she would obey me at this point, but I also knew she was playing me. As if she would be able to garner any control. It would be fun to see her try. I took a deep whiff as I opened the double doors, appreciating both the scents of old wood and leather. There was nothing better.

  While the various paddles and even several canes drew my attention, my favorite would always be the quirt. I owned several, every purchase from almost eight years before, but my favorite had been broken in many times. I sighed as I wrapped my fingers around the braided lash, another block of memories surfacing.

  This was an entirely different situation.

  I noticed my collection of anal training plugs, the varying sizes positioned in a row. There was nothing I wanted more than to fuck her in the ass. I ran the tip of my finger over several, finally selecting one that would be a definite reminder that I was in charge. I grabbed the tube of lubricant, slathering a decent amount over the rubber end, satisfied this would be the perfect training device.

  For now.

  There would be others, fulfilling my sadistic desires.

  When I turned around, she stood in exactly the position I required, her legs wide open. As if she’d been through
a typical interrogation before. Everything about this woman was becoming more fascinating by the moment.

  She seemed to stand taller, clenching her butt cheeks as if anticipating a spanking.

  “I’m going to train you in several ways,” I said quietly, no inflection in my tone.

  After sucking in her breath, she dared to dart a glance in my direction. I eased the handle of the quirt into my pocket, moving in front of her in order for her to see the rubber plug, red in color, the hue I anticipated her bottom would be after the intense round of discipline. A single whimper slipped past her mouth before she pursed her lips, blinking several times.

  “You will wear this until I say otherwise. As time moves forward, the plugs will become larger.” I held the anal toy in front of her eyes, twisting and turning the piece in the dim light. I could see her increasing anxiety, could hear her ragged breathing. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes. Sir,” she hissed after a few seconds.

  I allowed an exaggerated breath before moving behind her. “Bend over and open your ass cheeks for me.”

  “But...” Her expression shifted into one of stubbornness again, her mouth twisting in order to hold back a retort. Her actions stiff, she bent over, reaching around and pulling her delectable cheeks apart, exposing her rosy hole.

  My cock ached to the point I was forced to adjust, my balls tight as drums. I ran the tips of my fingers down the crack of her ass, pressing my thumb against her asshole. The moment I pushed the tip just inside, her legs quivered. “Relax, Willow, and this will be much easier.”

  Goosebumps had popped along her skin and she dipped her head low. There was no doubt she was completely embarrassed, humiliated about the upcoming experience.

  Allowing a slight growl, I positioned the rubber end at her entrance, pressing my other hand on the small of her back as I guided the plug in slowly, twisting back and forth gently.

  Willow was unable to hold back a whimper, almost falling forward as I pushed the toy past her tight ring of muscle.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered.

  “Breathe for me. The pain will subside, leaving you with a delicious and very full feeling.” I took my time until the plug was completely in position, turning once more before tapping her bottom. “Excellent. You can stand. Remember, you’re not to remove this other than when necessary.”


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