Forced to Cooperate

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Forced to Cooperate Page 19

by Piper Stone

  “Don’t you dare do that to me, Aleksei. I can handle myself and I’m not going to run away in fear for the rest of my life, especially not when I just found a life. With you.”

  He lowered his head, taking deep breaths. “I can’t risk it, but I may need to ask you a favor.”

  “You can ask me any favor in the world, but I’m not leaving you.”

  “This is important, Willow. I have to be able to trust you with my life. Can I do that? Will you help me?”

  I had no idea what he was referring to, but the fear in his eyes I’d seen once before had returned, the kind of cold terror that kept a man awake at night. “I promise you I’ll do what I can.”

  He cupped both my hands with his, leaning even further forward. “My life is very protected for a reason.”

  “Mr. Petrov? I’ve received an urgent call from one of your employees, who is waiting at the airport. He wanted me to tell you that it’s vital you talk immediately.” The pilot’s voice boomed over the intercom. “We’ll be arriving in two minutes.”

  Aleksei sighed, breaking our connection.

  “What were you going to tell me?” I asked as I placed my hands on his knees.

  “It’s going to have to wait. We’ll have time to talk after the meeting and make arrangements.”

  I couldn’t believe he was going to force me to leave. Whatever my brother had gotten in the middle of, I couldn’t imagine that he truly knew what he was doing. I was suddenly very cold, every inch of my body quivering, nausea gripping my stomach.

  He remained tense as the pilot landed the plane, jerking out of his seat before the wheels stopped rolling. “Stay behind me.”

  I peered out the window, seeing four dark SUVs positioned in a row. I did as he asked, keeping my distance as the flight attendant opened the door, holding my breath as he stepped out.

  Aleksei motioned to me, holding my hand as he walked us down the set of stairs. I noticed Maksim headed in his direction, the balding man looking even more formidable today.

  “What’s going on?” Aleksei asked.

  Maksim removed his sunglasses, his eyes darting in my direction. “Maybe you want your guest to wait in the car, boss.”

  “She can remain. What the fuck is going on?” Aleksei demanded, his tone even more urgent than before.

  “Your father was arrested,” Maksim stated without inflection.

  “What? Are you fucking kidding me? For what?” Aleksei had already started walking toward one of the vehicles.


  I looked at Maksim then to Aleksei, who didn’t seem concerned.

  “And just who is he supposed to have murdered?”

  “Mayor Willowby.”

  Aleksei stopped short, shifting around slowly, his face riddled with shock. “What. The. Fuck?”

  “I can’t find out any of the details. The police commissioner won’t answer and neither will anyone else. I sent the consigliere to find out what’s going on, but you know Jonas. He’s already ruffled some feathers,” Maksim stated, his eyes forever scanning the area.

  “Hotheaded motherfucking Italian. Yeah, I know how Mr. DiCarlo handles the operation, but he will get to the bottom of what the shit is going on. What about...” Aleksei started.

  “Everything is fine,” Maksim assured him.

  Aleksei glanced up at the sky, growling under his breath. “We need to get to the meeting. After that, I’m heading to the police station. Make certain Jonas remains at the precinct. I’m going to need all the help I can get.”

  “Will do, boss. Everything has been arranged.” Maksim opened the back door, ushering me inside.

  “Let’s get this over with.”

  There were no discussions on the ride and I honestly had no idea where we were going, except that it was into one of the boroughs on the outskirts of town. He’d pulled out the same burner phone I used, texting to my brother’s number then merely leaning back in the seat.

  I remained sick to my stomach, but I comprehended just how dangerous the situation was that we were rolling into. I leaned forward then I realized where we were going.

  The Philadelphia Navy Yard. I hadn’t been to the location in years. A public location with certain private areas as necessary, also allowing for security without being overtly obvious. A brilliant idea.

  Maksim handed Aleksei a briefcase as the driver parked. I knew exactly what was inside. Weapons of choice.

  Aleksei took his time selecting two, sliding both into his suit jacket. Then he handed me my own gun, his eyes locking onto mine. “Only to be used if absolutely necessary. Do you understand?”

  I nodded, shifting forward and sliding it under my belt. The shirt would hide it from any public viewing.

  “This is only a discussion. I don’t think your brother wants his reputation ruined.” Aleksei opened the door, climbing out and adjusting his jacket.

  I glanced out the back window. There was no sign of Peter anywhere.

  I was led down a pathway, moving toward one of the aging ships. Aleksei had obviously managed to acquire a private showing.

  Maksim and two other soldiers followed us up on deck and there was no sign of the other vehicles, but I knew they were here, his men canvassing the area. We stood in the light breeze, the day chilly, especially this close to the water.

  As always, my brother was very punctual, arriving with three men I didn’t recognize. He was dressed as if going to a business meeting, including a crisp white shirt. This was a game of brawn as much as anything. He also refused to remove his shades until he was only twenty feet away, finally even acknowledging my existence.

  “I see you failed your mission, Willow,” Peter said in a perfunctory manner.

  “Seems karma had other things in mind, Peter. Now, I’m Aleksei’s prisoner,” I shot back, yawning and looking away, a gesture that always pissed him off.

  “Nonsense, sister. I’m keenly aware of your display at the Kennedy Center last night, which is exactly why you were there. To show off. To goad me. I’m not ruffled that easily.” Peter smirked.

  Aleksei placed his arm in front of me, a reminder not to lose my cool.

  “Make no mistake, Peter, Willow is under duress. You are well aware of my reputation. While I enjoy tasting the finer things in life, including beautiful women, they are of a simple use and nothing more. I will take her life if you do not cooperate.”

  I wanted to see some kind of fear or anxiety in my brother’s eyes, but there were none. Zero. I didn’t matter to him in the least.

  “Since this is your meeting, Aleksei, why don’t you tell us what it’s all about? I do have other meetings with clients this afternoon.” Peter shifted his gaze in both directions before settling on Aleksei.

  “Fair enough. I’ll get straight to the point. You’ve been attempting to muscle in on my family’s activity, years of business that has been built on loyalty and respect. In addition, you’re responsible for bringing Killer H into the United States. I also believe you’re trying to pin deaths of innocent young adults on our family. That simply won’t do.” Aleksei took a step closer. “To that end, you have a single choice to turn over the reins of your organization to me.”

  Peter laughed, the men he’d brought with him doing the same. “You certainly think you are God almighty.”

  Aleksei moved even closer, until they were only a single foot away from each other. “The alternative isn’t pleasant. Not only will I end your sister’s life, but I will take from you everything you have, destroying all you’ve worked under the table to achieve, and you will rot in prison for the rest of your life. Or worse. You see, I have very influential friends.”

  There was no anger in Aleksei’s voice, no fear of any kind. Just a quiet calm, the man in his element.

  Peter kept his same expression, more amused than anything else. “First of all, if you haven’t figured out, I was using my sister. I couldn’t care less about her, especially since she’s not my flesh and blood. You can have her, although s
he’s damaged goods in more than one way, a trained killer.”

  “That’s because you forced her to become one,” Aleksei retorted.

  “No, she was a killer long before she became a trained assassin,” Peter hissed, turning his head in my direction.

  “You fucking bastard!” I snapped.

  “Why don’t you ask her exactly what she did, the destruction she caused. She’s not so innocent in all of this.” Peter’s laugh brought back all the years of his taunting, the nastiness and uncaring. “That’s the kind of woman you seem to care about. You’ll learn.”

  Aleksei finally bristled. Within two seconds, the barrel of his gun was placed against Peter’s forehead. Every other soldier brought out their weapon. While Peter’s men had their guns pointed toward Aleksei, Maksim and his men had theirs directed at the other soldiers.

  This was a terrible standoff.

  “I suggest you rethink your attitude, Peter. You are well aware of what I can do. This is your final warning. I assure you, there will not be another. You have forty-eight hours to make your decision. If you fail to comply, you will die. If you attempt to implicate me or my family in the bloodshed that is on your hands, you will die. If you even consider hurting your sister in any manner, you will die. The choice is yours. I suggest you use the time wisely.”

  Aleksei’s voice rang clear, the meaning without question.

  He was going to win at this game, no matter the consequences.

  “Don’t bother, Aleksei. My brother isn’t worth it,” I stated in a defiant tone.

  Peter tilted his head another few inches, moving his hands in a manner to back down his soldiers. “Don’t underestimate me, Petrov. Many have died a horrible death in doing so.”

  “We shall see, Russian,” Aleksei said, laughing.

  Russian. What in the hell did he mean by that? My parents were descendants of Scottish people, or at least I’d been told.

  “This game isn’t over, Aleksei. You’ve lost control. Soon, I’ll be in control of several cities. I suggest you keep that in mind,” Peter said, a grin popping along his face.

  Aleksei huffed before backing away, the Glock still firmly pointed in Peter’s direction. He grabbed my arm, yanking me out of harm’s way before the other soldiers had any opportunity to react.

  I looked back only once and the trite expression on my brother’s face was exactly what I needed to see. I was dead to him. Perhaps I always had been. Fine. He had no idea that I could retaliate in my own manner. No one did.

  I was shoved into the SUV, both Maksim and the driver piling in, the vehicle immediately brought to life.

  Aleksei pushed my head down, cursing in Russian under his breath. I’d never seen him so pissed. When we were free of the Navy yard, only then did he allow me to return to a sitting position.

  “What the hell does that asshole think he can do?” Maksim asked.

  “He has another hand in this game, Maksim. I assure you of that,” Aleksei said quietly, finally taking several deep breaths. “And when he shows that hand, I’ll be ready. Take me to the precinct.”

  “Yes, boss.”

  “Make certain there are soldiers surrounding the house as well as the other location,” Aleksei directed.

  A code for something else that was going on.

  “Already on it, boss. Nothing is going to happen,” Maksim assured him.

  “You are going to tell me what your brother has on you. You will hold nothing back. Is that clear?” Aleksei asked me, but his words were a command.

  “I will, but not here. Not now. You need to check on your father.”

  “Agreed, but when we return to the house, I need to know every detail. Peter is going to stop at nothing to try and win this war and that can’t and won’t happen.”

  I noticed how rattled his breathing was, the way his face was pinched from rage. “Then you will also tell me what you’re trying so hard to protect other than my life.”

  He turned his head, blinking his agreement. His hand was still firmly planted on the gun.

  “Do you think your father really killed the mayor?” I asked after a few minutes, my nerves still on edge.

  “Anything is possible, but I honestly doubt it. My father is a calculated man. I’ve seen him pushed to the wall and this isn’t his usual reaction. Whoever has fucked with my family will die.”

  I shuddered hearing his words and perhaps for the first time, I was beginning to understand his power, a man infused with passion in all things.

  And there was nothing that would keep me from him or from protecting him.

  Even if that meant my death.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “What in the hell is going on?” I demanded after finally making it into the ninth precinct. The number of reporters was sickening, all wanting their five minutes of fame given my father’s arrest.

  Jonas approached, whisking me away from the various police officers standing in close proximity. “Keep your voice down, Aleksei. Getting angry isn’t going to do us any good.”

  “You know damn good and well my father had nothing to do with the mayor’s murder.”

  “Aleksei, he had blood on his hands and his weapon had been fired.”

  I took the news hard, the sucker punch to my gut almost more than I could bear. Whatever had occurred between the two men must have been horrific.

  “Where is my father?”

  “He’s in a holding room,” Jonas said quietly.

  The man had worked with my father since the beginning, advising him in all methods of the law, as well as on other important political issues. He’d grown up in the city, attending Harvard Law School then returning to practice law in his beloved hometown. While Jonas was savvy, he was also against criminal activity, an argument that he certainly had no issue entering into with my father.

  “Then I need to see him,” I demanded.

  “Not until he’s processed. You know how this goes.”

  Yeah, I knew. I’d been through the drill more than once. Even though my family owned many of the police officers in the city, our association couldn’t eradicate the various arrests that had occurred over the years. At least there’d been no convictions to date, all based in part to Jonas’ skills in the courtroom. “Then what do you suggest?”

  “Go home. Wait. And don’t talk to anyone about this. I’m certain the police will want to have a discussion with you, but I’ll hold them off as long as possible. Just don’t leave town again. We don’t want to give the police any cause for additional incrimination.”

  I glared at Jonas, my anger swelling. “What about the damn police commissioner?”

  Jonas sighed. “I’m certain he’s keeping an arm’s distance from this, at least for now. I’m still trying to schedule an appointment, but as you can imagine, he has his hands full with this.”

  I hissed under my breath, forced to accept the situation. At least for now. I had other ways of dealing with this. “I have no doubt that Peter Church is behind this.”

  Jonas’ eyes opened wide. “That’s a tall accusation. He has a significant number of friends in influential positions.”

  “I’m well aware of that, but he’s also Solntsevskaya.”

  “What? Where the hell did that come from?”

  “My father.”

  The consigliere darted another look around the precinct before pulling me against the wall. “Don’t go spouting that shit off. I’ll put out some feelers and see what we’re up against.”

  “Peter is a direct descendant.”

  “That could present a problem.”

  “A cover-up.” I said the words almost casually, finally accepting that this ruse was almost too huge to tackle by myself.

  “Go home. I’ll come by the house later.”

  I nodded, still uneasy about every aspect of my father’s framing. I stormed out of the building, heading directly for the SUV, the reporters continuing to hound me. I could only imagine what was going to be on the s
ix o’ clock news.

  “Where we going now, boss?” Maksim asked.

  “Home. I need to regroup.” I sat back in the seat, cognizant that Willow was hovering just beside me, understandably curious about what the fuck was going on. As the driver pressed down on the accelerator, the quick action forcing several of the reporters to scuttle out of the way, I cringed. My family had been played while I’d been exacting revenge in my own way. My impetuous behavior had allowed the Solntsevskayas to break alliances and threaten my business and my family.

  They wouldn’t be allowed to get any closer.

  “Is your father okay?” Willow asked.

  I could hear the concern in her voice. “I didn’t see him. They’re in the process of interrogating him.”

  “Do you believe your father had anything to do with the murder?”

  “Not a chance.”

  “Peter is responsible,” she half whispered.

  “That remains to be seen.” While Peter was certainly a strong player, I doubted he’d handled or planned this completely on his own. One way or the other, I would find out.

  She settled into the seat, her hands tightly wrung together. The day hadn’t turned out as expected.

  For either one of us.

  And still, there was more to tell her.

  “What did you mean when you called him a Russian?” she asked.

  I’d anticipated the question was coming. “I have it under good authority that he is a direct descendant of the same Bratva family determined to take over not only the Petrov realm, but New York and Chicago as well.” There was no room for keeping additional secrets. It seemed Peter currently held all the aces in our vicious game.

  She sucked in her breath, blinking several times but remaining quiet. There was a hell of a lot to process.

  For both of us.

  I yanked out my phone, preferring not to wait to bring in help. It wasn’t something I’d ever done before, especially not in this manner, but given the circumstances, I felt I had no other choice. Lorenzo answered on the second ring. I was certain he’d already heard the news about my father.


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