Russian Mafia Billionaire’s Secretary

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Russian Mafia Billionaire’s Secretary Page 4

by Lee, Leona

  Nodding his head, he picked up the phone. “Alanna, you know that I was teasing, right?” She was about to respond when his caller answered the phone and he began yelling something unintelligible into the phone. Not bothering to wait, she hurried for the door.

  “Good job, today,” he called out before she left the room. She turned back and smiled in acknowledgement of his compliment. She walked to her desk and let out a deep breath. Alexander had been a force to be reckoned with and she wasn’t sure how much of what he said to her was a tease or if he actually felt that way.

  A spanking! That set her thoughts swirling in a direction she hadn’t intended.

  She jumped when his side of the conversation suddenly increased in volume and not for the first time, she questioned how accurate Amelia’s assessment was. Granted, it would be far easier to know that answer if she spoke Russian. Shrugging her shoulders, she shut her computer down for the day and left the building.

  Similar scenarios played out as the days passed. He yelled at people left and right when he made calls and she felt an intense curiosity about what those conversations entailed. Some words stuck out more than others, but she doubted she could spell them, let alone write them down.

  She worked long, hard hours and Alexander praised her at every turn. She smiled at his acknowledgements and continued to do more than he asked in order to stay firmly placed in his good graces.

  The next week, Alanna catered to Alexander’s every whim. He’d asked her to run errands, double-check Amelia’s travel itinerary and ensure that his meetings all went smoothly. She was up to the task even managing to answer several client questions, as she became more familiar with the contracts and shipping inventories.

  When she was asked to pull the files for some of the long-term clients, one of the folders tore as she was pulling it from the drawer and half the papers dropped to the floor. Swearing to herself, she dropped to her knees to gather up the papers. Some of the shipping manifests had something written in Russian in the corner. As she quickly sorted the papers back in date order, she saw it on several more.

  Curious, she planned to ask Amelia about it but quickly forgot when Alexander began shouting for the files. Grabbing a new folder, she shifting everything over to it and brought them to his office.

  Alanna headed home and talked to her sister about her role at the company. When she got there, Alyssa asked, “How are things going with the work thing?”

  “Things are going pretty well,” Alanna assured her sister. “I’m probably going to be working alone once Alexander’s sister goes back to Russia.”

  “She’s leaving?” Alyssa asked pensively.

  “Yeah, she’s leaving on Monday. No one has said why she’s going, but that’ll mean that I get to run the office on my own.”

  “I guess the training wheels are off,” Alyssa noted as she nodded in approval.

  Chapter Six

  Monday rolled around and Alanna strolled into her work place of two weeks and felt as if she was ready for anything Alexander would throw at her. When she exited the elevator out onto the top floor, she found Amelia packing up her belongings.

  “Alanna, dear,” she called out. “It was so nice to have worked with you. I have no doubt that you will succeed under my brother’s guidance here at Denisov International. But if you have any difficulties, know that you can contact me, anytime.”

  “It was a pleasure working with you, as well. I’ll miss you,” Alanna told her. The Russian woman smiled, as she walked into her brother’s office. As Alanna neared her desk, she heard them exchange pleasantries.

  “Have a good trip, my sister,” Alexander told her. They hugged each other tightly and Amelia scooped up her briefcase as she left. She walked toward the elevator and disappeared inside.

  “Alanna,” Alexander announced as he joined her at her desk. “I need to speak with you for a moment.”

  Alanna dropped everything and followed Alexander to his office. She closed the door behind them and sat down in a chair in front of his desk.

  “I spoke with Amelia before she left and she indicated that you have done well under her guidance. So much so, that I want to give you a raise along with a change in your title to Executive Assistant,” he told her as he kicked back in his chair.

  She beamed at the news.

  “Also, there is one other thing.”

  “Yes?” she asked as she wondered what he meant.

  “I want you to hire an assistant to help you. Someone to help manage the little things,” he told her.

  “I will place an ad tomorrow as soon as I work out all of the details,” Alanna responded.

  “You’re in charge of the interview process, but make sure that you hire someone competent,” he ordered.

  “Of course, Mr. Denisov,” she agreed as she took notes.

  “What is this, Mr. Denisov? I told you, call me, Alexander,” he barked in an even tone. “I like being on a first name basis with you. If you insist on using last names, I will be forced to call you, Ms. Vella, and that sounds too formal for my preference.”

  “Alexander, I’m sorry,” she replied, as she blushed.

  “Don’t be sorry,” he chided her as he looked her into her eyes. “Beautiful women should never apologize,” he told her.

  She smiled at the compliment and asked if there was anything else he needed from her. He appeared to contemplate the question, but decided that he didn’t need anything from her at the moment.

  “You may go,” he released her.

  “Of course,” she replied as she got up from her seat.

  “Wait,” he stopped her. “With your new title comes a raise. Twenty thousand a year in addition to what you’re making now.”

  She felt like she wanted to jump up and down where she stood. She grinned and couldn’t wait to tell Alyssa all about it later at home.

  “Thank you so much, Alexander,” Alanna told him with a smile.

  “That’s my girl,” he said in response to her use of his first name.

  Eight hours passed and Alexander told Alanna to leave to celebrate her raise. She headed home where she was greeted by an overly rambunctious Roman, and an equally tired Alyssa.

  “What’s with the big smile? Good day?” Alyssa asked.

  Unable to contain herself any longer, she swung Roman up in her arms and danced around the room.

  “I have some good news!” she sang out as Roman giggled.

  “Details,” Alyssa urged her.

  “Remember how I told you that Alexander’s sister was going back to Russia? Well, she did and guess what?”

  “What?” Alyssa asked impatiently.

  “He gave me a raise,” she shouted triumphantly.

  “Already? A raise? How much?” Alyssa pressed her.

  “Only twenty thousand a year!” Alanna announced as they both jumped up and down in place.

  “Twenty thousand? Holy crap!”

  “I know, right? I couldn’t believe it either. Now, he wants me to hire an assistant to help me out with the little things around the office,” Alanna recalled to her excited younger sister.

  “Wow, that is amazing to have happened so quickly,” her sister cheered.

  “It’s really awesome to have such a great boss,” she confessed, but in her mind, she added, ‘and sexy.’

  Chapter Seven

  When she arrived at work, she stopped in at the Human Resources department to find out the protocol for hiring an assistant. The HR manager was happy to provide her with the basic expectations for the position along with salary range; although she was reluctant to allow Alanna to handle the job listing and interviewing on her own citing company policies and state laws.

  After considerable discussion and promises to keep them apprised at every stage, she made her way upstairs with the necessary logins and passwords to the job sites the company uses.

  Arriving at her desk, she cultivated a lengthy list of the skills she required in an assistant, which included attention to deta
il and basic office skills. She wanted an assistant who could be an extension of herself just as she’d been for Alexander.

  As work hours passed, Alanna felt as though she should be walking on eggshells around Alexander who was especially angry in one phone call she’d overheard. Despite him shouting in Russian, he didn’t appear to mince words from the length of his side of the conversation. Whatever was going on, he wasn’t pleased with his caller and he barked at her more than once to hurry when he asked for specific files.

  She steered clear of him for the rest of the day and vowed to interview any possible future employees in the farthest conference room away from his office. Anyone interviewed for the job would need to hear a disclaimer before he scared them off.

  The following day, resumes for the position came pouring in through HR and to her email. Alanna was taken aback at the number of respondents in less than twenty-four hours. Sifting through them, she quickly created two piles; unfortunately, the pile of potential candidates only comprised two. With a sigh, she picked up the phone to contact the first applicant.

  “Hello?” Alanna asked when she heard someone pick up the line.

  “Hello?” the woman on the other end answered quietly.

  “Yes, I’m calling to speak to Jessica Tindon,” she said in response.

  “I’m Jessica Tindon.”

  As Alanna spoke with her, she immediately didn’t have a good feeling about her and hoped that she had simply caught her off guard and she would be more personable when they met. She wanted to have at least a couple candidates to interview for comparison purposes but the more Jessica talked, the less enthused she was with her.

  Alanna found her temper rising. Knowing that she needed to take control of the phone call before it got out of hand, she quickly scheduled an interview time. Ending the call, she took a deep breath and wondered if she should call the woman back to cancel. Closing her eyes, she took another deep breath and decided to keep the interview. The candidate pool thus far was slim.

  Picking up the phone to dial the other applicant, she only hoped the call would be better.

  “Tristan Avery speaking, how may I help you?” Alanna smiled in relief at the completely different tone.

  “I’m Alanna Vella from Denisov International. We received your resume for the open assistant position.”

  As they talked on the phone, Alanna became excited. Simply from his responses to her questions, he already sounded like the better candidate for the position. Concluding the call, she smiled to herself. At least one of the candidates sounded like he would be a good fit.

  The day went by with little distractions, as Alexander spent the majority of the day on the phone. Some conversations were on the nicer end, while others were spent sounding angry. Alanna remembered Amelia’s words and blew the angry sounding calls off but she was starting to wonder more and more.

  In the afternoon, Alexander called her on the intercom.

  “I need to leave for two hours. Have my driver, Nicholas; meet me downstairs in my SUV.”

  “Right away,” Alanna replied, as she picked up the phone.

  As he was getting ready to leave, Alexander stopped by her desk. “I will need the Sochi file on my desk when I return in addition to copies of these documents you can find in the Bailey and Kirov files,” he demanded.

  “Of course, Alexander, I’ll have those waiting for you upon your return,” she said as she watched him leave.

  She became distracted from the files when her phone rang. It was HR asking if she had scheduled any interviews. Giving the manager the names of the two candidates, she quickly ended the call. After making the necessary copies Alexander requested, Alanna walked into his office and put the files on his desk. She thought about her embarrassment when she was caught sitting in his chair.

  Thoughts of Alexander’s threat of a spanking flashed in her mind and she had to sit down or risk falling down. The idea of him bending her over his desk, lifting her skirt and pushing her panties down around her ankles in order to spank her made her instantly wet. She’d never entertained the idea of a spanking for fun, but she’d seen enough of her sister’s erotica books to know that it was common. She surprised herself at her body’s response to the idea of Alexander laying his hand on her butt cheeks to mete out some sort of punishment.

  Turning in the chair, she stood up and squealed in fright when she saw Alexander standing in the doorway to his office.

  “I see that you decided not to listen to my earlier comment and sat in my chair again,” he commented with a mischievous grin.

  Her face instantly flushed red and she found herself stammering, “You’re early.” With another high-pitched squeak, she quickly left his office but his deep-throated chuckle followed her out.

  Rushing to the bathroom, she leaned against the wall tile, allowing the coolness to chill her fevered skin. Stepping to the sink, she splashed cold water on her face.

  “You can’t do this, not with your boss,” she admonished as she stared at herself in the mirror. She took another few minutes to pull herself together before she was ready to leave the safety of the bathroom. Walking out, she was surprised to see Alexander waiting at her desk.

  “I’m sorry if that was inappropriate, Alanna,” he apologized as soon as he saw her. “I do not wish to offend you.”

  Shaking her head, she smiled. “I’m not offended,” she admitted. “I wasn’t expecting you back so soon and you caught me lost in thought.”

  “There, that didn’t sound so bad, did it?” she thought to herself.

  He looked at her, seeming unsure if he believed her before he nodded. “Good. Now, what is the status of the position under you?”

  “I have two interviews tomorrow for the job. One sounds very promising,” she advised him.

  “Great, keep me updated on your progress. I will be out of the office for the remainder of the day. The black chair is all yours,” he told her with a devious smile on his face.

  Alanna blushed as she sat back down at her desk. She stared vacantly at her monitor unsure what she was reading. She jumped when her phone rang, which brought her back to reality. The rest of the afternoon remained quiet and she gratefully turned off her computer at five, anxious to get home.

  Later that evening after Roman was in bed; Alanna sat soaking in the tub. Her thoughts wandered back to Alexander’s threat of spanking her and she shifted under the bubbles.

  “Why not?” she said aloud, glad that she had thought to lock the bathroom door before she got in the tub.

  With her hands under the water, she experimentally began stroking her body up and down. It had been years since she masturbated and given her thoughts about Alexander, she decided to give it a try.

  Closing her yes, she imagined herself sitting in Alexander’s chair, but instead of teasing her, he was determined to spank her. She looked at him defiantly as he strode purposely toward her. Gripping her arms, he pulled her from the chair too hard and she stumbled against him, her body slamming into his chest, as she fought to get her balance.

  Not giving her a moment to relax, he tilted her chin up and kissed her hard, demanding that she respond in kind. Moaning, she attempted to wrap her arms around his neck, but he wouldn’t let her, pushing her back before turning her around to face the desk.

  Pushing on her back, he waited for her to comply, as she bent over his desk to rest her elbows on it. He tapped continually at the inside of her feet while he waited for her to spread her legs farther and farther apart.

  As she fantasized, her fingers settled between her legs. Pushing against her hood, she found her clit and was surprised that it was sensitive to her touch. Pressing against it, her rubbing increased in intensity, as she imagined Alexander lifting her skirt above her hips and tugging at her panties so they settled at her feet.

  Rubbing his hand over her bare cheeks, Alanna fought the urge to moan, as he whispered in her ear, “Count for me.”

  With each spank of his hand, Alanna called out a brea
thy number, and her fingers pressed harder and moved faster in the water.

  Alanna felt her body begin to tense as pleasure tendrils coursed through her body causing her to flex her feet against the side of the tub. Before her fantasy spanking reached ten, she cried out as her body shook with an orgasm that was a long time in coming.

  Before she could finish her fantasy, she heard a knock on the bathroom door.

  “Mommy, are you okay?” Roman called out.

  “I’m fine, baby. Go back to bed. I’ll be in to check on you in a few minutes.”

  “Okay,” came his faint reply as she listened for his footsteps back down the hall.

  Expelling her breath, she slid down in the tub, dunking herself in the growing tepid water. Surfacing, she started laughing.

  “Yep, that’s why I don’t masturbate,” she told herself as she climbed out of the tub to dry off and go give her son another kiss goodnight.

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning, Alanna stopped by the receptionist’s counter to let them know that she was expecting two interview candidates. After giving her the names, she made her way to the elevator and it whisked her up to the top floor. She was surprised to see that Alexander was already in the office judging from the stack of files sitting on her desk and the loud conversation coming from his office.

  By ten, she had printed her last report and was surprised that there was no sign of her interviewee, Jessica. Alanna exhaled a sigh of relief, but the elevator dinged and a short woman with black hair emerged from the elevator and rushed toward Alanna’s desk.

  “Yes, may I help you?” Alanna asked her.

  “Yes, I’m Jessica Tindon, I spoke with someone on the phone yesterday,” she announced as she took a deep breath. Alanna overtly checked the time and watched as the woman swallowed hard as she watched her.

  “I’m Alanna. Follow me into the conference room, this way.”

  Jessica followed behind Alanna as they walked to the far conference room and both sat down.


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