Russian Mafia Billionaire’s Secretary

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Russian Mafia Billionaire’s Secretary Page 6

by Lee, Leona

  Chapter Ten

  “Ah yes, she is a dangerous mix of intelligence and beauty,” Alexander revealed, as he turned to look at her in admiration. Alanna felt her cheeks heat up as she hastily grabbed her wine to mask her discomfort. While she enjoyed his compliments, being singled out at the table made her uncomfortable.

  As the night went on, the conversation became more animated although the majority of it took place in Russian. Tuning them out, Alanna studied each one in turn. Whether they came from money or were self-made, the women happily flaunted their wealth based on the amount of gold and diamonds they were wearing. Anastasia appeared to be the wealthiest if the size of the diamonds on her fingers was any indication, which was surprising given the number of times she excused herself to go to the bathroom most likely to get or stay high, she thought. She wondered if the men were equally enamored of drugs or if it was only the women.

  Alanna felt lonely in a room full of people. While she didn’t think they intentionally meant to leave her out, no one made any effort to translate what was being said. As the alcohol continued to be served, the men grew increasingly loud and boisterous, while the women chattered amongst themselves in a lower volume. She became alert when Alexander stood up, holding his glass high. Giving a small speech in Russian, he concluded when he said, “Vyp'yem nashego uspekha,” and everyone cheered.

  Maksim caught her look and leaned across the table, “Roughly translated, your Alexander was toasting to our success,” he told her as Alanna began to stammer.

  “Um, he isn’t my Alexander,” she emphasized, not wanting him to think they were in a relationship. Shrugging his shoulders, he winked at her before turning to speak with his wife.

  Additional rounds of what sounded like toasts were made before the evening drew to a rapid close. Having no idea what anyone was saying, she continued to drink with everyone else and by the time she was ready to go, she was well on her way to intoxication having long given up the pretense of remaining relatively sober in the event she was needed.

  When Maksim attempted to order more wine, he was informed by the restaurant’s manager that they were closing. Alexander offered an exorbitant amount of money for the restaurant to remain open, but the manager cited state regulations. Grudgingly, he and Maksim acquiesced, as the party finally concluded, albeit several vocal protests. From the amount of alcohol everyone drank, she wasn’t surprised at the number of people who were staggering as they walked out of the restaurant and she hoped that no one drove themselves.

  As Alanna climbed into the back of the waiting car, she didn’t slide over fast enough before Alexander tumbled in behind her, landing face first in her lap. The heat from his hot breath did things to her, but she wasn’t interested in a drunken romp in the backseat of a car. When he didn’t move right away, she tapped at his shoulder and waited patiently for him to sit up. Straightening out his jacket, he tilted his head against the back of the seat and closed his eyes.

  “My apologies, Alanna. I didn’t intend to drink so much, but we had much to celebrate. Business has been good.” Laughing, he waved his hand toward her, “Actually, we didn’t drink as much as we did the last time we got together, but that was Moscow and the restaurant would not have dared to shut us down with the amount of money we were spending.”

  Nodding her head, she turned to look out the window and was surprised when he placed his hand on her thigh. Turning to look at him, she resisted the urge to remove his hand. This was not how she wanted their first time together to go. She watched, unsure what to say, as he patted her leg. Before she could say anything, the car pulled up outside the hotel.

  Exiting the car, Alexander staggered briefly, but quickly corrected himself. Placing his hand at the small of her back, he escorted her into the lobby. The sound of his phone had him fishing into his pocket. Retrieving it, he asked her to wait as he stepped away to answer the call.

  Standing impatiently in the lobby, Alanna took several deep breaths. She knew that she was still drunk and given the lateness of the hour, fatigue was scarily bearing down on her as she fought the urge to sit down. Deciding to head to the elevator, she had just reached out to press the up button when she felt Alexander standing beside her.

  Looking at his stormy eyes, “Is everything okay?”

  Shaking his head, “Nyet, there was a problem with customs. I have someone on it. Nothing to be done now. Come, it’s late.”

  Taking her hand, they entered the elevator, which lifted them swiftly to their floor. Walking into their suite, he turned to her, lifted the hand he was holding and kissed it.

  “Thank you for joining me, Alanna. I’m sure you have questions but they will have to wait. We both need rest.” Without waiting for an answer, he staggered off to his room.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning, Alanna woke with a groan. Opening painfully, dry eyes, she blinked at the bright morning sunshine. Reaching her arm out, she felt around on the side table until she found the glass of water she had placed there before going to bed. Lifting her head, she took small sips, spilling some on her face in the process. Using it to her advantage, she rubbed at her eyes before sitting up.

  Fumbling for her phone, she looked at the time. It was almost ten.

  “Crap, why didn’t my alarm go off?” she muttered, as she stood up. Staggering into the bathroom, she grabbed her toothbrush and shed her clothes before stepping into the shower. Turning on the water, she yelped at the sudden cold, but then moaned as the water heated. Standing under the showerhead, she let the heat of the water wash away the night before.

  Once she felt decidedly better, she began to berate herself for drinking too much last night. What if she had been needed? Granted that didn’t turn out to be the case, but things could have been different. Well, then she would have stopped drinking if there was something going on worth her time, she reminded herself. Shaking her head, she stepped out of the shower having decided that she would apologize to Alexander. Assuming he wasn’t still in bed with a hangover.

  She was surprised when she smelled coffee. Towel drying her hair, she ran a comb through it before pulling it back into the towel to finish drying. Throwing on one of the plush hotel robes, she stepped out into the shared common area to find Alexander freshly showered, casually dressed and digging in to a hot breakfast.

  Seeing her, he motioned for her to come join him. The smell of coffee was too much to resist and she gratefully accepted the full cup he handed her. Sitting down across from him, she tucked the robe around her oblivious to the look he gave her. Taking a long, slow sip, she closed her eyes, enjoying the taste.

  “Oh, that’s good,” she said aloud before taking another sip. She looked up when he chuckled, but instead of answering her unspoken question, he merely returned to eating. “With everything you had to drink last night, how is it you aren’t hung over?” she demanded, as she took in his fresh appearance.

  “Russian genes,” he answered her with a grin on his face, as he bit down on the sausage he was eating. He laughed at the look she gave him. “Practice?” he ventured, as he seemed to gauge her reaction.

  Lifting her coffee cup in his general direction, “Well, that I might believe.” Spying a pair of well-used sneakers on the floor. “Have you been running?” she demanded, staring at him with renewed admiration.

  “Only, as far as the beach. I knew a man, years ago, who swore that the best cure for a hangover was a swim.” Sitting back in his chair with his coffee cup, he took a sip. “And, as you can see, it works.”

  Shaking her head, Alanna leaned forward to see what there was to eat. “I’ll pass. Anything that requires going outside first thing in the morning is a no go for me.”

  Realizing that she was hungrier than she thought, she reached for two pancakes and some bacon. Pouring on the maple syrup, she dipped her bacon into it and took a bite, moaning as she did. Not realizing how sexy she looked, as she ate, she was surprised when Alexander began coughing.

  Jumping up, she pa
tted him on the back, as he continued to cough. When he calmed down, she went to sit back down but he stopped her.


  That one word held her frozen in the spot as she felt her body tremble at his tone of voice.

  Taking her hand, he pushed back in the chair and drew her unresisting body around to stand in front of him. Alanna was wishing that she had thought to put on clothes, as she looked at him apprehensively.

  What had she been thinking when she came out dressed only in a robe? That answer was easy. She wasn’t. When she smelled the coffee, her brain immediately became fixated on it to the exclusion of all else. But to come out wearing basically nothing in front of her boss?

  Alexander reached up to grasp her other hand and he lazily rubbed his thumbs in both of her palms, as she scrunched her toes in the carpet to keep from fidgeting.

  “Um, Alexander?”

  His hands continued to grasp hers lightly, as his thumbs worked their way to her wrists and continued the same circular rubbing.

  “You looked amazing last night, Alanna. If that dinner wasn’t so important, I would have cancelled it and stayed here where I could have you all to myself. Maksim could not stop talking about you. By the time we were ready to leave, Anastasia was furious with him.”

  As he spoke, he tightened his hands reflexively and Alanna attempted to pull her hands free. With a jerk of the wrist, her right hand was free and she almost tumbled back against the table. Placing his hands on her hips, he steadied her as she took several audible breaths.

  “What are we doing here, Alexander? You’re my boss.” If she were pressed, Alanna would admit to her attraction for him, but at this moment, something was off and she didn’t know what.

  “You are a beautiful woman, Alanna. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you look at me.” His voice had deepened as he spoke causing her to press the balls of her feet into the carpet, willing herself to remain distant.

  With his hands still holding her hips, he began rubbing those same crazy circles, which were making her forget her resolve.

  “I won’t lie, Alexander. I am attracted to you, but I need this job.” She hoped that her voice didn’t sound too plaintive.

  “What’s wrong with both?” he questioned as he pressed harder against her hips.

  “And when things don’t work out? I’m a single mother….” Her voice trailed off when he reached for the tie on her robe and tugged it loose.

  Pulling her robe open, he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer. His mouth landed on her abdomen and whatever Alanna was going to say turned into a moan as her hands settled on his shoulders. A voice in her head kept chanting that this was wrong but she shushed it when Alexander suddenly shifted his legs between hers, forcing her to straddle his legs and sit on his lap facing him.

  His hands slid up her sides where he cupped her breasts seeming to weigh them in his hands before his mouth settled on one of her nipples. Alanna moaned louder as she tightened her hold on his shoulders, digging her fingers into the muscles. When he shifted to the other breast and lavished attention on it, her head fell back, knocking the towel out of her hair and she arched her back toward him wanting more.

  Any thoughts of protest were gone, as she watched him switch back and forth between her breasts. He caught her by surprise when he wrapped his arms around her and stood up, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he walked. He paused his attentions long enough to give her a hard kiss before he tossed her onto the leather couch.

  Alanna went to cover herself, but he stopped her with a look as he pulled his Polo shirt over his head. Her mouth began to water when he pulled the clasp on his belt loose and slid out of his trousers revealing his erection pressed tightly against his boxer briefs.

  This was it. It was happening. Now! The voice in her head made one more attempt to talk some sense into her but even she stopped talking as Alexander pulled his briefs off.

  “He’s magnificent!” she thought, as he suddenly grinned.

  “Spasibo,” came his ready response.

  “Shit, did I say that aloud?”

  Nodding his head, he chuckled. “Dah. I like your openness.”

  “Forget openness, I need to be able to self-censure around you,” but her words were lost on another moan, as he pushed her back against the arm of the couch and lifted her legs placing them on his shoulders.

  Dropping his head between her legs, he kissed the inside of her thigh. Wrapping his hands around her hips, he lifted her up to gain better access. With his thumbs, he once again rubbed circles but this time along her folds, as her body heated up.

  Alanna hadn’t been with another man since she found out she was pregnant and while she was no virgin, Alexander’s skills were not lost on her as he nuzzled his face against her sensitive skin. Kisses soon became nips and he tightened his hold on her as she squirmed beneath his inquisitive mouth.

  Pressing his tongue firmly between her folds, he nipped lightly along her mons making her moan. He’d barely started and she could feel moisture begin to pool. Shifting slightly, he found her clit and made stabbing motions with his tongue, as two fingers easily entered her.

  “You are so tight,” he told her on a groan, the vibration from his mouth causing her to squirm. “Hold still,” he ordered her. With his fingers, he began making scissor motions inside her, twisting his hand as he worked; all the while, his mouth never left her clit.

  Alanna was surprised at the suddenness of her orgasm. Crying out, she lifted her pelvis against his mouth quivering as he sped up. Her heels were digging into his shoulders as she held herself tightly against him, moaning, “Don’t stop.”

  Alexander abruptly stopped, as Alanna looked at him in annoyance. Before she could complain, he scooted back and helped her shift onto all fours. Tugging at her robe, he pulled it impatiently off and tossed it to the floor before grabbing her hips to position her. She heard what sounded like expletives in Russian.

  “Don’t move!” was all he said before she felt him stand up from the couch. He wasn’t gone more than seconds before he was back and she heard the not so familiar sound of a condom wrapper.

  Moments later, she was grabbing at the side and arm of the couch as he pressed against her opening. Shifting her hips, he easily slid in and they both groaned lustily once he was fully seated. Gripping her hips, he began moving behind her, plunging in and out. Arching her back while she pushed against the arm of the couch, Alanna began making keening noises as he bumped against her clit with each inward stroke.

  Alanna squeezed the couch as she pushed back, meeting him thrust for thrust. Alexander’s grunts grew louder as it competed against the sound of his pelvis smacking against her. He tightened his grip on her hips, lifting her higher as her body began to shake with yet another orgasm.

  Speeding up, he held her partially off the couch, as she dug her toes into the cushion to maintain the angle. With a cry, her legs gave out but he didn’t stop. His thrusts became more erratic as her body spasmed hard, clutching at him greedily forcing him to reduce the lengths of his strokes.

  With a grunt, he yanked her onto his lap and held her tightly to him while his hips still pushed against her. When he was finished, he continued to hold her, as he licked at the sweat on her neck.

  Moaning, Alanna sagged against him, feeling as though all her muscles gave out at once. He chuckled as he lifted her off him and they both stretched out on the couch. Lying half on him and half next to him, she stroked at the sweaty tufts of hair sprinkled across his chest.

  “That was amazing,” she finally said. He grunted in agreement.

  Suddenly, they both heard his phone and he kissed the top of her head before reaching down for his trousers. As he struggled to find the phone, Alanna reached out and pulled it from his front pocket, handing it to him as he sat up.

  Alanna watched him pace the room as he spoke to his caller in Russian. Rubbing at his hair in irritation, he stopped in front of the window and she caught his reflec
tion against the glass. With a few murmured words, he concluded the call and turned to look at her.

  She hadn’t bothered to sit up, as she looked up at him. Tossing the phone aside, he returned to her. Kneeling on the carpet in front of her, he brushed her sweaty hair off her face.

  Kissing her lightly, “Yes, it was,” he told her with a smile.

  Looking at him confused, “What was?” She had no idea what he was talking about.

  “Did you forget already?” he asked with a smile. “If I had time, I would remind you, but unfortunately, I have a meeting that you do not need to attend.”

  Realizing what he was talking about, Alanna blushed. “Are you sure? I can be ready in twenty minutes,” she offered as she tried to sit up.

  Shaking his head, “Nyet. The meeting will be in Russian, there’s no need for both of us to be bored,” he teased. “I’ve booked you in the spa,” he continued as he stood up. “I want you to enjoy your day but be ready for cocktails at seven,” he warned, as he scooped up his clothes and strode naked to his bedroom.

  Alanna watched him walk away admiring the way he moved. “That man could make even the most chaste want to cheat,” she told herself and then froze, worried that she might have said it aloud. Not hearing a response from him, she hoped that she didn’t before she shifted to a sitting position. Wondering what spa activities he had booked for her, she slipped her robe back on and returned to her bedroom to call down to find out.

  Chapter Twelve

  Alanna had no idea what Alexander had planned for tonight. After spending most of the afternoon at the spa, when she returned to their suite, he wasn’t there. Setting the alarm on her phone, she laid down to nap making sure to allow plenty of time to get ready.

  After she dressed, she looked at herself in the mirror. Wearing the same heels from the night before, she admired herself as she twirled around. While she was content to select simple black dresses for the weekend, her sister had talked her into another colorful dress as she looked at herself in the purple wrap dress.


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